#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test nodata => 1, tests => 92; plan skip_all => 'GnuPG required.' unless eval 'use GnuPG::Interface; 1'; plan skip_all => 'gpg executable is required.' unless RT::Test->find_executable('gpg'); use File::Spec (); use Cwd; my $homedir = RT::Test::get_abs_relocatable_dir(File::Spec->updir(), qw(data gnupg keyrings) ); mkdir $homedir; use_ok('RT::Crypt::GnuPG'); use_ok('MIME::Entity'); RT->Config->Set( 'GnuPG', Enable => 1, OutgoingMessagesFormat => 'RFC' ); RT->Config->Set( 'GnuPGOptions', homedir => $homedir, 'no-permission-warning' => undef, ); diag 'only signing. correct passphrase' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Encrypt => 0, Passphrase => 'test' ); ok( $entity, 'signed entity'); ok( !$res{'logger'}, "log is here as well" ) or diag $res{'logger'}; my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 2, 'two records: passphrase, signing'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'PassphraseCheck', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'good passphrase'); is( $status[1]->{'Operation'}, 'Sign', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[1]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'done'); is( $status[1]->{'User'}->{'EmailAddress'}, 'rt@example.com', 'correct email'); ok( $entity->is_multipart, 'signed message is multipart' ); is( $entity->parts, 2, 'two parts' ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 1, 'one protected part' ); is( $parts[0]->{'Type'}, 'signed', "have signed part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Format'}, 'RFC3156', "RFC3156 format" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Top'}, $entity, "it's the same entity" ); my @res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::VerifyDecrypt( Entity => $entity ); is scalar @res, 1, 'one operation'; @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res[0]{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'Verify', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'good passphrase'); is( $status[0]->{'Trust'}, 'ULTIMATE', 'have trust value'); } diag 'only signing. missing passphrase' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Encrypt => 0, Passphrase => '' ); ok( $res{'exit_code'}, "couldn't sign without passphrase"); ok( $res{'error'} || $res{'logger'}, "error is here" ); my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'PassphraseCheck', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'MISSING', 'missing passphrase'); } diag 'only signing. wrong passphrase' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Encrypt => 0, Passphrase => 'wrong' ); ok( $res{'exit_code'}, "couldn't sign with bad passphrase"); ok( $res{'error'} || $res{'logger'}, "error is here" ); my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'PassphraseCheck', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'BAD', 'wrong passphrase'); } diag 'encryption only' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, "successful encryption" ); ok( !$res{'logger'}, "no records in logger" ); my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'Encrypt', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'done'); ok($entity, 'get an encrypted part'); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 1, 'one protected part' ); is( $parts[0]->{'Type'}, 'encrypted', "have encrypted part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Format'}, 'RFC3156', "RFC3156 format" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Top'}, $entity, "it's the same entity" ); } diag 'encryption only, bad recipient' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'keyless@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( $res{'exit_code'}, 'no way to encrypt without keys of recipients'); ok( $res{'logger'}, "errors are in logger" ); my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record'); is( $status[0]->{'Keyword'}, 'INV_RECP', 'invalid recipient'); } diag 'encryption and signing with combined method' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Passphrase => 'test' ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, "successful encryption with signing" ); ok( !$res{'logger'}, "no records in logger" ); my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 3, 'three records: passphrase, sign and encrypt'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'PassphraseCheck', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'done'); is( $status[1]->{'Operation'}, 'Sign', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[1]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'done'); is( $status[2]->{'Operation'}, 'Encrypt', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[2]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'done'); ok($entity, 'get an encrypted and signed part'); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 1, 'one protected part' ); is( $parts[0]->{'Type'}, 'encrypted', "have encrypted part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Format'}, 'RFC3156', "RFC3156 format" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Top'}, $entity, "it's the same entity" ); } diag 'encryption and signing with cascading, sign on encrypted' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'successful encryption' ); ok( !$res{'logger'}, "no records in logger" ); %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Encrypt => 0, Passphrase => 'test' ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'successful signing' ); ok( !$res{'logger'}, "no records in logger" ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 1, 'one protected part, top most' ); is( $parts[0]->{'Type'}, 'signed', "have signed part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Format'}, 'RFC3156', "RFC3156 format" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Top'}, $entity, "it's the same entity" ); } diag 'find signed/encrypted part deep inside' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, "success" ); $entity->make_multipart( 'mixed', Force => 1 ); $entity->attach( Type => 'text/plain', Data => ['-'x76, 'this is mailing list'], ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 1, 'one protected part' ); is( $parts[0]->{'Type'}, 'encrypted', "have encrypted part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Format'}, 'RFC3156', "RFC3156 format" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Top'}, $entity->parts(0), "it's the same entity" ); } diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: no protocol' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'success' ); $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' => undef ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' ); } diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: not enought parts' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'success' ); $entity->parts([ $entity->parts(0) ]); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' ); } diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: wrong proto' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'success' ); $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' => 'application/bad-proto' ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' ); } diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: wrong proto' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'rt@example.com', To => 'rt@example.com', Subject => 'test', Data => ['test'], ); my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Encrypt => 0, Passphrase => 'test' ); ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'success' ); $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' => 'application/bad-proto' ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' ); } diag 'verify inline and in attachment signatures' if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}; { open( my $fh, '<', "$homedir/signed_old_style_with_attachment.eml" ) or die $!; my $parser = new MIME::Parser; my $entity = $parser->parse( $fh ); my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity ); is( scalar @parts, 2, 'two protected parts' ); is( $parts[1]->{'Type'}, 'signed', "have signed part" ); is( $parts[1]->{'Format'}, 'Inline', "inline format" ); is( $parts[1]->{'Data'}, $entity->parts(0), "it's first part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Type'}, 'signed', "have signed part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Format'}, 'Attachment', "attachment format" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Data'}, $entity->parts(1), "data in second part" ); is( $parts[0]->{'Signature'}, $entity->parts(2), "file's signature in third part" ); my @res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::VerifyDecrypt( Entity => $entity ); my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res[0]->{'status'} ); is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record'); is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'Verify', 'operation is correct'); is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'DONE', 'good passphrase'); is( $status[0]->{'Trust'}, 'ULTIMATE', 'have trust value'); $parser->filer->purge(); }