use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => undef; use File::Spec (); use Email::Abstract; # We're not testing acls here. my $everyone = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser); $everyone->LoadSystemInternalGroup('Everyone'); $everyone->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right =>'SuperUser' ); # some utils sub first_txn { return $_[0]->Transactions->First } sub first_attach { return first_txn($_[0])->Attachments->First } sub count_attachs { return first_txn($_[0])->Attachments->Count } sub mail_in_ticket { my ($filename) = @_; my $path = RT::Test::get_relocatable_file($filename, (File::Spec->updir(), 'data', 'emails')); my $content = RT::Test->file_content($path); RT::Test->clean_caught_mails; my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate( $content ); ok( $status, "Fed $filename into mailgate"); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser); $ticket->Load($id); ok( $ticket->Id, "Successfully created ticket ".$ticket->Id); my @mail = map {Email::Abstract->new($_)->cast('MIME::Entity')} RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails; return ($ticket, @mail); } { my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('multipart-report'); like( first_txn($ticket)->Content , qr/The original message was received/, "It's the bounce"); } for my $encoding ('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8') { RT->Config->Set( EmailOutputEncoding => $encoding ); my ($ticket, @mail) = mail_in_ticket('new-ticket-from-iso-8859-1'); like (first_txn($ticket)->Content , qr/H\x{e5}vard/, "It's signed by havard. yay"); is(@mail, 1); like( $mail[0]->head->get('Content-Type') , qr/$encoding/, "Its content type is $encoding" ); my $message_as_string = $mail[0]->bodyhandle->as_string(); $message_as_string = Encode::decode($encoding, $message_as_string); like( $message_as_string , qr/H\x{e5}vard/, "The message's content contains havard's name in $encoding"); } { my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('multipart-alternative-with-umlaut'); like( first_txn($ticket)->Content, qr/causes Error/, "We recorded the content as containing 'causes error'"); is( count_attachs($ticket), 3, "Has three attachments, presumably a text-plain, a text-html and a multipart alternative"); } { my ($ticket, @mail) = mail_in_ticket('text-html-with-umlaut'); like( first_attach($ticket)->Content, qr/causes Error/, "We recorded the content as containing 'causes error'"); like( first_attach($ticket)->ContentType , qr/text\/html/, "We recorded the content as text/html"); is (count_attachs($ticket), 1, "Has one attachment, just a text-html"); is(@mail, 1); is( $mail[0]->parts, 0, "generated correspondence mime entity does not have parts"); is( $mail[0]->head->mime_type , "text/plain", "The mime type is a plain"); } { my @InputEncodings = RT->Config->Get('EmailInputEncodings'); RT->Config->Set( EmailInputEncodings => 'koi8-r', @InputEncodings ); RT->Config->Set( EmailOutputEncoding => 'koi8-r' ); my ($ticket, @mail) = mail_in_ticket('russian-subject-no-content-type'); like( first_attach($ticket)->ContentType, qr/text\/plain/, "We recorded the content type right"); is( count_attachs($ticket), 1, "Has one attachment, presumably a text-plain"); is( $ticket->Subject, Encode::decode("UTF-8","тест тест"), "Recorded the subject right"); is(@mail, 1); is( $mail[0]->head->mime_type , "text/plain", "The only part is text/plain "); like( $mail[0]->head->get("subject"), qr/\Q=?KOI8-R?B?W2V4YW1wbGUuY29tICM2XSBBdXRvUmVwbHk6INTF09Qg1MXT1A==?=\E/, "The subject is encoded correctly"); RT->Config->Set(EmailInputEncodings => @InputEncodings ); RT->Config->Set(EmailOutputEncoding => 'utf-8'); } { my ($ticket, @mail) = mail_in_ticket('nested-rfc-822'); is( $ticket->Subject, "[Jonas Liljegren] Re: [Para] Niv\x{e5}er?"); like( first_attach($ticket)->ContentType, qr/multipart\/mixed/, "We recorded the content type right"); is( count_attachs($ticket), 5, "Has five attachments, presumably a text-plain and a message RFC 822 and another plain"); is(@mail, 1); is( $mail[0]->head->mime_type , "text/plain", "The outgoing mail is plain text"); my $encoded_subject = $mail[0]->head->get("Subject"); chomp $encoded_subject; my $subject = Encode::decode('MIME-Header',$encoded_subject); like($subject, qr/Niv\x{e5}er/, "The subject matches the word - $subject"); } { my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('notes-uuencoded'); like( first_txn($ticket)->Content, qr/from Lotus Notes/, "We recorded the content right"); is( count_attachs($ticket), 3, "Has three attachments"); } { my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('crashes-file-based-parser'); like( first_txn($ticket)->Content, qr/FYI/, "We recorded the content right"); is( count_attachs($ticket), 5, "Has five attachments"); } { my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('rt-send-cc'); my $cc = first_attach($ticket)->GetHeader('RT-Send-Cc'); like ($cc, qr/test$_/, "Found test $_") for 1..5; } { diag "Regression test for #5248 from"; my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('subject-with-folding-ws'); is ($ticket->Subject, 'test', 'correct subject'); } { diag "Regression test for #5248 from"; my ($ticket) = mail_in_ticket('very-long-subject'); is ($ticket->Subject, '0123456789'x20, 'correct subject'); } done_testing;