use strict; use warnings; use RT; use RT::Test tests => 266; use Test::Warn; my $queue = RT::Queue->new(RT->SystemUser); $queue->Load("General"); my $ticket_cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser); $ticket_cf->Create( Name => 'Department', Queue => '0', Type => 'FreeformSingle', ); my $txn_cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser); $txn_cf->Create( Name => 'Category', LookupType => RT::Transaction->CustomFieldLookupType, Type => 'FreeformSingle', ); $txn_cf->AddToObject($queue); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser); my ($id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Subject => "template testing", Queue => "General", Owner => 'root@localhost', Requestor => ["dom\"], "CustomField-" . $txn_cf->id => "Special", ); ok($id, "Created ticket: $msg"); my $txn = $ticket->Transactions->First; $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => 'Department', Value => 'Coolio', ); TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest", PerlOutput => "test", SimpleOutput => "test", ); TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { 5 * 5 }", PerlOutput => "test 25", SimpleOutput => "test { 5 * 5 }", ); TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Requestor }", PerlOutput => "test dom\", SimpleOutput => "test dom\", ); TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketSubject }", PerlOutput => "test ", SimpleOutput => "test template testing", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketQueueId }", Output => "test 1", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketQueueName }", Output => "test General", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketOwnerId }", Output => "test 12", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketOwnerName }", Output => "test root", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketOwnerEmailAddress }", Output => "test root\@localhost", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketStatus }", Output => "test new", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest #{ \$TicketId }", Output => "test #" . $ticket->id, ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketCFDepartment }", Output => "test Coolio", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest #{ \$TransactionId }", Output => "test #" . $txn->id, ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TransactionType }", Output => "test Create", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TransactionCFCategory }", Output => "test Special", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$TicketDelete }", Output => "test { \$TicketDelete }", ); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Nonexistent }", Output => "test { \$Nonexistent }", ); warning_like { TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Ticket->Nonexistent }", PerlOutput => undef, SimpleOutput => "test { \$Ticket->Nonexistent }", ); } qr/RT::Ticket::Nonexistent Unimplemented/; warning_like { TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Nonexistent->Nonexistent }", PerlOutput => undef, SimpleOutput => "test { \$Nonexistent->Nonexistent }", ); } qr/Can't call method "Nonexistent" on an undefined value/; TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name }", PerlOutput => "test root", SimpleOutput => "test { \$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name }", ); warning_like { TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { *!( }", SyntaxError => 1, PerlOutput => undef, SimpleOutput => "test { *!( }", ); } qr/Template parsing error: syntax error/; TemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$rtname ", SyntaxError => 1, PerlOutput => undef, SimpleOutput => undef, ); is($ticket->Status, 'new', "test setup"); SimpleTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Ticket->SetStatus('resolved') }", Output => "test { \$Ticket->SetStatus('resolved') }", ); is($ticket->Status, 'new', "simple templates can't call ->SetStatus"); note "test arguments passing"; { PerlTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Nonexistent }", Output => "test ", ); PerlTemplateTest( Content => "\ntest { \$Nonexistent }", Arguments => { Nonexistent => 'foo' }, Output => "test foo", ); PerlTemplateTest( Content => "\n".'array: { join ", ", @array }', Arguments => { array => [qw(foo bar)] }, Output => "array: foo, bar", ); PerlTemplateTest( Content => "\n".'hash: { join ", ", map "$_ => $hash{$_}", sort keys %hash }', Arguments => { hash => {1 => 2, a => 'b'} }, Output => "hash: 1 => 2, a => b", ); PerlTemplateTest( Content => "\n".'code: { code() }', Arguments => { code => sub { "baz" } }, Output => "code: baz", ); } # Make sure changing the template's type works { my $template = RT::Template->new(RT->SystemUser); $template->Create( Name => "type chameleon", Type => "Perl", Content => "\ntest { 10 * 7 }", ); ok($id = $template->id, "Created template"); $template->Parse; is($template->MIMEObj->stringify_body, "test 70", "Perl output"); $template = RT::Template->new(RT->SystemUser); $template->Load($id); is($template->Name, "type chameleon"); $template->SetType('Simple'); $template->Parse; is($template->MIMEObj->stringify_body, "test { 10 * 7 }", "Simple output"); $template = RT::Template->new(RT->SystemUser); $template->Load($id); is($template->Name, "type chameleon"); $template->SetType('Perl'); $template->Parse; is($template->MIMEObj->stringify_body, "test 70", "Perl output"); } undef $ticket; my $counter = 0; sub IndividualTemplateTest { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my %args = ( Name => "Test-" . ++$counter, Type => "Perl", @_, ); my $t = RT::Template->new(RT->SystemUser); $t->Create( Name => $args{Name}, Type => $args{Type}, Content => $args{Content}, ); ok($t->id, "Created $args{Type} template"); is($t->Name, $args{Name}, "$args{Type} template name"); is($t->Content, $args{Content}, "$args{Type} content"); is($t->Type, $args{Type}, "template type"); # this should never blow up! my ($ok, $msg) = $t->CompileCheck; # we don't need to syntax check simple templates since if you mess them up # it's safe to just use the input directly as the template's output if ($args{SyntaxError} && $args{Type} eq 'Perl') { ok(!$ok, "got a syntax error"); } else { ok($ok, $msg); } ($ok, $msg) = $t->Parse( $args{'Arguments'} ? ( %{ $args{'Arguments'} } ) : (TicketObj => $ticket, TransactionObj => $txn ) , ); if (defined $args{Output}) { ok($ok, $msg); is($t->MIMEObj->stringify_body, $args{Output}, "$args{Type} template's output"); } else { ok(!$ok, "expected a failure"); } } sub TemplateTest { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my %args = @_; for my $type ('Perl', 'Simple') { IndividualTemplateTest( %args, Type => $type, Output => $args{$type . 'Output'}, ); } } sub SimpleTemplateTest { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; IndividualTemplateTest( @_, Type => 'Simple' ); } sub PerlTemplateTest { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; IndividualTemplateTest( @_, Type => 'Perl' ); }