#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Encode; use RT::Test tests => 23; my ($baseurl, $agent) = RT::Test->started_ok; my $url = $agent->rt_base_url; # get the top page { $agent->get($url); is ($agent->status, 200, "Loaded a page"); } # test a login { $agent->login('root' => 'password'); # the field isn't named, so we have to click link 0 is( $agent->status, 200, "Fetched the page ok"); $agent->content_contains("Logout", "Found a logout link"); } { $agent->goto_create_ticket(1); is ($agent->status, 200, "Loaded Create.html"); $agent->form_name('TicketCreate'); my $string = Encode::decode_utf8("I18N Web Testing æøå"); $agent->field('Subject' => "Ticket with utf8 body"); $agent->field('Content' => $string); ok($agent->submit, "Created new ticket with $string as Content"); $agent->content_contains($string, "Found the content"); ok($agent->{redirected_uri}, "Did redirection"); { my $ticket = RT::Test->last_ticket; my $content = $ticket->Transactions->First->Content; like( $content, qr{$string}, 'content is there, API check' ); } } { $agent->goto_create_ticket(1); is ($agent->status, 200, "Loaded Create.html"); $agent->form_name('TicketCreate'); my $string = Encode::decode_utf8("I18N Web Testing æøå"); $agent->field('Subject' => $string); $agent->field('Content' => "Ticket with utf8 subject"); ok($agent->submit, "Created new ticket with $string as Content"); $agent->content_contains($string, "Found the content"); ok($agent->{redirected_uri}, "Did redirection"); { my $ticket = RT::Test->last_ticket; is( $ticket->Subject, $string, 'subject is correct, API check' ); } } # Update time worked in hours { $agent->follow_link( text_regex => qr/Basics/ ); $agent->submit_form( form_name => 'TicketModify', fields => { TimeWorked => 5, 'TimeWorked-TimeUnits' => "hours" } ); $agent->content_contains("to '300'", "5 hours is 300 minutes"); } TODO: { todo_skip("Need to handle mason trying to compile images",1); $agent->get( $url."NoAuth/images/test.png" ); my $file = RT::Test::get_relocatable_file( File::Spec->catfile( qw(.. .. share html NoAuth images test.png) ) ); is( length($agent->content), -s $file, "got a file of the correct size ($file)", ); } # # XXX: hey-ho, we have these tests in t/web/query-builder # TODO: move everything about QB there my $response = $agent->get($url."Search/Build.html"); ok( $response->is_success, "Fetched " . $url."Search/Build.html" ); # Parsing TicketSQL # # Adding items # set the first value ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery')); $agent->field("AttachmentField", "Subject"); $agent->field("AttachmentOp", "LIKE"); $agent->field("ValueOfAttachment", "aaa"); $agent->submit("AddClause"); # set the next value ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery')); $agent->field("AttachmentField", "Subject"); $agent->field("AttachmentOp", "LIKE"); $agent->field("ValueOfAttachment", "bbb"); $agent->submit("AddClause"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery')); # get the query my $query = $agent->current_form->find_input("Query")->value; # strip whitespace from ends $query =~ s/^\s*//g; $query =~ s/\s*$//g; # collapse other whitespace $query =~ s/\s+/ /g; is ($query, "Subject LIKE 'aaa' AND Subject LIKE 'bbb'");