#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use RT::Test tests => 139; # Before we get going, ditch all object_cfs; this will remove # all custom fields systemwide; my $object_cfs = RT::ObjectCustomFields->new($RT::SystemUser); $object_cfs->UnLimit(); while (my $ocf = $object_cfs->Next) { $ocf->Delete(); } my $queue = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $queue->Create( Name => 'RecordCustomFields-'.$$ ); ok ($queue->id, "Created the queue"); my $queue2 = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $queue2->Create( Name => 'RecordCustomFields2' ); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $ticket->Create( Queue => $queue->Id, Requestor => 'root@localhost', Subject => 'RecordCustomFields1', ); my $cfs = $ticket->CustomFields; is( $cfs->Count, 0 ); # Check that record has no any CF values yet {{{ my $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues; is( $cfvs->Count, 0 ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue, undef ); my $local_cf1 = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $local_cf1->Create( Name => 'RecordCustomFields1-'.$$, Type => 'SelectSingle', Queue => $queue->id ); $local_cf1->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues11' ); $local_cf1->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues12' ); my $local_cf2 = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $local_cf2->Create( Name => 'RecordCustomFields2-'.$$, Type => 'SelectSingle', Queue => $queue->id ); $local_cf2->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues21' ); $local_cf2->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues22' ); my $global_cf3 = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $global_cf3->Create( Name => 'RecordCustomFields3-'.$$, Type => 'SelectSingle', Queue => 0 ); $global_cf3->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues31' ); $global_cf3->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues32' ); my $local_cf4 = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $local_cf4->Create( Name => 'RecordCustomFields4', Type => 'SelectSingle', Queue => $queue2->id ); $local_cf4->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues41' ); $local_cf4->AddValue( Name => 'RecordCustomFieldValues42' ); my @custom_fields = ($local_cf1, $local_cf2, $global_cf3); $cfs = $ticket->CustomFields; is( $cfs->Count, 3 ); # Check that record has no any CF values yet {{{ $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues; is( $cfvs->Count, 0 ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue, undef ); # CF with ID -1 shouldnt exist at all $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( -1 ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0 ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( -1 ), undef ); $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( 'SomeUnexpedCustomFieldName' ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0 ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( 'SomeUnexpedCustomFieldName' ), undef ); for (@custom_fields) { $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->id ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0 ); $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->Name ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0 ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->id ), undef ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->Name ), undef ); } # }}} # try to add field value with fields that do not exist {{{ my ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => -1 , Value => 'foo' ); ok(!$status, "shouldn't add value" ); ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => 'SomeUnexpedCustomFieldName' , Value => 'foo' ); ok(!$status, "shouldn't add value" ); # }}} # {{{ SKIP: { skip "TODO: We want fields that are not allowed to set unexpected values", 10; for (@custom_fields) { ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $_ , Value => 'SomeUnexpectedCFValue' ); ok( !$status, 'value doesn\'t exist'); ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $_->id , Value => 'SomeUnexpectedCFValue' ); ok( !$status, 'value doesn\'t exist'); ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $_->Name , Value => 'SomeUnexpectedCFValue' ); ok( !$status, 'value doesn\'t exist'); } # Let check that we did not add value to be sure # using only FirstCustomFieldValue sub because # we checked other variants allready for (@custom_fields) { is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->id ), undef ); } } # Add some values to our custom fields for (@custom_fields) { # this should be tested elsewhere $_->AddValue( Name => 'Foo' ); $_->AddValue( Name => 'Bar' ); } my $test_add_delete_cycle = sub { my $cb = shift; for (@custom_fields) { ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cb->($_) , Value => 'Foo' ); ok( $status, "message: $msg"); } # does it exist? $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues; is( $cfvs->Count, 3, "We found all three custom fields on our ticket" ); for (@custom_fields) { $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->id ); is( $cfvs->Count, 1 , "we found one custom field when searching by id"); $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->Name ); is( $cfvs->Count, 1 , " We found one custom field when searching by name for " . $_->Name); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->id ), 'Foo' , "first value by id is foo"); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->Name ), 'Foo' , "first value by name is foo"); } # because our CFs are SingleValue then new value addition should override for (@custom_fields) { ($status, $msg) = $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $_ , Value => 'Bar' ); ok( $status, "message: $msg"); } $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues; is( $cfvs->Count, 3 ); for (@custom_fields) { $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->id ); is( $cfvs->Count, 1 ); $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->Name ); is( $cfvs->Count, 1 ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->id ), 'Bar' ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->Name ), 'Bar' ); } # delete it for (@custom_fields ) { ($status, $msg) = $ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $_ , Value => 'Bar' ); ok( $status, "Deleted a custom field value 'Bar' for field ".$_->id.": $msg"); } $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues; is( $cfvs->Count, 0, "The ticket (".$ticket->id.") no longer has any custom field values" ); for (@custom_fields) { $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->id ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0, $ticket->id." has no values for cf ".$_->id ); $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $_->Name ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0 , $ticket->id." has no values for cf '".$_->Name. "'" ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->id ), undef , "There is no first custom field value when loading by id" ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $_->Name ), undef, "There is no first custom field value when loading by Name" ); } }; # lets test cycle via CF id $test_add_delete_cycle->( sub { return $_[0]->id } ); # lets test cycle via CF object reference $test_add_delete_cycle->( sub { return $_[0] } ); $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $local_cf2->id , Value => 'Baz' ); $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $global_cf3->id , Value => 'Baz' ); # now if we ask for cf values on RecordCustomFields4 we should not get any $cfvs = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( 'RecordCustomFields4' ); is( $cfvs->Count, 0, "No custom field values for non-Queue cf" ); is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( 'RecordCustomFields4' ), undef, "No first custom field value for non-Queue cf" ); { my $cfname = $global_cf3->Name; ($status, $msg) = $global_cf3->SetDisabled(1); ok($status, "Disabled CF named $cfname"); my $load = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $load->LoadByName( Name => $cfname); ok($load->Id, "Loaded CF named $cfname"); is($load->Id, $global_cf3->Id, "Can load disabled CFs"); my $dup = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $dup->Create( Name => $cfname, Type => 'SelectSingle', Queue => 0 ); ok($dup->Id, "Created CF with duplicate name"); $load->LoadByName( Name => $cfname); is($load->Id, $dup->Id, "Loading by name gets non-disabled first"); $dup->SetDisabled(1); $global_cf3->SetDisabled(0); $load->LoadByName( Name => $cfname); is($load->Id, $global_cf3->Id, "Loading by name gets non-disabled first, even with order swapped"); } #SKIP: { # skip "TODO: should we add CF values to objects via CF Name?", 48; # names are not unique # lets test cycle via CF Name # $test_add_delete_cycle->( sub { return $_[0]->Name } ); #}