use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test nodb => 1; use File::Find; my @files; find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -f }, qw{etc lib share t bin sbin devel/tools} ); if ( my $dir = `git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null` ) { # We're in a git repo, use the ignore list chomp $dir; my %ignores; $ignores{ $_ }++ for grep $_, split /\n/, `git ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard .`; @files = grep {not $ignores{$_}} @files; } sub check { my $file = shift; my %check = ( strict => 0, warnings => 0, no_tabs => 0, shebang => 0, exec => 0, bps_tag => 0, @_, ); if ($check{strict} or $check{warnings} or $check{shebang} or $check{bps_tag} or $check{no_tabs}) { local $/; open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!; my $content = <$fh>; like( $content, qr/^use strict(?:;|\s+)/m, "$file has 'use strict'" ) if $check{strict}; like( $content, qr/^use warnings(?:;|\s+)/m, "$file has 'use warnings'" ) if $check{warnings}; if ($check{shebang} == 1) { like( $content, qr/^#!/, "$file has shebang" ); } elsif ($check{shebang} == -1) { unlike( $content, qr/^#!/, "$file has no shebang" ); } $check{bps_tag} = -1 if $check{bps_tag} == 1 and not $content =~ /Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d Best Practical Solutions/i and $file =~ /(?:ckeditor|scriptaculous|superfish|tablesorter|farbtastic)/i; $check{bps_tag} = -1 if $check{bps_tag} == 1 and not $content =~ /Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d Best Practical Solutions/i and ($content =~ /\b(copyright|GPL|Public Domain)\b/i or /\(c\)\s+\d\d\d\d(?:-\d\d\d\d)?/i); if ($check{bps_tag} == 1) { like( $content, qr/[B]EGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{/, "$file has BPS license tag"); } elsif ($check{bps_tag} == -1) { unlike( $content, qr/[B]EGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{/, "$file has no BPS license tag"); } } my $executable = ( stat $file )[2] & 0100; if ($check{exec} == 1) { if ( $file =~ /\.in$/ ) { ok( !$executable, "$file permission is u-x (.in will add +x)" ); } else { ok( $executable, "$file permission is u+x" ); } } elsif ($check{exec} == -1) { ok( !$executable, "$file permission is u-x" ); } } check( $_, shebang => -1, exec => -1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1 ) for grep {m{^lib/.*\.pm$}} @files; check( $_, shebang => -1, exec => -1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => -1 ) for grep {m{^t/.*\.t$}} @files; check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1 ) for grep {m{^s?bin/}} @files; check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1 ) for grep {m{^devel/tools/} and not m{/(localhost\.(crt|key)|mime\.types)$}} @files; check( $_, exec => -1, bps_tag => not m{\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$} ) for grep {m{^share/html/}} @files; check( $_, exec => -1 ) for grep {m{^share/(po|fonts)/}} @files; check( $_, exec => -1 ) for grep {m{^t/data/}} @files; check( $_, exec => -1, bps_tag => -1 ) for grep {m{^etc/[^/]+$}} @files; check( $_, exec => -1, bps_tag => -1 ) for grep {m{^etc/upgrade/[^/]+/}} @files; check( $_, warnings => 1, strict => 1, compile_perl => 1, no_tabs => 1 ) for grep {m{^etc/upgrade/.*/content$}} @files; check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1, no_tabs => 1 ) for grep {m{^etc/upgrade/[^/]+$}} @files; check( $_, compile_perl => 1, exec => 1 ) for grep{ -f $_} map {s/\.in$//; $_} grep {m{^etc/upgrade/[^/]+$}} @files; check( $_, exec => -1 ) for grep {m{^(devel/)?docs/}} @files; done_testing;