#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => 56; my ( $url, $m ) = RT::Test->started_ok; $m->login; my %class = map { $_ => '' } qw/foo bar/; diag "create classes foo and bar" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; for my $name ( keys %class ) { $m->get_ok( '/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html?Create=1', 'class create page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { Name => $name, HotList => 1 }, ); $m->content_contains( "Modify the Class $name", 'created class $name' ); my ($id) = ( $m->content =~ /name="id" value="(\d+)"/ ); ok( $id, "id of $name" ); $class{$name} = $id; } diag "create articles in foo and bar" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; for my $name ( keys %class ) { $m->get_ok( '/Articles/Article/Edit.html?Class=' . $class{$name}, 'article create page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { Name => "article $name" } ); $m->content_like( qr/Article \d+ created/, "created article $name" ); } diag "apply foo to queue General" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html?id=' . $class{foo}, 'apply page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'AddClass-' . $class{foo} => 1 }, button => 'UpdateObjs', ); $m->content_contains( 'Object created', 'applied foo to General' ); } my $ticket_id; diag "create ticket in General" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=1', 'ticket create page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Subject' => 'test article', Content => 'test article' }, ); ($ticket_id) = ( $m->content =~ /Ticket \d+ created/ ); ok( $ticket_id, "id of ticket: $ticket_id" ); } diag "update ticket to see if there is article foo" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->content_contains( 'article foo:', 'got article foo in hotlist' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar:', 'no article bar in hotlist' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles_Content' => 'article' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_like( qr/article foo.*article foo/s, 'selected article foo' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar', 'no article bar' ); $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles-Include-Article-Named' => 'article foo' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_like( qr/article foo.*article foo/s, 'selected article foo' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar', 'no article bar' ); $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles-Include-Article-Named' => 'articlei bar' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_unlike( qr/article foo.*article foo/s, 'no article foo' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar', 'no article bar' ); } diag "apply bar to globally" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html?id=' . $class{bar}, 'apply page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'AddClass-' . $class{bar} => 0 }, button => 'UpdateObjs', ); $m->content_contains( 'Object created', 'applied bar globally' ); } diag "update ticket to see if there are both article foo and bar" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->content_contains( 'article foo:', 'got article foo in hotlist' ); $m->content_contains( 'article bar:', 'got article bar in hotlist' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles_Content' => 'article' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_like( qr/article foo.*article foo/s, 'selected article foo' ); $m->content_like( qr/article bar.*article bar/s, 'selected article bar' ); $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles-Include-Article-Named' => 'article foo' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_like( qr/article foo.*article foo/s, 'selected article foo' ); $m->content_unlike( qr/article bar.*article bar/s, 'no article bar' ); $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles-Include-Article-Named' => 'article bar' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_like( qr/article bar.*article bar/s, 'selected article bar' ); $m->content_unlike( qr/article foo.*article foo/s, 'no article foo' ); } diag "remove both foo and bar" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html?id=' . $class{foo}, 'apply page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'RemoveClass-' . $class{foo} => 1 }, button => 'UpdateObjs', ); $m->content_contains( 'Object deleted', 'removed foo' ); $m->get_ok( '/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html?id=' . $class{bar}, 'apply page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'RemoveClass-' . $class{bar} => 0 }, button => 'UpdateObjs', ); $m->content_contains( 'Object deleted', 'remoked bar' ); } diag "update ticket to see if there are both article foo and bar" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article foo:', 'no article foo in hotlist' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar:', 'no article bar in hotlist' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles_Content' => 'article' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_lacks( 'article foo', 'no article foo' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar', 'no article bar' ); $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles-Include-Article-Named' => 'article foo' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_lacks( 'article foo', 'no article foo' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar', 'no article bar' ); $m->get_ok( '/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=' . $ticket_id, 'ticket update page' ); $m->submit_form( form_number => 3, fields => { 'Articles-Include-Article-Named' => 'article bar' }, button => 'Go', ); $m->content_lacks( 'article foo', 'no article foo' ); $m->content_lacks( 'article bar', 'no article bar' ); }