use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test::GnuPG tests => 25, gnupg_options => { passphrase => 'rt-test' }; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); RT::Test->import_gnupg_key(''); RT::Test->import_gnupg_key('', 'public'); my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; ok( $m->login, 'we did log in' ); # configure key for General queue { $m->get( $baseurl.'/Admin/Queues/'); $m->follow_link_ok( {text => 'General'} ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { CorrespondAddress => '' }, ); $m->content_like(qr/rt-recipient\* - never/, 'has key info.'); } ok(my $user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser)); ok($user->Load('root'), "Loaded user 'root'"); $user->SetEmailAddress(''); { my $id = send_via_mailgate('quoted_inline_signature.txt'); my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( RT->SystemUser ); $tick->Load( $id ); ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id"); my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First; my ($msg, @attachments) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef}; is( $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Privacy'), undef, "no privacy is set as this ticket is not encrypted" ); my @mail = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails; is(scalar @mail, 1, "autoreply only"); } { my $id = send_via_mailgate('binary-asc-attach-marked-plain-text.txt'); my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $tick->Load( $id ); ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id"); my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First; my ($msg, @attachs) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef}; is (scalar @attachs, 3, 'text, attachment and original'); my $bin = $attachs[1]; is( (split /;/, $bin->GetHeader('Content-Type'))[0], 'application/octet-stream', 'binary attachment' ); is(md5_hex($bin->Content), '1e35f1aa90c98ca2bab85c26ae3e1ba7', "correct png"); } { my $id = send_via_mailgate('inline-binary-attachment-with-wrap.txt'); my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $tick->Load( $id ); ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id"); my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First; my ($msg, @attachs) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef}; is (scalar @attachs, 3, 'text, attachment and original'); my $bin = $attachs[1]; is( (split /;/, $bin->GetHeader('Content-Type'))[0], 'application/octet-stream', 'binary attachment' ); is(md5_hex($bin->Content), '1e35f1aa90c98ca2bab85c26ae3e1ba7', "correct png"); } sub send_via_mailgate { my $fname = shift; my $emaildatadir = RT::Test::get_relocatable_dir(File::Spec->updir(), qw(data gnupg emails special)); my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $emaildatadir, $fname ); my $mail = RT::Test->file_content($file); my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail); is ($status >> 8, 0, "the mail gateway exited normally"); ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id"); return $id; }