use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => 15; use_ok("RT::URI::a"); my $uri = RT::URI::a->new($RT::SystemUser); ok(ref($uri), "URI object exists"); my $class = RT::Class->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $class->Create( Name => 'URItest - '. $$ ); ok $class->id, 'created a class'; my $article = RT::Article->new( $RT::SystemUser ); my ($id, $msg) = $article->Create( Name => 'Testing URI parsing - '. $$, Summary => 'In which this should load', Class => $class->Id ); ok($id,$msg); my $uristr = "a:" . $article->Id; $uri->ParseURI($uristr); is(ref($uri->Object), "RT::Article", "Object loaded is an article"); is($uri->Object->Id, $article->Id, "Object loaded has correct ID"); is($article->URI, ''.$article->Id, "URI object has correct URI string"); { my $aid = $article->id; my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( RT->SystemUser ); my ($id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Queue => 1, Subject => 'test ticket', ); ok $id, "Created a test ticket"; # Try searching my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new( RT->SystemUser ); $tickets->FromSQL(" RefersTo = 'a:$aid' "); is $tickets->Count, 0, "No results yet"; # try with the full uri $tickets->FromSQL(" RefersTo = '@{[ $article->URI ]}' "); is $tickets->Count, 0, "Still no results"; # add the link $ticket->AddLink( Type => 'RefersTo', Target => "a:$aid" ); # verify the ticket has it my @links = @{$ticket->RefersTo->ItemsArrayRef}; is scalar @links, 1, "Has one RefersTo link"; is ref $links[0]->TargetObj, "RT::Article", "Link points to an article"; is $links[0]->TargetObj->id, $aid, "Link points to the article we specified"; # search again $tickets->FromSQL(" RefersTo = 'a:$aid' "); is $tickets->Count, 1, "Found one ticket with short URI"; # search with the full uri $tickets->FromSQL(" RefersTo = '@{[ $article->URI ]}' "); is $tickets->Count, 1, "Found one ticket with full URI"; }