use strict; use warnings; use RT; use RT::Test tests => 111; { ok(require RT::User); } { # Make sure we can create a user my $u1 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); is(ref($u1), 'RT::User'); my ($id, $msg) = $u1->Create(Name => 'CreateTest1'.$$, EmailAddress => $$.''); ok ($id, "Creating user CreateTest1 - " . $msg ); # Make sure we can't create a second user with the same name my $u2 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u2->Create(Name => 'CreateTest1'.$$, EmailAddress => $$.''); ok (!$id, $msg); # Make sure we can't create a second user with the same EmailAddress address my $u3 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u3->Create(Name => 'CreateTest2'.$$, EmailAddress => $$.''); ok (!$id, $msg); # Make sure we can create a user with no EmailAddress address my $u4 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u4->Create(Name => 'CreateTest3'.$$); ok ($id, $msg); # make sure we can create a second user with no EmailAddress address my $u5 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u5->Create(Name => 'CreateTest4'.$$); ok ($id, $msg); # make sure we can create a user with a blank EmailAddress address my $u6 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u6->Create(Name => 'CreateTest6'.$$, EmailAddress => ''); ok ($id, $msg); # make sure we can create a second user with a blankEmailAddress address my $u7 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u7->Create(Name => 'CreateTest7'.$$, EmailAddress => ''); ok ($id, $msg); # Can we change the email address away from from ""; ($id,$msg) = $u7->SetEmailAddress('foo@bar'.$$); ok ($id, $msg); # can we change the address back to ""; ($id,$msg) = $u7->SetEmailAddress(''); ok ($id, $msg); is_empty ($u7->EmailAddress); # back to something, so we can set undef next successfully ($id,$msg) = $u7->SetEmailAddress('foo@bar'.$$); ok ($id, $msg); ($id,$msg) = $u7->SetEmailAddress(undef); ok ($id, $msg); is_empty ($u7->EmailAddress); RT->Config->Set('ValidateUserEmailAddresses' => 1); # Make sur we can't create a user with multiple email adresses separated by comma my $u8 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u8->Create(Name => 'CreateTest8'.$$, EmailAddress => $$.', '.$$.''); ok (!$id, $msg); # Make sur we can't create a user with multiple email adresses separated by space my $u9 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u9->Create(Name => 'CreateTest9'.$$, EmailAddress => $$.' '.$$.''); ok (!$id, $msg); # Make sur we can't create a user with invalid email address my $u10 = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); ($id, $msg) = $u10->Create(Name => 'CreateTest10'.$$, EmailAddress => $$.'create-test10}@[.com'); ok (!$id, $msg); RT->Config->Set('ValidateUserEmailAddresses' => undef); } { ok(my $user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser)); ok($user->Load('root'), "Loaded user 'root'"); ok($user->Privileged, "User 'root' is privileged"); ok(my ($v,$m) = $user->SetPrivileged(0)); is ($v ,1, "Set unprivileged suceeded ($m)"); ok(!$user->Privileged, "User 'root' is no longer privileged"); ok(my ($v2,$m2) = $user->SetPrivileged(1)); is ($v2 ,1, "Set privileged suceeded ($m2"); ok($user->Privileged, "User 'root' is privileged again"); } { ok(my $u = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser)); ok($u->Load(1), "Loaded the first user"); is($u->PrincipalObj->ObjectId , 1, "user 1 is the first principal"); is($u->PrincipalObj->PrincipalType, 'User' , "Principal 1 is a user, not a group"); } { my $root = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); $root->Load('root'); ok($root->Id, "Found the root user"); my $rootq = RT::Queue->new($root); $rootq->Load(1); ok($rootq->Id, "Loaded the first queue"); ok ($rootq->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right=> 'CreateTicket', Object => $rootq), "Root can create tickets"); my $new_user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); my ($id, $msg) = $new_user->Create(Name => 'ACLTest'.$$); ok ($id, "Created a new user for acl test $msg"); my $q = RT::Queue->new($new_user); $q->Load(1); ok($q->Id, "Loaded the first queue"); ok (!$q->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'CreateTicket', Object => $q), "Some random user doesn't have the right to create tickets"); ok (my ($gval, $gmsg) = $new_user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'CreateTicket', Object => $q), "Granted the random user the right to create tickets"); ok ($gval, "Grant succeeded - $gmsg"); ok ($q->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'CreateTicket', Object => $q), "The user can create tickets after we grant him the right"); ok ( ($gval, $gmsg) = $new_user->PrincipalObj->RevokeRight( Right => 'CreateTicket', Object => $q), "revoked the random user the right to create tickets"); ok ($gval, "Revocation succeeded - $gmsg"); ok (!$q->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'CreateTicket', Object => $q), "The user can't create tickets anymore"); # Create a ticket in the queue my $new_tick = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser); my ($tickid, $tickmsg) = $new_tick->Create(Subject=> 'ACL Test', Queue => 'General'); ok($tickid, "Created ticket: $tickid"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); # Create a new group my $group = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser); $group->CreateUserDefinedGroup(Name => 'ACLTest'.$$); ok($group->Id, "Created a new group Ok"); # Grant a group the right to modify tickets in a queue ok(my ($gv,$gm) = $group->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Object => $q, Right => 'ModifyTicket'),"Granted the group the right to modify tickets"); ok($gv,"Grant succeeed - $gm"); # Add the user to the group ok( my ($aid, $amsg) = $group->AddMember($new_user->PrincipalId), "Added the member to the group"); ok ($aid, "Member added to group: $amsg"); # Make sure the user does have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket with group membership"); # Remove the user from the group ok( my ($did, $dmsg) = $group->DeleteMember($new_user->PrincipalId), "Deleted the member from the group"); ok ($did,"Deleted the group member: $dmsg"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); my $q_as_system = RT::Queue->new(RT->SystemUser); $q_as_system->Load(1); ok($q_as_system->Id, "Loaded the first queue"); # Create a ticket in the queue my $new_tick2 = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser); (my $tick2id, $tickmsg) = $new_tick2->Create(Subject=> 'ACL Test 2', Queue =>$q_as_system->Id); ok($tick2id, "Created ticket: $tick2id"); is($new_tick2->QueueObj->id, $q_as_system->Id, "Created a new ticket in queue 1"); # make sure that the user can't do this without subgroup membership ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); # Create a subgroup my $subgroup = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser); $subgroup->CreateUserDefinedGroup(Name => 'Subgrouptest'.$$); ok($subgroup->Id, "Created a new group ".$subgroup->Id."Ok"); #Add the subgroup as a subgroup of the group my ($said, $samsg) = $group->AddMember($subgroup->PrincipalId); ok ($said, "Added the subgroup as a member of the group"); # Add the user to a subgroup of the group my ($usaid, $usamsg) = $subgroup->AddMember($new_user->PrincipalId); ok($usaid,"Added the user ".$new_user->Id."to the subgroup"); # Make sure the user does have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket with subgroup membership"); # {{{ Deal with making sure that members of subgroups of a disabled group don't have rights ($id, $msg) = $group->SetDisabled(1); ok ($id,$msg); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket when the group ".$group->Id. " is disabled"); ($id, $msg) = $group->SetDisabled(0); ok($id,$msg); # Test what happens when we disable the group the user is a member of directly ($id, $msg) = $subgroup->SetDisabled(1); ok ($id,$msg); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket when the group ".$subgroup->Id. " is disabled"); ($id, $msg) = $subgroup->SetDisabled(0); ok ($id,$msg); ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket without group membership"); my ($usrid, $usrmsg) = $subgroup->DeleteMember($new_user->PrincipalId); ok($usrid,"removed the user from the group - $usrmsg"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); #revoke the right to modify tickets in a queue ok(($gv,$gm) = $group->PrincipalObj->RevokeRight( Object => $q, Right => 'ModifyTicket'),"Granted the group the right to modify tickets"); ok($gv,"revoke succeeed - $gm"); # Grant queue admin cc the right to modify ticket in the queue ok(my ($qv,$qm) = $q_as_system->AdminCc->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Object => $q_as_system, Right => 'ModifyTicket'),"Granted the queue adminccs the right to modify tickets"); ok($qv, "Granted the right successfully - $qm"); # Add the user as a queue admincc ok (my ($add_id, $add_msg) = $q_as_system->AddWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Added the new user as a queue admincc"); ok ($add_id, "the user is now a queue admincc - $add_msg"); # Make sure the user does have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket as an admincc"); # Remove the user from the role group ok (my ($del_id, $del_msg) = $q_as_system->DeleteWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Deleted the new user as a queue admincc"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); # Add the user as a ticket admincc ok (my( $uadd_id, $uadd_msg) = $new_tick2->AddWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Added the new user as a queue admincc"); ok ($add_id, "the user is now a queue admincc - $add_msg"); # Make sure the user does have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket as an admincc"); # Remove the user from the role group ok (( $del_id, $del_msg) = $new_tick2->DeleteWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Deleted the new user as a queue admincc"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); # Revoke the right to modify ticket in the queue ok(my ($rqv,$rqm) = $q_as_system->AdminCc->PrincipalObj->RevokeRight( Object => $q_as_system, Right => 'ModifyTicket'),"Revokeed the queue adminccs the right to modify tickets"); ok($rqv, "Revoked the right successfully - $rqm"); # Before we start Make sure the user does not have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify the ticket without it being granted"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify tickets in the queue without it being granted"); # Grant queue admin cc the right to modify ticket in the queue ok(($qv,$qm) = $q_as_system->AdminCc->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ModifyTicket'),"Granted the queue adminccs the right to modify tickets"); ok($qv, "Granted the right successfully - $qm"); # Make sure the user can't modify the ticket before they're added as a watcher ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify the ticket without being an admincc"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify tickets in the queue without being an admincc"); # Add the user as a queue admincc ok (($add_id, $add_msg) = $q_as_system->AddWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Added the new user as a queue admincc"); ok ($add_id, "the user is now a queue admincc - $add_msg"); # Make sure the user does have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket as an admincc"); ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify tickets in the queue as an admincc"); # Remove the user from the role group ok (($del_id, $del_msg) = $q_as_system->DeleteWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Deleted the new user as a queue admincc"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without group membership"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify tickets in the queue without group membership"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify the ticket without being an admincc"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify tickets in the queue obj without being an admincc"); # Add the user as a ticket admincc ok ( ($uadd_id, $uadd_msg) = $new_tick2->AddWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Added the new user as a queue admincc"); ok ($add_id, "the user is now a queue admincc - $add_msg"); # Make sure the user does have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok ($new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can modify the ticket as an admincc"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify tickets in the queue obj being only a ticket admincc"); # Remove the user from the role group ok ( ($del_id, $del_msg) = $new_tick2->DeleteWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $new_user->PrincipalId) , "Deleted the new user as a queue admincc"); # Make sure the user doesn't have the right to modify tickets in the queue ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can't modify the ticket without being an admincc"); ok (!$new_user->HasRight( Object => $new_tick2->QueueObj, Right => 'ModifyTicket'), "User can not modify tickets in the queue obj without being an admincc"); # Revoke the right to modify ticket in the queue ok(($rqv,$rqm) = $q_as_system->AdminCc->PrincipalObj->RevokeRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ModifyTicket'),"Revokeed the queue adminccs the right to modify tickets"); ok($rqv, "Revoked the right successfully - $rqm"); # Grant "privileged users" the system right to create users # Create a privileged user. # have that user create another user # Revoke the right for privileged users to create users # have the privileged user try to create another user and fail the ACL check }