#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::MockTime qw(set_fixed_time restore_time); use Test::More; my $tests; my $localized_datetime_tests; BEGIN { $tests = 167; $localized_datetime_tests = eval { require DateTime; 1; } && eval { require DateTime::Locale; 1; } && DateTime->can('format_cldr') && DateTime::Locale::root->can('date_format_full'); if ($localized_datetime_tests) { # Include RT::Date::LocalizedDateTime tests $tests += 7; } } use warnings; use strict; use RT::Test tests => $tests; use RT::User; use Test::Warn; use_ok('RT::Date'); { my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); isa_ok($date, 'RT::Date', "constructor returned RT::Date oject"); $date = $date->new($RT::SystemUser); isa_ok($date, 'RT::Date', "constructor returned RT::Date oject"); } { # set timezone in all places to UTC $RT::SystemUser->UserObj->__Set(Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'UTC') if $RT::SystemUser->UserObj->Timezone; RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'UTC' ); } my $current_user; { my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); my($uid, $msg) = $user->Create( Name => "date_api". rand(200), Lang => 'en', Privileged => 1, ); ok($uid, "user was created") or diag("error: $msg"); $current_user = RT::CurrentUser->new($user); } { my $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); is($date->Timezone, 'UTC', "dropped all timzones to UTC"); is($date->Timezone('user'), 'UTC', "dropped all timzones to UTC"); is($date->Timezone('server'), 'UTC', "dropped all timzones to UTC"); is($date->Timezone('unknown'), 'UTC', "with wrong context returns UTC"); $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'Europe/Moscow'); is($current_user->UserObj->Timezone, 'Europe/Moscow', "successfuly changed user's timezone"); is($date->Timezone('user'), 'Europe/Moscow', "in user context returns user's timezone"); is($date->Timezone, 'UTC', "the deafult value is always UTC"); is($date->Timezone('server'), 'UTC', "wasn't changed"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'Africa/Ouagadougou' ); is($date->Timezone('server'), 'Africa/Ouagadougou', "timezone of the RT server was changed"); is($date->Timezone('user'), 'Europe/Moscow', "in user context still returns user's timezone"); is($date->Timezone, 'UTC', "the deafult value is always UTC"); $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => ''); is_empty($current_user->UserObj->Timezone, "successfuly changed user's timezone"); is($date->Timezone('user'), 'Africa/Ouagadougou', "in user context returns timezone of the server if user's one is not defined"); is($date->Timezone, 'UTC', "the deafult value is always UTC"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'GMT' ); is($date->Timezone('server'), 'UTC', "timezone is GMT which one is alias for UTC"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => '' ); is($date->Timezone, 'UTC', "dropped all timzones to UTC"); is($date->Timezone('user'), 'UTC', "user's and server's timzones are not defined, so UTC"); is($date->Timezone('server'), 'UTC', "timezone of the server is not defined so UTC"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'UTC' ); } { my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); is($date->Unix, 0, "new date returns 0 in Unix format"); is($date->Get, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "default is ISO format"); is($date->Get(Format =>'SomeBadFormat'), '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "don't know format, return ISO format"); is($date->Get(Format =>'W3CDTF'), '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z', "W3CDTF format with defaults"); is($date->Get(Format =>'RFC2822'), 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000', "RFC2822 format with defaults"); is($date->Get(Format =>'LocalizedDateTime'), 'Thu, Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM', "LocalizedDateTime format with defaults") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->ISO(Time => 0), '1970-01-01', "ISO format without time part"); is($date->W3CDTF(Time => 0), '1970-01-01', "W3CDTF format without time part"); is($date->RFC2822(Time => 0), 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970', "RFC2822 format without time part"); is($date->LocalizedDateTime(Time => 0), 'Thu, Jan 1, 1970', "LocalizedDateTime format without time part") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->ISO(Date => 0), '00:00:00', "ISO format without date part"); is($date->W3CDTF(Date => 0), '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z', "W3CDTF format is incorrect without date part"); is($date->RFC2822(Date => 0), '00:00:00 +0000', "RFC2822 format without date part"); is($date->LocalizedDateTime(Date => 0), '12:00:00 AM', "LocalizedDateTime format without date part") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->ISO(Date => 0, Seconds => 0), '00:00', "ISO format without date part and seconds"); is($date->W3CDTF(Date => 0, Seconds => 0), '1970-01-01T00:00Z', "W3CDTF format without seconds, but we ship date part even if Date is false"); is($date->RFC2822(Date => 0, Seconds => 0), '00:00 +0000', "RFC2822 format without date part and seconds"); is($date->RFC2822(DayOfWeek => 0), '1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000', "RFC2822 format without 'day of week' part"); is($date->RFC2822(DayOfWeek => 0, Date => 0), '00:00:00 +0000', "RFC2822 format without 'day of week' and date parts(corner case test)"); is($date->LocalizedDateTime(AbbrDay => 0), 'Thursday, Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM', "LocalizedDateTime format without abbreviation of day") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->LocalizedDateTime(AbbrMonth => 0), 'Thu, January 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM', "LocalizedDateTime format without abbreviation of month") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->LocalizedDateTime(DateFormat => 'date_format_short'), '1/1/70 12:00:00 AM', "LocalizedDateTime format with non default DateFormat") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->LocalizedDateTime(TimeFormat => 'time_format_short'), 'Thu, Jan 1, 1970 12:00 AM', "LocalizedDateTime format with non default TimeFormat") if ( $localized_datetime_tests ); is($date->Date, '1970-01-01', "the default format for the 'Date' method is ISO"); is($date->Date(Format => 'W3CDTF'), '1970-01-01', "'Date' method, W3CDTF format"); is($date->Date(Format => 'RFC2822'), 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970', "'Date' method, RFC2822 format"); is($date->Date(Time => 1), '1970-01-01', "'Date' method doesn't pass through 'Time' argument"); is($date->Date(Date => 0), '1970-01-01', "'Date' method overrides 'Date' argument"); is($date->Time, '00:00:00', "the default format for the 'Time' method is ISO"); is($date->Time(Format => 'W3CDTF'), '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z', "'Time' method, W3CDTF format, date part is required by w3c doc"); is($date->Time(Format => 'RFC2822'), '00:00:00 +0000', "'Time' method, RFC2822 format"); is($date->Time(Date => 1), '00:00:00', "'Time' method doesn't pass through 'Date' argument"); is($date->Time(Time => 0), '00:00:00', "'Time' method overrides 'Time' argument"); is($date->DateTime, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "the default format for the 'DateTime' method is ISO"); is($date->DateTime(Format =>'W3CDTF'), '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z', "'DateTime' method, W3CDTF format"); is($date->DateTime(Format =>'RFC2822'), 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000', "'DateTime' method, RFC2822 format"); is($date->DateTime(Date => 0, Time => 0), '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "the 'DateTime' method overrides both 'Date' and 'Time' arguments"); } { # positive timezone $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'Europe/Moscow'); my $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set( Format => 'ISO', Timezone => 'utc', Value => '2005-01-01 15:10:00' ); is($date->ISO( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-01-01 18:10:00', "ISO"); is($date->W3CDTF( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-01-01T18:10:00+03:00', "W3C DTF"); is($date->RFC2822( Timezone => 'user' ), 'Sat, 1 Jan 2005 18:10:00 +0300', "RFC2822"); # DST $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set( Format => 'ISO', Timezone => 'utc', Value => '2005-07-01 15:10:00' ); is($date->ISO( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-07-01 19:10:00', "ISO"); is($date->W3CDTF( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-07-01T19:10:00+04:00', "W3C DTF"); is($date->RFC2822( Timezone => 'user' ), 'Fri, 1 Jul 2005 19:10:00 +0400', "RFC2822"); } { # negative timezone $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'America/New_York'); my $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set( Format => 'ISO', Timezone => 'utc', Value => '2005-01-01 15:10:00' ); is($date->ISO( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-01-01 10:10:00', "ISO"); is($date->W3CDTF( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-01-01T10:10:00-05:00', "W3C DTF"); is($date->RFC2822( Timezone => 'user' ), 'Sat, 1 Jan 2005 10:10:00 -0500', "RFC2822"); # DST $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set( Format => 'ISO', Timezone => 'utc', Value => '2005-07-01 15:10:00' ); is($date->ISO( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-07-01 11:10:00', "ISO"); is($date->W3CDTF( Timezone => 'user' ), '2005-07-01T11:10:00-04:00', "W3C DTF"); is($date->RFC2822( Timezone => 'user' ), 'Fri, 1 Jul 2005 11:10:00 -0400', "RFC2822"); } warning_like { # bad format my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->Set( Format => 'bad' ); is($date->Unix, 0, "bad format"); } qr'Unknown Date format: bad'; { # setting value via Unix method my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->Unix(1); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:01', "correct value"); foreach (undef, 0, ''){ $date->Unix(1); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:01', "correct value"); $date->Set(Format => 'unix', Value => $_); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "Set a date to midnight 1/1/1970 GMT due to wrong call"); is($date->Unix, 0, "unix is 0 => unset"); } } my $year = (localtime(time))[5] + 1900; { # set+ISO format my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); warning_like { $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => 'weird date'); } qr/Couldn't parse date 'weird date' as a ISO format/; is($date->Unix, 0, "date was wrong => unix == 0"); # XXX: ISO format has more feature than we suport # http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00+00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss+00"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, $year .'-11-28 15:10:00', "DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '11-28 15:10:00+00'); is($date->ISO, $year .'-11-28 15:10:00', "DD-MM hh:mm:ss+00"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '20051128151000'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYYDDMMhhmmss"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '1128151000'); is($date->ISO, $year .'-11-28 15:10:00', "DDMMhhmmss"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005112815:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYYDDMMhh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '112815:10:00'); is($date->ISO, $year .'-11-28 15:10:00', "DDMMhh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-13-28 15:10:00'); is($date->Unix, 0, "wrong month value"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-00-28 15:10:00'); is($date->Unix, 0, "wrong month value"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '1960-01-28 15:10:00'); is($date->Unix, 0, "too old, we don't support"); } { # set+datemanip format(Time::ParseDate) my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => 'weird date'); is($date->Unix, 0, "date was wrong"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'Europe/Moscow' ); $date->Set(Format => 'datemanip', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 12:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'UTC' ); $date->Set(Format => 'datemanip', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'Europe/Moscow'); $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set(Format => 'datemanip', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 12:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); } { # set+unknown format(Time::ParseDate) my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => 'weird date'); is($date->Unix, 0, "date was wrong"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'Europe/Moscow' ); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 12:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00', Timezone => 'utc' ); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); # test relative dates { set_fixed_time("2005-11-28T15:10:00Z"); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => 'now'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '1 day ago'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-27 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); restore_time(); } RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'UTC' ); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'Europe/Moscow'); $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 12:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00', Timezone => 'server' ); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); $date->Set(Format => 'unknown', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00', Timezone => 'utc' ); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 15:10:00', "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss"); } { # SetToMidnight my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'Europe/Moscow' ); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight; is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 00:00:00', "default is utc"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight(Timezone => 'utc'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 00:00:00', "utc context"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight(Timezone => 'user'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-27 21:00:00', "user context, user has no preference, fallback to server"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight(Timezone => 'server'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-27 21:00:00', "server context"); $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => 'Europe/Moscow'); $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight; is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 00:00:00', "default is utc"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight(Timezone => 'utc'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-28 00:00:00', "utc context"); $date->Set(Format => 'ISO', Value => '2005-11-28 15:10:00'); $date->SetToMidnight(Timezone => 'user'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-27 21:00:00', "user context"); $date->SetToMidnight(Timezone => 'server'); is($date->ISO, '2005-11-27 21:00:00', "server context"); RT->Config->Set( Timezone => 'UTC' ); } { # SetToNow my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); my $time = time; $date->SetToNow; ok($date->Unix >= $time, 'close enough'); ok($date->Unix < $time+5, 'difference is less than five seconds'); } { my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->Unix(0); $date->AddSeconds; is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "nothing changed"); $date->AddSeconds(0); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', "nothing changed"); $date->Unix(0); $date->AddSeconds(5); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:05', "added five seconds"); $date->AddSeconds(-2); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 00:00:03', "substracted two seconds"); $date->Unix(0); $date->AddSeconds(3661); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-01 01:01:01', "added one hour, minute and a second"); # XXX: TODO, doesn't work with Test::Warn # TODO: { # local $TODO = "BUG or subject to change Date handling to support unix time <= 0"; # $date->Unix(0); # $date->AddSeconds(-2); # ok($date->Unix > 0); # } $date->Unix(0); $date->AddDay; is($date->ISO, '1970-01-02 00:00:00', "added one day"); $date->AddDays(2); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-04 00:00:00', "added two days"); $date->AddDays(-1); is($date->ISO, '1970-01-03 00:00:00', "substructed one day"); $date->Unix(0); $date->AddDays(31); is($date->ISO, '1970-02-01 00:00:00', "added one month"); } { $current_user->UserObj->__Set( Field => 'Timezone', Value => ''); my $date = RT::Date->new( $current_user ); is($date->AsString, "Not set", "AsString returns 'Not set'"); RT->Config->Set( DateTimeFormat => ''); $date->Unix(1); is($date->AsString, 'Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970', "correct string"); is($date->AsString(Date => 0), '00:00:01', "correct string"); is($date->AsString(Time => 0), 'Thu Jan 01 1970', "correct string"); is($date->AsString(Date => 0, Time => 0), 'Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970', "invalid input"); RT->Config->Set( DateTimeFormat => 'RFC2822' ); $date->Unix(1); is($date->AsString, 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:01 +0000', "correct string"); RT->Config->Set( DateTimeFormat => { Format => 'RFC2822', Seconds => 0 } ); $date->Unix(1); is($date->AsString, 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00 +0000', "correct string"); is($date->AsString(Seconds => 1), 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:01 +0000', "correct string"); } { # DurationAsString my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); is($date->DurationAsString(1), '1 sec', '1 sec'); is($date->DurationAsString(59), '59 sec', '59 sec'); is($date->DurationAsString(60), '1 min', '1 min'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*119), '119 min', '119 min'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*2-1), '120 min', '120 min'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*2), '2 hours', '2 hours'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*48-1), '48 hours', '48 hours'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*48), '2 days', '2 days'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*24*14-1), '14 days', '14 days'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*24*14), '2 weeks', '2 weeks'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*24*7*8-1), '8 weeks', '8 weeks'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*24*61), '2 months', '2 months'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*24*365-1), '12 months', '12 months'); is($date->DurationAsString(60*60*24*366), '1 years', '1 years'); is($date->DurationAsString(-1), '1 sec ago', '1 sec ago'); } { # DiffAsString my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); is($date->DiffAsString(1), '', 'no diff, wrong input'); is($date->DiffAsString(-1), '', 'no diff, wrong input'); is($date->DiffAsString('qwe'), '', 'no diff, wrong input'); $date->Unix(2); is($date->DiffAsString(-1), '', 'no diff, wrong input'); is($date->DiffAsString(3), '1 sec ago', 'diff: 1 sec ago'); is($date->DiffAsString(1), '1 sec', 'diff: 1 sec'); my $ndate = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); is($date->DiffAsString($ndate), '', 'no diff, wrong input'); $ndate->Unix(3); is($date->DiffAsString($ndate), '1 sec ago', 'diff: 1 sec ago'); } { # Diff my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->SetToNow; my $diff = $date->Diff; ok($diff <= 0, 'close enought'); ok($diff > -5, 'close enought'); } { # AgeAsString my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); $date->SetToNow; my $diff = $date->AgeAsString; like($diff, qr/^(0 sec|[1-5] sec ago)$/, 'close enought'); } { # GetWeekday my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); is($date->GetWeekday(7), '', '7 and greater are invalid'); is($date->GetWeekday(6), 'Sat', '6 is Saturday'); is($date->GetWeekday(0), 'Sun', '0 is Sunday'); is($date->GetWeekday(-1), 'Sat', '-1 is Saturday'); is($date->GetWeekday(-7), 'Sun', '-7 is Sunday'); is($date->GetWeekday(-8), '', '-8 and lesser are invalid'); } { # GetMonth my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); is($date->GetMonth(12), '', '12 and greater are invalid'); is($date->GetMonth(11), 'Dec', '11 is December'); is($date->GetMonth(0), 'Jan', '0 is January'); is($date->GetMonth(-1), 'Dec', '11 is December'); is($date->GetMonth(-12), 'Jan', '0 is January'); is($date->GetMonth(-13), '', '-13 and lesser are invalid'); } #TODO: AsString #TODO: RFC2822, W3CDTF with Timezones exit(0);