use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => 18; use_ok('RT'); use_ok('RT::Ticket'); use Test::Warn; my $tester = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( EmailAddress => 'tester@localhost', ); ok $tester && $tester->id, 'loaded or created user'; my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'General' ); ok $queue && $queue->id, 'loaded or created queue'; my $owner_role_group = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $owner_role_group->LoadQueueRoleGroup( Type => 'Owner', Queue => $queue->id ); ok $owner_role_group->id, 'loaded owners role group of the queue'; diag "check that deffering owner doesn't regress" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { RT::Test->set_rights( { Principal => $tester->PrincipalObj, Right => [qw(SeeQueue ShowTicket CreateTicket OwnTicket)], }, { Principal => $owner_role_group->PrincipalObj, Object => $queue, Right => [qw(ModifyTicket)], }, ); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $tester ); # tester is owner, owner has right to modify owned tickets, # this right is required to set somebody as AdminCc my ($tid, $txn_id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Queue => $queue->id, Owner => $tester->id, AdminCc => 'root@localhost', ); diag $msg if $msg && $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; ok $tid, "created a ticket"; is $ticket->Owner, $tester->id, 'correct owner'; like $ticket->AdminCcAddresses, qr/root\@localhost/, 'root is there'; } diag "check that previous trick doesn't work without sufficient rights" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { RT::Test->set_rights( { Principal => $tester->PrincipalObj, Right => [qw(SeeQueue ShowTicket CreateTicket OwnTicket)], }, ); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $tester ); # tester is owner, owner has right to modify owned tickets, # this right is required to set somebody as AdminCc my ($tid, $txn_id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Queue => $queue->id, Owner => $tester->id, AdminCc => 'root@localhost', ); diag $msg if $msg && $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; ok $tid, "created a ticket"; is $ticket->Owner, $tester->id, 'correct owner'; unlike $ticket->AdminCcAddresses, qr/root\@localhost/, 'root is there'; } diag "check that deffering owner really works" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { RT::Test->set_rights( { Principal => $tester->PrincipalObj, Right => [qw(SeeQueue ShowTicket CreateTicket)], }, { Principal => $queue->Cc->PrincipalObj, Object => $queue, Right => [qw(OwnTicket TakeTicket)], }, ); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $tester ); # set tester as Cc, Cc role group has right to own and take tickets my ($tid, $txn_id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Queue => $queue->id, Owner => $tester->id, Cc => 'tester@localhost', ); diag $msg if $msg && $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; ok $tid, "created a ticket"; like $ticket->CcAddresses, qr/tester\@localhost/, 'tester is in the cc list'; is $ticket->Owner, $tester->id, 'tester is also owner'; } diag "check that deffering doesn't work without correct rights" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { RT::Test->set_rights( { Principal => $tester->PrincipalObj, Right => [qw(SeeQueue ShowTicket CreateTicket)], }, ); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $tester ); # set tester as Cc, Cc role group has right to own and take tickets my ($tid, $txn_id, $msg); warning_like { ($tid, $txn_id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Queue => $queue->id, Owner => $tester->id, Cc => 'tester@localhost', ); } qr/User .* was proposed as a ticket owner but has no rights to own tickets in General/; diag $msg if $msg && $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; ok $tid, "created a ticket"; like $ticket->CcAddresses, qr/tester\@localhost/, 'tester is in the cc list'; isnt $ticket->Owner, $tester->id, 'tester is also owner'; }