use strict; use warnings; use RT; use RT::Test nodata => 1, tests => 29; use Test::Warn; { use_ok('RT::CustomField'); ok(my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser)); ok(my ($id, $msg)= $cf->Create( Name => 'TestingCF', Queue => '0', SortOrder => '1', Description => 'A Testing custom field', Type=> 'SelectSingle'), 'Created a global CustomField'); isnt($id , 0, 'Global custom field correctly created'); ok ($cf->SingleValue); is($cf->Type, 'Select'); is($cf->MaxValues, 1); (my $val, $msg) = $cf->SetMaxValues('0'); ok($val, $msg); is($cf->Type, 'Select'); is($cf->MaxValues, 0); ok(!$cf->SingleValue ); ok(my ($bogus_val, $bogus_msg) = $cf->SetType('BogusType') , "Trying to set a custom field's type to a bogus type"); is($bogus_val , 0, "Unable to set a custom field's type to a bogus type"); ok(my $bad_cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser)); ok(my ($bad_id, $bad_msg)= $cf->Create( Name => 'TestingCF-bad', Queue => '0', SortOrder => '1', Description => 'A Testing custom field with a bogus Type', Type=> 'SelectSingleton'), 'Created a global CustomField with a bogus type'); is($bad_id , 0, 'Global custom field correctly decided to not create a cf with a bogus type '); } { ok(my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser)); $cf->Load(1); is($cf->Id , 1); ok(my ($val,$msg) = $cf->AddValue(Name => 'foo' , Description => 'TestCFValue', SortOrder => '6')); isnt($val , 0); ok (my ($delval, $delmsg) = $cf->DeleteValue($val)); ok ($delval,"Deleting a cf value: $delmsg"); } { ok(my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser)); warning_like { ok($cf->ValidateType('SelectSingle')); } qr/deprecated/; warning_like { ok($cf->ValidateType('SelectMultiple')); } qr/deprecated/; warning_like { ok(!$cf->ValidateType('SelectFooMultiple')); } qr/deprecated/; }