use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => undef; my ($base, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; my $user = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'ausername', EmailAddress => '', Password => 'password', Privileged => 1, ); ok $user->id, 'created user'; ok( RT::Test->set_rights( { Principal => 'privileged', Right => [qw(ModifySelf ShowTicket)] }, ), "granted ModifySelf to privileged" ); $m->login('ausername'); { $m->get_ok("$base/Prefs/Other.html"); my $style = '../css/base'; $m->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { WebDefaultStylesheet => $style, }, button => 'Update', }, 'update prefs'); is(RT->Config->Get('WebDefaultStylesheet', $user), $style, 'set preference'); SKIP: { skip "RT::User->Stylesheet wasn't backported", 1 unless $user->can("Stylesheet"); is $user->Stylesheet, RT->Config->Get('WebDefaultStylesheet'), '$user->Stylesheet is the default'; } $m->get_ok($base); $m->content_unlike(qr/"); $m->content_contains( RT->Config->Get('WebDefaultStylesheet') ); } { $m->get_ok("$base/Prefs/Other.html"); my $format = '/../../m/_elements/full_site_link'; $m->submit_form_ok({ form_name => 'ModifyPreferences', fields => { UsernameFormat => $format, }, button => 'Update', }, 'update prefs'); $m->content_contains('saved'); my $ticket = RT::Test->create_ticket( Queue => 'General', Subject => 'test ticket', Requestor => '', ); ok $ticket->id, 'created ticket'; $m->get_ok($base . "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $ticket->id); $m->content_lacks('NotMobile', "lacks NotMobile"); $m->next_warning_like(qr/UsernameFormat/, 'caught UsernameFormat warning'); } { $m->get_ok("$base/Helpers/Toggle/ShowRequestor?Status=/../../../Elements/Logo;Requestor=root"); $m->content_lacks('logo', "didn't display /Elements/Logo"); $m->content_contains('Results.html', "found link to search results"); } undef $m; done_testing;