#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => 53; use RT::CustomField; use RT::EmailParser; use RT::Queue; use RT::Ticket; use_ok 'RT::Class'; use_ok 'RT::Topic'; use_ok 'RT::Article'; my ($url, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; # Variables to test return values my ($ret, $msg); # Create a test class my $class = RT::Class->new($RT::SystemUser); ($ret, $msg) = $class->Create('Name' => 'tlaTestClass-'.$$, 'Description' => 'A general-purpose test class'); ok($ret, "Test class created"); my $class2 = RT::Class->new($RT::SystemUser); ($ret, $msg) = $class2->Create('Name' => 'tlaTestClass2-'.$$, 'Description' => 'Another general-purpose test class'); ok($ret, "Test class 2 created"); # Create a hierarchy of test topics my $topic1 = RT::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser); my $topic11 = RT::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser); my $topic12 = RT::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser); my $topic2 = RT::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser); my $topic_class2= RT::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser); my $gtopic = RT::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser); ($ret, $msg) = $topic1->Create('Parent' => 0, 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic1-'.$$, 'ObjectType' => 'RT::Class', 'ObjectId' => $class->Id); ok($ret, "Topic 1 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $topic11->Create('Parent' => $topic1->Id, 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic1.1-'.$$, 'ObjectType' => 'RT::Class', 'ObjectId' => $class->Id); ok($ret, "Topic 1.1 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $topic12->Create('Parent' => $topic1->Id, 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic1.2-'.$$, 'ObjectType' => 'RT::Class', 'ObjectId' => $class->Id); ok($ret, "Topic 1.2 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $topic2->Create('Parent' => 0, 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic2-'.$$, 'ObjectType' => 'RT::Class', 'ObjectId' => $class->Id); ok($ret, "Topic 2 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $topic_class2->Create('Parent' => 0, 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopicClass2-'.$$, 'ObjectType' => 'RT::Class', 'ObjectId' => $class2->Id); ok($ret, "Topic Class2 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $gtopic->Create('Parent' => 0, 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopicGlobal-'.$$, 'ObjectType' => 'RT::System', 'ObjectId' => $RT::System->Id ); ok($ret, "Global Topic created"); # Create some article custom fields my $questionCF = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser); my $answerCF = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser); ($ret, $msg) = $questionCF->Create('Name' => 'Question-'.$$, 'Type' => 'Text', 'MaxValues' => 1, 'LookupType' => 'RT::Class-RT::Article', 'Description' => 'The question to be answered', 'Disabled' => 0); ok($ret, "Question CF created: $msg"); ($ret, $msg) = $answerCF->Create('Name' => 'Answer-'.$$, 'Type' => 'Text', 'MaxValues' => 1, 'LookupType' => 'RT::Class-RT::Article', 'Description' => 'The answer to the question', 'Disabled' => 0); ok($ret, "Answer CF created: $msg"); # Attach the custom fields to our class ($ret, $msg) = $questionCF->AddToObject($class); ok($ret, "Question CF added to class: $msg"); ($ret, $msg) = $answerCF->AddToObject($class); ok($ret, "Answer CF added to class: $msg"); my ($qid, $aid) = ($questionCF->Id, $answerCF->Id); my %cvals = ('article1q' => 'Some question about swallows', 'article1a' => 'Some answer about Europe and Africa', 'article2q' => 'Another question about Monty Python', 'article2a' => 'Romani ite domum', 'article3q' => 'Why should I eat my supper?', 'article3a' => 'There are starving children in Africa', 'article4q' => 'What did Brian originally write?', 'article4a' => 'Romanes eunt domus'); # Create an article or two with our custom field values. my $article1 = RT::Article->new($RT::SystemUser); my $article2 = RT::Article->new($RT::SystemUser); my $article3 = RT::Article->new($RT::SystemUser); my $article4 = RT::Article->new($RT::SystemUser); ($ret, $msg) = $article1->Create(Name => 'First article '.$$, Summary => 'blah blah 1', Class => $class->Id, Topics => [$topic1->Id], "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article1q'}, "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article1a'}, ); ok($ret, "article 1 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $article2->Create(Name => 'Second article '.$$, Summary => 'foo bar 2', Class => $class->Id, Topics => [$topic11->Id], "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article2q'}, "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article2a'}, ); ok($ret, "article 2 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $article3->Create(Name => 'Third article '.$$, Summary => 'ping pong 3', Class => $class->Id, Topics => [$topic12->Id], "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article3q'}, "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article3a'}, ); ok($ret, "article 3 created"); ($ret, $msg) = $article4->Create(Name => 'Fourth article '.$$, Summary => 'hoi polloi 4', Class => $class->Id, Topics => [$topic2->Id], "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article4q'}, "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article4a'}, ); ok($ret, "article 4 created"); # Create a ticket. my $parser = RT::EmailParser->new(); $parser->ParseMIMEEntityFromScalar('From: root@localhost To: rt@example.com Subject: test ticket for articles This is some form of new request. May as well say something about Africa.'); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my $obj; ($ret, $obj, $msg) = $ticket->Create(Queue => 'General', Subject => 'test ticket for articles '.$$, MIMEObj => $parser->Entity); ok($ret, "Test ticket for articles created: $msg"); #### Right. That's our data. Now begin the real testing. isa_ok($m, 'Test::WWW::Mechanize'); ok($m->login, 'logged in'); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Articles', url_regex => qr!^/Articles/! }, 'UI -> Articles' ); $m->content_contains($article3->Name); $m->follow_link_ok( {text => $article3->Name}, 'Articles -> '. $article3->Name ); $m->title_is("Article #" . $article3->Id . ": " . $article3->Name); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Modify'}, 'Article -> Modify' ); { $m->content_like(qr/Refers to/, "found links edit box"); my $ticket_id = $ticket->Id; my $turi = "t:$ticket_id"; my $a1uri = 'a:'.$article1->Id; $m->submit_form(form_name => 'EditArticle', fields => { $article3->Id.'-RefersTo' => $turi, 'RefersTo-'.$article3->Id => $a1uri } ); $m->content_like(qr/Ticket.*$ticket_id/, "Ticket linkto was created"); $m->content_like(qr/URI.*$a1uri/, "Article linkfrom was created"); } # Now try to extract an article from a link. $m->get_ok($url."/Ticket/Display.html?id=".$ticket->Id, "Loaded ticket display"); $m->content_like(qr/Extract Article/, "Article extraction link shows up"); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Extract Article' }, '-> Extract Article' ); $m->content_contains($class->Name); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => $class->Name }, 'Extract Article -> '. $class->Name ); $m->content_like(qr/Select topics for this article/i, 'selecting topic'); $m->form_number(3); $m->set_visible([option => $topic1->Name]); $m->submit; $m->form_number(3); $m->set_visible([option => $answerCF->Name]); $m->click(); $m->title_like(qr/Create a new article/, "got edit page from extraction"); $m->submit_form(form_name => 'EditArticle'); $m->title_like(qr/Modify article/); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Display' }, '-> Display' ); $m->content_like(qr/Africa/, "Article content exist"); $m->content_contains($ticket->Subject, "Article references originating ticket"); diag("Test creating a ticket in Class2 and make sure we don't see Class1 Topics") if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; { $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Articles', url_regex => qr!^/Articles/! }, 'UI -> Articles' ); $m->follow_link_ok( {text => 'New Article' }, 'Articles -> New Article' ); $m->follow_link_ok( {text => 'in class '.$class2->Name }, 'New Article -> in class '.$class2->Name ); $m->content_lacks( $topic1->Name, "Topic1 from Class1 isn't shown" ); $m->content_lacks( $topic11->Name, "Topic11 from Class1 isn't shown" ); $m->content_lacks( $topic12->Name, "Topic12 from Class1 isn't shown" ); $m->content_lacks( $topic2->Name, "Topic2 from Class1 isn't shown" ); $m->content_contains( $gtopic->Name, "Global Topic is shown" ); $m->content_contains( $topic_class2->Name, "Class2 topic is shown" ); }