#!/usr/bin/perl use RT::Test tests => 21; RT::Init(); use strict; use warnings; use RT::Tickets; use RT::Queue; use RT::CustomField; my($ret,$msg); # Test Sorting by custom fields. # TODO: it's hard to read this file, conver to new style, # for example look at 23cfsort-freeform-single.t # ---- Create a queue to test with. my $queue = "CFSortQueue-$$"; my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser ); ($ret, $msg) = $queue_obj->Create( Name => $queue, Description => 'queue for custom field sort testing' ); ok($ret, "$queue test queue creation. $msg"); # ---- Create some custom fields. We're not currently using all of # them to test with, but the more the merrier. my $cfO = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser); my $cfA = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser); my $cfB = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser); my $cfC = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser); ($ret, $msg) = $cfO->Create( Name => 'Order', Queue => 0, SortOrder => 1, Description => q{Something to compare results for, since we can't guarantee ticket ID}, Type=> 'FreeformSingle'); ok($ret, "Custom Field Order created"); ($ret, $msg) = $cfA->Create( Name => 'Alpha', Queue => $queue_obj->id, SortOrder => 1, Description => 'A Testing custom field', Type=> 'FreeformSingle'); ok($ret, "Custom Field Alpha created"); ($ret, $msg) = $cfB->Create( Name => 'Beta', Queue => $queue_obj->id, Description => 'A Testing custom field', Type=> 'FreeformSingle'); ok($ret, "Custom Field Beta created"); ($ret, $msg) = $cfC->Create( Name => 'Charlie', Queue => $queue_obj->id, Description => 'A Testing custom field', Type=> 'FreeformSingle'); ok($ret, "Custom Field Charlie created"); # ----- Create some tickets to test with. Assign them some values to # make it easy to sort with. my $t1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t1->Create( Queue => $queue_obj->Id, Subject => 'One', ); $t1->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfO->Id, Value => '1'); $t1->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfA->Id, Value => '2'); $t1->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfB->Id, Value => '1'); $t1->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfC->Id, Value => 'BBB'); my $t2 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t2->Create( Queue => $queue_obj->Id, Subject => 'Two', ); $t2->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfO->Id, Value => '2'); $t2->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfA->Id, Value => '1'); $t2->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfB->Id, Value => '2'); $t2->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfC->Id, Value => 'AAA'); # helper sub check_order { my ($tx, @order) = @_; my @results; while (my $t = $tx->Next) { push @results, $t->CustomFieldValues($cfO->Id)->First->Content; } my $results = join (" ",@results); my $order = join(" ",@order); @_ = ($results, $order , "Ordered correctly: $order"); goto \&is; } # The real tests start here my $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); # Make sure we can sort in both directions on a queue specific field. $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderBy( FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'DES' ); is($tx->Count,2 ,"We found 2 tickets when looking for cf charlie"); check_order( $tx, 1, 2); $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderBy( FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'ASC' ); is($tx->Count,2, "We found two tickets when sorting by cf charlie without limiting to it" ); check_order( $tx, 2, 1); # When ordering by _global_ CustomFields, if more than one queue has a # CF named Charlie, things will go bad. So, these results are uniqued # in Tickets_Overlay. $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderBy( FIELD => "CF.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'DESC' ); is($tx->Count,2); check_order( $tx, 1, 2); $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderBy( FIELD => "CF.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'ASC' ); is($tx->Count,2); check_order( $tx, 2, 1); # Add a new ticket, to test sorting on multiple columns. my $t3 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t3->Create( Queue => $queue_obj->Id, Subject => 'Three', ); $t3->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfO->Id, Value => '3'); $t3->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfA->Id, Value => '3'); $t3->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfB->Id, Value => '2'); $t3->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cfC->Id, Value => 'AAA'); $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderByCols( { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'ASC' }, { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Alpha}", ORDER => 'DES' }, ); is($tx->Count,3); check_order( $tx, 3, 2, 1); $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderByCols( { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'DES' }, { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Alpha}", ORDER => 'ASC' }, ); is($tx->Count,3); check_order( $tx, 1, 2, 3); # Reverse the order of the secondary column, which changes the order # of the first two tickets. $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderByCols( { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'ASC' }, { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Alpha}", ORDER => 'ASC' }, ); is($tx->Count,3); check_order( $tx, 2, 3, 1); $tx = new RT::Tickets( $RT::SystemUser ); $tx->FromSQL(qq[queue="$queue"] ); $tx->OrderByCols( { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Charlie}", ORDER => 'DES' }, { FIELD => "CF.${queue}.{Alpha}", ORDER => 'DES' }, ); is($tx->Count,3); check_order( $tx, 1, 3, 2);