use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => 19; my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; my $url = $m->rt_base_url; my $user_obj = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); my ($ret, $msg) = $user_obj->LoadOrCreateByEmail(''); ok($ret, 'ACL test user creation'); $user_obj->SetName('customer'); $user_obj->SetPrivileged(1); ($ret, $msg) = $user_obj->SetPassword('customer'); $user_obj->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'LoadSavedSearch'); $user_obj->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'EditSavedSearches'); $user_obj->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateSavedSearch'); $user_obj->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ModifySelf'); ok $m->login( customer => 'customer' ), "logged in"; $m->get ( $url."Search/Build.html"); #create a saved search $m->form_name ('BuildQuery'); $m->field ( "ValueOfAttachment" => 'stupid'); $m->field ( "SavedSearchDescription" => 'stupid tickets'); $m->click_button (name => 'SavedSearchSave'); $m->get ( $url.'Prefs/MyRT.html' ); $m->content_contains('stupid tickets', 'saved search listed in rt at a glance items'); ok $m->login('root', 'password', logout => 1), 'we did log in as root'; $m->get ( $url.'Prefs/MyRT.html' ); $m->form_name ('SelectionBox-body'); # can't use submit form for mutli-valued select as it uses set_fields $m->field ('body-Selected' => ['component-QuickCreate', 'system-Unowned Tickets', 'system-My Tickets']); $m->click_button (name => 'remove'); $m->form_name ('SelectionBox-body'); #$m->click_button (name => 'body-Save'); $m->get ( $url ); $m->content_lacks ('highest priority tickets', 'remove everything from body pane'); $m->get ( $url.'Prefs/MyRT.html' ); $m->form_name ('SelectionBox-body'); $m->field ('body-Available' => ['component-QuickCreate', 'system-Unowned Tickets', 'system-My Tickets']); $m->click_button (name => 'add'); $m->form_name ('SelectionBox-body'); $m->field ('body-Selected' => ['component-QuickCreate']); $m->click_button (name => 'movedown'); $m->form_name ('SelectionBox-body'); $m->click_button (name => 'movedown'); $m->form_name ('SelectionBox-body'); #$m->click_button (name => 'body-Save'); $m->get ( $url ); $m->content_contains('highest priority tickets', 'adds them back'); #create a saved search with special chars $m->get( $url . "Search/Build.html" ); $m->form_name('BuildQuery'); $m->field( "ValueOfAttachment" => 'stupid' ); $m->field( "SavedSearchDescription" => 'special chars [test] [_1] ~[_1~]' ); $m->click_button( name => 'SavedSearchSave' ); my ($name) = $m->content =~ /value="(RT::User-\d+-SavedSearch-\d+)"/; ok( $name, 'saved search name' ); $m->get( $url . 'Prefs/MyRT.html' ); $m->content_contains( 'special chars [test] [_1] ~[_1~]', 'saved search listed in rt at a glance items' ); $m->get( $url . 'Prefs/MyRT.html' ); $m->form_name('SelectionBox-body'); $m->field( 'body-Available' => [ 'component-QuickCreate', 'system-Unowned Tickets', 'system-My Tickets', 'saved-' . $name, ] ); $m->click_button( name => 'add' ); $m->get($url); $m->content_like( qr/special chars \[test\] \d+ \[_1\]/, 'special chars in titlebox' ); # Edit a system saved search to contain "[more]" { my $search = RT::Attribute->new( RT->SystemUser ); $search->LoadByNameAndObject( Name => 'Search - My Tickets', Object => RT->System ); my ($id, $desc) = ($search->id, RT->SystemUser->loc($search->Description, '"N"')); ok $id, 'loaded search attribute'; $m->get_ok($url); $m->follow_link_ok({ url_regex => qr"Prefs/Search\.html\?name=.+?Attribute-$id" }, 'Edit link'); $m->content_contains($desc, "found description: $desc"); ok +($search->SetDescription( $search->Description . " [more]" )); $m->get_ok($m->uri); # "reload_ok" $m->content_contains($desc . " [more]", "found description: $desc"); }