use strict; use warnings; use RT; use RT::Test tests => 87; { use_ok ('RT::Queue'); ok(my $testqueue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser)); ok($testqueue->Create( Name => 'ticket tests')); isnt($testqueue->Id , 0); use_ok('RT::CustomField'); ok(my $testcf = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser)); my ($ret, $cmsg) = $testcf->Create( Name => 'selectmulti', Queue => $testqueue->id, Type => 'SelectMultiple'); ok($ret,"Created the custom field - ".$cmsg); ($ret,$cmsg) = $testcf->AddValue ( Name => 'Value1', SortOrder => '1', Description => 'A testing value'); ok($ret, "Added a value - ".$cmsg); ok($testcf->AddValue ( Name => 'Value2', SortOrder => '2', Description => 'Another testing value')); ok($testcf->AddValue ( Name => 'Value3', SortOrder => '3', Description => 'Yet Another testing value')); is($testcf->Values->Count , 3); use_ok('RT::Ticket'); my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $u->Load("root"); ok ($u->Id, "Found the root user"); ok(my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser)); ok(my ($id, $msg) = $t->Create( Queue => $testqueue->Id, Subject => 'Testing', Owner => $u->Id )); isnt($id , 0); is ($t->OwnerObj->Id , $u->Id, "Root is the ticket owner"); ok(my ($cfv, $cfm) =$t->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $testcf->Id, Value => 'Value1')); isnt($cfv , 0, "Custom field creation didn't return an error: $cfm"); is($t->CustomFieldValues($testcf->Id)->Count , 1); ok($t->CustomFieldValues($testcf->Id)->First && $t->CustomFieldValues($testcf->Id)->First->Content eq 'Value1'); ok(my ($cfdv, $cfdm) = $t->DeleteCustomFieldValue(Field => $testcf->Id, Value => 'Value1')); isnt ($cfdv , 0, "Deleted a custom field value: $cfdm"); is($t->CustomFieldValues($testcf->Id)->Count , 0); ok(my $t2 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser)); ok($t2->Load($id)); is($t2->Subject, 'Testing'); is($t2->QueueObj->Id, $testqueue->id); is($t2->OwnerObj->Id, $u->Id); my $t3 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($id3, $msg3) = $t3->Create( Queue => $testqueue->Id, Subject => 'Testing', Owner => $u->Id); my ($cfv1, $cfm1) = $t->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $testcf->Id, Value => 'Value1'); isnt($cfv1 , 0, "Adding a custom field to ticket 1 is successful: $cfm"); my ($cfv2, $cfm2) = $t3->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $testcf->Id, Value => 'Value2'); isnt($cfv2 , 0, "Adding a custom field to ticket 2 is successful: $cfm"); my ($cfv3, $cfm3) = $t->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $testcf->Id, Value => 'Value3'); isnt($cfv3 , 0, "Adding a custom field to ticket 1 is successful: $cfm"); is($t->CustomFieldValues($testcf->Id)->Count , 2, "This ticket has 2 custom field values"); is($t3->CustomFieldValues($testcf->Id)->Count , 1, "This ticket has 1 custom field value"); } { ok(require RT::Ticket, "Loading the RT::Ticket library"); } { my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); ok( $t->Create(Queue => 'General', Due => '2002-05-21 00:00:00', ReferredToBy => '', RefersTo => '', Subject => 'This is a subject'), "Ticket Created"); ok ( my $id = $t->Id, "Got ticket id"); like ($t->RefersTo->First->Target , qr/, "Got refers to"); like ($t->ReferredToBy->First->Base , qr/, "Got referredtoby"); is ($t->ResolvedObj->Unix, 0, "It hasn't been resolved - ". $t->ResolvedObj->Unix); } { my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($id, $msg) = $ticket->Create(Subject => "Foo", Owner => $RT::SystemUser->Id, Status => 'open', Requestor => [''], Queue => '1' ); ok ($id, "Ticket $id was created"); ok(my $group = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser)); ok($group->LoadTicketRoleGroup(Ticket => $id, Type=> 'Requestor')); ok ($group->Id, "Found the requestors object for this ticket"); ok(my $jesse = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser), "Creating a jesse rt::user"); $jesse->LoadByEmail(''); ok($jesse->Id, "Found the jesse rt user"); ok ($ticket->IsWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', PrincipalId => $jesse->PrincipalId), "The ticket actually has jesse at as a requestor"); ok (my ($add_id, $add_msg) = $ticket->AddWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => ''), "Added bob at as a requestor"); ok ($add_id, "Add succeeded: ($add_msg)"); ok(my $bob = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser), "Creating a bob rt::user"); $bob->LoadByEmail(''); ok($bob->Id, "Found the bob rt user"); ok ($ticket->IsWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', PrincipalId => $bob->PrincipalId), "The ticket actually has bob at as a requestor"); ok ( ($add_id, $add_msg) = $ticket->DeleteWatcher(Type =>'Requestor', Email => ''), "Added bob at as a requestor"); ok (!$ticket->IsWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', PrincipalId => $bob->PrincipalId), "The ticket no longer has bob at as a requestor"); $group = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser); ok($group->LoadTicketRoleGroup(Ticket => $id, Type=> 'Cc')); ok ($group->Id, "Found the cc object for this ticket"); $group = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser); ok($group->LoadTicketRoleGroup(Ticket => $id, Type=> 'AdminCc')); ok ($group->Id, "Found the AdminCc object for this ticket"); $group = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser); ok($group->LoadTicketRoleGroup(Ticket => $id, Type=> 'Owner')); ok ($group->Id, "Found the Owner object for this ticket"); ok($group->HasMember($RT::SystemUser->UserObj->PrincipalObj), "the owner group has the member 'RT_System'"); } { my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); ok($t->Create(Queue => 'general', Subject => 'SquelchTest', SquelchMailTo => '')); my @returned = $t->SquelchMailTo(); is($#returned, 0, "The ticket has one squelched recipients"); my ($ret, $msg) = $t->UnsquelchMailTo(''); ok($ret, "Removed nobody as a squelched recipient - ".$msg); @returned = $t->SquelchMailTo(); is($#returned, -1, "The ticket has no squelched recipients". join(',',@returned)); @returned = $t->SquelchMailTo(''); is($#returned, 0, "The ticket has one squelched recipients"); my @names = $t->Attributes->Names; is(shift @names, 'SquelchMailTo', "The attribute we have is SquelchMailTo"); @returned = $t->SquelchMailTo(''); is($#returned, 0, "The ticket has one squelched recipients"); @names = $t->Attributes->Names; is(shift @names, 'SquelchMailTo', "The attribute we have is SquelchMailTo"); ($ret, $msg) = $t->UnsquelchMailTo(''); ok($ret, "Removed nobody as a squelched recipient - ".$msg); @returned = $t->SquelchMailTo(); is($#returned, -1, "The ticket has no squelched recipients". join(',',@returned)); } { my $t1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t1->Create ( Subject => 'Merge test 1', Queue => 'general', Requestor => ''); my $t1id = $t1->id; my $t2 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t2->Create ( Subject => 'Merge test 2', Queue => 'general', Requestor => ''); my $t2id = $t2->id; my ($msg, $val) = $t1->MergeInto($t2->id); ok ($msg,$val); $t1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); is ($t1->id, undef, "ok. we've got a blank ticket1"); $t1->Load($t1id); is ($t1->id, $t2->id); is ($t1->Requestors->MembersObj->Count, 2); } { my $root = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $root->Load('root'); ok ($root->Id, "Loaded the root user"); my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t->Load(1); $t->SetOwner('root'); is ($t->OwnerObj->Name, 'root' , "Root owns the ticket"); $t->Steal(); is ($t->OwnerObj->id, $RT::SystemUser->id , "SystemUser owns the ticket"); my $txns = RT::Transactions->new($RT::SystemUser); $txns->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC'); $txns->Limit(FIELD => 'ObjectId', VALUE => '1'); $txns->Limit(FIELD => 'ObjectType', VALUE => 'RT::Ticket'); $txns->Limit(FIELD => 'Type', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => 'EmailRecord'); my $steal = $txns->First; is($steal->OldValue , $root->Id , "Stolen from root"); is($steal->NewValue , $RT::SystemUser->Id , "Stolen by the systemuser"); } { my $tt = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($id, $tid, $msg)= $tt->Create(Queue => 'general', Subject => 'test'); ok($id, $msg); is($tt->Status, 'new', "New ticket is created as new"); ($id, $msg) = $tt->SetStatus('open'); ok($id, $msg); like($msg, qr/open/i, "Status message is correct"); ($id, $msg) = $tt->SetStatus('resolved'); ok($id, $msg); like($msg, qr/resolved/i, "Status message is correct"); ($id, $msg) = $tt->SetStatus('resolved'); ok(!$id,$msg); } 1;