# Copyright (c) 2002 Jesse Vincent
# valid as of 3.8-TESTING
# jfenal , 2005.
# jfenal , 2005.
# Emmanuel Lacour , 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: RT 4.0.x\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: rt-devel \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-05 23:32+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-06 00:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Alex Vandiver \n"
"Language-Team: rt-devel \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-08-06 01:13+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13613)\n"
msgid " %1 deleted."
msgstr " %1 effacé."
msgid " %1 renamed to %2."
msgstr " %1 renommé en %2."
msgid " %1 saved."
msgstr " %1 sauvé."
msgid " (no pubkey!)"
msgstr " (pas de clef publique !)"
msgid " (untrusted!)"
msgstr " (non vérifié !)"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:51 share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:51 share/html/Elements/RT__Class/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__SavedSearch/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__Template/ColumnMap:55 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:55
msgid "#"
msgstr "n°"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:50 share/html/Approvals/Elements/ShowDependency:73 share/html/SelfService/Display.html:48 share/html/Ticket/Display.html:194 share/html/m/ticket/history:56 share/html/m/ticket/show:205
#. ($Ticket->Id, $Ticket->Subject || '')
#. ($Ticket->id, $Ticket->Subject)
#. ($TicketObj->Id, $TicketObj->Subject || '')
#. ($link->BaseObj->Id, $link->BaseObj->Subject)
#. ($t->Id, $t->Subject || '')
#. ($ticket->Id, $ticket->Subject)
msgid "#%1: %2"
msgstr "n°%1 : %2"
msgid "$1"
msgstr "$1"
msgid "$DAYS_OF_WEEK[$dow]."
msgstr "$DAYS_OF_WEEK[$dow]."
msgid "$MONTHS[$mon]."
msgstr "$MONTHS[$mon]."
msgid "$prefix %1"
msgstr "$prefix %1"
#: lib/RT/URI/fsck_com_rt.pm:219
#. ($self->ObjectType, $self->Object->Id)
msgid "%1 #%2"
msgstr "%1 n°%2"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:369
#. ($s, $time_unit)
msgid "%1 %2"
msgstr "%1 %2"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2011
#. ($args{'FIELD'}, $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'})
msgid "%1 %2 %3"
msgstr "%1 %2 %3"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:609
#. ($wday,$mon,$mday,$year)
msgid "%1 %2 %3 %4"
msgstr "%1 %3 %2 %4"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:624
#. ($wday,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$year)
msgid "%1 %2 %3 %4:%5 %6"
msgstr "%1 %3 %2 %4:%5 %6"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:621
#. ($wday,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$year)
msgid "%1 %2 %3 %4:%5:%6 %7"
msgstr "%1 %3 %2 %7 %4:%5:%6"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1735 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:720 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:762
#. ($cf->Name, $new_content)
#. ($field, $new)
#. ($self->Field, $principal->Object->Name)
msgid "%1 %2 added"
msgstr "%1 %2 ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:366
#. ($s, $time_unit)
msgid "%1 %2 ago"
msgstr "il y a %1 %2"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1742 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:726
#. ($cf->Name, $old_content, $new_content)
#. ($field, $old, $new)
msgid "%1 %2 changed to %3"
msgstr "%1 %2 changé en %3"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1739 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:723 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:768
#. ($cf->Name, $old_content)
#. ($field, $old)
#. ($self->Field, $principal->Object->Name)
msgid "%1 %2 deleted"
msgstr "%1 %2 supprimé"
#: share/html/Widgets/SavedSearch:139
#. (loc($self->{SearchType}), $self->{CurrentSearch}{Object}->Description)
msgid "%1 %2 deleted."
msgstr "%1 %2 supprimés"
msgid "%1 %2 renamed to %3."
msgstr "%1 %2 renommés en %3."
#: share/html/Widgets/SavedSearch:129
#. (loc($self->{SearchType}), $args->{SavedSearchDescription})
msgid "%1 %2 saved."
msgstr "%1 %2 sauvés."
#: share/html/Widgets/SavedSearch:113
#. (loc($self->{SearchType}), $args->{SavedSearchDescription})
msgid "%1 %2 updated."
msgstr "%1 %2 mis à jour"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:89 share/html/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips:70
#. ($_[0]->loc($_[0]->ConditionObj->Name), $_[0]->loc($_[0]->ActionObj->Name), $_[0]->loc($_[0]->TemplateObj->Name),)
#. (loc($scrip->ConditionObj->Name), loc($scrip->ActionObj->Name), loc($scrip->TemplateObj->Name))
msgid "%1 %2 with template %3"
msgstr "%1 %2 avec le modèle %3"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAttachments:86 share/html/m/ticket/show:342
#. ($rev->CreatedAsString, $size, $m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $rev->CreatorObj))
#. ($rev->CreatedAsString, $size, $rev->CreatorObj->Name)
msgid "%1 (%2) by %3"
msgstr "%1 (%2) par %3"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:72 share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:81 share/html/SelfService/Update.html:63 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditBasics:64 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:110 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:122 share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:68 share/html/m/ticket/reply:64 share/html/m/ticket/reply:73
#. ($m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $TicketObj->OwnerObj))
#. ($m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $t->OwnerObj))
#. (loc($Ticket->Status))
#. (loc($TicketObj->Status))
#. (loc($t->Status))
#. (loc('Approve'))
#. (loc('Deny'))
#. (loc($Ticket->Status()))
msgid "%1 (Unchanged)"
msgstr "%1 (inchangé)"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/Deleted:57
#. (($_->{description} || $_->{name}), $_->{pane})
msgid "%1 (from pane %2)"
msgstr "%1 (du panneau %2)"
#: bin/rt-crontool:360
#. ("--log")
msgid "%1 - Adjust LogToScreen config option"
msgstr "%1 - Ajustez l'option de configuration LogToScreen"
#: bin/rt-crontool:335 bin/rt-crontool:342 bin/rt-crontool:348
#. ("--action-arg", "--action")
#. ("--condition-arg", "--condition")
#. ("--search-arg", "--search")
msgid "%1 - An argument to pass to %2"
msgstr "%1 - Un paramètre à passer à %2"
#: bin/rt-crontool:362
#. ("--verbose")
msgid "%1 - Output status updates to STDOUT"
msgstr "%1 - Écrit les mises à jour de statuts sur STDOUT"
msgid "%1 - Specify id of the template you want to use"
msgstr "%1 - Précisez l'identifiant du modèle que vous souhaitez utiliser"
#: bin/rt-crontool:354
#. ("--transaction")
msgid "%1 - Specify if you want to use either 'first', 'last' or 'all' transactions"
msgstr "%1 - Précisez si vous souhaitez utiliser la première (first), la dernière (last) ou toutes (all) les transactions"
#: bin/rt-crontool:351
#. ("--template")
msgid "%1 - Specify name or id of template(s) you want to use"
msgstr "%1 - Spécifiez le nom ou l'id du modèle que vous désirez utiliser"
#: bin/rt-crontool:345
#. ("--action")
msgid "%1 - Specify the action module you want to use"
msgstr "%1 - Précisez l'action que vous voulez utiliser"
#: bin/rt-crontool:357
#. ("--transaction-type")
msgid "%1 - Specify the comma separated list of transactions' types you want to use"
msgstr "%1 - Précisez par une liste séparée par des virgules, les types de transactions que vous souhaitez utiliser"
#: bin/rt-crontool:339
#. ("--condition")
msgid "%1 - Specify the condition module you want to use"
msgstr "%1 - Précisez la condition que vous voulez utiliser"
#: bin/rt-crontool:332
#. ("--search")
msgid "%1 - Specify the search module you want to use"
msgstr "%1 - Précisez la recherche que vous voulez utiliser"
msgid "%1 DashBoards"
msgstr "%1 Tableaux de bord"
msgid "%1 Dashboards"
msgstr "%1 tableaux de bord"
#: share/html/Elements/Footer:56 share/html/m/_elements/footer:51
#. ('»|«', $RT::VERSION, '2012', 'Best Practical Solutions, LLC',)
#. ('', '', '2012', 'Best Practical Solutions, LLC',)
msgid "%1 RT %2 Copyright 1996-%3 %4."
msgstr "%1 RT %2 Copyright 1996-%3 %4."
msgid "%1 ScripAction loaded"
msgstr "ScripAction %1 chargée"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1770
#. ($args{'Value'}, $cf->Name)
msgid "%1 added as a value for %2"
msgstr "%1 ajouté(e) comme valeur de %2"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:170
#. ($RT::DatabaseName)
msgid "%1 already exists and has RT's tables in place, but does not contain RT's metadata. The 'Initialize Database' step later on can insert metadata into this existing database. If this is acceptable, click 'Customize Basics' below to continue customizing RT."
msgstr "%1 existe déjà et contient des tables RT mais ne contient pas les métadonnées RT. L'étape 'Initialiser la base de données' pourra insérer ces données dans cette base. Si cette solution vous convient, cliquez sur 'Personnalisation de base' ci-dessous pour continuer la configuration de RT."
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:175
#. ($RT::DatabaseName)
msgid "%1 already exists, but does not contain RT's tables or metadata. The 'Initialize Database' step later on can insert tables and metadata into this existing database. if this is acceptable, click 'Customize Basic' below to continue customizing RT."
msgstr "%1 existe déjà mais ne contient pas de tables RT. L'étape 'Initialiser la base de données' pourra insérer ces tables et les données initiales dans cette base. Si cette solution vous convient, cliquez sur 'Personnalisation de base' ci-dessous pour continuer la configuration de RT."
#: lib/RT/Link.pm:137 lib/RT/Link.pm:145
#. ($args{'Base'})
#. ($args{'Target'})
msgid "%1 appears to be a local object, but can't be found in the database"
msgstr "%1 semble être un objet local, mais est introuvable dans la base de données"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:166
#. ($RT::DatabaseName)
msgid "%1 appears to be fully initialized. We won't need to create any tables or insert metadata, but you can continue to customize RT by clicking 'Customize Basics' below"
msgstr "%1 semble être complètement initialisé(e). Il ne sera pas nécessaire de créer des tables ou d'insérer les données de bases mais vous pouvez continuer à personnaliser RT en cliquant 'Personnalisation de base' ci-dessous"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:597 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:80 share/html/m/ticket/show:403
#. ($Ticket->LastUpdatedAsString, $Ticket->LastUpdatedByObj->Name)
#. ($Ticket->LastUpdatedAsString, $m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $Ticket->LastUpdatedByObj))
#. ($self->BriefDescription , $self->CreatorObj->Name)
msgid "%1 by %2"
msgstr "%1 par %2"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:509 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:657 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:857 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:862 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:876 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:885 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:923
#. ($self->loc($self->Field), ($self->OldValue? "'".$self->OldValue ."'" : $self->loc("(no value)")) , "'". $self->NewValue."'")
#. ($self->loc($self->Field) , $q1->Name , $q2->Name)
#. ($self->Field, ( $self->OldValue ? "'" . $self->OldValue . "'" : $no_value ), "'" . $self->NewValue . "'")
#. ($self->loc( $args{'Field'} ), ( $old_val ? '"' . $old_val . '"' : $self->loc("(no value)") ), '"' . $self->__Value( $args{'Field'}) . '"')
#. ($self->loc($self->Field), $t2->AsString, $t1->AsString)
msgid "%1 changed from %2 to %3"
msgstr "%1 changé(e) de %2 à %3"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:218
#. (loc("Render Type"), $original, $RenderType)
msgid "%1 changed from '%2' to '%3'"
msgstr "%1 changé de '%2' en '%3'"
#: share/html/Search/Chart.html:128
#. ($m->scomp('Elements/SelectChartType', Name => 'ChartStyle', Default => $ChartStyle), $m->scomp('Elements/SelectGroupBy', Name => 'PrimaryGroupBy', Query => $ARGS{Query}, Default => $PrimaryGroupBy))
msgid "%1 chart by %2"
msgstr "graphique %1 par %2"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:201
#. ($SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Description)
msgid "%1 copy"
msgstr "copie de %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:77
#. ($meta->{'Source'}{'Extension'})
msgid "%1 core config"
msgstr "Configuration centrale %1"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:951
msgid "%1 could not be set to %2."
msgstr "%1 n'a pas pu être positionné à %2."
msgid "%1 couldn't set status to resolved. RT's Database may be inconsistent."
msgstr "%1 ne peut pas mettre le statut à résolu. La base de données RT est peut être incohérente."
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:624
#. ($obj_type)
msgid "%1 created"
msgstr "%1 créé(e)"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:635
#. ($obj_type)
msgid "%1 deleted"
msgstr "%1 supprimé(e)"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:630
#. ($obj_type)
msgid "%1 disabled"
msgstr "%1 désactivé(e)"
#: share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:86
#. ($ARGS{SendmailPath})
msgid "%1 doesn't exist."
msgstr "%1 n'existe pas."
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:627
#. ($obj_type)
msgid "%1 enabled"
msgstr "%1 activé(e)"
#: etc/initialdata:574
msgid "%1 highest priority tickets I own"
msgstr "Mes %1 tickets de plus haute priorité"
#: bin/rt-crontool:327
#. ($0)
msgid "%1 is a tool to act on tickets from an external scheduling tool, such as cron."
msgstr "%1 est un outil agissant sur les tickets depuis un ordonnanceur externe tel que cron."
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:92
#. ($0)
msgid "%1 is a utility, meant to be run from cron, that dispatches all deferred RT notifications as a per-user digest."
msgstr "%1 est un utilitaire, destiné a être lancé via cron, qui envoi une compilation par utilisateur des notifications RT en attente."
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:899 lib/RT/Queue.pm:905 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1112 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1121 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:427 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:315 share/html/m/ticket/create:220 share/html/m/ticket/reply:229
#. ($args{'Email'}, $self->loc($args{'Type'}))
#. ($email, $self->loc($args{'Type'}))
#. ($email->format, loc($field =~ /^(.*?)s?$/))
#. ($email->format, loc(substr($field, 6)))
msgid "%1 is an address RT receives mail at. Adding it as a '%2' would create a mail loop"
msgstr "RT reçoit déjà des courriels à l'adresse %1. L'ajouter comme %2 créerais une boucle."
msgid "%1 is no longer a %2 for this queue."
msgstr "%1 n'est plus un %2 pour cette file."
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1289
#. ($principal->Object->Name, $args{'Type'})
msgid "%1 is no longer a %2 for this ticket."
msgstr "%1 n'est plus un %2 pour ce ticket."
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1835
#. ($old_value, $cf->Name)
msgid "%1 is no longer a value for custom field %2"
msgstr "%1 n'est plus une valeur pour le champs personnalisé %2"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:269
#. ($value)
msgid "%1 is not valid lifecycle"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTime:49 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTime:51
#. ($minutes)
msgid "%1 min"
msgstr "%1 min"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:48
#. ($rows)
msgid "%1 most recently updated articles"
msgstr "%1 articles récemments mis à jour"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:48
#. ($rows)
msgid "%1 newest articles"
msgstr "%1 articles les plus récents"
#: etc/initialdata:585
msgid "%1 newest unowned tickets"
msgstr "Les %1 derniers tickets sans intervenant"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1109
msgid "%1 objects"
msgstr "%1 objets"
msgid "%1 rights"
msgstr "droits de %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:74
#. ($meta->{'Source'}{'Extension'})
msgid "%1 site config"
msgstr "Configuration de site %1"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:257
#. (ucfirst($self->ObjectName), $msg)
msgid "%1 update: %2"
msgstr "%1 mise à jour: %2"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:250
#. (ucfirst($self->ObjectName))
msgid "%1 update: Nothing changed"
msgstr "%1 mise à jour: Aucun changement"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:254
msgid "%1 updated"
msgstr "%1 mis à jour"
msgid "%1 will resolve all members of a resolved group ticket."
msgstr "%1 résoudra tous les membres d'un ticket groupé résolu."
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1110
msgid "%1's %2 objects"
msgstr "%1 de %2 objets"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1111
msgid "%1's %2's %3 objects"
msgstr "%1 de %2 de %3 objets"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html:107
#. ($UserObj->Name)
msgid "%1's GnuPG keys"
msgstr "Clefs GnuPG de %1"
#: share/html/Elements/EditPassword:55
#. ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name())
msgid "%1's current password"
msgstr "Mot de passe actuel de %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/SelectPrivacy:63 share/html/Dashboards/Elements/SelectPrivacy:65 share/html/Dashboards/Elements/ShowDashboards:55
#. ($m->interp->apply_escapes($object->Name, 'h'))
#. ($m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $object))
#. ($Object->Name)
msgid "%1's dashboards"
msgstr "Tableaux de bord de %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/SelectSavedSearches:56 share/html/Elements/SavedSearches:56 share/html/Search/Elements/SearchPrivacy:56 share/html/Search/Elements/SearchPrivacy:58
#. ($m->interp->apply_escapes($Object->Name, 'h'))
#. ($m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $Object))
#. ($privacies{$privacy}->Name)
#. ($Object->Name)
msgid "%1's saved searches"
msgstr "Recherches sauvées de %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:539
#. ($self)
msgid "%1: no attachment specified"
msgstr "%1 : pas d'attachement spécifié"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:616
#. ($hour,$min)
msgid "%1:%2"
msgstr "%1:%2"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:613
#. ($hour,$min,$sec)
msgid "%1:%2:%3"
msgstr "%1:%2:%3"
#: share/html/Elements/CreateTicket:54
#. ($button_start, $button_end, $queue_selector)
msgid "%1New ticket in%2 %3"
msgstr "%1Créer un ticket dans%2 %3"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:138
#. ($size)
msgid "%1b"
msgstr "%1o"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:135
#. (int( $size / 102.4 ) / 10)
msgid "%1k"
msgstr "%1k"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:132
#. (int( $size / 1024 / 102.4 ) / 10)
msgid "%1m"
msgstr "%1 m"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:110 share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:81
#. (sprintf('%.4f', $duration))
#. (sprintf('%.4f', $seconds))
msgid "%1s"
msgstr "%1 s"
#: share/html/Articles/Topics.html:252
#. ($Articles->Count)
msgid "%quant(%1,article)"
msgstr "%quant(%1,article)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTime:51
#. (sprintf("%.1f",$minutes / 60))
msgid "%quant(%1,hour)"
msgstr "%quant(%1,heure)"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:903
#. ($args{'Status'})
msgid "'%1' is an invalid value for status"
msgstr "'%1' est un statut invalide"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:553
#. ($name)
msgid "'%1' is not a valid name."
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:135 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:225 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:93 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoTopic.html:70
#. ($Class)
msgid "'%1' isn't a valid class identifier"
msgstr "'%1' n'est pas un identifiant de classe valide"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:2740
msgid "'Roles'"
msgstr "Rôles"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:2703
msgid "'System'"
msgstr "Système"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:2721
msgid "'User Groups'"
msgstr "Groupes utilisateurs"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:2772
msgid "'Users'"
msgstr "Utilisateurs"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:101
msgid "(Check box to complete)"
msgstr "(Cocher la case pour terminer le rappel)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:92 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditQueueWatchers:67 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:67 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditTemplates:69 share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:107 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:112 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:117 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:79
msgid "(Check box to delete)"
msgstr "(Cocher la case pour supprimer)"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditLinks:53
msgid "(Check boxes to delete)"
msgstr "(Cocher les cases pour effacer)"
msgid "(Check boxes to disable notifications to the listed recipients)"
msgstr "(Cocher les cases pour désactiver les notifications aux destinataires listés)"
msgid "(Check boxes to enable notifications to the listed recipients)"
msgstr "(Cocher les cases pour activer les notifications aux destinataires listés)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:252 share/html/m/ticket/create:423
msgid "(Enter ticket ids or URLs, separated with spaces)"
msgstr "(Entrer le numéro du ticket ou son URL, séparés par des espaces)"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:82 share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:85
#. (RT->Config->Get('CommentAddress'))
#. (RT->Config->Get('CorrespondAddress'))
msgid "(If left blank, will default to %1)"
msgstr "(Si vide, le défaut sera %1)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:95 share/html/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalCustomFields:55
msgid "(No custom fields)"
msgstr "(Pas de champ personnalisé)"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:71
msgid "(No members)"
msgstr "(Aucun membre)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:69 share/html/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalScrips:49
msgid "(No scrips)"
msgstr "(Aucun Scrip)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditTemplates:54
msgid "(No templates)"
msgstr "(Aucun modèle)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/PickCustomFields:49 share/html/Admin/Elements/PickObjects:49
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Aucun)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:150 share/html/m/ticket/create:329
msgid "(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative email addresses. These people will receive future updates.)"
msgstr "(Transmettre une copie de cette mise à jour à une liste d'adresses courriel administratives séparées par des virgules. Ces personnes recevront les mises à jour suivantes.)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:134 share/html/m/ticket/create:320
msgid "(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. These people will receive future updates.)"
msgstr "(Transmettre une copie de cette mise à jour à une liste d'adresses courriel séparées par des virgules. Ces personnes recevront les mises à jour suivantes.)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:100
msgid "(Use these fields when you choose 'User Defined' for a condition or action)"
msgstr "(Utilisez ces champs lorsque vous sélectionnez « Défini par l'utilisateur » pour une condition ou une action)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowUserEntry:50
msgid "(Will not be sent email)"
msgstr "(Ne sera pas envoyé par courriel)"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/index.html:74
msgid "(any)"
msgstr "(tous)"
msgid "(empty)"
msgstr "(vide)"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:66 share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:67
msgid "(no Summary)"
msgstr "(aucun résumé)"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:99 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditTopics:59 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditTopics:76 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/Preformatted:49 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/Preformatted:50 share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:103 share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:120 share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:70 share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:82 share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:90 share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:60 share/html/Articles/Elements/ShowTopic:51 share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:61 share/html/Articles/Topics.html:136 share/html/Articles/Topics.html:238 share/html/SelfService/Article/Display.html:49 share/html/SelfService/Article/Search.html:77 share/html/SelfService/Article/Search.html:85
msgid "(no name)"
msgstr "(sans nom)"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:264 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:281
msgid "(no pubkey!)"
msgstr "(pas de clé publique!)"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:650 share/html/Admin/Elements/AddCustomFieldValue:72 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:78 share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:77 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Attachment:51 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/SelectPlugin:55 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/SearchByCustomField:56 share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect:116 share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect:90 share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect:99 share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldValue:53 share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFields:59 share/html/Search/Elements/Chart:121 share/html/Search/Elements/Chart:82 share/html/m/ticket/show:262
msgid "(no value)"
msgstr "(sans information)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:49
msgid "(no values)"
msgstr "(aucune valeur)"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:134 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:128
msgid "(only one ticket)"
msgstr "(un seul ticket)"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:121
#. ($count)
msgid "(pending %quant(%1,other ticket))"
msgstr "(attente de %quant(%1, autres tickets))"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:113
msgid "(pending approval)"
msgstr "(en attente d'approbation)"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:69
msgid "(required)"
msgstr "(exigé)"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/SelectKeyForEncryption:53
#. ($key->{'TrustTerse'})
msgid "(trust: %1)"
msgstr "(confiance: %1)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:259 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:67
msgid "(untitled)"
msgstr "(sans titre)"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:267 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:284
msgid "(untrusted!)"
msgstr "(n'est pas de confiance !)"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:68 share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect:59
msgid "-"
msgstr "-"
#: bin/rt-crontool:136
msgid "--template-id is deprecated argument and can not be used with --template"
msgstr "--template-id est un argument obsolète et ne peut pas être utilisé avec --template"
#: bin/rt-crontool:131
msgid "--transaction argument could be only 'first', 'last' or 'all'"
msgstr "l'argument pour --transaction ne peut être que 'first', 'last' ou 'all'"
msgid "1995-11-25 21:59:12"
msgstr "1995-11-25 21:59:12"
msgid "1995-11-25T21:59:12Z"
msgstr "1995-11-25T21:59:12Z"
msgid "<% $Ticket->Status%>"
msgstr "<% $Ticket->Statut%>"
msgid "<% $_ %>"
msgstr "<% $_ %>"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditBasics:136
msgid "<% $field->{'name'} %>"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:108
msgid "<%$Action%> here"
msgstr "<%$Action%> ici"
msgid "<%$_%>"
msgstr "<%$_%>"
msgid "<%$field%>"
msgstr "<%$field%>"
msgid " %1"
msgstr " %1"
msgid " %1"
msgstr " %1"
msgid "
All iCal feeds embed a secret token which authorizes you. If the URL one of your iCal feeds got exposed to the outside world, you can get a new secret, breaking all existing iCal feeds below.
msgstr "
Tous les flux iCal contiennent un code secret qui vous autorise à y accéder. Si une des URLs de vos flux iCal ont a été révélé à des personnes non souhaitées, vous pouvez obtenir un nouveau code, ceci rendra inaccessibles tous les flux iCal existants ci-dessous.
#: etc/initialdata:215
msgid "A blank template"
msgstr "Un modèle vide"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:356
msgid "A password was not set, so user won't be able to login."
msgstr "Pas de mot de passe spécifié, l'utilisateur ne pourra donc pas se connecter."
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:169
msgid "ACE not found"
msgstr "ACE non trouvé"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:490
msgid "ACEs can only be created and deleted."
msgstr "Les ACE peuvent seulement être créés et effacés."
#: share/html/Search/Elements/SelectAndOr:48
msgid "AND"
msgstr "ET"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:468
msgid "About me"
msgstr "A propos"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:104
msgid "Access control"
msgstr "contrôle d'accès"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:69 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:76
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:153 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:633
#. ($args{'ScripAction'})
#. ($value)
msgid "Action '%1' not found"
msgstr "Action '%1' non trouvée"
#: bin/rt-crontool:231
msgid "Action committed."
msgstr "Action exécutée"
msgid "Action committed.\\n"
msgstr "Action validée.\\n"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:149 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:628
msgid "Action is mandatory argument"
msgstr "L'argument 'Action' est obligatoire"
#: bin/rt-crontool:227
msgid "Action prepared..."
msgstr "Action préparée..."
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:514
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Actions"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:164
msgid "Active Tickets"
msgstr "Tickets actifs"
#: share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:53
#. ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name)
msgid "Active tickets for %1"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:105
#. (loc($AddPrincipal))
msgid "Add %1"
msgstr "Ajouter %1"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:93
msgid "Add AdminCc"
msgstr "Ajouter AdminCC"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/Bookmark:90
msgid "Add Bookmark"
msgstr "Ajouter un signet"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:89
msgid "Add Cc"
msgstr "Ajouter CC"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:51
msgid "Add Columns"
msgstr "Ajouter des colonnes"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/PickCriteria:48
msgid "Add Criteria"
msgstr "Ajouter un critère"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddAttachments:59 share/html/m/ticket/create:357 share/html/m/ticket/reply:133
msgid "Add More Files"
msgstr "Ajouter d'autres fichiers"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:85
msgid "Add Requestor"
msgstr "Ajouter Demandeur"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/AddCustomFieldValue:48
msgid "Add Value"
msgstr "Ajouter une valeur"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Scrip.html:61
msgid "Add a scrip which will apply to all queues"
msgstr "Ajouter un scrip qui s'applique à toutes les files"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:125
msgid "Add comments or replies to selected tickets"
msgstr "Ajouter des commentaires ou des réponses aux tickets sélectionnés"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectNewGroupMembers:66
msgid "Add group"
msgstr "Ajouter le groupe"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:63
msgid "Add members"
msgstr "Ajouter des membres"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:83 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:51
msgid "Add new watchers"
msgstr "Ajouter de nouveaux observateurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:170
#. (loc($AddPrincipal))
msgid "Add rights for this %1"
msgstr "Ajouter des permissions pour cet %1"
#: share/html/Search/Build.html:83
msgid "Add these terms"
msgstr "Ajouter ces termes"
#: share/html/Search/Build.html:84
msgid "Add these terms and Search"
msgstr "Ajouter ces termes et rechercher"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectNewGroupMembers:49
msgid "Add user"
msgstr "Ajouter un utilisateur"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:172
msgid "Add values"
msgstr "Ajouter les valeurs"
msgid "Add, delete and modify custom field values for objects"
msgstr "Ajouter, retirer et modifier des champs personnalisés pour les objets"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:208
msgid "Add, modify and delete custom field values for objects"
msgstr "Ajouter, modifier et supprimer des valeurs de champs personnalisés pour des objets"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:959
#. ($principal->Object->Name, $args{'Type'})
msgid "Added %1 to members of %2 for this queue."
msgstr "%1 ajouté comme %2 pour cette file"
msgid "Added principal as a %1 for this queue"
msgstr "Ajout groupe/utilisateur comme %1 pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1163
#. ($self->loc($args{'Type'}))
msgid "Added principal as a %1 for this ticket"
msgstr "Ajout groupe/utilisateur comme %1 pour ce ticket"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:70 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:106
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:111
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "Adresse 2"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:130 share/html/User/Prefs.html:123
msgid "Address1"
msgstr "Adresse1"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:135 share/html/User/Prefs.html:127
msgid "Address2"
msgstr "Adresse2"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:141 share/html/m/ticket/create:323
msgid "Admin Cc"
msgstr "Admin Cc"
#: etc/initialdata:292
msgid "Admin Comment"
msgstr "Commentaire Admin"
#: etc/initialdata:271
msgid "Admin Correspondence"
msgstr "Correspondance Admin"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:48
msgid "Admin queues"
msgstr "Administrateurs de files"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/index.html:48
msgid "Admin/Global configuration"
msgstr "Configuration globale / administration"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:151
msgid "AdminCCGroup"
msgstr "AdminCCGroup"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:102 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:140 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:183 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowPeople:66 share/html/m/ticket/show:298
msgid "AdminCc"
msgstr "AdminCc"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:154
msgid "AdminCcs"
msgstr "AdminCcs"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:94
msgid "AdminClass"
msgstr "GérerClasse"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:206
msgid "AdminCustomField"
msgstr "GérerChampPersonnalisé"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:207
msgid "AdminCustomFieldValues"
msgstr "GérerValeursDeChampsPersonnalisés"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:94
msgid "AdminGroup"
msgstr "GérerGroupes"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:95
msgid "AdminGroupMembership"
msgstr "GérerAppartenanceGroupes"
msgid "AdminOwnPersonalGroups"
msgstr "GérerGroupesPersonnelsPropres"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:93
msgid "AdminQueue"
msgstr "GérerFile"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:95
msgid "AdminTopics"
msgstr "GérerRubriques"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:81
msgid "AdminUsers"
msgstr "GérerUtilisateurs"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:76
msgid "Administrative Cc"
msgstr "Cc Administratif"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:154
msgid "Administrative password"
msgstr "Mot de passe administrateur"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:724
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avancé"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:49 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:51
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Recherche avancée"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/PickCriteria:59
msgid "Aggregator"
msgstr "Aggrégateur"
#: etc/initialdata:363 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:69
msgid "All Approvals Passed"
msgstr "Toutes les approbations obtenues"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:75
msgid "All Articles in this class should be listed in a dropdown of the ticket reply page"
msgstr "Tous les articles de cette classe doivent être disponibles sous forme de liste sur la page de réponse d'un ticket"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:76
msgid "All Classes"
msgstr "Toutes les classes"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:403
msgid "All Dashboards"
msgstr "Tous les tableaux de bord"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:110
msgid "All Queues"
msgstr "Toutes les files"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:166
msgid "All Tickets"
msgstr "Tous les tickets"
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:180
msgid "All iCal feeds embed a secret token which authorizes you. If the URL one of your iCal feeds got exposed to the outside world, you can get a new secret, breaking all existing iCal feeds below."
msgstr "Tous les flux iCal contiennent un code secret qui vous autorise à y accéder. Si une des URLs de vos flux iCal ont a été révélé à des personnes non souhaitées, vous pouvez obtenir un nouveau code, ceci rendra inaccessibles tous les flux iCal existants ci-dessous."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:98
msgid "All queues matching search criteria"
msgstr "Toutes les files correspondant au critère de recherche"
#: share/html/m/_elements/menu:82
msgid "All tickets"
msgstr "Tous les tickets"
#: share/html/Articles/Topics.html:52
msgid "All topics"
msgstr "Toutes les rubriques"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:87
msgid "Allow creation of saved searches"
msgstr "Autoriser la création de recherches sauvées"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:86
msgid "Allow loading of saved searches"
msgstr "Autoriser le chargement de recherches sauvées"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:88
msgid "Allow writing Perl code in templates, scrips, etc"
msgstr "Autoriser l'écriture de code Perl dans les modèles, scrips, etc"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:703
msgid "Already encrypted"
msgstr "Déjà chiffré"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:60
msgid "And/Or"
msgstr "Et/Ou"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:74
msgid "Any field"
msgstr "N'importe quel champs"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:65
msgid "Any word not recognized by RT is searched for in ticket subjects."
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:90
msgid "Applied"
msgstr "Appliqué"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:89 share/html/Elements/Tabs:339 share/html/Elements/Tabs:369
msgid "Applies to"
msgstr "S'applique à"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:56 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:57
msgid "Applies to all objects"
msgstr "Appliqué à tous les objets"
#: share/html/Search/Edit.html:62
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Appliquer"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:60 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:61
msgid "Apply globally"
msgstr "Appliquer en global"
#: share/html/Search/Edit.html:62
msgid "Apply your changes"
msgstr "Appliquer vos changements"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:443
msgid "Approval"
msgstr "Approbation"
#: share/html/Approvals/Display.html:64 share/html/Approvals/Elements/ShowDependency:65 share/html/Approvals/index.html:88
#. ($Ticket->Id, $Ticket->Subject)
#. ($link->BaseObj->Id, $link->BaseObj->Subject)
#. ($ticket->id, $msg)
msgid "Approval #%1: %2"
msgstr "Approbation #%1 : %2"
#: share/html/Approvals/index.html:77
#. ($ticket->Id)
msgid "Approval #%1: Notes not recorded due to a system error"
msgstr "Approbation #%1 : Notes non enregistrées à cause d'une erreur système"
#: share/html/Approvals/index.html:75
#. ($ticket->Id)
msgid "Approval #%1: Notes recorded"
msgstr "Approbation #%1 : Notes enregistrées"
#: etc/initialdata:349 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:55
msgid "Approval Passed"
msgstr "Approbation obtenue"
#: etc/initialdata:390 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:96
msgid "Approval Ready for Owner"
msgstr "Approbation prête pour l'intervenant"
#: etc/initialdata:377 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:83
msgid "Approval Rejected"
msgstr "Approbation refusée"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:75
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Approuver"
msgid "Approver's notes: %1"
msgstr "Notes de l'approbateur : %1"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:94
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Avr"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Avril"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:56
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this article?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet article ?"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:97
#. ($ArticleObj->Id)
msgid "Article #%1 deleted"
msgstr "Article n°%1 effacé"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:84 share/html/SelfService/Article/Display.html:66
#. ($article->Id, $article->Name || loc("(no name)"))
msgid "Article #%1: %2"
msgstr "Article n°%1 : %2"
#: lib/RT/URI/fsck_com_article.pm:207
#. ($self->Object->id)
msgid "Article %1"
msgstr "Article %1"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:215
#. ($self->id)
msgid "Article %1 created"
msgstr "Article %1 créé"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/index.html:48
msgid "Article Administration"
msgstr "Gestion des articles"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:323
msgid "Article Deleted"
msgstr "Article effacé"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:76 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowHistory:64 share/html/SelfService/Article/Display.html:60
msgid "Article not found"
msgstr "Article non trouvé"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:95 share/html/Articles/index.html:48 share/html/Elements/Tabs:152 share/html/Elements/Tabs:157 share/html/Elements/Tabs:416
msgid "Articles"
msgstr "Articles"
#: share/html/Articles/Topics.html:130
#. ($currtopic->Name)
msgid "Articles in %1"
msgstr "Articles dans %1"
#: share/html/SelfService/Article/Search.html:64
#. ($Articles_Content)
msgid "Articles matching %1"
msgstr "Articles correspondant à %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Topics.html:132
msgid "Articles with no topics"
msgstr "Articles sans rubrique"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSort:79
msgid "Asc"
msgstr "Asc"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectSortOrder:58
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Croissant"
msgid "Assign and remove custom fields"
msgstr "Fixer et supprimer les champs personnalisés"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:99
msgid "Assign and remove queue custom fields"
msgstr "Assigner et supprimer des champs personnalisés pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:99
msgid "AssignCustomFields"
msgstr "FixerChampsPersonnalisés"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddAttachments:59
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Attaché"
#: share/html/SelfService/Create.html:98 share/html/m/ticket/create:354 share/html/m/ticket/reply:130
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Attacher un fichier"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddAttachments:49 share/html/m/ticket/create:342 share/html/m/ticket/reply:119
msgid "Attached file"
msgstr "Fichier attaché"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Attachment:53
msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Attachement"
#: share/html/Ticket/ShowEmailRecord.html:83 share/html/Ticket/ShowEmailRecord.html:85 share/html/Ticket/ShowEmailRecord.html:88
#. ($Attachment)
msgid "Attachment '%1' could not be loaded"
msgstr "Attachement '%1' ne peut pas être chargé"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:547
msgid "Attachment created"
msgstr "Attachement créé"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2374
msgid "Attachment filename"
msgstr "Nom de fichier de l'attachement"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowAttachments:49 share/html/m/ticket/show:305
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Attachements"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:696
msgid "Attachments encryption is disabled"
msgstr "Le chiffrement des attachements est désactivé"
#: lib/RT/Attributes.pm:196
msgid "Attribute Deleted"
msgstr "Attribut supprimé"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:98
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aoû"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Août"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:276
#. ($valid_image_types)
msgid "Automatically suggested theme colors aren't available for your image. This might be because you uploaded an image type that your installed version of GD doesn't support. Supported types are: %1. You can recompile libgd and GD.pm to include support for other image types."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de couleurs de thème suggérées automatiquement pour votre image. La version de GD installée ne gère peut-être pas le type d'image choisie. Les types gérés sont : %1. Vous pouvez recompiler libgd et GD.pm pour inclure la gestion d'autres types d'image."
#: etc/initialdata:218
msgid "Autoreply"
msgstr "RéponseAuto"
#: etc/initialdata:28
msgid "Autoreply To Requestors"
msgstr "Réponse automatique aux demandeurs"
#: share/html/Widgets/SelectionBox:193
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Disponible"
msgid "BCc"
msgstr "Copie cachée"
#: share/html/Elements/Submit:109 share/html/Install/Basics.html:63 share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:73 share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:89 share/html/Install/Global.html:65 share/html/Install/Initialize.html:62 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:64
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Retour"
msgid "Back: "
msgstr "Retour: "
msgid "Back: Customize Basics"
msgstr "Retour: Configuration initiale"
msgid "Back: Customize Database Details"
msgstr "Retour: Configuration de la base de données"
msgid "Back: Customize Email Addresses"
msgstr "Retour: Configuration des adresses de courriel"
msgid "Back: Customize Password for Users in RT"
msgstr "Retour: Configuration des mots de passe des utilisateurs dans RT"
msgid "Back: Customize Sendmail"
msgstr "Retour: Configurer Sendmail"
msgid "Back: Select Database Type"
msgstr "Retour: Choix de la base de données"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:150
#. ($id)
msgid "Bad privacy for attribute %1"
msgstr "Mauvaise sécurité pour l'attribut %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:50 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:57 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:55 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:60 share/html/Elements/Tabs:272 share/html/Elements/Tabs:303 share/html/Elements/Tabs:321 share/html/Elements/Tabs:336 share/html/Elements/Tabs:364 share/html/Elements/Tabs:498 share/html/Elements/Tabs:533 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:456 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:68 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_menu:60
msgid "Basics"
msgstr "Essentiel"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:72
msgid "Bcc"
msgstr "Cci"
msgid "Be sure to save your changes"
msgstr "Assurez-vous de sauvegarder vos modifications"
msgid "Best Practical Solutions, LLC corporate logo"
msgstr "Logo d'entreprise de Best Practical Solutions, LLC"
#: etc/initialdata:214
msgid "Blank"
msgstr "Vide"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Queries.html:179
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Corps"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:96
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Gras"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Signet"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:107
msgid "Bookmarkable link for this search"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:598 etc/upgrade/3.7.82/content:3
msgid "Bookmarked Tickets"
msgstr "Tickets favoris"
#: share/html/m/_elements/menu:73
msgid "Bookmarked tickets"
msgstr "Tickets favoris"
msgid "Brief headers"
msgstr "En-têtes courts"
#: share/html/Articles/Topics.html:48 share/html/Articles/Topics.html:61
msgid "Browse by topic"
msgstr "Parcourir par rubrique"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:224
msgid "Browse the SQL queries made in this process"
msgstr "Parcourir les requêtes SQL exécutées par ce processus"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:730
msgid "Bulk Update"
msgstr "Màj en masse"
msgid "Buy Support"
msgstr "Support commercial"
msgid "By default, RT will use the timezone of your system. This lets you set a global default for the display of dates and times in RT. Your users can choose a different Timezone in their preferences."
msgstr "Par défaut, RT utilisera le fuseau horaire configuré au sur votre système. Vous pouvez configurer une valeur par défaut pour l'affichage des dates et heures dans RT. Vos utilisateurs pourront choisir un fuseau différent dans leurs préférences."
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:150
msgid "CCGroup"
msgstr "CCGroup"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:147
msgid "CF"
msgstr "CF"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:87
#. ('cf.Name:value')
msgid "CFs may be searched using a similar syntax as above with %1."
msgstr ""
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Calendrier"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:175
#. ($ARGS{'SavedSearchLoad'})
msgid "Can not load saved search \"%1\""
msgstr "Impossible de charger la recherche enregistrée \"%1\""
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1434
msgid "Can not modify system users"
msgstr "Les utilisateurs système ne peuvent être modifiés"
msgid "Can this principal see this queue"
msgstr "Le groupe/utilisateur peut-il voir cette file"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:550
msgid "Can't add a custom field value without a name"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter une valeur de champ personnalisé sans un nom"
msgid "Can't find a collection class for '%1'"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver une collection pour la classe '%1'"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:313
msgid "Can't find a saved search to work with"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver une recherche sauvée et de l'utiliser"
#: lib/RT/Link.pm:153
msgid "Can't link a ticket to itself"
msgstr "Un ticket ne peut être lié à lui même"
#: share/html/Widgets/SavedSearch:132
#. (loc($self->{SearchType}))
msgid "Can't save %1"
msgstr "Impossible de sauvegarder %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:317
msgid "Can't save this search"
msgstr "Impossible de sauver cette recherche"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1294 lib/RT/Record.pm:1372
msgid "Can't specifiy both base and target"
msgstr "Impossible de spécifier à la fois la base et la cible"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:397
msgid "Cannot add link to plain number"
msgstr "Impossible de créer un lien avec une valeur uniquement numérique"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:365 share/html/m/ticket/create:158
msgid "Cannot create tickets in a disabled queue."
msgstr "Impossible de créer des tickets dans une file désactivée."
msgid "Cannot create user: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de créer l'utilisateur : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:121
msgid "Categories are based on"
msgstr "Les catégories sont basées sur"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/AddCustomFieldValue:57 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:61
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Catégorie"
msgid "Category unset"
msgstr "Catégorie non sélectionnée"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:101 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:139 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:178 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/SelfService/Create.html:75 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:125 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:73 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowPeople:62 share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:69 share/html/m/ticket/create:314 share/html/m/ticket/show:294
msgid "Cc"
msgstr "Cc"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:154
msgid "Ccs"
msgstr "Ccs"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:64 share/html/Search/Results.html:72
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Changer"
#: lib/RT/Approval/Rule/Created.pm:56
msgid "Change Approval ticket to open status"
msgstr "Passer le ticket d'approbation en statut ouvert"
#: share/html/SelfService/Prefs.html:53
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Changer le mot de passe"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:731
msgid "Chart"
msgstr "Graphique"
#: share/html/Search/Chart.html:122
msgid "Chart Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés du graphique"
#: share/html/Elements/Submit:102
msgid "Check All"
msgstr "Tout cocher"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:88
msgid "Check Database Connectivity"
msgstr "Contrôler la connection à la base de données"
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:63 share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:48 share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:70
msgid "Check Database Credentials"
msgstr "Vérifie les Identifiants sur la Base"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddAttachments:51 share/html/m/ticket/create:344 share/html/m/ticket/reply:121
msgid "Check box to delete"
msgstr "Cocher la case pour supprimer"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:66
msgid "Check box to revoke right"
msgstr "Cocher la case pour retirer le droit"
msgid "Check your database credentials"
msgstr "Contrôler vos identifiants de base de données"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:150 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:82 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:105 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:257 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:143 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:84 share/html/m/ticket/create:430 share/html/m/ticket/show:456
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Fils"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:89 share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:48
msgid "Choose Database Engine"
msgstr "Choisissez le moteur de base de données"
msgid "Choose a database engine"
msgstr "Choisir un moteur de base de données"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:97
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Choose from Topics for %1"
msgstr "Choisir les rubriques pour %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:140 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:116 share/html/User/Prefs.html:131
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ville"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:51 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditBasics:57 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:58 share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:75
msgid "Class"
msgstr "Classe"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:62
msgid "Class Name"
msgstr "Nom de la classe"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:118
#. ($msg)
msgid "Class could not be created: %1"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:70
msgid "Class id"
msgstr "Identifiant de la classe"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:407
msgid "Class is already applied Globally"
msgstr "Cette classe est déjà appliquée en global"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:402
#. ($queue->Name)
msgid "Class is already applied to %1"
msgstr "Cette classe est déjà appliquée à %1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:158 share/html/Elements/Tabs:360
msgid "Classes"
msgstr "Classes"
#: share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:73 share/html/Widgets/SelectionBox:221
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Effacer"
#: share/html/Elements/Submit:104
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Tout effacer"
#: share/html/Install/Finish.html:52
msgid "Click \"Finish Installation\" below to complete this wizard."
msgstr "Cliquer \"Terminer l'installation\" pour terminer."
msgid "Click \"Initialize Database\" to begin creating the database. This may take a few moments"
msgstr "Cliquer \"Initialiser la base de données\" pour commencer la création de la base. Cela peu durer quelques instants"
#: share/html/Install/Initialize.html:54
msgid "Click \"Initialize Database\" to create RT's database and insert initial metadata. This may take a few moments"
msgstr "Cliquer \"Initialiser la base de données\" pour créer la base de données RT et insérer les éléments de base. Cela peu durer quelques instants"
msgid "Close window"
msgstr "Fermer la fenêtre"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:75 share/html/m/ticket/show:398
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Fermé"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:836 share/html/SelfService/Closed.html:48
msgid "Closed tickets"
msgstr "Tickets fermés"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:140
msgid "Combobox: Select or enter multiple values"
msgstr "Boîte combo : Sélectionnez ou saisissez plusieurs valeurs"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:141
msgid "Combobox: Select or enter one value"
msgstr "Boîte combo : Sélectionnez ou saisissez une valeur"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:142
msgid "Combobox: Select or enter up to %1 values"
msgstr "Boîte combo : Sélectionner ou saisir au plus %1 valeurs"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:559 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:74 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction:212
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Commenter"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:83
msgid "Comment Address"
msgstr "Adresse de commentaire"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:169
msgid "Comment address"
msgstr "Adresse de commentaire"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:114
msgid "Comment on tickets"
msgstr "Commentaire sur le ticket"
msgid "CommentAddress"
msgstr "Adresse de commentaire"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:114
msgid "CommentOnTicket"
msgstr "CommenterTicket"
#: share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:64
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commentaires"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:129 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:92 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:76 share/html/m/ticket/reply:88
msgid "Comments (Not sent to requestors)"
msgstr "Commentaires (non envoyés aux demandeurs)"
msgid "Comments (not sent to requestors)"
msgstr "Commentaires (non envoyés aux demandeurs)"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:210 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:83
msgid "Comments about this user"
msgstr "Commentaires sur cet utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:703
msgid "Comments added"
msgstr "Commentaires ajoutés"
#: lib/RT/Action.pm:155 lib/RT/Rule.pm:74
msgid "Commit Stubbed"
msgstr "tr(Commit Stubbed)"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:63 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:72
msgid "Condition"
msgstr "Condition"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:169 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:654
#. ($args{'ScripCondition'})
#. ($value)
msgid "Condition '%1' not found"
msgstr "Condition '%1' non trouvée"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:165 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:647
msgid "Condition is mandatory argument"
msgstr "L'argument condition est obligatoire"
#: bin/rt-crontool:211
msgid "Condition matches..."
msgstr "La condition satisfait..."
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:84
msgid "Condition, Action and Template"
msgstr "Condition, Action et Modèle"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:107
#. ($file)
msgid "Config file %1 is locked"
msgstr "Le fichier de configuration %1 est blocké"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:63
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:182
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Configuration for queue %1"
msgstr "Configuration de la file %1"
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:141
msgid "Connection succeeded"
msgstr "Connexion réussie"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:133 share/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate:65 share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:53 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:68 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:71 share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:74 share/html/Elements/SelectAttachmentField:51 share/html/Elements/Tabs:499 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:113
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Contenu"
#: lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm:99
msgid "Content is an invalid IP address"
msgstr "Le contenu n'est pas une adresse IP valide"
#: lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm:113
msgid "Content is an invalid IP address range"
msgstr "Le contenu n'est pas une plage d'adresses IP valide"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectAttachmentField:53
msgid "Content-Type"
msgstr "Type de contenu"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:134
msgid "ContentType"
msgstr "TypeDeContenu"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:177
msgid "Correspond address"
msgstr "Adresse de réponse"
msgid "CorrespondAddress"
msgstr "Addresse de réponse"
#: etc/initialdata:283
msgid "Correspondence"
msgstr "Courrier"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:699
msgid "Correspondence added"
msgstr "Courrier ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1691 lib/RT/Record.pm:1757
#. ($msg)
#. ($value_msg)
msgid "Could not add new custom field value: %1"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter la nouvelle valeur de champ personnalisé: %1"
msgid "Could not change owner. "
msgstr "Impossible de changer l'intervenant. "
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2961 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2969 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2986
#. ($add_msg)
#. ($del_msg)
#. ($msg)
msgid "Could not change owner: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de changer l'ntervenant : %1"
msgid "Could not create CustomField"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le champ personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:179 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:115
#. ($msg)
msgid "Could not create CustomField: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le champ personnalisé : %1"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:450 lib/RT/Group.pm:457
msgid "Could not create group"
msgstr "Impossible de créer un groupe"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:197
#. ($msg)
msgid "Could not create search: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de créer la recherche : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Template.html:84 share/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html:83
#. ($msg)
msgid "Could not create template: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le modèle : %1"
msgid "Could not create ticket in disabled queue \"%1\""
msgstr "Impossible de créer le ticket dans la file désactivée \"%1\""
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:279 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:836
msgid "Could not create ticket. Queue not set"
msgstr "Impossible de créer un ticket. File non indiquée"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:194 lib/RT/User.pm:208 lib/RT/User.pm:217 lib/RT/User.pm:226 lib/RT/User.pm:235 lib/RT/User.pm:249 lib/RT/User.pm:259 lib/RT/User.pm:428
msgid "Could not create user"
msgstr "Impossible de créer l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:237
#. ($searchname, $msg)
msgid "Could not delete search %1: %2"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la recherche %1 : %2"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:938 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1131
msgid "Could not find or create that user"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver ou créer cet utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:1011 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1210
msgid "Could not find that principal"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver ce groupe ou utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:242
#. ($self->ObjectName)
msgid "Could not load %1 attribute"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'attribut %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:105
msgid "Could not load Class %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charge la classe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:109
#. ($id)
msgid "Could not load CustomField %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le champ personnalisé %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:115
msgid "Could not load group"
msgstr "Impossible de charger ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:126
#. ($privacy)
msgid "Could not load object for %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'objet pour %1"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:957
#. ($args{'Type'})
msgid "Could not make that principal a %1 for this queue"
msgstr "Impossible de faire de ce groupe/utilisateur un %1 pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1152
#. ($self->loc($args{'Type'}))
msgid "Could not make that principal a %1 for this ticket"
msgstr "Impossible de faire de ce groupe/utilisateur un %1 pour ce ticket"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:1038
#. ($args{'Type'})
msgid "Could not remove that principal as a %1 for this queue"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer ce groupe/utilisateur comme un %1 pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1277
#. ($args{'Type'})
msgid "Could not remove that principal as a %1 for this ticket"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer ce groupe/utilisateur comme un %1 pour ce ticket"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:138
msgid "Could not set user info"
msgstr "Impossible de sauver les informations utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:163
msgid "Couldn't add attachment"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter la pièce jointe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:948
msgid "Couldn't add member to group"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter un membre à ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1309
msgid "Couldn't apply custom field to an object as it's global already"
msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer le champs personnalisé à un objet car il est déjà appliqué en global"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:615
#. ($method, $code, $error)
msgid "Couldn't compile %1 codeblock '%2': %3"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:696
#. ($fi_text, $error)
msgid "Couldn't compile template codeblock '%1': %2"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1767 lib/RT/Record.pm:1817
#. ($Msg)
#. ($msg)
msgid "Couldn't create a transaction: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de créer une transaction : %1"
msgid "Couldn't create record"
msgstr "Impossible de créer l'enregistrement"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1439
#. ($msg)
msgid "Couldn't create record: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de créer l'enregistrement : %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:154
#. ($id, $msg)
msgid "Couldn't delete dashboard %1: %2"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le tableau de bord %1: %2"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:960
msgid "Couldn't find row"
msgstr "Colonne introuvable"
#: bin/rt-crontool:182
msgid "Couldn't find suitable transaction, skipping"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver une transaction adaptée, ignoré"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:922
msgid "Couldn't find that principal"
msgstr "Groupe/utilisateur introuvable"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:578
msgid "Couldn't find that value"
msgstr "Valeur introuvable"
msgid "Couldn't load %1 from the users database.\\n"
msgstr "Impossible de charger %1 depuis la base des utilisateurs.\\n"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/GroupRights.html:66 share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/UserRights.html:65 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html:66
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load Class %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la classe %1"
#: lib/RT/CustomFieldValue.pm:143 lib/RT/CustomFieldValue.pm:86
#. ($cf_id)
msgid "Couldn't load Custom Field #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le champs personnalisé #%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:133 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:143
#. ($cf_id)
msgid "Couldn't load CustomField #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le champs personnalisé n°%1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html:66
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load CustomField %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le champ personnalisé %1"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1727 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1777
#. ($self->Id)
msgid "Couldn't load copy of ticket #%1."
msgstr "Impossible de charger une copie du ticket #%1."
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:122 share/html/Dashboards/Queries.html:83 share/html/Dashboards/Render.html:99 share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:198
#. ($id, $msg)
msgid "Couldn't load dashboard %1: %2"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le tableau de bord %1: %2"
msgid "Couldn't load dashboard %1: %2."
msgstr "Impossible de charger le tableau de bord %1: %2."
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Memberships.html:100 share/html/Admin/Users/Memberships.html:110
#. ($gid)
msgid "Couldn't load group #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le groupe #%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html:66 share/html/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html:67
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load group %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le groupe %1"
#: lib/RT/Link.pm:195 lib/RT/Link.pm:204 lib/RT/Link.pm:229
msgid "Couldn't load link"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le lien"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/CustomFields.html:54 share/html/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html:56 share/html/Admin/Users/CustomFields.html:56
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load object %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'objet %1"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:453
#. ($msg)
msgid "Couldn't load or create user: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger ou de créer l'utilisateur: %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:132
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load queue"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la file"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:86
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load queue #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la file #%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html:71 share/html/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html:72
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load queue %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:177
#. ($Name)
msgid "Couldn't load queue '%1'"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la file '%1'"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:143 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:190
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load scrip #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le scrip #%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditTemplates:105
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load template #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le modèle #%1"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1857
msgid "Couldn't load the specified principal"
msgstr "Impossible de charger ce groupe/utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:450 share/html/SelfService/Display.html:154
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load ticket '%1'"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le ticket '%1'"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:521
msgid "Couldn't load topic membership while trying to delete it"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la rubrique d'appartenance en essayant de le supprimer"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:91 share/html/Ticket/GnuPG.html:71
#. ($QuoteTransaction)
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load transaction #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la transaction #%1"
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:206
msgid "Couldn't load user"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html:89 share/html/User/Prefs.html:202
#. ($id)
msgid "Couldn't load user #%1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'utilisateur #%1"
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:200
#. ($id, $Name)
msgid "Couldn't load user #%1 or user '%2'"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'utilisateur n° %1 ou l'utilisateur '%2'"
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:204
#. ($Name)
msgid "Couldn't load user '%1'"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'utilisateur '%1'"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1058
#. ($args{'Email'})
msgid "Couldn't parse address from '%1' string"
msgstr "Impossible d'analyser l'adresse de la chaîne de caractère '%1'"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:779
#. ($msg)
msgid "Couldn't replace content with decrypted data: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de remplacer le contenu avec des données déchiffrées: %1"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:744
#. ($msg)
msgid "Couldn't replace content with encrypted data: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de remplacer le contenu par des données chiffrées: %1"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:404
#. ($args{'Target'})
msgid "Couldn't resolve '%1' into a Link."
msgstr "Impossible de convertir '%1' en lien"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2545
#. ($args{'URI'})
msgid "Couldn't resolve '%1' into a URI."
msgstr "Impossible de convertir '%1' en URI."
#: lib/RT/Link.pm:103
#. ($args{'Base'})
msgid "Couldn't resolve base '%1' into a URI."
msgstr "Impossible de résoudre la base '%1' en URI."
#: lib/RT/Link.pm:118
#. ($args{'Target'})
msgid "Couldn't resolve target '%1' into a URI."
msgstr "Impossible de résoudre la cible '%1' en URI."
#: lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:706 lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:766
msgid "Couldn't send email"
msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer le courriel"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:558
#. ($type, $msg)
msgid "Couldn't set %1 watcher: %2"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre %1 observateur: %2"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1597
msgid "Couldn't set private key"
msgstr "Impossible de sélectionner la clefs privée"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1581
msgid "Couldn't unset private key"
msgstr "Impossible de désélectionner la clefs privée"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:157 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:131 share/html/User/Prefs.html:143
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Pays"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:97 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:151 share/html/Admin/Elements/CreateUserCalled:49 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:86 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:150 share/html/Admin/Global/Template.html:78 share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:92 share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:154 share/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html:111 share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:225 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:102 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:83 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoClass.html:68 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoTopic.html:60 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:72 share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:77 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:107 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:115 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:129 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:52 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:85 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:99 share/html/Elements/Tabs:111 share/html/Elements/Tabs:119 share/html/Elements/Tabs:165 share/html/Elements/Tabs:180 share/html/Elements/Tabs:259 share/html/Elements/Tabs:277 share/html/Elements/Tabs:281 share/html/Elements/Tabs:351 share/html/Elements/Tabs:362 share/html/Elements/Tabs:372 share/html/Elements/Tabs:71 share/html/Elements/Tabs:79 share/html/Elements/Tabs:87 share/html/Elements/Tabs:96 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:192 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:270 share/html/m/ticket/create:272 share/html/m/ticket/create:439
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: etc/initialdata:91
msgid "Create Tickets"
msgstr "Ajouter des tickets"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:109 share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:129
msgid "Create a Class"
msgstr "Créer une classe"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:162 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:180 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:98
msgid "Create a CustomField"
msgstr "Ajouter un Champ Personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/CustomField.html:65
#. ($QueueObj->Name())
msgid "Create a CustomField for queue %1"
msgstr "Ajouter un champ personnalisé pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:122 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:230
msgid "Create a new article"
msgstr "Créer un nouvel article"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoClass.html:52
msgid "Create a new article in"
msgstr "Créer un nouvel article dans"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:131 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:98
msgid "Create a new dashboard"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau tableau de bord"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:104 share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:124
msgid "Create a new group"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau groupe"
msgid "Create a new personal group"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau groupe personnel"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html:110
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Create a new template for queue %1"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau modèle pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:358
msgid "Create a new ticket"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau ticket"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:239 share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:301
msgid "Create a new user"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:228
msgid "Create a queue"
msgstr "Ajouter une file"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Scrip.html:68
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Create a scrip for queue %1"
msgstr "Ajouter un scrip pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Template.html:77
msgid "Create a template"
msgstr "Ajouter un modèle"
#: share/html/SelfService/Create.html:48 share/html/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html:48 share/html/m/ticket/create:151 share/html/m/ticket/select_create_queue:53
msgid "Create a ticket"
msgstr "Ajouter un ticket"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/CreateArticle:48
msgid "Create an article"
msgstr "Créer un article"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html:48 share/html/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html:49
msgid "Create an article in class..."
msgstr "Créer un article dans la classe ..."
msgid "Create and modify dashboards"
msgstr "Créer et modifier les tableaux de bord"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:89
msgid "Create articles in this class"
msgstr "Créer un article dans cette classe"
msgid "Create dashboards for this group"
msgstr "Créer des tableaux de bord pour ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:101
msgid "Create group dashboards"
msgstr "Créer un tableau de bord de groupe"
#: etc/initialdata:93
msgid "Create new tickets based on this scrip's template"
msgstr "Ajouter de nouveaux tickets basés sur le modèle de ce scrip"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:87
msgid "Create personal dashboards"
msgstr "Créer des tableaux de bord personnels"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:82
msgid "Create system dashboards"
msgstr "Créer des tableaux de bord systèmes"
#: share/html/SelfService/Create.html:113
msgid "Create ticket"
msgstr "Ajouter un ticket"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:112
msgid "Create tickets"
msgstr "Créer des tickets"
msgid "Create tickets in this queue"
msgstr "Ajouter des tickets dans cette file"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:437
msgid "Create tickets offline"
msgstr "Créer des tickets hors-ligne"
msgid "Create, delete and modify custom fields"
msgstr "Ajouter, supprimer et modifier des champs personnalisés"
msgid "Create, delete and modify queues"
msgstr "Ajouter, supprimer et modifier les files"
msgid "Create, delete and modify the members of personal groups"
msgstr "Ajouter, supprimer et modifier les membres d'un groupe personnel"
msgid "Create, delete and modify users"
msgstr "Ajouter, supprimer et modifier les utilisateurs"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:95
msgid "Create, modify and delete Access Control List entries"
msgstr "Créer, modifier et supprimer des permissions"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:206
msgid "Create, modify and delete custom fields"
msgstr "Créer, modifier et supprimer des champs personnalisés"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:207
msgid "Create, modify and delete custom fields values"
msgstr "Créer, modifier et supprimer des valeurs de champs personnalisés"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:93
msgid "Create, modify and delete queue"
msgstr "Créer, modifier et supprimer des files"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:97
msgid "Create, modify and delete saved searches"
msgstr "Créer, modifier et supprimer des recherches sauvées"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:81
msgid "Create, modify and delete users"
msgstr "Créer, modifier et supprimer des utilisateurs"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:89
msgid "CreateArticle"
msgstr "CréerArticle"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:82
msgid "CreateDashboard"
msgstr "CréerTableauDeBord"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:101
msgid "CreateGroupDashboard"
msgstr "CréerTableauDeBordDeGroupe"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:87
msgid "CreateOwnDashboard"
msgstr "CréerTableauDeBordPersonnel"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:87
msgid "CreateSavedSearch"
msgstr "CréerRechercheSauvée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:112
msgid "CreateTicket"
msgstr "CréerTicket"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:930 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:131 share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:60 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:99 share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:66 share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:71 share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:80 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:49 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:50 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_list:97 share/html/m/ticket/show:373
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Créé"
#: share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:76
msgid "Created By"
msgstr "Créé Par"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:184 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:119
#. ($CustomFieldObj->Name)
#. ($CustomFieldObj->Name())
msgid "Created CustomField %1"
msgstr "Champ Personnalisé %1 créé"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:53 share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:53
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Créé par"
msgid "Created in a date range"
msgstr "Créé dans une période"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:193
#. ($search->Name)
msgid "Created search %1"
msgstr "Recherche %1 créée"
msgid "Created tickets in period, grouped by status"
msgstr "Tickets créés dans une période, groupés par l'état"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "CreatedBy"
msgstr "CrééPar"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "CreatedRelative"
msgstr "CrééDepuis"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:154 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:103 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:115
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "Créateur"
#: share/html/Prefs/Other.html:70
msgid "Cryptography"
msgstr "Chiffrement"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:51 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:51
msgid "Current Links"
msgstr "Liens courants"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:53
msgid "Current Scrips"
msgstr "Scrips actuels"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:715
msgid "Current Search"
msgstr "Recherche actuelle"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:60
msgid "Current members"
msgstr "Membres actuels"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:62
msgid "Current rights"
msgstr "Droits actuels"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:49
msgid "Current search"
msgstr "Recherche courante"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:62 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:68
msgid "Current watchers"
msgstr "Observateurs actuels"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:190 share/html/Elements/Tabs:122 share/html/Elements/Tabs:172 share/html/Elements/Tabs:242 share/html/Elements/Tabs:366 share/html/Elements/Tabs:91 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:56 share/html/User/Prefs.html:149 share/html/m/ticket/show:251
msgid "Custom Fields"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/index.html:53
#. ($tmp->FriendlyLookupType( $Type ))
msgid "Custom Fields for %1"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés pour %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html:61
#. ($Object->Name)
msgid "Custom Fields for queue %1"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:117
msgid "Custom action cleanup code"
msgstr "Programme de nettoyage d'action personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:110
msgid "Custom action preparation code"
msgstr "Programme de préparation d'action personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:103
msgid "Custom condition"
msgstr "Condition personnalisée"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:109 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:120
#. ($MoveCustomFieldDown)
#. ($MoveCustomFieldUp)
msgid "Custom field #%1 is not applied to this object"
msgstr "Le champs personnalisé n°%1 n'est pas appliqué à cet objet"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2800
#. ($CF->Name, $args{OPERATOR}, $args{VALUE})
msgid "Custom field %1 %2 %3"
msgstr "Champs personnalisé %1 %2 %3"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1609
#. ($args{'Field'})
msgid "Custom field %1 does not apply to this object"
msgstr "Le champs personnalisé %1 ne s'applique pas à cet objet"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2794
#. ($CF->Name)
msgid "Custom field %1 has a value."
msgstr "Le champ personnalisé %1 a une valeur."
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2790
#. ($CF->Name)
msgid "Custom field %1 has no value."
msgstr "Le champ personnalisé %1 n'a pas de valeur."
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1598 lib/RT/Record.pm:1798
#. ($args{'Field'})
msgid "Custom field %1 not found"
msgstr "Le champ personnalisé %1 est introuvable"
#: lib/RT/Report/Tickets.pm:113 lib/RT/Report/Tickets.pm:116
#. ($cf)
#. ($obj->Name)
msgid "Custom field '%1'"
msgstr "Champs personnalisé '%1'"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1304
msgid "Custom field is already applied to the object"
msgstr "Ce champs personnalisé est déjà appliqué à cet objet"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1549
#. ($args{'Content'}, $self->Name)
msgid "Custom field value %1 could not be found for custom field %2"
msgstr "La valeur du champ personnalisé %1 ne peut pas être trouvée pour le champ personnalisé %2"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:586
msgid "Custom field value could not be deleted"
msgstr "La valeur du champ personnalisé ne peut pas être effacée"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1561
msgid "Custom field value could not be found"
msgstr "La valeur du champ personnalisé ne peut par être trouvée"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1563 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:588
msgid "Custom field value deleted"
msgstr "La valeur du champ personnalisé est effacée"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:146 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:707 share/html/Elements/SelectGroups:54 share/html/Elements/SelectUsers:54
msgid "CustomField"
msgstr "ChampPersonnalisé"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:145
msgid "CustomFieldValue"
msgstr "ValeurDeChampPersonnalisé"
#: share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:84 share/html/Prefs/Quicksearch.html:69 share/html/Prefs/Search.html:73
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Personnaliser"
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:48 share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:72 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:64
msgid "Customize Basics"
msgstr "Personnalisation de base"
msgid "Customize Database Details"
msgstr "Configurer la base de données"
#: share/html/Install/Global.html:48 share/html/Install/Initialize.html:62 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:63
msgid "Customize Email Addresses"
msgstr "Personnaliser les adresses de courriel"
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:62 share/html/Install/Global.html:65 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:48
msgid "Customize Email Configuration"
msgstr "Configurer l'envoi des courriels"
msgid "Customize Global"
msgstr "COnfiguration globale"
msgid "Customize Global Defaults"
msgstr "Configurer les paramêtres par défaut"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:217
msgid "Customize the look of your RT"
msgstr "Modifier l'apparence de RT"
msgid "DBA of the database"
msgstr "Administrateur de la base de données"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:111
msgid "DBA password"
msgstr "Mot de passe de l'administrateur"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:104
msgid "DBA username"
msgstr "Identifiant DBA"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm:325
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:483
msgid "Daily digest"
msgstr "Compilation quotidienne"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:59 share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:63
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Tableau de bord"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:110
#. ($msg)
msgid "Dashboard could not be created: %1"
msgstr "Le tableau de bord n'a pas pu être créé: %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:143 share/html/Dashboards/Queries.html:260
#. ($msg)
msgid "Dashboard could not be updated: %1"
msgstr "Le tableau de bord n'a pas pu être mis à jour: %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:140 share/html/Dashboards/Queries.html:257
msgid "Dashboard updated"
msgstr "Tableau de bord mis à jour"
msgid "DashboardSubject"
msgstr "RT [_2] Tableau de bord: [_1]"
#: share/html/Dashboards/index.html:48 share/html/Elements/Dashboards:49
msgid "Dashboards"
msgstr "Tableaux de bord"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:78
msgid "Database host"
msgstr "Nom d'hôte de la base de données"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:96
msgid "Database name"
msgstr "Nom de la base de données"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:127
msgid "Database password for RT"
msgstr "Mot de passe de la base de données pour RT"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:87
msgid "Database port"
msgstr "Port de connexion à la base"
msgid "Database port number"
msgstr "Port de connexion à la base"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:60
msgid "Database type"
msgstr "Type de base de données"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:120
msgid "Database username for RT"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur de la base de données pour RT"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:435
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format de date"
msgid "DateTime module missing"
msgstr "Le module DateTime est manquant"
msgid "DateTime::Locale module missing"
msgstr "Le module DateTime::Locale est manquant"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:96 share/html/Elements/Tabs:542 share/html/SelfService/Display.html:66 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:234 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:85 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:66 share/html/m/ticket/create:408 share/html/m/ticket/show:367
msgid "Dates"
msgstr "Dates"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:102
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Déc"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Décembre"
#: share/html/Ticket/GnuPG.html:58
msgid "Decrypt"
msgstr "Déchiffrer"
#: etc/initialdata:219
msgid "Default Autoresponse template"
msgstr "Modèle de réponse automatique par défaut"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:60
msgid "Default Queue"
msgstr "File par défaut"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:69
msgid "Default Requestor"
msgstr "Demandeur par défaut"
#: etc/initialdata:293
msgid "Default admin comment template"
msgstr "Modèle de commentaire administrateur par défaut"
#: etc/initialdata:272
msgid "Default admin correspondence template"
msgstr "Modèle de courrier administrateur par défaut"
#: etc/initialdata:284
msgid "Default correspondence template"
msgstr "Modèle de courrier par défaut"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:144
msgid "Default queue"
msgstr "File par défaut"
#: etc/initialdata:250
msgid "Default transaction template"
msgstr "Modèle de transaction par défaut"
#: share/html/Widgets/Form/Integer:61 share/html/Widgets/Form/String:69
#. ($DefaultValue)
msgid "Default: %1"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut: %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:685
#. ($type, $self->Field, ( $self->OldValue ? "'" . $self->OldValue . "'" : $self->loc("(no value)") ), "'" . $self->NewValue . "'")
msgid "Default: %1/%2 changed from %3 to %4"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut: %1/%2 changée de %3 en %4"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:116
msgid "DefaultFormat"
msgstr "DefaultFormat"
msgid "Delegate rights"
msgstr "Déléguer les droits"
msgid "Delegate specific rights which have been granted to you."
msgstr "Déléguer des droits spécifiques qui vous ont été accordés."
msgid "DelegateRights"
msgstr "DéléguerDroits"
msgid "Delegation"
msgstr "Délégation"
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2346 etc/RT_Config.pm:2420 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:73 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:61 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:75 share/html/Elements/Tabs:783 share/html/Elements/Tabs:803 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:116 share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:61 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:64 share/html/Widgets/SelectionBox:219
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditTemplates:72
msgid "Delete Template"
msgstr "Détruire le modèle"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:101
#. ($ArticleObj->Id)
msgid "Delete article #%1"
msgstr "Supprimer l'article n°%1"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:98
msgid "Delete articles in this class"
msgstr "Supprimer des articles de cette classe"
msgid "Delete dashboards"
msgstr "Supprimer les tableaux de bords"
msgid "Delete dashboards for this group"
msgstr "Supprimer les tableaux de bord pour ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:285
#. ($msg)
msgid "Delete failed: %1"
msgstr "Échec de la destruction : %1"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:103
msgid "Delete group dashboards"
msgstr "Supprimer des tableaux de bords de groupe"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3182
msgid "Delete operation is disabled by lifecycle configuration"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:89
msgid "Delete personal dashboards"
msgstr "Supprimer les tableaux de bord personnels"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:72
msgid "Delete selected scrips"
msgstr "Supprimer les scrips sélectionnés"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:84
msgid "Delete system dashboards"
msgstr "Supprimer les tableaux de bord systèmes"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:117
msgid "Delete tickets"
msgstr "Supprimer les tickets"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:173
msgid "Delete values"
msgstr "Supprimer les valeurs"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:98
msgid "DeleteArticle"
msgstr "SupprimerArticle"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:84
msgid "DeleteDashboard"
msgstr "SupprimerTableauDeBord"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:103
msgid "DeleteGroupDashboard"
msgstr "SupprimerTableauDeBordDeGroupe"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:89
msgid "DeleteOwnDashboard"
msgstr "SupprimerTableauDeBordPersonnel"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:117
msgid "DeleteTicket"
msgstr "SupprimerTicket"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:283
#. ($self->ObjectName)
msgid "Deleted %1"
msgstr "%1 effacé"
msgid "Deleted dashboard %1"
msgstr "Tableau de bord %1 supprimé"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/Deleted:52
msgid "Deleted queries"
msgstr "Requêtes supprimées"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:193
msgid "Deleted saved search"
msgstr "Recherche sauvée effacée"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:226
#. ($searchname)
msgid "Deleted search %1"
msgstr "Recherche %1 supprimée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:460
msgid "Deleting this object would break referential integrity"
msgstr "Effacer cet objet briserait l'intégrité référentielle"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:439
msgid "Deleting this object would violate referential integrity"
msgstr "Effacer cet objet violerait l'intégrité référentielle"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:84
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Refuser"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:142 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:64 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:83 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:255 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:135 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:64 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDependencies:56 share/html/m/ticket/create:428 share/html/m/ticket/show:442
msgid "Depended on by"
msgstr "En dépend"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:156 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:123 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:138
msgid "DependedOnBy"
msgstr "EnDépend"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:790
#. ($value)
msgid "Dependency by %1 added"
msgstr "Ajout de la dépendance par %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:830
#. ($value)
msgid "Dependency by %1 deleted"
msgstr "Suppression de la dépendance par %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:787
#. ($value)
msgid "Dependency on %1 added"
msgstr "Ajout de la dépendance de %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:827
#. ($value)
msgid "Dependency on %1 deleted"
msgstr "Suppression de la dépendance de %1"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:122
msgid "DependentOn"
msgstr "DépendantDe"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:138 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:55 share/html/Elements/SelectLinkType:50 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:50 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:254 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:131 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:54 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDependencies:48 share/html/m/ticket/create:427 share/html/m/ticket/show:412
msgid "Depends on"
msgstr "Dépend de"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:156 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:119 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:138
msgid "DependsOn"
msgstr "DépendDe"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSort:84
msgid "Desc"
msgstr "Desc"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectSortOrder:58
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "Décroissant"
#: share/html/SelfService/Create.html:108 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:173 share/html/m/ticket/create:268
msgid "Describe the issue below"
msgstr "Décrivez la situation ci-dessous"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:66 share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:60 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:61 share/html/Admin/Elements/AddCustomFieldValue:55 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:62 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:59 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:57 share/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate:54 share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:70 share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:63 share/html/Elements/RT__Class/ColumnMap:65 share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:82 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:92 share/html/Elements/RT__Template/ColumnMap:66 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:56
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:212
msgid "Detailed information about your RT setup"
msgstr "Informations détaillées de votre installation RT"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:457
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:50
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Orientation"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:63 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:63
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Désactivé"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:517 share/html/Elements/Tabs:780 share/html/Elements/Tabs:796 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:71
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Afficher"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:96 lib/RT/Queue.pm:94
msgid "Display Access Control List"
msgstr "Afficher la liste des droits"
#: share/html/SelfService/Article/Display.html:48
#. ($id)
msgid "Display Article %1"
msgstr "Afficher l'article %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions:51
msgid "Display Columns"
msgstr "Afficher les colonnes"
msgid "Display Scrip templates for this queue"
msgstr "Afficher les modèles de Scrips pour cette file"
msgid "Display Scrips for this queue"
msgstr "Afficher les Scrips pour cette file"
msgid "Display saved searches for this group"
msgstr "Afficher les recherches sauvegardées de ce groupe"
#: share/html/Elements/Footer:59
#. ('', '')
msgid "Distributed under %1version 2 of the GNU GPL%2."
msgstr "Distribué selon la %1version 2 de la GNU GPL%2"
msgid "Distributed under %1version 2 of the GNU GPL%2."
msgstr "Distribué selon la %1version 2 de la GNU GPL%2"
msgid "Distributed under version 2 of the GNU GPL."
msgstr "Distribué selon les termes de la version 2 de la licence GNU GPL."
#: lib/RT/System.pm:80
msgid "Do anything and everything"
msgstr "Faire tout et n'importe quoi"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:212
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr "Nom de domaine"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:213
msgid "Don't include http://, just something like 'localhost', 'rt.example.com'"
msgstr "Ne pas inclure http://, juste quelquechose comme 'localhost', 'rt.example.com'"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:323
msgid "Don't refresh home page."
msgstr "Ne pas actualiser le page d'accueil."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:293
msgid "Don't refresh search results."
msgstr "Ne pas rafraîchir les résultats de recherche."
#: share/html/Elements/Refresh:53
msgid "Don't refresh this page."
msgstr "Ne pas actualiser cette page."
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2222
msgid "Don't trust this key at all"
msgstr "Ne pas du tout faire confiance à cette clefs"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:67
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Télécharger"
msgid "Download as a tab-delimited file"
msgstr "Télécharger en tant que fichier délimité par tabulations"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/DumpFileLink:49
msgid "Download dumpfile"
msgstr "Télécharger le fichier dump"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:83
msgid "Dropdown"
msgstr "Liste déroulante"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:934 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:128 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:203 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:236 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:55 share/html/Elements/ShowReminders:52 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:240 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditDates:68 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:130 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:150 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:80 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:66 share/html/m/ticket/create:415 share/html/m/ticket/show:389
msgid "Due"
msgstr "Échéance"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "DueRelative"
msgstr "ÉchéanceDepuis"
#: share/html/Install/Initialize.html:131 share/html/Install/Initialize.html:94
#. ($msg)
msgid "ERROR: %1"
msgstr "ERREUR: %1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:423
msgid "Easy updating of your open tickets"
msgstr "Mise à jour facile de vos tickets ouverts"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:430
msgid "Easy viewing of your reminders"
msgstr "Accès rapide à vos rappels"
#: share/html/Elements/Dashboards:51 share/html/Elements/Quicksearch:52 share/html/Elements/ShowSearch:51 share/html/Elements/Tabs:810 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:127
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:168
msgid "Edit Custom Fields"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/CustomFields.html:59 share/html/Admin/Users/CustomFields.html:61
#. ($Object->Name)
msgid "Edit Custom Fields for %1"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés pour %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Groups.html:53
msgid "Edit Custom Fields for all groups"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés pour tous les groupes"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queues.html:53
msgid "Edit Custom Fields for all queues"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés pour toutes les files"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Users.html:53
msgid "Edit Custom Fields for all users"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés pour tous les utilisateurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Class-Article.html:52
msgid "Edit Custom Fields for articles in all classes"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés des articles dans toutes les classes"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Tickets.html:53 share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Transactions.html:53
msgid "Edit Custom Fields for tickets in all queues"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés pour les tickets de toutes les files"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:208 share/html/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html:59
msgid "Edit Links"
msgstr "Modifier les liens"
#: share/html/Search/Edit.html:66
msgid "Edit Query"
msgstr "Modifier la requête"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:722
msgid "Edit Search"
msgstr "Mod. recherche"
msgid "Edit Templates for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier les modèles pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Topics.html:56
msgid "Edit global topic hierarchy"
msgstr "Modifier la hierrarchie globale des rubriques"
msgid "Edit saved searches for this group"
msgstr "Modifier les recherches sauvées du groupe"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:115
msgid "Edit system templates"
msgstr "Modifier les modèles système"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Topics.html:60
#. ($ClassObj->Name)
msgid "Edit topic hierarchy for %1"
msgstr "Modifier la hierarchie des rubriques pour %1"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:97
msgid "EditSavedSearches"
msgstr "ModifierRecherchesSaugardées"
msgid "Editable text"
msgstr "Texte modifiable"
msgid "Editing Configuration for Class %1"
msgstr "Modifier la configuration de la classe %1"
msgid "Editing Configuration for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier la configuration de la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:190 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:122
#. ($CustomFieldObj->Name)
#. ($CustomFieldObj->Name())
msgid "Editing CustomField %1"
msgstr "Modifier le champ personnalisé %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:55
#. ($Group->Name)
msgid "Editing membership for group %1"
msgstr "Modifier les membres du groupe %1"
msgid "Editing membership for personal group %1"
msgstr "Modifier les membres du groupe personnel %1"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:106 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:148
msgid "EffectiveId"
msgstr "IdEffectif"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1307 lib/RT/Record.pm:1386 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2414 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2507
msgid "Either base or target must be specified"
msgstr "La base ou la cible doivent être spécifiées"
#: share/html/Elements/ShowSearch:67
#. ($SavedSearch)
msgid "Either you have no rights to view saved search %1 or identifier is incorrect"
msgstr "Soit vous n'avez pas les droits pour voire la recherche sauvée %1, soit votre identifiant est incorrect"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:72 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:79 share/html/User/Prefs.html:65
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Courriel"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:76
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Adresse de courriel"
msgid "Email Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration de l'envoi de courriels"
#: etc/initialdata:478 etc/upgrade/3.7.85/content:4
msgid "Email Digest"
msgstr "Compilation de courriels"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:568
msgid "Email address in use"
msgstr "Adresse de courriel utilisée"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:480
msgid "Email delivery"
msgstr "Distribution des courriels"
#: etc/initialdata:479 etc/upgrade/3.7.85/content:5
msgid "Email template for periodic notification digests"
msgstr "Modèle de courriel pour les envois périodiques (compilation) des notifications"
msgid "EmailAddress"
msgstr "Adresse de courriel"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:63 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:63
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activé"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:71
msgid "Enabled (Unchecking this box disables this class)"
msgstr "Activé (décocher cette case désactive cette classe)"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:136 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:74
msgid "Enabled (Unchecking this box disables this custom field)"
msgstr "Activé (Décocher cette case désactive ce champ personnalisé)"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:86
msgid "Enabled (Unchecking this box disables this group)"
msgstr "Activé (Décocher cette case désactive ce groupe)"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:125
msgid "Enabled (Unchecking this box disables this queue)"
msgstr "Activé (Décocher cette case désactive cette file)"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:80
msgid "Enabled Classes"
msgstr "Classes actives"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:111
msgid "Enabled Queues"
msgstr "Files actives"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:99
msgid "Enabled queues matching search criteria"
msgstr "Files actives correspondants au critère de recherche"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:161 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:138
#. (loc_fuzzy($msg))
msgid "Enabled status %1"
msgstr "État %1 activé"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget:58 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:84 share/html/Ticket/GnuPG.html:58
msgid "Encrypt"
msgstr "Chiffrer"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:120
msgid "Encrypt by default"
msgstr "Chiffrer par défaut"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction:235
msgid "Encrypt/Decrypt"
msgstr "Chiffrer/Déchiffrer"
#: share/html/Ticket/GnuPG.html:99
#. ($id, $txn->Ticket)
msgid "Encrypt/Decrypt transaction #%1 of ticket #%2"
msgstr "Chiffrer/Déchiffrer la transaction #%1 du ticket #%2"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:621
msgid "Encrypting disabled"
msgstr "Chiffrement désactivé"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:620
msgid "Encrypting enabled"
msgstr "Chiffrement activé"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditLinks:50
msgid "Enter articles, tickets, or other URLs related to this article."
msgstr "Saisir des articles, tickets ou d'autres URLs en rapport avec cet article"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:187
msgid "Enter multiple IP address ranges"
msgstr "Saisir plusieurs plages d'adresses IP"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:178
msgid "Enter multiple IP addresses"
msgstr "Saisir plusieurs adresses IP"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:93
msgid "Enter multiple values"
msgstr "Saisir plusieurs valeurs"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:149
msgid "Enter multiple values with autocompletion"
msgstr "Saisir plusieurs valeurs avec complétion automatique"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:128
msgid "Enter objects or URIs to link objects to. Separate multiple entries with spaces."
msgstr "Saisir les objets ou les URI pour y lier les objets. Séparer les saisies par des espaces."
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:179
msgid "Enter one IP address"
msgstr "Saisir une adresse IP"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:188
msgid "Enter one IP address range"
msgstr "Saisir une plage d'adresses IP"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:94
msgid "Enter one value"
msgstr "Saisir une seule valeur"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:150
msgid "Enter one value with autocompletion"
msgstr "Saisir une valeur avec complétion automatique"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:125
msgid "Enter queues or URIs to link queues to. Separate multiple entries with spaces."
msgstr "Saisir des noms de files ou des URI pour lier aux files. Séparer les saisies avec des espaces."
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:120 share/html/Search/Bulk.html:209 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:123
msgid "Enter tickets or URIs to link tickets to. Separate multiple entries with spaces."
msgstr "Saisir des n° de tickets ou des URI pour lier aux tickets. Séparer les saisies par des espaces."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:280
msgid "Enter time in hours by default"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:189
msgid "Enter up to %1 IP address ranges"
msgstr "Saisir au maximum %1 plage(s) d'adresses IP"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:180
msgid "Enter up to %1 IP addresses"
msgstr "Saisir au maximum %1 adresse(s) IP"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:95
msgid "Enter up to %1 values"
msgstr "Saisir au plus %1 valeurs"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:151
msgid "Enter up to %1 values with autocompletion"
msgstr "Saisir jusqu'à %1 valeurs avec complétion automatique"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:77
#. (map { "$_" } qw(initial active inactive any))
msgid "Entering %1, %2, %3, or %4 limits results to tickets with one of the respective types of statuses. Any individual status name limits results to just the statuses named."
msgstr ""
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:103 share/html/Elements/Login:54 share/html/Install/Elements/Errors:49 share/html/SelfService/Error.html:48 share/html/SelfService/Error.html:49 share/html/m/login:85
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
msgid "Error in parameters to Queue->AddWatcher"
msgstr "Erreur de paramètres pour Queue->AddWatcher"
msgid "Error in parameters to Queue->DeleteWatcher"
msgstr "Erreur dans les paramètre de Queue->DeleteWatcher"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1090
msgid "Error in parameters to Ticket->AddWatcher"
msgstr "Erreur de paramètres pour Ticket->AddWatcher"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1244
msgid "Error in parameters to Ticket->DeleteWatcher"
msgstr "Erreur dans les paramètres de Ticket->DeleteWatcher"
#: etc/initialdata:426 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:13
msgid "Error to RT owner: public key"
msgstr "Erreur au propriétaire RT: clef publique"
#: etc/initialdata:488 etc/upgrade/3.7.87/content:4
msgid "Error: Missing dashboard"
msgstr "Erreur: tableau de bord manquant"
#: etc/initialdata:451 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:38
msgid "Error: bad GnuPG data"
msgstr "Erreur: mauvaises données GnuPG"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:202
msgid "Error: cannot change privacy value of existing search"
msgstr "Erreur : impossible de changer la confidentialité de la recherche"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:165
#. ($ARGS{'LoadSavedSearch'}, $msg)
msgid "Error: could not load saved search %1: %2"
msgstr "Erreur : impossible de charger la recherche sauvée %1 : %2"
#: etc/initialdata:439 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:26
msgid "Error: no private key"
msgstr "Erreur: pas de clefs privée"
#: etc/initialdata:417 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:4
msgid "Error: public key"
msgstr "Erreur: clefs publique"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:217
#. ($search->Name, $msg)
msgid "Error: search %1 not updated: %2"
msgstr "Erreur : recherche %1 non mise à jour : %2"
#: bin/rt-crontool:385
msgid "Escalate tickets"
msgstr "Échelonner les tickets"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:59 share/html/m/ticket/show:224
msgid "Estimated"
msgstr "Estimé"
#: lib/RT/Handle.pm:661
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Tout le monde"
msgid "Examine tickets created in a queue between two dates"
msgstr "Éxaminer les tickets créés dans une file entre deux dates"
msgid "Examine tickets resolved in a queue between two dates"
msgstr "Éxaminer les tickets résolus dans une file entre deux dates"
msgid "Examine tickets resolved in a queue, grouped by owner"
msgstr "Éxaminer les tickets résolus dans une file, groupés par intervenant"
#: bin/rt-crontool:371
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Exemple :"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:88
msgid "ExecuteCode"
msgstr "ÉxécuterCode"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:63
msgid "Expire"
msgstr "Expire"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "ExtendedStatus"
msgstr "StatutÉtendu"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:959
msgid "External authentication enabled."
msgstr "Authentification externe activée"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:97
msgid "Extra info"
msgstr "Info supplémentaire"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:618
msgid "Extract Article"
msgstr "Extraire un article"
#: etc/initialdata:98 etc/upgrade/3.8.3/content:75
msgid "Extract Subject Tag"
msgstr "Extraire la marque de sujet"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoClass.html:48 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoTopic.html:48
#. ($Ticket)
msgid "Extract a new article from ticket #%1"
msgstr "Extraire un nouvel article du ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:48
#. ($Ticket, $ClassObj->Name)
msgid "Extract article from ticket #%1 into class %2"
msgstr "Extraire un article du ticket n°%1 dans la classe %2"
#: etc/initialdata:99 etc/upgrade/3.8.3/content:76
msgid "Extract tags from a Transaction's subject and add them to the Ticket's subject."
msgstr "Extraire la marque du sujet d'une transaction et l'ajouter au sujet tu ticket."
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:187
#. ($DBI::errstr)
msgid "Failed to connect to database: %1"
msgstr "Échec lors de la connexion à la base de données: %1"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:217
#. ($self->ObjectName)
msgid "Failed to create %1 attribute"
msgstr "Impossible de créer l'attribut %1"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:319
msgid "Failed to find 'Privileged' users pseudogroup."
msgstr "Recherche du pseudo groupe d'utilisateurs 'Privilégiés' infructueuse."
#: lib/RT/User.pm:326
msgid "Failed to find 'Unprivileged' users pseudogroup"
msgstr "Recherche du pseudo groupe d'utilisateurs 'non-privilégiés' infructueuse"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:122
#. ($self->ObjectName, $id)
msgid "Failed to load %1 %2"
msgstr "Échec pour charger %1 %2"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:146
#. ($self->ObjectName, $id, $msg)
msgid "Failed to load %1 %2: %3"
msgstr "Échec pour charger %1 %2: %3"
msgid "Failed to load attribute %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'attribut %1"
#: bin/rt-crontool:307
#. ($modname, $@)
msgid "Failed to load module %1. (%2)"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le module %1. (%2)"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:201
#. ($privacy)
msgid "Failed to load object for %1"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'objet pour %1"
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:166
msgid "Failed to load template"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le modèle"
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:174
msgid "Failed to parse template"
msgstr "Impossible d'analyser le modèle"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:92
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fév"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Février"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:733
msgid "Feeds"
msgstr "Sources"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:62
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Champ"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:84
msgid "Field values source:"
msgstr "Source pour les valeurs de ce champs:"
msgid "FileName"
msgstr "Nom de fichier"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:135 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Attachment:53 share/html/Elements/SelectAttachmentField:54
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "NomFichier"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/PluginArguments:52
msgid "Fill arguments"
msgstr "Remplissez les champs"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:81
msgid "Fill boxes with color using"
msgstr "Utiliser une couleur de fond par"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:102
msgid "Fill in multiple text areas"
msgstr "Saisir dans plusieurs champs de type texte"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:111
msgid "Fill in multiple wikitext areas"
msgstr "Saisir plusieurs champs de type wiki"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:103
msgid "Fill in one text area"
msgstr "Saisir dans un champ de type texte"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:112
msgid "Fill in one wikitext area"
msgstr "Saisir un champ de type wiki"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:107 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:115
msgid "Fill in this field with a URL."
msgstr "Saisir une URL."
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:104
msgid "Fill in up to %1 text areas"
msgstr "Saisir au plus %1 champs de type texte"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:113
msgid "Fill in up to %1 wikitext areas"
msgstr "Saisir au plus %1 champs de type wiki"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2280 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:188 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:211 share/html/m/ticket/create:378
msgid "Final Priority"
msgstr "Priorité finale"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:925 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:109 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:142 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "FinalPriority"
msgstr "PrioritéFinale"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:83
msgid "Find all users whose"
msgstr "Trouver tous les utilisateurs dont"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:74 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:78 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:57
msgid "Find groups whose"
msgstr "Trouver les groupes dont"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:74 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:53
msgid "Find people whose"
msgstr "Trouver les gens dont"
#: share/html/Search/Results.html:135
msgid "Find tickets"
msgstr "Rechercher des tickets"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:58
msgid "Fingerprint"
msgstr "Empreinte"
#: share/html/Install/Finish.html:48 share/html/Install/Global.html:64
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Terminer"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:636
msgid "First"
msgstr "Premier"
msgid "Foo Bar Baz"
msgstr "Foo Bar Baz"
msgid "Foo!"
msgstr "Foo !"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:91
#. ($link_start, $link_end)
msgid "For the full power of RT's searches, please visit the %1search builder interface%2."
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:84
msgid "Force change"
msgstr "Forcer la modification"
#: share/html/Search/Edit.html:59 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:52
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"
#: etc/initialdata:402 etc/upgrade/3.7.15/content:4 share/html/Elements/Tabs:563 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction:222
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Transfert"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:78
msgid "Forward Message"
msgstr "Transférer le message"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:77
msgid "Forward Message and Return"
msgstr "Transférer le message et revenir"
#: etc/initialdata:409 etc/upgrade/3.8.6/content:3
msgid "Forward Ticket"
msgstr "Transférer un ticket"
msgid "Forward message"
msgstr "Transférer un message"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:121
msgid "Forward messages outside of RT"
msgstr "Transférer des messages en dehors de RT"
msgid "Forward messages to third person(s)"
msgstr "Transférer les messages à des personnes externes"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:113
#. ($TicketObj->id)
msgid "Forward ticket #%1"
msgstr "Transférer le ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:112
#. ($txn->id)
msgid "Forward transaction #%1"
msgstr "Transférer la transaction n°%1"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:121
msgid "ForwardMessage"
msgstr "TransférerUnMessage"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:668
#. ($self->Data)
msgid "Forwarded Ticket to %1"
msgstr "Ticket transféré à %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:665
#. ($self->Field, $self->Data)
msgid "Forwarded Transaction #%1 to %2"
msgstr "Transaction n°%1 transférée à %2"
#: share/html/Search/Results.html:133 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_list:83
#. ($ticketcount)
#. ($collection->CountAll)
msgid "Found %quant(%1,ticket)"
msgstr "Trouvé %quant(%1,ticket)"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:962
msgid "Found Object"
msgstr "Objet trouvé"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:92
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Fréquence"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:111
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Ven"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:110
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vendredi"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:60
msgid "From"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full headers"
msgstr "En-têtes complets"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:67
msgid "GD is disabled or not installed. You can upload an image, but you won't get automatic color suggestions."
msgstr "GD est désactivé ou n'est pas installé. Vous pouvez charger une image, mais vous n'aurez pas la suggestion automatique des couleurs."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:192 lib/RT/Config.pm:285
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:91
msgid "General rights"
msgstr "Permissions générales"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:84
msgid "Get template from file"
msgstr "Obtenir le modèle à partir d'un fichier"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:76
msgid "Getting started"
msgstr "Pour commencer"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:756 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:898 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:910
#. ($New->Name)
msgid "Given to %1"
msgstr "Donné à %1"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:93 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:64 share/html/Elements/RT__Template/ColumnMap:74 share/html/Elements/Tabs:100
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Global"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:193
msgid "Global Attributes"
msgstr "Attributs globaux"
msgid "Global Custom Fields"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés globaux"
#: share/html/Articles/Topics.html:76
msgid "Global Topics"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:61
msgid "Global custom field configuration"
msgstr "Configuration globale des champs personnalisés"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:102
#. ($pane)
msgid "Global portlet %1 saved."
msgstr "Portlet global %1 sauvé."
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate:55
#. (loc($Template->Name))
msgid "Global template: %1"
msgstr "Modèle global : %1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:308
msgid "GnuPG"
msgstr "GnuPG"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:739 lib/RT/Attachment.pm:774
msgid "GnuPG error. Contact with administrator"
msgstr "Erreur GnuPG. Contactez votre administrateur"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:694 lib/RT/Attachment.pm:756
msgid "GnuPG integration is disabled"
msgstr "Support GnuPG désactivé"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/KeyIssues:49
msgid "GnuPG issues"
msgstr "Problèmes GnuPG"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:91
#. ($EmailAddress)
msgid "GnuPG private key(s) for %1"
msgstr "Clefs privée(s) GnuPG pour %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:134 share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:144
msgid "GnuPG private keys"
msgstr "Clefs privées GnuPG"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:89
#. ($EmailAddress)
msgid "GnuPG public key(s) for %1"
msgstr "Clefs publiques GnuPG pour %1"
#: share/html/m/_elements/menu:67
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Go"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:55
msgid "Go to group"
msgstr "Aller au groupe"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:60
msgid "Go to user"
msgstr "Aller à l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:69 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/index.html:86 share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:76 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:76 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:80 share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:88 share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:87 share/html/Approvals/index.html:54 share/html/Elements/RefreshHomepage:52 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:55 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:59 share/html/Tools/Offline.html:88
msgid "Go!"
msgstr "Go !"
#: share/html/SelfService/Elements/GotoTicket:49 share/html/SelfService/Elements/GotoTicket:49
msgid "Goto Ticket"
msgstr "Aller au ticket"
#: share/html/Elements/GotoTicket:49
msgid "Goto ticket"
msgstr "Aller au ticket"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:90 share/html/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html:58
msgid "Graph"
msgstr "Graphique"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:48
msgid "Graph Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés du graphique"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/Chart:98
msgid "Graphical charts are not available."
msgstr "Les graphiques ne sont pas disponibles."
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:942 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:69 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowGroupMembers:60
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Groupe"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:185 share/html/Elements/Tabs:289 share/html/Elements/Tabs:323 share/html/Elements/Tabs:337 share/html/Elements/Tabs:367
msgid "Group Rights"
msgstr "Droits de groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:928
#. ($new_member_obj->Object->Name)
msgid "Group already has member: %1"
msgstr "Le groupe à déjà le membre: %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:112
#. ($create_msg)
msgid "Group could not be created: %1"
msgstr "Le groupe %1 ne peut être créé"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:477
msgid "Group created"
msgstr "Groupe ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:695
msgid "Group disabled"
msgstr "Groupe désactivé"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:697
msgid "Group enabled"
msgstr "Groupe activé"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:1084
msgid "Group has no such member"
msgstr "Un tel membre n'appartient pas au groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:532
#. ($value)
msgid "Group name '%1' is already in use"
msgstr "Le nom de groupe '%1' est déjà utilisé"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:908 lib/RT/Queue.pm:1017 lib/RT/Queue.pm:944 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1138 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1216
msgid "Group not found"
msgstr "Groupe introuvable"
msgid "Group rights"
msgstr "Droits du groupe"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1601 share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:71 share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:88 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:102 share/html/Elements/Tabs:132 share/html/Elements/Tabs:241 share/html/Elements/Tabs:74
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Groupes"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:934
msgid "Groups can't be members of their members"
msgstr "Les groupes ne peuvent pas être membres de leurs membres"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:107
msgid "Groups matching search criteria"
msgstr "Groupes correspondant au critère de recherche"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Memberships.html:56
msgid "Groups the user is member of (check box to delete)"
msgstr "Groupes dont cet utilisateur est membre (cocher pour supprimer)"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Memberships.html:70
msgid "Groups the user is not member of (check box to add)"
msgstr "Groupes dont cet utilisateur n'est pas membre (cocher pour ajouter)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:123
msgid "Groups this user belongs to"
msgstr "Cet utilisateur appartient aux groupes"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:121
msgid "HasMember"
msgstr "ÀCommeMembre"
#: etc/initialdata:410 etc/upgrade/3.8.6/content:4
msgid "Heading of a forwarded Ticket"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:403 etc/upgrade/3.7.15/content:5
msgid "Heading of a forwarded message"
msgstr "En-tête d'un message Transféré"
#: lib/RT/Interface/CLI.pm:82 lib/RT/Interface/CLI.pm:82
msgid "Hello!"
msgstr "Bonjour !"
msgid "Hello, %1"
msgstr "Bonjour, %1"
#: share/html/Install/Global.html:52
msgid "Help us set up some useful defaults for RT."
msgstr "Aidez-nous à mettre en place une liste de valeurs par défaut pour RT."
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory:64
msgid "Hide all quoted text"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/FoldStanzaJS:50
msgid "Hide quoted text"
msgstr "Cacher le texte cité"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:361
msgid "Hide ticket history by default"
msgstr "Cacher l'historique du ticket par défaut"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:305 share/html/Elements/Tabs:325 share/html/Elements/Tabs:518 share/html/Elements/Tabs:781 share/html/Elements/Tabs:797 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory:55 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_menu:64
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historique"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/History.html:52
#. ($id)
msgid "History for article #%1"
msgstr "Historique de l'article n°%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/History.html:59
#. ($GroupObj->Name)
msgid "History of the group %1"
msgstr "Historique du groupe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/History.html:59
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "History of the queue %1"
msgstr "Historique de la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/History.html:59
#. ($UserObj->Name)
msgid "History of the user %1"
msgstr "Historique de l'utilisateur %1"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:86
msgid "Home Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone personnel"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:320
msgid "Home page refresh interval"
msgstr "Intervalle d'actualisation de la page d'accueil"
msgid "HomePhone"
msgstr "Téléphone personnel"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:380 share/html/m/_elements/header:67
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:138
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Heure"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectTimeUnits:53
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Heures"
#: lib/RT/Base.pm:125
#. (6)
msgid "I have %quant(%1,concrete mixer)."
msgstr "J'ai %quant(%1, toupie à béton)."
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:117
msgid "ISO"
msgstr "ISO"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2211 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:50 share/html/m/ticket/show:215
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Identifiant"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:63 share/html/User/Prefs.html:60
msgid "Identity"
msgstr "Identité"
#: lib/RT/Approval/Rule/Rejected.pm:54
msgid "If an approval is rejected, reject the original and delete pending approvals"
msgstr "Si une approbation est refusée, rejette l'original et supprime les approbations en attente"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:73
msgid "If no Requestor is specified, create tickets with this requestor."
msgstr "Si aucun demandeur n'est spécifié, créer les tickets pour ce demandeur."
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:64
msgid "If no queue is specified, create tickets in this queue."
msgstr "Si aucune file n'est spécifiée, créer les tickets dans cette file."
#: bin/rt-crontool:367
msgid "If this tool were setgid, a hostile local user could use this tool to gain administrative access to RT."
msgstr "Si cet outil était setgid, un utilisateur local mal intentionné pourrait l'utiliser pour obtenir un accès administrateur à RT."
#: share/html/Install/index.html:83
msgid "If you already have a working RT server and database, you should take this opportunity to make sure that your database server is running and that the RT server can connect to it. Once you've done that, stop and start the RT server."
msgstr "Si vous avez déjà un serveur et une base de données RT fonctionnelle, vous devriez saisir cette opportunité pour être certain que votre serveur de base de données est en fonctionnement et que le serveur RT peut s'y connecter. Une fois ceci fait, arrêtez et redémarrez le serveur RT.
msgid "If you already have a working RT server and database, you should take this opportunity to make sure that your database server is running and that the RT server can connect to it. Once you've done that, stop and start the RT server."
msgstr "Si vous avez déjà un serveur et une base de données RT fonctionnelle, vous devriez saisir cette opportunité pour être certain que votre serveur de base de données est en fonctionnement et que le serveur RT peut s'y connecter. Une fois ceci fait, arrêtez et redémarrez le serveur RT."
msgid "If you've change the Port that RT runs on, you'll need to restart the server in order to log in."
msgstr "Si vous avez changez le port sur lequel RT est lancé, vous devez redémarrer le serveur pour pouvoir vous connecter."
#: share/html/Install/Finish.html:60
msgid "If you've changed the Port that RT runs on, you'll need to restart the server in order to log in."
msgstr "Si vous avez changé le port utilisé par RT, vous devrez redémarrer le serveur pour pouvoir vous identifier."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:124 share/html/Ticket/Modify.html:64 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:128 share/html/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html:76
msgid "If you've updated anything above, be sure to"
msgstr "Si vous avez fait une modification, assurez vous de"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:61
#. ('CPAN')
msgid "If your preferred database isn't listed in the dropdown below, that means RT couldn't find a database driver for it installed locally. You may be able to remedy this by using %1 to download and install DBD::MySQL, DBD::Oracle or DBD::Pg."
msgstr "Si votre base de données préférées n'est pas listée ci-dessous, celà signifie que RT ne peut pas trouver un pilote de base de données installé pour celle-ci. Vous pouvez remédier à ceci en utilisant %1 pour télécharger et installer DBD::MySQL, DBD::Oracle ou DBD::Pg."
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:954
msgid "Illegal value for %1"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour %1"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:957
msgid "Immutable field"
msgstr "Champ non modifiable"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:165
msgid "Inactive Tickets"
msgstr "Tickets inactifs"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:59
msgid "Include Article:"
msgstr "Inclure l'article :"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:68
msgid "Include disabled classes in listing."
msgstr "Inclure les classes désactivées dans la liste."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/index.html:81
msgid "Include disabled custom fields in listing."
msgstr "Inclure les champs personnalisés désactivés dans la liste."
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:75
msgid "Include disabled groups in listing."
msgstr "Inclure les groupes inactifs dans le listage."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:87
msgid "Include disabled queues in listing."
msgstr "Afficher les files inactives."
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:85
msgid "Include disabled users in search."
msgstr "Inclure les utilisateurs désactivés dans le résultat."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:111
msgid "Include page"
msgstr "Inclure la page"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:140
msgid "Include subtopics"
msgstr "Inclure les sous-rubriques"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:482
msgid "Individual messages"
msgstr "Messages individuels"
#: etc/initialdata:428 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:15
msgid "Inform RT owner that user(s) have problems with public keys"
msgstr "Informer le propriétaire RT que les utilisateurs ont un problème avec les clefs publiques"
#: etc/initialdata:490 etc/upgrade/3.7.87/content:6
msgid "Inform user that a dashboard he subscribed to is missing"
msgstr "Informer l'utilisateur que le tableau de bord souscrit est manquant"
#: etc/initialdata:453 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:40
msgid "Inform user that a message he sent has invalid GnuPG data"
msgstr "Informer l'utilisateur qu'un message qu'il a envoyé contient des données GnuPG invalides"
#: etc/initialdata:419 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:6
msgid "Inform user that he has problems with public key and couldn't recieve encrypted content"
msgstr "Informer un utilisateur qu'il a des problèmes avec sa clefs publique et qu'il ne peut recevoir de documents chiffrés"
#: etc/initialdata:465
msgid "Inform user that his password has been reset"
msgstr "Informer l'utilisateur que sont mot de passe a été réinitialisé"
#: etc/initialdata:441 etc/upgrade/3.7.10/content:28
msgid "Inform user that we received an encrypted email and we have no private keys to decrypt"
msgstr "Informer l'utilisateur qu'il a reçu un courriel chiffré et que nous n'avons pas de clefs privées pour déchiffrer"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2257 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:187
msgid "Initial Priority"
msgstr "Priorité initiale"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:924 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:926 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:108 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:136 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "InitialPriority"
msgstr "PrioritéInitiale"
#: share/html/Install/Global.html:64 share/html/Install/Initialize.html:48 share/html/Install/Initialize.html:61
msgid "Initialize Database"
msgstr "Initialisation de la base"
#: share/html/Elements/ValidateCustomFields:91
msgid "Input can not be parsed as an IP address"
msgstr "Le texte saisi ne correspond pas à une adresse IP"
#: share/html/Elements/ValidateCustomFields:102
msgid "Input can not be parsed as an IP address range"
msgstr "Le texte saisi ne correspond pas à une plage d'adresses IP"
#: lib/RT/ScripAction.pm:131
msgid "Input error"
msgstr "Erreur à l'entrée"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1393 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1554 share/html/Elements/ValidateCustomFields:112
#. ($CF->FriendlyPattern)
#. ($self->FriendlyPattern)
msgid "Input must match %1"
msgstr "La valeur saisie doit correspondre à %1"
msgid "Install RT"
msgstr "Installer RT"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:281 lib/RT/Article.pm:290 lib/RT/Article.pm:299 lib/RT/Article.pm:308 lib/RT/Article.pm:317 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3402
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Erreur interne"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:321
#. ($id->{error_message})
msgid "Internal Error: %1"
msgstr "Erreur interne : %1"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:211
#. ($txn_msg)
msgid "Internal error: %1"
msgstr "Erreur interne : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:127
#. ($type)
msgid "Invalid %1"
msgstr "%1 invalide"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:168
#. ('LoadSavedSearch')
msgid "Invalid %1 argument"
msgstr "Argument %1 invalide"
#: share/html/Install/Global.html:89 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:92
#. ($_, $ARGS{$_})
#. ('Administrator Email', $ARGS{OwnerEmail})
msgid "Invalid %1: '%2' doesn't look like an email address"
msgstr "%1 invalide: '%2' ne semble pas être une adresse de courriel"
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:81
#. ('WebPort')
msgid "Invalid %1: it should be a number"
msgstr "%1 invalide: ceci devrait être un nombre"
msgid "Invalid %1: that doesn't look like an email address"
msgstr "%1 invalide: ceci ne semble pas être une adresse de courriel"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:108
msgid "Invalid Class"
msgstr "Classe invalide"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:373 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:683
msgid "Invalid Custom Field values source"
msgstr "Source de valeurs de champs personnalisé invalide"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:602
msgid "Invalid Group Type"
msgstr "Type de groupe invalide"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:396
#. ($msg)
msgid "Invalid Queue, unable to apply Class: %1"
msgstr "File invalide, impossible d'appliquer la classe : %1"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:362
msgid "Invalid Render Type"
msgstr "Type d'affichage invalide"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1020
#. ($self->FriendlyType)
msgid "Invalid Render Type for custom field of type %1"
msgstr "Type d'affichage infalide pour un champs personnalisé de type %1"
msgid "Invalid Right"
msgstr "Droit invalide"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:959
msgid "Invalid data"
msgstr "Données invalides"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:413
msgid "Invalid lifecycle name"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1386
msgid "Invalid object"
msgstr "Objet invalide"
msgid "Invalid owner object"
msgstr "Objet intervenant invalide"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:347 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:779
#. ($msg)
msgid "Invalid pattern: %1"
msgstr "Motif invalide : %1"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:138 lib/RT/Template.pm:227
msgid "Invalid queue"
msgstr "File invalide"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:831
#. ($args{Type})
msgid "Invalid queue role group type %1"
msgstr "Role %1 invalide pour la file"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:275
msgid "Invalid right"
msgstr "Droit invalide"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:140 lib/RT/ACE.pm:263
#. ($args{'RightName'})
msgid "Invalid right. Couldn't canonicalize right '%1'"
msgstr "Permission invalide. Impossible de résoudre la permission '%1'"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:558
msgid "Invalid syntax for email address"
msgstr "Syntaxe invalide de l'adresse de courriel"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:289 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:397
#. ($key)
#. (loc('owner'))
msgid "Invalid value for %1"
msgstr "File invalide pour %1"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1619
msgid "Invalid value for custom field"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour le champ personnalisé"
msgid "Invalid value for status"
msgstr "Valeur de statut invalide"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:766
msgid "Is not encrypted"
msgstr "N'est pas chiffré"
#: bin/rt-crontool:368
msgid "It is incredibly important that nonprivileged users not be allowed to run this tool."
msgstr "Il est extrêmement important que les utilisateurs non autorisés n'aient pas accès à cet outil."
#: bin/rt-crontool:369
msgid "It is suggested that you create a non-privileged unix user with the correct group membership and RT access to run this tool."
msgstr "Il est suggéré de créer un utilisateur Unix non privilégié appartenant au bon groupe et ayant accès à RT pour utiliser cet outil."
#: bin/rt-crontool:329
msgid "It takes several arguments:"
msgstr "Il faut plusieurs paramètres :"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:97
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Italique"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:91
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Janvier"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:96
msgid "Join or leave group"
msgstr "Joindre ou quiter un groupe"
msgid "Join or leave this group"
msgstr "Rejoignez ou quittez ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:97
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Jui"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juillet"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:547
msgid "Jumbo"
msgstr "Tout"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:96
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Juin"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juin"
msgid "Keep 'localhost' if you're not sure"
msgstr "Conservez 'localhost' si vous n'êtes pas sûr"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:80
msgid "Keep 'localhost' if you're not sure. Leave blank to connect locally over a socket"
msgstr "Garder 'localhost' si vous n'êtes pas sûr. Laissez vide pour vous connecter localement via un socket."
#: lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm:88
#. (ref $self)
msgid "Keyword and intuition-based searching"
msgstr "Recherche intelligente par mots clefs"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:92 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:141 share/html/Install/index.html:56 share/html/User/Prefs.html:76
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Langue"
msgid "Language."
msgstr "Langue."
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:88
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Grande"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:645
msgid "Last"
msgstr "Dernier"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditDates:61 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:62 share/html/m/ticket/show:385
msgid "Last Contact"
msgstr "Dernier contact"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:52
msgid "Last Contacted"
msgstr "Date dernier contact"
#: share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:81 share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:86 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:53
msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Date dernière MAJ"
#: share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:91
msgid "Last Updated By"
msgstr "Dernière MAJ Par"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:107
msgid "Last updated"
msgstr "Dernière mise à jour"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:116
msgid "Last updated by"
msgstr "Dernière MAJ par"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:130 share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:85 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "LastUpdated"
msgstr "DateDernièreMAJ"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:154 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:104 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "LastUpdatedBy"
msgstr "DernièreMAJPar"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "LastUpdatedRelative"
msgstr "DernièreMAJDepuis"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:174
#. ($session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->EmailAddress)
msgid "Leave blank to send to your current email address (%1)"
msgstr "Laisser vide pour envoyer à votre adresse courriel courante (%1)"
msgid "Leave empty to use default value of the RDBMS"
msgstr "Laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur par défaut du serveur"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:90
msgid "Leave empty to use the default value for your database"
msgstr "Laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur par défaut pour votre base de données"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:103
msgid "Leave this alone to use the default dba username for your database type"
msgstr "Laisser ceci pour utiliser l'identifiant dba par defaut pour votre type de base de données"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:71 share/html/m/ticket/show:236
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Restant"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/ShowLegends:48
msgid "Legends"
msgstr "Légendes"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:343
msgid "Length in characters; Use '0' to show all messages inline, regardless of length"
msgstr "Longueur en caractères; Utiliser '0' pour voir tous les messages dans la page, quelle que soit leur longueur"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:107
msgid "Let this user access RT"
msgstr "Donner accès à RT à cet utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:111
msgid "Let this user be granted rights"
msgstr "Autoriser cet utilisateur à recevoir des droits"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:79 share/html/Install/index.html:87
msgid "Let's go!"
msgstr "C'est parti!"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:67
msgid "Lifecycle"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:67
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Relation"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1318
msgid "Link already exists"
msgstr "Le lien existe déjà"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1332
msgid "Link could not be created"
msgstr "Le lien ne peut être ajouté"
msgid "Link created (%1)"
msgstr "Le lien est ajouté (%1)"
msgid "Link deleted (%1)"
msgstr "Le lien est effacé (%1)"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:1411
msgid "Link not found"
msgstr "Lien introuvable"
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html:48
#. ($Ticket->Id)
msgid "Link ticket #%1"
msgstr "Lier le ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:103
msgid "Link values to"
msgstr "Lier les valeurs à"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:115
msgid "Linked"
msgstr "Lié"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:117
msgid "LinkedFrom"
msgstr "LiéDepuis"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:116
msgid "LinkedTo"
msgstr "LiéVers"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:633
msgid "Linking. Can't link to a deleted ticket"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:626
msgid "Linking. Permission denied"
msgstr "Relation. autorisation refusée"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:56 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:79 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:117 share/html/Elements/Tabs:543 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:250 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:92 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:79 share/html/m/ticket/create:421 share/html/m/ticket/show:409
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Relations"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:80 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:84
msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:70 share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:68 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:80
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Charger"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:68
msgid "Load a saved search"
msgstr "Charger une recherche sauvée"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:78
msgid "Load saved search"
msgstr "Charger une recherche sauvée"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:66
msgid "Load saved search:"
msgstr "Charger les recherches sauvées :"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:86
msgid "LoadSavedSearch"
msgstr "ChargerRechercheSauvée"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:118
#. ($self->ObjectName, $self->Name)
msgid "Loaded %1 %2"
msgstr "%1 %2 chargé"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:168
#. ($SavedSearch->{'Description'})
msgid "Loaded original \"%1\" saved search"
msgstr "Recherche originale \"%1\" chargée"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:217
msgid "Loaded perl modules"
msgstr "Modules perl chargés"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:170
#. ($SavedSearch->{'Description'})
msgid "Loaded saved search \"%1\""
msgstr "Recherche sauvée \"%1\" chargée"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ClickToShowHistory:50 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:112
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement en cours..."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:431
msgid "Locale"
msgstr "Langage"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:122
msgid "LocalizedDateTime"
msgstr "LocalizedDateTime"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:122 share/html/User/Prefs.html:116
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localisation"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:692
msgid "Logged in"
msgstr "Connecté"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:458 share/html/Elements/Tabs:848
#. ($username)
msgid "Logged in as %1"
msgstr "Connecté en tant que %1"
msgid "Logged in as %1"
msgstr "Connecté en tant que %1"
#: share/html/NoAuth/Logout.html:54
msgid "Logged out"
msgstr "Déconnecté"
#: share/html/Elements/Login:49 share/html/Elements/Login:62 share/html/Elements/Login:89 share/html/m/login:105 share/html/m/login:92
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Connexion"
#: share/html/Elements/Logo:52 share/html/Elements/Logo:56
#. ())
msgid "LogoAltText"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:490 share/html/Elements/Tabs:860 share/html/NoAuth/Logout.html:48 share/html/m/_elements/menu:107
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Déconnexion"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1296
msgid "Lookup type mismatch"
msgstr "Faire attention aux types différents"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:104
#. ($hour)
msgid "M-F at %1"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:475 lib/RT/Config.pm:490
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Courriel"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:58
msgid "Main type of links"
msgstr "Type de liens principal"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:81
msgid "Make Owner"
msgstr "Attribuer"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:107
msgid "Make Status"
msgstr "Appliquer Statut"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:115
msgid "Make date Due"
msgstr "Appliquer date d'échéance"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:117
msgid "Make date Resolved"
msgstr "Appliquer date de résolution"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:111
msgid "Make date Started"
msgstr "Appliquer date d'ouverture"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:109
msgid "Make date Starts"
msgstr "Appliquer date de début"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:113
msgid "Make date Told"
msgstr "Appliquer Âge"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:103
msgid "Make priority"
msgstr "Appliquer priorité"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:105
msgid "Make queue"
msgstr "Appliquer file"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:101
msgid "Make subject"
msgstr "Changer le sujet"
msgid "Make this group visible to user"
msgstr "Voir le groupe"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:92
msgid "Manage custom fields and custom field values"
msgstr "Gérer les champs personnalisés et leurs valeurs"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:75
msgid "Manage groups and group membership"
msgstr "Gérer les groupes et leurs membres"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:101
msgid "Manage properties and configuration which apply to all queues"
msgstr "Gérer les propriétés et configurations générales des files"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:83
msgid "Manage queues and queue-specific properties"
msgstr "Gérer les files et leurs propriétés individuelles"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/index.html:63
msgid "Manage saved graphs"
msgstr "Gérer les graphiques sauvés"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:67
msgid "Manage users and passwords"
msgstr "Gérer les utilisateurs et mots de passe"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1719
msgid "Mapping between queues' lifecycles is incomplete. Contact your system administrator."
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:93
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Mars"
#: share/html/Ticket/Display.html:188 share/html/m/ticket/show:125
msgid "Marked all messages as seen"
msgstr "Marquer tous les messages comme lus"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:174
msgid "Mason template search order"
msgstr "Ordre de recherche des modèles Mason"
msgid "Max attachment size( in bytes )"
msgstr "Taille maximum pour les pièces jointes (en bytes)"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:82
msgid "MaxValues"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:341
msgid "Maximum inline message length"
msgstr "Longueur maximum pour les messages en-ligne"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:95
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
#: share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:64
msgid "Me"
msgstr "Moi"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:61
msgid "Member"
msgstr "Membre"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:803
#. ($value)
msgid "Member %1 added"
msgstr "Membre %1 ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:843
#. ($value)
msgid "Member %1 deleted"
msgstr "Membre %1 supprimé"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:945
#. ($new_member_obj->Object->Name)
msgid "Member added: %1"
msgstr "Membre ajouté: %1"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:1091
msgid "Member deleted"
msgstr "Membre supprimé"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:1095
msgid "Member not deleted"
msgstr "Membre non supprimé"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectLinkType:49
msgid "Member of"
msgstr "Membre de"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:156 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:118 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:138
msgid "MemberOf"
msgstr "MembreDe"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:156 share/html/Elements/Tabs:322 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:138
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Membres"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:800
#. ($value)
msgid "Membership in %1 added"
msgstr "Appartenance à %1 ajoutée"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:840
#. ($value)
msgid "Membership in %1 deleted"
msgstr "Appartenance à %1 supprimée"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:304
msgid "Memberships"
msgstr "Affiliations"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Memberships.html:92
#. ($UserObj->Name)
msgid "Memberships of the user %1"
msgstr "Affiliations de l'utilisateur %1"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2656
msgid "Merge Successful"
msgstr "Fusion réussie"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2677
msgid "Merge failed. Couldn't set EffectiveId"
msgstr "Échec de fusion. Ne peut appliquer EffectiveId"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2691
msgid "Merge failed. Couldn't set Status"
msgstr "Échec de fusion. Ne peut appliquer Statut"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:133 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:127
msgid "Merge into"
msgstr "Fusionner dans"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:806
#. ($value)
msgid "Merged into %1"
msgstr "Fusionné avec %1"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:149 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:148 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:166 share/html/m/ticket/reply:103
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:168
msgid "Message body is not shown because it is too large."
msgstr "Le corps du message n'est pas affiché car il est trop long."
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:160 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:255
msgid "Message body is not shown because sender requested not to inline it."
msgstr "Le corps du message ne s'affiche pas parce que l'expéditeur a demandé de ne pas le mettre en ligne."
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:275
msgid "Message body not shown because it is not plain text."
msgstr "Le corps du message ne s'affiche pas parce qu'il n'est pas en texte plat."
msgid "Message body not shown because it is too large or is not plain text."
msgstr "Corps du message non affiché car il est trop important ou n'est pas au format texte."
msgid "Message body not shown because it is too large."
msgstr "Le corps du message ne s'affiche pas parce qu'il est trop grand"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:260
msgid "Message box height"
msgstr "Hauteur des boîtes de dialogue"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:251
msgid "Message box width"
msgstr "Largeur des boîtes de dialogue"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:269
msgid "Message box wrapping"
msgstr "Césure dans les boîtes de réponse"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2254
msgid "Message could not be recorded"
msgstr "Le message ne peut être sauvegardé"
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:291
msgid "Message for user"
msgstr "Message pour l'utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2257
msgid "Message recorded"
msgstr "Message sauvegardé"
msgid "Messages about this ticket will not be sent to..."
msgstr "Les messages relatifs à ce ticket ne seront pas envoyés à..."
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:148
msgid "Minimum password length"
msgstr "Longueur minimum des mots de passe"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectTimeUnits:50
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Minutes"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:105
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Divers"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:961
msgid "Missing a primary key?: %1"
msgstr "Clé primaire manquante ? : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:177 share/html/User/Prefs.html:96
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Mobile"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:96
msgid "Mobile Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone mobile"
msgid "MobilePhone"
msgstr "Téléphone mobile"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:782 share/html/Elements/Tabs:800 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_menu:67
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:97
msgid "Modify Access Control List"
msgstr "Modifier la liste de droits"
msgid "Modify Custom Fields which apply to %1 for all %2"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés s'appliquant à %1 pour tous les %2"
msgid "Modify Custom Fields which apply to all %1"
msgstr "Modifier les champs personnalisés s'appliquant à tous les %1"
msgid "Modify Group Rights"
msgstr "Modifier les droits du groupe"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:108
msgid "Modify Members"
msgstr "Modifier les membres"
msgid "Modify Rights"
msgstr "Modifier les droits"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:100
msgid "Modify Scrip templates"
msgstr "Modifier les modèles des scrips"
msgid "Modify Scrip templates for this queue"
msgstr "Modifier les modèles de Scrips pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:103
msgid "Modify Scrips"
msgstr "Modifier les scrips"
msgid "Modify Scrips for this queue"
msgstr "Modifier les Scrips pour cette file"
msgid "Modify User Rights"
msgstr "Modifier les droits des usagers"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/CustomField.html:63
#. ($QueueObj->Name())
msgid "Modify a CustomField for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier un champ personnalisé pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Scrip.html:66
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Modify a scrip for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier le scrip pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Scrip.html:58
msgid "Modify a scrip that applies to all queues"
msgstr "Modifier le scrip qui s'applique à toutes les files"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:161
msgid "Modify and Create Classes"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:166
msgid "Modify and Create Custom Fields for Articles"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:208 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:316
#. ($ArticleObj->Id)
msgid "Modify article #%1"
msgstr "Modifier l'article n°%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:147 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:155
#. ($CF->Name)
#. ($Class->Name)
msgid "Modify associated objects for %1"
msgstr "Modifier les objets associés à %1"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:98
msgid "Modify custom field values"
msgstr "Modifier les valeurs des champs personnalisés"
msgid "Modify dashboards for this group"
msgstr "Modifier les tableaux de bord pour ce groupe"
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyDates.html:48
#. ($TicketObj->Id)
msgid "Modify dates for #%1"
msgstr "Modifier les dates pour n°%1"
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyDates.html:57
#. ($TicketObj->Id)
msgid "Modify dates for ticket # %1"
msgstr "Modifier les dates pour le ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:201
msgid "Modify global article topics"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:123
msgid "Modify global custom fields"
msgstr "Modifier globalement les champs personnalisés"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/GroupRights.html:48 share/html/Elements/Tabs:186
msgid "Modify global group rights"
msgstr "Modifier les droits de groupe globaux"
msgid "Modify global group rights."
msgstr "Modifier les droits de groupe globaux."
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Topics.html:55
msgid "Modify global topics"
msgstr "Modifier les rubriques en global"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/UserRights.html:48 share/html/Elements/Tabs:191
msgid "Modify global user rights"
msgstr "Modifier les droits utilisateurs globaux"
msgid "Modify global user rights."
msgstr "Modifier les droits utilisateurs globaux."
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:102
msgid "Modify group dashboards"
msgstr "Modifier les tableaux de bord de groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:95
msgid "Modify group membership roster"
msgstr "Modifier la liste des membres d'un groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:94
msgid "Modify group metadata or delete group"
msgstr "Modifier les méta-données ou supprimer le groupe"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/GroupRights.html:48
#. ($ClassObj->Name)
msgid "Modify group rights for Class %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits de groupe pour la classe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html:70
#. ($CustomFieldObj->Name)
msgid "Modify group rights for custom field %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits de groupe pour le champ personnalisé %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html:48
#. ($GroupObj->Name)
msgid "Modify group rights for group %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits de groupes du groupe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html:48
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Modify group rights for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits de groupe pour la file %1"
msgid "Modify membership roster for this group"
msgstr "Modifier la liste des membres pour ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:94
msgid "Modify metadata and custom fields for this class"
msgstr "Modifier les méta-données et les champs personnalisés pour cette classe"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:82
msgid "Modify one's own RT account"
msgstr "Modifier son propre profil RT"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:92
msgid "Modify or delete articles in this class"
msgstr "Modifier ou supprimer des articles dans cette classe"
msgid "Modify people related to queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier les utilisateurs de la file %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html:48 share/html/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html:57
#. ($Ticket->Id)
#. ($Ticket->id)
msgid "Modify people related to ticket #%1"
msgstr "Modifier les utilisateurs du ticket n°%1"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:88
msgid "Modify personal dashboards"
msgstr "Modifier les tableaux de bord personnels"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:96
msgid "Modify queue watchers"
msgstr "Modifier les observateurs de la file"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html:64
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Modify scrips for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier les scrips de la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Scrips.html:53 share/html/Elements/Tabs:107
msgid "Modify scrips which apply to all queues"
msgstr "Modifier les scrips s'appliquant à toutes les files"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:83
msgid "Modify system dashboards"
msgstr "Modifier les tableaux de bord systèmes"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Template.html:90
#. (loc($TemplateObj->Name()))
msgid "Modify template %1"
msgstr "Modifier le modèle %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html:114
#. (loc( $TemplateObj->Name()), $QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Modify template %1 for queue %2"
msgstr "Modifier le modèle %1 pour la file %2"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Templates.html:53
msgid "Modify templates which apply to all queues"
msgstr "Modifier les modèles globaux"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:126
#. ($ClassObj->Name)
msgid "Modify the Class %1"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Dashboards/Queries.html:84
#. ($Dashboard->Name)
msgid "Modify the content of dashboard %1"
msgstr "Modifier le contenu du tableau de bord %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:126
#. ($Dashboard->Name)
msgid "Modify the dashboard %1"
msgstr "Modifier le tableau de bord %1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:196
msgid "Modify the default \"RT at a glance\" view"
msgstr "Modifier la vue \"RT en un coup d'œil\" par défaut"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:117 share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:119
#. ($Group->Name)
msgid "Modify the group %1"
msgstr "Modifier le groupe %1"
msgid "Modify the queries of dashboard %1"
msgstr "Modifier les requêtes du tableau de bord %1"
msgid "Modify the queue watchers"
msgstr "Modifier les observateurs de la file"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:284
#. ($Dashboard->Name)
msgid "Modify the subscription to dashboard %1"
msgstr "Modifier l'inscription au tableau de bord %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:296
#. ($UserObj->Name)
msgid "Modify the user %1"
msgstr "Modifier l'utilisateur %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:78
msgid "Modify this search..."
msgstr "Modifier cette recherche..."
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:58
#. ($Ticket->Id)
msgid "Modify ticket # %1"
msgstr "Modifier le ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Modify.html:48 share/html/Ticket/Modify.html:58
#. ($TicketObj->Id)
msgid "Modify ticket #%1"
msgstr "Modifier le ticket n°%1"
msgid "Modify ticket status"
msgstr "Modifier le statut du ticket"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:116
msgid "Modify tickets"
msgstr "Modifier les tickets"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Topics.html:59
#. ($ClassObj->Name)
msgid "Modify topic for %1"
msgstr "Modifier la rubrique pour %1"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:95
msgid "Modify topic hierarchy associated with this class"
msgstr "Modifier la hierarchie des rubriques associés à cette classe"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:93
msgid "Modify topics for articles in this class"
msgstr "Modifier les rubriques pour tous les articles de cette classe"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/UserRights.html:48
#. ($ClassObj->Name)
msgid "Modify user rights for class %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits utilisateurs pour la classe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html:68
#. ($CustomFieldObj->Name)
msgid "Modify user rights for custom field %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits utilisateurs pour le champ personnalisé %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html:48
#. ($GroupObj->Name)
msgid "Modify user rights for group %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits utilisateurs pour le groupe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html:48
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Modify user rights for queue %1"
msgstr "Modifier les droits utilisateurs pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html:60
#. ($Ticket->Id)
msgid "Modify who receives mail for ticket #%1"
msgstr "Modifier les destinataires du ticket n°%1"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:97 lib/RT/Queue.pm:95
msgid "ModifyACL"
msgstr "ModifierACL"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:92
msgid "ModifyArticle"
msgstr "ModifierArticle"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:93
msgid "ModifyArticleTopics"
msgstr "ModifierRubriquesArticle"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:208 lib/RT/Queue.pm:98
msgid "ModifyCustomField"
msgstr "ModifierChampPersonnalisé"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:83
msgid "ModifyDashboard"
msgstr "ModifierTableauDeBord"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:102
msgid "ModifyGroupDashboard"
msgstr "ModifierTableauDeBordDeGroupe"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:88
msgid "ModifyOwnDashboard"
msgstr "ModifierTableauDeBordPersonnel"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:96
msgid "ModifyOwnMembership"
msgstr "ModifierPropresAppartenances"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:96
msgid "ModifyQueueWatchers"
msgstr "ModifierObservateurs"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:103
msgid "ModifyScrips"
msgstr "ModifierScrips"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:82
msgid "ModifySelf"
msgstr "ModifierDonnéesPerso"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:100
msgid "ModifyTemplate"
msgstr "ModifierModèle"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:116
msgid "ModifyTicket"
msgstr "ModifierTicket"
msgid "ModifyTicketStatus"
msgstr "ModifierStatutDuTicket"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:220
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Module"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:107
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Lun"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:106
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lundi"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:100
msgid "Monday through Friday"
msgstr "Du lundi au vendredi"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm:327
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr "Plus"
msgid "More about %1"
msgstr "Plus d'informations sur %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:67
msgid "More about the requestors"
msgstr "Plus d'informations sur les demandeurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/PickCustomFields:85
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Aller en bas"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/PickCustomFields:77
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Aller en haut"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectSingleOrMultiple:50
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Multiple"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:166
msgid "Must specify 'Name' attribute"
msgstr "Attribut 'Nom' obligatoire"
#: share/html/SelfService/Elements/MyRequests:77
#. ($friendly_status)
msgid "My %1 tickets"
msgstr "Mes tickets %1s"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:444
msgid "My Approvals"
msgstr "Mes aprobations"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:422
msgid "My Day"
msgstr "Ma journée"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:429
msgid "My Reminders"
msgstr "Mes rappels"
#: share/html/Approvals/index.html:48
msgid "My approvals"
msgstr "Mes approbations"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/SelectPrivacy:62 share/html/Dashboards/Elements/ShowDashboards:53
msgid "My dashboards"
msgstr "Mes tableaux de bord"
#: share/html/Elements/MyReminders:51 share/html/Tools/MyReminders.html:48
msgid "My reminders"
msgstr "Mes rappels"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/SelectSavedSearches:54 share/html/Elements/SavedSearches:54 share/html/Search/Elements/SearchPrivacy:55
msgid "My saved searches"
msgstr "Mes recherches"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:68
msgid "MySQL"
msgstr "MySQL"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "NBSP"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "NEWLINE"
msgstr "LIGNEVIDE"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:58 share/html/Admin/Elements/AddCustomFieldValue:54 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:57 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:58 share/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate:50 share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:64 share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:196 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--User:52 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditBasics:49 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:63 share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:52 share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:52 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:63 share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:60 share/html/Elements/RT__Class/ColumnMap:60 share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:61 share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:77 share/html/Elements/RT__SavedSearch/ColumnMap:61 share/html/Elements/RT__Template/ColumnMap:61 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:61 share/html/Search/Bulk.html:171
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:177
msgid "Name and email address"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:115 lib/RT/User.pm:173
msgid "Name in use"
msgstr "Nom utilisé"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:55
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom :"
msgid "Named, shared collection of portlets"
msgstr "Collection de portlets nommée et partagée"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm:328 share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:107 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:80 share/html/m/ticket/show:403
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Jamais"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:251
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:790
msgid "New Article"
msgstr "Nouvel article"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:407
msgid "New Dashboard"
msgstr "Nouveau tableau de bord"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:118 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:122
msgid "New Links"
msgstr "Nouveaux liens"
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: etc/initialdata:330 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:36
msgid "New Pending Approval"
msgstr "Nouvelle approbation en attente"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:412
msgid "New Search"
msgstr "Nouv. recherche"
msgid "New and open tickets for %1"
msgstr "Tickets nouveaux et ouverts pour %1"
msgid "New custom field"
msgstr "Nouveau champ personnalisé"
msgid "New dashboard"
msgstr "Nouveau tableau de bord"
msgid "New group"
msgstr "Nouveau groupe"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:246 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowUpdateStatus:49
msgid "New messages"
msgstr "Nouveaux messages"
#: share/html/Elements/EditPassword:61
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:746
msgid "New password notification sent"
msgstr "Notification de nouveau mot de passe envoyée"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:114
msgid "New reminder:"
msgstr "Nouveau rappel :"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:72
msgid "New rights"
msgstr "Nouveaux droits"
msgid "New scrip"
msgstr "Nouveau scrip"
msgid "New template"
msgstr "Nouveau modèle"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:838 share/html/Elements/Tabs:840 share/html/m/_elements/menu:70
msgid "New ticket"
msgstr "Nouveau ticket"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2637
msgid "New ticket doesn't exist"
msgstr "Nouveau ticket inconnu"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:311
#. ($self->loc($args{'Status'}))
msgid "New tickets can not have status '%1' in this queue."
msgstr "Les nouveaux tickets ne peuvent avoir le statut '%1' dans cette file"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/CreateUserCalled:49
msgid "New user called"
msgstr "Nouvel utilisateur appelé"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:72 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:52
msgid "New watchers"
msgstr "Nouveaux observateurs"
#: share/html/Elements/CollectionListPaging:104 share/html/Elements/Tabs:643 share/html/Install/Basics.html:62 share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:72 share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:70 share/html/Install/Global.html:64 share/html/Install/Global.html:64 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:63
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Suivant"
msgid "Next: "
msgstr "Suivant: "
msgid "Next: Check your database credentials"
msgstr "Suivant: contrôle des identifiant de la base"
msgid "Next: Customize Basics"
msgstr "Suivant: réglages de base"
msgid "Next: Customize Email Addresses"
msgstr "Suivant: Configurer les adresses de courriel"
msgid "Next: Customize Password for Users in RT"
msgstr "Suivant: Configurer les mots de passe des utilisateurs RT"
msgid "Next: Email Configuration"
msgstr "Suivant: Configuration de la messagerie"
msgid "Next: Finish"
msgstr "Suifant: fin"
msgid "Next: Initialize Database"
msgstr "Suivant: initialisation de la base"
msgid "NickName"
msgstr "Surnom"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:82 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:71 share/html/User/Prefs.html:72
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Surnom"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:62 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:248 share/html/Widgets/Form/Boolean:79
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:241
#. ($self->ObjectName)
msgid "No %1 loaded"
msgstr "Pas de %1 chargé"
#: share/html/SelfService/Article/Search.html:66
#. ($Articles_Content)
msgid "No Articles match %1"
msgstr "Aucun article ne correspond à %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/GroupRights.html:62 share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/UserRights.html:61 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html:62
msgid "No Class defined"
msgstr "Aucune classe définie"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:54
msgid "No Classes matching search criteria found."
msgstr "Aucune classe ne correspond au critère de recherche"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:187 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:121
msgid "No CustomField"
msgstr "Aucun champ personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html:62
msgid "No CustomField defined"
msgstr "Aucun champ personnalisé défini"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html:62 share/html/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html:63
msgid "No Group defined"
msgstr "Aucun groupe défini"
#: lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm:293
msgid "No Query"
msgstr "Aucune requête"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html:67 share/html/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html:68
msgid "No Queue defined"
msgstr "Aucune file définie"
#: bin/rt-crontool:123
msgid "No RT user found. Please consult your RT administrator."
msgstr "Utilisateur RT non trouvé. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur RT."
msgid "No RT user found. Please consult your RT administrator.\\n"
msgstr "Pas d'utilisateur RT trouvé. Merci de consulter votre administrateur RT.\\n"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/ResultsRSSView:125
msgid "No Subject"
msgstr "Pas de sujet"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/Template.html:88 share/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html:86
msgid "No Template"
msgstr "Pas de modèle"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:90
msgid "No action"
msgstr "Pas d'action"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:956
msgid "No column specified"
msgstr "Aucune colonne spécifiée"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestor:84
msgid "No comment entered about this user"
msgstr "Pas de commentaires concernant cet utilisateur"
msgid "No dashboards."
msgstr "Pas de tableaux de bord."
#: lib/RT/Action.pm:163 lib/RT/Condition.pm:183 lib/RT/Search.pm:125 lib/RT/Search/ActiveTicketsInQueue.pm:74
#. (ref $self)
msgid "No description for %1"
msgstr "Aucune description disponible pour %1"
#: share/html/SelfService/Error.html:69
msgid "No details"
msgstr "Pas de détail"
#: lib/RT/Users.pm:182
msgid "No group specified"
msgstr "Aucun groupe spécifié"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:80
msgid "No groups matching search criteria found."
msgstr "Aucun groupe trouvé d'après le critère de recherche."
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:725
msgid "No key suitable for encryption"
msgstr "Pas de clefs adapté pour le chiffrement"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:50
msgid "No keys for this address"
msgstr "Pas de clefs pour cette adresse"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2197
msgid "No message attached"
msgstr "Aucun messages attachés"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:464
msgid "No name provided"
msgstr "Pas de nom fourni"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:705
msgid "No need to encrypt"
msgstr "Chiffrement non nécessaire"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:815
msgid "No password set"
msgstr "Pas de mot de passe configuré"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:404
msgid "No permission to create queues"
msgstr "Permission refusée pour la création de file"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:293 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:849
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "No permission to create tickets in the queue '%1'"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer un ticket dans cette file '%1'"
#: share/html/SelfService/Display.html:202
msgid "No permission to display that ticket"
msgstr "Pas de permission pour afficher ce ticket"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:92
msgid "No permission to modify article"
msgstr "Permission refusée pour modifier cet article"
msgid "No permission to save system-wide %1"
msgstr "Pas de permission pour effectuer une sauvegarde système de %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:243
msgid "No permission to save system-wide searches"
msgstr "Pas de permission pour sauvegarder des recherches systèmes"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1311
msgid "No permission to set preferences"
msgstr "Pas de permission pour modifier les préférences"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:323
msgid "No permission to view Article"
msgstr "Permission refusée pour voir cet article"
#: share/html/SelfService/Update.html:101
msgid "No permission to view update ticket"
msgstr "Pas de permission pour afficher le ticket mis à jour"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:990 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1195
msgid "No principal specified"
msgstr "Aucun groupe/utilisateur spécifié"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:172 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:186
msgid "No principals selected."
msgstr "Aucun groupe/utilisateur sélectionné."
#: share/html/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html:69
msgid "No private key"
msgstr "Pas de clefs privée"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:56
msgid "No queues matching search criteria found."
msgstr "Pas de file correspondant aux critères de recherche."
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:217
msgid "No right specified"
msgstr "Pas de permissions spécifiées"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:65 share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:110
msgid "No rights found"
msgstr "Aucun droit trouvé"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:64
msgid "No rights granted."
msgstr "Aucun droit accordé."
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:282
msgid "No search to operate on."
msgstr "Pas de critère de recherche."
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:101
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Pas de sujet"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1589
msgid "No such key or it's not suitable for signing"
msgstr "Clefs non trouvée ou non adapté pour les signatures"
#: share/html/Search/Chart:140
msgid "No tickets found."
msgstr "Aucun ticket trouvé"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:594 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:618
msgid "No transaction type specified"
msgstr "Aucun type de transaction spécifié"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/SelectKeyForEncryption:49
msgid "No usable keys."
msgstr "Pas de clefs utilisable."
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:91
msgid "No users matching search criteria found."
msgstr "Aucun utilisateur ne correspond aux critères de recherche."
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:953
msgid "No value sent to _Set!"
msgstr ""
msgid "No value sent to _Set!\\n"
msgstr "Pas de valeur à positionner \\n"
#: share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:65
msgid "Nobody"
msgstr "Personne"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:76
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucune"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:958
msgid "Nonexistant field?"
msgstr "Champ inexistant ?"
msgid "Not Set"
msgstr "Non renseigné"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:498
msgid "Not found"
msgstr "Non trouvé"
#: share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar:54
msgid "Not logged in."
msgstr "Non connecté."
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:399 share/html/Elements/ShowReminders:72 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:165
msgid "Not set"
msgstr "Non renseigné"
#: share/html/m/_elements/full_site_link:48
msgid "Not using a mobile browser?"
msgstr "Vous n'utilisez pas de navigateur pour téléphone mobile ?"
#: share/html/NoAuth/Reminder.html:50
msgid "Not yet implemented."
msgstr "Fonction pas encore disponible."
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:95
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notes"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:748
msgid "Notification could not be sent"
msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer la notification"
#: etc/initialdata:57
msgid "Notify AdminCcs"
msgstr "Avertir les AdminCCs"
#: etc/initialdata:53
msgid "Notify AdminCcs as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir les AdminCCs par un commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:49 etc/upgrade/3.1.17/content:6
msgid "Notify Ccs"
msgstr "Avertir les Ccs"
#: etc/initialdata:45 etc/upgrade/3.1.17/content:2
msgid "Notify Ccs as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir les Ccs par un commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:84
msgid "Notify Other Recipients"
msgstr "Avertir les autres destinataires"
#: etc/initialdata:80
msgid "Notify Other Recipients as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir les autres destinataires par un commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:41
msgid "Notify Owner"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant"
#: etc/initialdata:37
msgid "Notify Owner as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant par un commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:379 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:85
msgid "Notify Owner of their rejected ticket"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant du rejet de son ticket"
#: etc/initialdata:392 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:98
msgid "Notify Owner of their ticket has been approved and is ready to be acted on"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant que son ticket a été approuvé et est prêt à être traité"
msgid "Notify Owner of their ticket has been approved by all approvers"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant de l'approbation de son ticket par tous les approbateurs"
msgid "Notify Owner of their ticket has been approved by some approver"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant de l'approbation de son ticket par un des approbateurs"
#: lib/RT/Approval/Rule/Passed.pm:54
msgid "Notify Owner of their ticket has been approved by some or all approvers"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant que son ticket a été approuvé par un ou tous les approbateurs"
#: etc/initialdata:76
msgid "Notify Owner, Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant, les demandeurs, Ccs et AdminCcs"
#: etc/initialdata:72
msgid "Notify Owner, Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir l'intervenant, les demandeurs, Ccs et AdminCcs par un commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:332 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:38
msgid "Notify Owners and AdminCcs of new items pending their approval"
msgstr "Avertir les intervenants et les AdminCCs de nouveaux éléments attendant leur approbation"
#: etc/initialdata:365 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:71
msgid "Notify Requestor of their ticket has been approved by all approvers"
msgstr "Avertir le Demandeur que son ticket a été approuvé par tous les approbateurs"
#: etc/initialdata:351 etc/upgrade/3.8.2/content:57
msgid "Notify Requestor of their ticket has been approved by some approver"
msgstr "Avertir le Demandeur que son ticket a été approuvé par certains approbateurs"
#: etc/initialdata:33
msgid "Notify Requestors"
msgstr "Avertir les demandeurs"
#: etc/initialdata:67
msgid "Notify Requestors and Ccs"
msgstr "Avertir les demandeurs et les Ccs"
#: etc/initialdata:62
msgid "Notify Requestors and Ccs as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir les demandeurs et les CC par un commentaire"
msgid "Notify Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs"
msgstr "Avertir les demandeurs, CCs et AdminCCs"
msgid "Notify Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs as Comment"
msgstr "Avertir les demandeurs, CCs et AdminCCs par un commentaire"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:370
msgid "Notify me of unread messages"
msgstr "Me notifier les messages non-lus"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:101
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembre"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:311
msgid "Number of search results"
msgstr "Nombre de résultats de recherche"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/SelectAndOr:49
msgid "OR"
msgstr "OU"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:142
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Objet"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:335
msgid "Object could not be created"
msgstr "L'objet n'a pas pu être ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:126
msgid "Object could not be deleted"
msgstr "Impossible d'effacer l'objet"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:352 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:183
msgid "Object created"
msgstr "Objet ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:123
msgid "Object deleted"
msgstr "Objet effacé"
msgid "Object of type %1 cannot take custom fields"
msgstr "Les objets de type %1 ne peuvent avoir de champs personnalisés"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1342
msgid "Object type mismatch"
msgstr "Le type d'objet ne correspond pas"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/SelectObjects:53
msgid "Objects list is empty"
msgstr "La liste d'objets est vide"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:100
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Octobre"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:436
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Déconnecté"
msgid "Offline edits"
msgstr "Édition hors ligne"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:48
msgid "Offline upload"
msgstr "Téléchargement hors ligne"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:384
#. ($self->CreatedAsString, $self->CreatorObj->Name)
msgid "On %1, %2 wrote:"
msgstr "Le %1, %2 a écrit :"
#: etc/initialdata:199 etc/upgrade/3.7.1/content:2
msgid "On Close"
msgstr "Lors de la fermeture"
#: etc/initialdata:143
msgid "On Comment"
msgstr "Lors d'un commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:115
msgid "On Correspond"
msgstr "Lors d'un courrier"
#: etc/initialdata:104
msgid "On Create"
msgstr "Lors d'une création"
#: etc/initialdata:122 etc/upgrade/4.0.3/content:4
msgid "On Forward"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:129 etc/upgrade/4.0.3/content:11
msgid "On Forward Ticket"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:136 etc/upgrade/4.0.3/content:18
msgid "On Forward Transaction"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:164
msgid "On Owner Change"
msgstr "Lors d'un changement d'intervenant"
#: etc/initialdata:157 etc/upgrade/3.1.17/content:15
msgid "On Priority Change"
msgstr "Lors d'un changement de priorité"
#: etc/initialdata:172
msgid "On Queue Change"
msgstr "Lors d'un changement de file"
#: etc/initialdata:185 etc/upgrade/3.8.3/content:2
msgid "On Reject"
msgstr "Lors d'un rejet"
#: etc/initialdata:204 etc/upgrade/3.7.1/content:7
msgid "On Reopen"
msgstr "Lors de la réouverture"
#: etc/initialdata:178
msgid "On Resolve"
msgstr "Lors de la résolution/clôture"
#: etc/initialdata:149
msgid "On Status Change"
msgstr "Lors d'un changement de statut"
#: etc/initialdata:109
msgid "On Transaction"
msgstr "Lors d'une transaction"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/UpdateCc:69 share/html/m/ticket/reply:101
msgid "One-time Bcc"
msgstr "Copie cachée (pour ce message)"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/UpdateCc:50 share/html/m/ticket/reply:99
msgid "One-time Cc"
msgstr "Copie (pour ce message)"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:281
msgid "Only for entry, not display"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:68
#. (qq{")
msgid "Only show approvals for requests created after %1"
msgstr "Ne montrer que les approbations pour les demandes créées après %1"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:66
#. (qq{")
msgid "Only show approvals for requests created before %1"
msgstr "Ne montrer que les approbations pour les demandes créées avant %1"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/index.html:72
msgid "Only show custom fields for:"
msgstr "Ne montrer que les champs personnalisés pour :"
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2334 etc/RT_Config.pm:2363 etc/RT_Config.pm:2408 etc/RT_Config.pm:2437
msgid "Open It"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:95
msgid "Open Tickets"
msgstr "Tickets ouverts"
#: share/html/Elements/MakeClicky:58
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'URL"
msgid "Open it"
msgstr "Ouvrir"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:835 share/html/SelfService/index.html:48
msgid "Open tickets"
msgstr "Tickets ouverts"
#: etc/initialdata:96
msgid "Open tickets on correspondence"
msgstr "Ouvrir les tickets lors d'une correspondance"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:61
msgid "Option"
msgstr "Option"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:467 share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:67
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:71
msgid "Oracle"
msgstr "Oracle"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSort:55
msgid "Order by"
msgstr "Trier par"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:125 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:81 share/html/User/Prefs.html:119
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Organisation"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/Approve:55
#. ($approving->Id, $approving->Subject)
msgid "Originating ticket: #%1"
msgstr "Ticket source : n°%1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:691
msgid "Outgoing email about a comment recorded"
msgstr "Courriel sortant suite à l'enregistrement d'un commentaire"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:695
msgid "Outgoing email recorded"
msgstr "Courriel sortant enregistré"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:495
msgid "Outgoing mail"
msgstr "Courriels envoyés"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:93
msgid "Over time, priority moves toward"
msgstr "Temps dépassé, priorité augmentée"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:417
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Aperçu"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:115
msgid "Own tickets"
msgstr "Tickets propres"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:115
msgid "OwnTicket"
msgstr "GérerTicket"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:99 lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:154 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:105 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2429 share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:62 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:274 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:89 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:114 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:66 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:67 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:126 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:148 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:81 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowPeople:50 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_list:96 share/html/m/ticket/create:297 share/html/m/ticket/reply:67 share/html/m/ticket/show:285
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Intervenant"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:661
#. ($DeferOwner->Name)
msgid "Owner '%1' does not have rights to own this ticket."
msgstr "L'intervenant '%1' n'a pas les droits pour s'approprier ce ticket."
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2999
#. ($OldOwnerObj->Name, $NewOwnerObj->Name)
msgid "Owner changed from %1 to %2"
msgstr "Intervenant changé de %1 à %2"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:396 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:411
msgid "Owner could not be set."
msgstr "L'intervenant ne peut être sauvé."
msgid "Owner email"
msgstr "Courriel du propriétaire"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:744 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:916
#. ($Old->Name , $New->Name)
#. ($Old->Name, $New->Name)
msgid "Owner forcibly changed from %1 to %2"
msgstr "Intervenant forcé de %1 à %2"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "OwnerName"
msgstr "NomIntervenant"
#: share/html/Elements/CollectionListPaging:63
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Page"
#: share/html/Elements/CollectionListPaging:60
msgid "Page 1 of 1"
msgstr "Page 1 sur 1"
#: share/html/dhandler:48
msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Page non trouvée"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:182 share/html/User/Prefs.html:100
msgid "Pager"
msgstr "Bipeur"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:101
msgid "Pager Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone pager"
msgid "PagerPhone"
msgstr "Téléphone de pager"
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:146 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:73 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:97 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:256 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:139 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:74 share/html/m/ticket/create:429 share/html/m/ticket/show:452
msgid "Parents"
msgstr "Parents"
#: share/html/Elements/Login:73 share/html/User/Prefs.html:109 share/html/m/login:102
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: share/html/NoAuth/Reminder.html:48
msgid "Password Reminder"
msgstr "Pense-bête pour votre mot de passe"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:868 lib/RT/User.pm:826
msgid "Password changed"
msgstr "Mot de passe changé"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:792
msgid "Password has not been set."
msgstr "Le mot de passe n'a pas été initialisé"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:284
#. (RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength'))
msgid "Password needs to be at least %1 characters long"
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit comporter au moins %1 caractères"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:128 share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:91
msgid "Password not printed"
msgstr "Mot de passe non affiché"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:825
msgid "Password set"
msgstr "Mot de passe défini"
#: share/html/SelfService/Prefs.html:76 share/html/User/Prefs.html:259
#. ($msg)
msgid "Password: %1"
msgstr "Mot de passe : %1"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:811
msgid "Password: Permission Denied"
msgstr "Mot de passe : non autorisé"
#: etc/initialdata:463
msgid "PasswordChange"
msgstr "ChangementDeMotDePasse"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:788
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Les mots de passe sont différents."
msgid "Passwords do not match. Your password has not been changed"
msgstr "Les mots de passe sont différents. Votre mot de passe n'a pas été modifié"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:186
msgid "Path to sendmail"
msgstr "Chemin pour sendmail"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:538 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:62 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:73 share/html/m/ticket/show:281
msgid "People"
msgstr "Personnes"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:188
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "People related to queue %1"
msgstr "Utilisateurs liés à la file %1"
#: etc/initialdata:89
msgid "Perform a user-defined action"
msgstr "Réaliser une action définie par l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate:60
msgid "Perl"
msgstr "Perl"
msgid "Perl Include Paths (@INC)"
msgstr "Chemin d'inclusion Perl (@INC)"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:252
msgid "Perl configuration"
msgstr "Configuration de Perl"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:182
msgid "Perl library search order"
msgstr "Ordre de recherche des bibliothèques Perl"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:230
msgid "Permanently wipeout data from RT"
msgstr "Supprimer définitivement des données de RT"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:249 lib/RT/ACE.pm:255 lib/RT/ACE.pm:331 lib/RT/Article.pm:112 lib/RT/Article.pm:266 lib/RT/Article.pm:371 lib/RT/Article.pm:388 lib/RT/Article.pm:417 lib/RT/Article.pm:469 lib/RT/Article.pm:493 lib/RT/Article.pm:566 lib/RT/Attachment.pm:691 lib/RT/Attachment.pm:692 lib/RT/Attachment.pm:753 lib/RT/Attachment.pm:754 lib/RT/Attribute.pm:166 lib/RT/Attribute.pm:172 lib/RT/Attribute.pm:379 lib/RT/Attribute.pm:388 lib/RT/Attribute.pm:401 lib/RT/Class.pm:202 lib/RT/Class.pm:237 lib/RT/Class.pm:389 lib/RT/Class.pm:439 lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm:138 lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm:144 lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm:150 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1300 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1346 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1389 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1530 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1671 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:312 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:329 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:340 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:545 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:572 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:890 lib/RT/CustomFieldValue.pm:147 lib/RT/CustomFieldValue.pm:89 lib/RT/Group.pm:1060 lib/RT/Group.pm:1112 lib/RT/Group.pm:397 lib/RT/Group.pm:496 lib/RT/Group.pm:655 lib/RT/Group.pm:885 lib/RT/ObjectClass.pm:70 lib/RT/Queue.pm:1212 lib/RT/Queue.pm:200 lib/RT/Queue.pm:218 lib/RT/Queue.pm:585 lib/RT/Queue.pm:611 lib/RT/Queue.pm:835 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:122 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:130 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:141 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:203 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:509 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:517 lib/RT/Template.pm:101 lib/RT/Template.pm:216 lib/RT/Template.pm:221 lib/RT/Template.pm:230 lib/RT/Template.pm:257 lib/RT/Template.pm:386 lib/RT/Template.pm:611 lib/RT/Template.pm:628 lib/RT/Template.pm:646 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1072 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1078 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1085 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1228 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1238 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1252 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1347 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1694 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1927 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2094 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2142 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2421 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2434 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2513 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2526 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2628 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2642 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2901 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2912 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2918 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3127 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3201 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3396 lib/RT/Topic.pm:113 lib/RT/Topic.pm:141 lib/RT/Topic.pm:207 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:590 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:612 lib/RT/User.pm:1059 lib/RT/User.pm:133 lib/RT/User.pm:1437 lib/RT/User.pm:1574 lib/RT/User.pm:306 lib/RT/User.pm:694 lib/RT/User.pm:729 share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:82 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowHistory:68 share/html/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html:61 share/html/SelfService/Article/Display.html:64 share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:84
msgid "Permission Denied"
msgstr "Accès refusé"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:112 lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:204 lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:245 lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:277 lib/RT/Topic.pm:88 share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:98 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:95
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Accès refusé"
msgid "Personal Dashboards"
msgstr "Tableaux de bord personnels"
msgid "Personal Groups"
msgstr "Groupes personnels"
msgid "Personal groups"
msgstr "Groupes personnels"
msgid "Personal groups:"
msgstr "Groupes personnels :"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:164 share/html/User/Prefs.html:85
msgid "Phone numbers"
msgstr "Numéros de téléphone"
#: share/html/dhandler:51
msgid "Please check the URL and try again."
msgstr "Vérifiez l'adresse et réessayez."
#: lib/RT/User.pm:783
msgid "Please enter your current password correctly."
msgstr "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe actuel correctement."
#: lib/RT/User.pm:785
msgid "Please enter your current password."
msgstr "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe actuel."
msgid "Please note that only tickets with one of these statuses( %1 ) are displayed here. For more powerful searches please visit the %2search builder interface%3."
msgstr "Veuillez noter que seuls les tickets ayant un de ces statut ( %1 ) sont affichés ici. Pour une recherche plus complète utilisez le %2moteur de recherche%3."
msgid "Please note that only tickets with one of these statuses( %1 ) are displayed here. For more powerful searches please visit the Config->Get('WebPath')%>/Search/Build.html\">search builder interface."
msgstr "Veuillez noter que seuls les tickets ayant un de ces statut ( %1 ) sont affichés ici. Pour une recherche plus complète utilisez le Config->Get('WebPath')%>/Search/Build.html\">moteur de recherche."
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/HiddenSearches:73
msgid "Possible hidden searches"
msgstr "Recherches possible cachées"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:69
msgid "PostgreSQL"
msgstr "PostgreSQL"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:854 share/html/SelfService/Prefs.html:48 share/html/User/Prefs.html:48
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Préférences"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html:118
#. ($pane, $UserObj->Name)
msgid "Preferences %1 for user %2."
msgstr "Préférences %1 pour l'utilisateur %2."
#: share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:158 share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:94
#. ($pane)
#. (loc('summary rows'))
msgid "Preferences saved for %1."
msgstr "Préférences sauvées pour %1."
#: share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html:77
#. ($UserObj->Name)
msgid "Preferences saved for user %1."
msgstr "Préférences sauvées pour l'utilisateur %1."
msgid "Preferences saved for user %2."
msgstr "Préférences sauvées pour l'utilisateur %2."
#: share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:101 share/html/Prefs/Other.html:102 share/html/Prefs/Quicksearch.html:87 share/html/Prefs/Search.html:104 share/html/Prefs/SearchOptions.html:81
msgid "Preferences saved."
msgstr "Préférences sauvées."
#: share/html/Prefs/Other.html:87
#. ($msg)
msgid "Preferred Key: %1"
msgstr "Clefs préférée: %1"
#: share/html/Prefs/Other.html:71
msgid "Preferred key"
msgstr "Clefs préférée"
#: lib/RT/Action.pm:171
msgid "Prepare Stubbed"
msgstr "Préparation interrompue"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:638
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Précédent"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Prévisualisation"
#: share/html/Elements/CollectionListPaging:101
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Précédent"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:152 lib/RT/ACE.pm:237
#. ($args{'PrincipalId'})
msgid "Principal %1 not found."
msgstr "Personne/groupe %1 non trouvé(e)."
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:96
msgid "Print the resulting digest messages to STDOUT; don't mail them. Do not mark them as sent"
msgstr "Afficher la compilation des messages sur la sortie standard (STDOUT); ne pas les envoyer. Ne pas les marquer comme \"envoyés\""
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:98
msgid "Print this message"
msgstr "Imprimer ce message"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:110 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2233 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:66 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:131 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:186 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:206 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:76 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_list:99 share/html/m/ticket/create:373 share/html/m/ticket/show:241
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorité"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:88
msgid "Priority starts at"
msgstr "La priorité débute à"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:67 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:53
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Confidentialité"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:56
msgid "Privacy:"
msgstr "Confidentialité :"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html:66
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "Clefs privée"
#: lib/RT/Handle.pm:662 share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:111
msgid "Privileged"
msgstr "Privilégié"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:330 share/html/User/Prefs.html:249
#. (loc_fuzzy($msg))
msgid "Privileged status: %1"
msgstr "Statut privilégiés : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:133
msgid "Privileged users"
msgstr "Utilisateurs privilégiés"
#: bin/rt-crontool:185
msgid "Processing without transaction, some conditions and actions may fail. Consider using --transaction argument"
msgstr "Exécution sans transactions, certaines conditions ou actions risquent d'échouer. Vous devriez essayer d'utiliser l'option \"--transaction\""
#: lib/RT/Handle.pm:676
msgid "Pseudogroup for internal use"
msgstr "Pseudo groupe pour usage interne"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowGnuPGStatus:150
#. ($line->{'Key'})
msgid "Public key '0x%1' is required to verify signature"
msgstr "La clefs publique '0x%1' est nécessaire pour vérifier la signature"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:69
msgid "Queries"
msgstr "Requêtes"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__SavedSearch/ColumnMap:66 share/html/Search/Edit.html:56 share/html/Search/Elements/Chart:152
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Requête"
#: share/html/Search/Build.html:115
msgid "Query Builder"
msgstr "Constructeur de requête"
msgid "Query:"
msgstr "Requête:"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:153 lib/RT/Record.pm:943 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:101 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2076 share/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle:57 share/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByStatus:51 share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:60 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:61 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:68 share/html/Elements/RT__Template/ColumnMap:71 share/html/Elements/RT__Template/ColumnMap:78 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:85 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:83 share/html/SelfService/Create.html:57 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:82 share/html/m/ticket/create:285 share/html/m/ticket/show:245
msgid "Queue"
msgstr "File"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/CustomField.html:60 share/html/Admin/Queues/Scrip.html:58 share/html/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html:66 share/html/Admin/Queues/Templates.html:58
#. ($Queue)
#. ($id)
msgid "Queue %1 not found"
msgstr "File %1 non trouvée"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:59
msgid "Queue Name"
msgstr "Nom de la file"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:561
msgid "Queue already exists"
msgstr "File déjà créée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:426 lib/RT/Queue.pm:432
msgid "Queue could not be created"
msgstr "Impossible de créer la file"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:361 share/html/index.html:94 share/html/m/ticket/create:154
msgid "Queue could not be loaded."
msgstr "File ne pouvant être chargée."
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:452
msgid "Queue created"
msgstr "File créée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:491
msgid "Queue disabled"
msgstr "File désactivée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:493
msgid "Queue enabled"
msgstr "File activée"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:80
msgid "Queue id"
msgstr "Id. file"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:337 share/html/SelfService/Display.html:124
msgid "Queue not found"
msgstr "File inconnue"
msgid "Queue rights"
msgstr "Droits de la file"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/SelectKeyForSigning:50 share/html/Elements/GnuPG/SelectKeyForSigning:54
msgid "Queue's key"
msgstr "Clefs pour la file"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:143
msgid "QueueAdminCc"
msgstr "AdminCcFile"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:142
msgid "QueueCc"
msgstr "CcFile"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "QueueName"
msgstr "NomFile"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:144
msgid "QueueWatcher"
msgstr "ObservateurFile"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:77 share/html/Elements/Tabs:137 share/html/Elements/Tabs:239 share/html/Elements/Tabs:82
msgid "Queues"
msgstr "Files"
#: share/html/Elements/MyAdminQueues:48
msgid "Queues I administer"
msgstr "Files I administrer"
#: share/html/Elements/MySupportQueues:48
msgid "Queues I'm an AdminCc for"
msgstr "Les files pour lesquelles je suis observateur AdminCc"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:425
msgid "Quick Create"
msgstr "Création rapide"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/QuickSearch:48 share/html/Elements/Quicksearch:50 share/html/Elements/Tabs:471 share/html/Prefs/Quicksearch.html:69
msgid "Quick search"
msgstr "Recherche rapide"
#: share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:49
msgid "Quick ticket creation"
msgstr "Création rapide de ticket"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:120
msgid "RFC2616"
msgstr "Copy text \t\r\nRFC2616"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:119
msgid "RFC2822"
msgstr "RFC2822"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:752
msgid "RSS"
msgstr "RSS"
msgid "RT %1 for %2"
msgstr "RT %1 pour %2"
#: share/html/Admin/index.html:48
msgid "RT Administration"
msgstr "Administration RT"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:162
msgid "RT Administrator Email"
msgstr "Courriel de l'administrateur RT"
msgid "RT Config"
msgstr "Config. RT"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:58
msgid "RT Configuration"
msgstr "COnfiguration RT"
#: share/html/Elements/Error:69 share/html/SelfService/Error.html:64
msgid "RT Error"
msgstr "Erreur RT"
msgid "RT Name"
msgstr "Nom RT"
msgid "RT Self Service"
msgstr "Self Service RT"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:139
msgid "RT Size"
msgstr "Taille de RT"
msgid "RT Variables"
msgstr "Variables de RT"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:306 lib/RT/Config.pm:315 share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:48 share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:56 share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html:64 share/html/Elements/Tabs:195 share/html/Elements/Tabs:306 share/html/Elements/Tabs:470 share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:60 share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:84 share/html/index.html:4
msgid "RT at a glance"
msgstr "RT en un coup d'œil"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html:73
#. ($UserObj->Name)
msgid "RT at a glance for the user %1"
msgstr "RT en un coup d'œil pour l'utilisateur %1"
#: share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:53
msgid "RT can communicate with your users about new tickets or new correspondence on tickets. Tell us where to find sendmail (or a sendmail compatible binary such as the one provided by postifx). RT also needs to know who to notify when someone sends invalid email. This must not be an address that feeds back into RT."
msgstr "RT peut communiquer avec vos utilisateurs au sujet des nouveaux ticket ou des nouveaux échanges. Indiquez où il est possible de trouver sendmail (ou un exécutable compatible sendmail comme celui fourni par postfix). RT nécessite également une adresse où envoyer les courriels invalides. Cette adresse ne doit pas être une adresse redirigée vers RT."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:114
msgid "RT can include content from another web service when showing this custom field."
msgstr "RT peut inclure le contenu d'un autre service web lorsque ce champs personnalisé est affiché."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:106
msgid "RT can make this custom field's values into hyperlinks to another service."
msgstr "RT peu convertir les valeurs de ce champs personnalisé en liens vers un autre service."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:110
msgid "RT core variables"
msgstr "Variables globales RT"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web/Session.pm:275
msgid "RT couldn't store your session."
msgstr "RT ne peut enregistrer votre session."
#: share/html/Elements/Logo:61 share/html/m/_elements/header:49 share/html/m/index.html:48 share/html/m/login:82
#. (RT->Config->Get('rtname'))
msgid "RT for %1"
msgstr "RT pour %1"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:71
msgid "RT is an enterprise-grade issue tracking system designed to let you intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, requests, defects or anything else that looks like an \"action item.\""
msgstr "RT est un outil de gestion d'incidents de niveau professionnel, destiné à vous permettre de gérer de manière intelligente et efficace les tâches, les problèmes, les demandes, les incidents ou n'importe quoi d'autre qui nécessite une action."
#: share/html/Install/index.html:74
msgid "RT is used by Fortune 100 companies, one-person businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, hospitals, nonprofits, NGOs, libraries, open source projects and all sorts of other organizations on all seven continents. (Yes, even Antarctica.)"
msgstr "RT est utilisé par plus de 100 sociétées, entreprises unipersonnelles, organismes publics, facultés, hopitaux, associations, ONGs, bibliothèques, projets de logiciels libres, et toute sorte d'autre organisation sur les septs continents. (Oui, même en Antarctique.)"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:121
msgid "RT will connect to the database using this user. It will be created for you."
msgstr "RT se connectera à la base de données avec cet identifiant. Il sera automatiquement créé."
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:155
msgid "RT will create a user called \"root\" and set this as their password"
msgstr "RT va créer un utilisateur nommé \"root\" et lui assigner ce mot de passe"
msgid "RT will look for anything else you enter in ticket subjects."
msgstr "RT va rechercher pour tout ce que vous pouvez saisir d'autre, dans les sujets des tickets."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:108 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:116
#. ('__id__', '__CustomField__')
msgid "RT will replace %1 and %2 with the record's id and the custom field's value, respectively."
msgstr "RT remplacera respectivement %1 et %2 avec l'identifiant et la valeur du champs personnalisé"
msgid "RT will replace __id__ and __CustomField__ with the record id and custom field value, respectively"
msgstr "RT remplacera respectivement __id__ et __CustomField__ avec l'identifiant et la valeur du champs personnalisé"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:142
msgid "RT will use this string to uniquely identify your installation and looks for it in the subject of emails to decide what ticket a message applies to. We recommend that you set this to your internet domain. (ex: example.com)"
msgstr "RT utilisera cette chaine de caractère pour identifier de manière unique votre installation et la chercher dans le sujet des courriels pour décider à quel ticket chaque message s'applique. Nous recommandons que vous utilisiez votre nom de domaine internet. (ex: example.com)"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:52
msgid "RT works with a number of different databases. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite are all supported."
msgstr "RT fonctionne avec différentes bases de données. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite sont supportées."
msgid "RT/Admin/Edit the group %1"
msgstr "RT/Admin/Edit le groupe %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:224
#. ($address)
msgid "RTAddressRegexp option in the config doesn't match %1"
msgstr "L'option RTAddressRegexp dans la configuration RT ne correspond pas à %1"
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2366 etc/RT_Config.pm:2370 etc/RT_Config.pm:2440 etc/RT_Config.pm:2444
msgid "Re-open"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:77 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:66 share/html/User/Prefs.html:69
msgid "Real Name"
msgstr "Nom Entier"
msgid "RealName"
msgstr "NomEntier"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:171
msgid "Recipient"
msgstr "Destinataire"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:239
msgid "Recipient must be an email address"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSimplifiedRecipients:77
msgid "Recipients"
msgstr "Destinataires"
#: share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:73
msgid "Record all updates"
msgstr "Tout enregistrer"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:69
msgid "Recursive member"
msgstr "Membre récursif"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:124
msgid "Refer to"
msgstr "Se rapporte à"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:797
#. ($value)
msgid "Reference by %1 added"
msgstr "Ajout d'une référence par %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:837
#. ($value)
msgid "Reference by %1 deleted"
msgstr "Suppression de la référence par %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:794
#. ($value)
msgid "Reference to %1 added"
msgstr "Ajout d'une référence à %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:834
#. ($value)
msgid "Reference to %1 deleted"
msgstr "Suppression d'une référence à %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditLinks:84 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowLinks:70 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:128 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:100 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:158 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:127 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:259 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:104 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:151 share/html/m/ticket/create:432 share/html/m/ticket/show:470
msgid "Referred to by"
msgstr "Mentionné par"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:156 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:124 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:138
msgid "ReferredToBy"
msgstr "MentionnéPar"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditLinks:58 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowLinks:48 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:154 share/html/Elements/EditLinks:91 share/html/Elements/SelectLinkType:51 share/html/Elements/ShowLinks:113 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:258 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:147 share/html/Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks:94 share/html/m/ticket/create:431 share/html/m/ticket/show:460
msgid "Refers to"
msgstr "Se rapporte à"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:156 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:120 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:138
msgid "RefersTo"
msgstr "SeRapporteÀ"
#: share/html/Elements/RefreshHomepage:48
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Actualiser"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:326
msgid "Refresh home page every 10 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page d'acceuil toutes les 10 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:329
msgid "Refresh home page every 120 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page d'acceuil toutes les 120 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:324
msgid "Refresh home page every 2 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page d'accueil toutes les 2 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:327
msgid "Refresh home page every 20 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page principale toutes les 20 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:325
msgid "Refresh home page every 5 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page principale toutes les 5 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:328
msgid "Refresh home page every 60 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page principale toutes les 60 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:296
msgid "Refresh search results every 10 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la recherche toutes les 10 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:299
msgid "Refresh search results every 120 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la page principale toutes les 120 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:294
msgid "Refresh search results every 2 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la recherche toutes les 2 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:297
msgid "Refresh search results every 20 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la recherche toutes les 20 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:295
msgid "Refresh search results every 5 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la recherche toutes les 5 minutes."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:298
msgid "Refresh search results every 60 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser la recherche toutes les 60 minutes."
#: share/html/Elements/Refresh:59
#. ($value/60)
msgid "Refresh this page every %1 minutes."
msgstr "Actualiser cette page toutes les %1 minute(s)."
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2342 etc/RT_Config.pm:2358 etc/RT_Config.pm:2416 etc/RT_Config.pm:2432
msgid "Reject"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reject tickets"
msgstr "Rejeter des tickets"
msgid "RejectTicket"
msgstr "RejeterTicket"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:164
msgid "Remember default queue"
msgstr "Se souvenir de la file par défaut"
#: share/html/Elements/ShowReminders:51 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:79
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr "Rappel"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:2168 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:934
#. ($args->{'NewReminder-Subject'})
#. ($ticket->Subject)
msgid "Reminder '%1' added"
msgstr "Rappel '%1' ajouté"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:947
#. ($ticket->Subject)
msgid "Reminder '%1' completed"
msgstr "Rappel '%1' terminé"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:940
#. ($ticket->Subject)
msgid "Reminder '%1' reopened"
msgstr "Rappel '%1' ré-ouvert"
msgid "Reminder ticket #%1"
msgstr "Ticket de rappel n°%1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:551 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:76 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:73 share/html/Ticket/Reminders.html:54 share/html/m/ticket/show:355
msgid "Reminders"
msgstr "Rappels"
#: share/html/Ticket/Reminders.html:48
#. ($Ticket->Id)
msgid "Reminders for ticket #%1"
msgstr "Rappels pour le ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:95
msgid "Remove AdminCc"
msgstr "Enlever AdminCc"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/Bookmark:88
msgid "Remove Bookmark"
msgstr "Supprimer le favori"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:91
msgid "Remove Cc"
msgstr "Enlever Cc"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:87
msgid "Remove Requestor"
msgstr "Enlever Demandeur"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:1041
#. ($principal->Object->Name, $args{'Type'})
msgid "Removed %1 from members of %2 for this queue."
msgstr "%1 supprimé des membres de %2 pour cette file."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:72
msgid "Render Type"
msgstr "Type d'affichage"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:188
msgid "Replaces the owner dropdowns with textboxes"
msgstr "Remplacer les listes déroulantes d'intervenants par des boîtes de saisie"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:555 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction:201 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_menu:69
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Répondre"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:80
msgid "Reply Address"
msgstr "Adresse de réponse"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:130 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:95 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:79 share/html/m/ticket/reply:91
msgid "Reply to requestors"
msgstr "Répondre aux demandeurs"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:113
msgid "Reply to tickets"
msgstr "Répondre aux tickets"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:113
msgid "ReplyToTicket"
msgstr "RépondreTicket"
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Rapports"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:100 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:137
msgid "Requestor"
msgstr "Demandeur"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:149
msgid "RequestorGroup"
msgstr "GroupeDemandeur"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:154 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:138 share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:70 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:173 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:255 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/SelfService/Create.html:67 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:116 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditPeople:70 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowPeople:58 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_list:94 share/html/m/ticket/create:307 share/html/m/ticket/show:290
msgid "Requestors"
msgstr "Demandeurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:100
msgid "Requests should be due in"
msgstr "Le demande doit être résolue dans"
#: lib/RT/Attribute.pm:154
#. ('Object')
msgid "Required parameter '%1' not specified"
msgstr "Le paramètre requis '%1' n'est pas spécifié"
#: share/html/Elements/Submit:114
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Remise à zéro"
#: share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:74
msgid "Reset RT at a glance"
msgstr "Ré-initialiser RT en un coup d'oeil"
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:182
msgid "Reset secret authentication token"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le jeton d'authentification"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html:58 share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:77
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr "Réinitialiser avec les valeurs par défaut"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:167 share/html/User/Prefs.html:88
msgid "Residence"
msgstr "Domicile"
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2338 etc/RT_Config.pm:2354 etc/RT_Config.pm:2412 etc/RT_Config.pm:2428 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:75
msgid "Resolve"
msgstr "Résoudre"
#: share/html/m/ticket/reply:167
#. ($t->id, $t->Subject)
msgid "Resolve ticket #%1 (%2)"
msgstr "Résoudre le ticket n°%1 (%2)"
#: etc/initialdata:321 lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:933 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:129 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:216 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:241 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:51 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "Resolved"
msgstr "Résolu"
msgid "Resolved by owner"
msgstr "Résolus par intervenant"
msgid "Resolved in date range"
msgstr "Résolus dans la période de temps"
msgid "Resolved tickets in period, grouped by owner"
msgstr "Tickets résolus dans la période, groupés par intervenant"
msgid "Resolved tickets, grouped by owner"
msgstr "Tickets résolus, groupés par intervenant"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "ResolvedRelative"
msgstr "RésoluDepuis"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:73
msgid "Respond"
msgstr "Répondre"
#: share/html/Elements/ListActions:49 share/html/Search/Elements/NewListActions:48
msgid "Results"
msgstr "Résultats"
#: share/html/Ticket/GnuPG.html:55
msgid "Return back to the ticket"
msgstr "Retourner au ticket"
#: share/html/Elements/EditPassword:66
msgid "Retype Password"
msgstr "Saisissez à nouveau votre mot de passe"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:62
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Right Delegated"
msgstr "Droit délégué"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:302
msgid "Right Granted"
msgstr "Droit accordé"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:173
msgid "Right Loaded"
msgstr "Droit activé"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:357
msgid "Right could not be revoked"
msgstr "Droit irrévocable"
msgid "Right not found"
msgstr "Droit inconnu"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:325
msgid "Right not loaded."
msgstr "Droit non activé."
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:353
msgid "Right revoked"
msgstr "Droit révoqué"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1804 lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1915
#. ($object_type)
msgid "Rights could not be granted for %1"
msgstr "Les droits n'ont pas pu être attribués à %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:93
msgid "Rights for Administrators"
msgstr "Permissions pour les administrateurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:92
msgid "Rights for Staff"
msgstr "permissions pour les intervenants"
msgid "Roles"
msgstr "Rôles"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:161
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Lignes"
#: share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:69
msgid "Rows per box"
msgstr "Lignes par boîte"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSort:91
msgid "Rows per page"
msgstr "Lignes par pages"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:49 share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:58 share/html/Elements/Tabs:223
msgid "SQL Queries"
msgstr "Requêtes SQL"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:70
msgid "SQLite"
msgstr "SQLite"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:58
msgid "SQLite is a database that doesn't need a server or any configuration whatsoever. RT's authors recommend it for testing, demoing and development, but it's not quite right for a high-volume production RT server."
msgstr "SQLite est une base de données qui ne nécessite pas de serveur ou de configuration spécifique. Les auteurs de RT la recommande pour les tests, démonstrations ou développements, mais ce n'est pas adaptés à une utilisation intensive d'un serveur RT en production."
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:112
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Sam"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:111
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samedi"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:63 share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:71 share/html/Prefs/Quicksearch.html:63 share/html/Prefs/Search.html:67 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:73 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:80 share/html/Widgets/SelectionBox:233 share/html/m/ticket/show:361
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sauver"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/GroupRights.html:57 share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html:99 share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/UserRights.html:56 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html:56 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:151 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html:55 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:145 share/html/Admin/Global/GroupRights.html:54 share/html/Admin/Global/Template.html:91 share/html/Admin/Global/UserRights.html:54 share/html/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html:55 share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:94 share/html/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html:55 share/html/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html:59 share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:156 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:124 share/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html:115 share/html/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html:60 share/html/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html:73 share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:227 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:102 share/html/Dashboards/Modify.html:72 share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:183 share/html/Prefs/Other.html:75 share/html/Prefs/Quicksearch.html:63 share/html/Prefs/Search.html:67 share/html/Prefs/SearchOptions.html:62 share/html/SelfService/Prefs.html:61 share/html/Ticket/Modify.html:64 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:127 share/html/Ticket/ModifyDates.html:60 share/html/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html:62 share/html/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html:76 share/html/Ticket/Reminders.html:61
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Enregistrer les modifications"
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:190
msgid "Save Preferences"
msgstr "Sauvegarder les préférences"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:66
msgid "Save as New"
msgstr "Enregistrer sous"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:60
msgid "Save new"
msgstr "Sauver comme"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:54
msgid "Save this search"
msgstr "Enregistrer cette recherche"
#: lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm:213
#. ($self->ObjectName, $name)
msgid "Saved %1 %2"
msgstr "%1 %2 sauvé"
#: share/html/Elements/ShowSearch:72
#. ($SavedSearch)
msgid "Saved Search %1 not found"
msgstr "Recherche sauvée %1 non trouvée"
#: share/html/Elements/SavedSearches:48 share/html/Elements/Tabs:473
msgid "Saved Searches"
msgstr "Recherches sauvegardées"
#: share/html/Search/Chart.html:133
msgid "Saved charts"
msgstr "Graphiques sauvés"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:48 share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:65 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:136 share/html/Widgets/SavedSearch:185
msgid "Saved searches"
msgstr "Recherches sauvées"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips:69
#. ($scrip->id)
msgid "Scrip #%1"
msgstr "Scrip n°%1"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:184
msgid "Scrip Created"
msgstr "Scrip ajouté"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:54
msgid "Scrip Fields"
msgstr "Champs de scrip"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrips:106
msgid "Scrip deleted"
msgstr "Scrip supprimé"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:106 share/html/Elements/Tabs:279
msgid "Scrips"
msgstr "Scrips"
#: share/html/Ticket/Update.html:191
msgid "Scrips and Recipients"
msgstr "Scrips et destinataires"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Scrips.html:52
msgid "Scrips which apply to all queues"
msgstr "Scrips s'appliquant à toutes les files"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html:63 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:144 share/html/Elements/SimpleSearch:49 share/html/Elements/SimpleSearch:49 share/html/Elements/Tabs:418 share/html/Elements/Tabs:789 share/html/Search/Simple.html:58 share/html/m/_elements/menu:64
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Rechercher"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:214
#. ($search->Name)
msgid "Search %1 updated"
msgstr "Recherche %1 mise à jour"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/GotoArticle:68 share/html/SelfService/Article/Search.html:48 share/html/SelfService/Elements/SearchArticle:49 share/html/SelfService/Elements/SearchArticle:49
msgid "Search Articles"
msgstr "Rechercher des articles"
#: share/html/Prefs/SearchOptions.html:48
msgid "Search Preferences"
msgstr "Préférences de recherche"
msgid "Search for Articles articles matching"
msgstr "Rechercher des articles d'articles correspondant"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:55 share/html/SelfService/Article/Search.html:53
msgid "Search for Articles matching"
msgstr "Rechercher les articles correspondant"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:57
msgid "Search for approvals"
msgstr "Rechercher des approbations"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:48
msgid "Search for articles"
msgstr "Rechercher des articles"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:100
msgid "Search for tickets"
msgstr "Rechercher des tickets"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:63
#. (@strong)
msgid "Search for tickets by entering %1id%2 numbers, subject words %1\"in quotes\"%2, %1queues%2 by name, Owners by %1username%2, Requestors by %1email address%2, and ticket %1statuses%2."
msgstr ""
msgid "Search for tickets. Enter id numbers, queues by name, Owners by username and Requestors by email address."
msgstr "Rechercher des tickets. Saisissez un numéro d'identifiant, un nom de file, les intervenants par nom et les demandeurs par adresse courriel."
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:469
msgid "Search options"
msgstr "Options de recherche"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:81
msgid "Search results"
msgstr "Résultats de la recherche:"
#: share/html/Search/Chart.html:71
#. ($PrimaryGroupByLabel)
msgid "Search results grouped by %1"
msgstr "Résultats groupés par %1"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:290
msgid "Search results refresh interval"
msgstr "Intervalle d'actualisation des résultats de recherche"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:73
#. ($fulltext_keyword)
msgid "Searching the full text of every ticket can take a long time, but if you need to do it, you can search for any word in full ticket history by typing %1word."
msgstr ""
msgid "Searching the full text of every ticket can take a long time, but if you need to do it, you can search for any word in full ticket history for any word by typing fulltext:word."
msgstr "La recherche en texte intégral (full text) sur chacun des tickets peut prendre un long moment, mais si vous le nécessitez, vous pouvez rechercher n'importe quel mot dans les historiques de tickets en tapant fulltext:mot."
#: share/html/User/Prefs.html:178
msgid "Secret authentication token"
msgstr "Jeton d'authentification"
#: bin/rt-crontool:365
msgid "Security:"
msgstr "Sécurité :"
#: share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFields:116 share/html/m/ticket/show:194
msgid "See also:"
msgstr "Voir également:"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:90
msgid "See articles in this class"
msgstr "Voir les articles de cette classe"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:91
msgid "See changes to articles in this class"
msgstr ""
msgid "See custom field values"
msgstr "Afficher les valeurs de champ personnalisé"
msgid "See custom fields"
msgstr "Voir les champs personnalisés"
msgid "See exact outgoing email messages and their recipeients"
msgstr "Voir les courriels sortant et leurs destinataires"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:88
msgid "See that this class exists"
msgstr "Voir que cette classe existe"
msgid "See ticket private commentary"
msgstr "Voir les commentaires privés du ticket"
msgid "See ticket summaries"
msgstr "Vue récapitulative des tickets"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:88
msgid "SeeClass"
msgstr "VoirClasse"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:205 lib/RT/Queue.pm:97
msgid "SeeCustomField"
msgstr "VoirChampPersonnalisé"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:81
msgid "SeeDashboard"
msgstr "VoirTableauDeBord"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:99
msgid "SeeGroup"
msgstr "VoirGroupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:100
msgid "SeeGroupDashboard"
msgstr "VoirTableauDeBordDeGroupe"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:86
msgid "SeeOwnDashboard"
msgstr "VoirTableauDeBordPersonnel"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:92
msgid "SeeQueue"
msgstr "VoirFile"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:110 share/html/Elements/Tabs:118 share/html/Elements/Tabs:160 share/html/Elements/Tabs:176 share/html/Elements/Tabs:258 share/html/Elements/Tabs:276 share/html/Elements/Tabs:280 share/html/Elements/Tabs:350 share/html/Elements/Tabs:361 share/html/Elements/Tabs:371 share/html/Elements/Tabs:70 share/html/Elements/Tabs:78 share/html/Elements/Tabs:86 share/html/Elements/Tabs:95
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Choisir"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:96 share/html/Elements/Tabs:153
msgid "Select Custom Fields for Articles in all Classes"
msgstr "Sélectionner des champs personnalisés pour des articles dans toutes les classes"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:73
msgid "Select Database Type"
msgstr "Choisissez un type de base de données"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:48 share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/index.html:52
msgid "Select a Class"
msgstr "Sélectionner une classe"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/index.html:96
msgid "Select a Custom Field"
msgstr "Choisissez un champ personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:83
msgid "Select a color for the section"
msgstr "Choisir une couleur pour cette section"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:82 share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:99
msgid "Select a group"
msgstr "Choisir un groupe"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html:54 share/html/m/ticket/select_create_queue:55
msgid "Select a queue"
msgstr "Choisir une file"
#: share/html/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html:50
msgid "Select a queue for your new ticket"
msgstr "Choisir une file pour votre nouveau ticket"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:79
msgid "Select a section"
msgstr "Choisir une section"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:48 share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:93
msgid "Select a user"
msgstr "Choisir un utilisateur"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:114
#. ($included_topic->Name)
msgid "Select an Article from %1"
msgstr "Sélectionner un article dans %1"
#: share/html/Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox:66
msgid "Select an Article to include"
msgstr "Choisir un article à inclure"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:59
msgid "Select another language"
msgstr "Séléctionner une autre langue"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:79 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:82
msgid "Select box"
msgstr "Champ de sélection"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:78 share/html/Elements/Tabs:138
msgid "Select custom fields for all queues"
msgstr "Sélectionner les champs personnalisés pour toutes les files"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:72 share/html/Elements/Tabs:133
msgid "Select custom fields for all user groups"
msgstr "Choisir des champs personnalisés pour tous les groupes d'utilisateurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:67 share/html/Elements/Tabs:128
msgid "Select custom fields for all users"
msgstr "Choisir des champs personnalisés pour tous les utilisateurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:84 share/html/Elements/Tabs:143
msgid "Select custom fields for tickets in all queues"
msgstr "Choisir des champs personnalisés pour toutes les files"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:91 share/html/Elements/Tabs:148
msgid "Select custom fields for transactions on tickets in all queues"
msgstr "Choisir des champs personnalisés pour les opération sur les tickets de toutes les files"
msgid "Select dashboard"
msgstr "Sélectionner le tableau de bord"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:160
msgid "Select date"
msgstr "Choisir une date"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:169
msgid "Select datetime"
msgstr "Chosir une date/heure"
msgid "Select group"
msgstr "Choisir le groupe"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:159
msgid "Select multiple dates"
msgstr "Choisir plusieurs dates"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:168
msgid "Select multiple datetimes"
msgstr "Choisir plusieurs dates/heure"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:70
msgid "Select multiple values"
msgstr "Choisir plusieurs valeurs"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:71
msgid "Select one value"
msgstr "Choisir une valeur"
#: share/html/Prefs/Quicksearch.html:52
msgid "Select queues to be displayed on the \"RT at a glance\" page"
msgstr "Sélectionnez les files à afficher dans la page \"RT en un coup d'œil\""
msgid "Select scrip"
msgstr "Choisir le scrip"
msgid "Select template"
msgstr "Choisir le modèle"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoClass.html:63 share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractIntoTopic.html:52
#. ()
msgid "Select topics for this article"
msgstr "Choisir les rubriques pour cette article"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:161
msgid "Select up to %1 dates"
msgstr "Choisir au maximum %1 date(s)"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:170
msgid "Select up to %1 datetimes"
msgstr "Choisir au maximum %1 date(s)/heure"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:72
msgid "Select up to %1 values"
msgstr "Choisir au plus %1 valeurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:55
msgid "Selected Custom Fields"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés sélectionnés"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:65
msgid "Selected Queues"
msgstr "File sélectionnées"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2032
msgid "Selected key either is not trusted or doesn't exist anymore."
msgstr "La clefs sélectionnée n'est pas de confiance ou n'existe plus."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:67
msgid "Selected objects"
msgstr "Objets sélectionnés"
#: share/html/Widgets/SelectionBox:231
msgid "Selections modified. Please save your changes"
msgstr "Sélections modifiées. Merci de sauver vos modifications"
msgid "Send email successfully"
msgstr "Courriel envoyé avec succès"
msgid "Send mail to all watchers"
msgstr "Envoyer un courrier à tous les observateurs"
msgid "Send mail to all watchers as a \"comment\""
msgstr "Envoyer un mail de commentaire à tous les observateurs"
#: etc/initialdata:77
msgid "Send mail to owner and all watchers"
msgstr "Envoyer un courriel aux intervenants et observateurs"
#: etc/initialdata:73
msgid "Send mail to owner and all watchers as a \"comment\""
msgstr "Envoyer un courriel à l'intervenants et aux observateurs en \"commentaire\""
#: etc/initialdata:68
msgid "Send mail to requestors and Ccs"
msgstr "Envoyer un courrier aux demandeurs et aux CCs"
#: etc/initialdata:63
msgid "Send mail to requestors and Ccs as a comment"
msgstr "Envoyer un courrier aux demandeurs et aux CCs en tant que commentaire"
msgid "Sendmail arguments"
msgstr "Arguments sendmail"
msgid "Sendmail bounce arguments"
msgstr "Arguments de rejet (bounce) pour Sendmail"
#: etc/initialdata:34
msgid "Sends a message to the requestors"
msgstr "Envoyer un courrier aux demandeurs"
#: etc/initialdata:81 etc/initialdata:85
msgid "Sends mail to explicitly listed Ccs and Bccs"
msgstr "Envoyer un courrier aux CCs et Bccs explicitement indiqués"
#: etc/initialdata:50 etc/upgrade/3.1.17/content:7
msgid "Sends mail to the Ccs"
msgstr "Envoyer un courriel en cc"
#: etc/initialdata:46 etc/upgrade/3.1.17/content:3
msgid "Sends mail to the Ccs as a comment"
msgstr "Envoyer un courriel en cc pour commentaires"
#: etc/initialdata:58
msgid "Sends mail to the administrative Ccs"
msgstr "Envoyer un mail aux AdminCCs"
#: etc/initialdata:54
msgid "Sends mail to the administrative Ccs as a comment"
msgstr "Envoyer un mail aux AdminCCs en tant que commentaire"
#: etc/initialdata:38 etc/initialdata:42
msgid "Sends mail to the owner"
msgstr "Envoyer un courrier à l'intervenant"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:767
msgid "Sent email successfully"
msgstr "Courriel envoyé avec succès"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:99
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sep"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/LinkEntryInstructions:49
msgid "Separate multiple entries with spaces."
msgstr "Séparer les différentes saisies par des espaces"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Septembre"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1599
msgid "Set private key"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:466 share/html/Prefs/Other.html:79
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Réglages"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:176
msgid "Short usernames"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:496
msgid "Should RT send you mail for ticket updates you make?"
msgstr "RT doit-il vous envoyer des courriels pour les mises à jour de ticket que vous effectuez ?"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:502 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction:182
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Afficher"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:84
msgid "Show Approvals tab"
msgstr "Voir l'onglet approbations"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:54
msgid "Show Columns"
msgstr "Afficher les colonnes"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:83
msgid "Show Configuration tab"
msgstr "Voir l'onglet configuration"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:726
msgid "Show Results"
msgstr "Aff. résultats"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:153
#. ($Level)
msgid "Show Tickets Properties on %1 level"
msgstr "Afficher les propriétés des tickets de niveau %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory:63
msgid "Show all quoted text"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:62
msgid "Show approved requests"
msgstr "Afficher les requêtes approuvées"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:71
msgid "Show as well"
msgstr "Voir également"
msgid "Show basics"
msgstr "Affichage court"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory:72
msgid "Show brief headers"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:63
msgid "Show denied requests"
msgstr "Afficher les requêtes refusées"
msgid "Show details"
msgstr "Affichage long"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory:77
msgid "Show full headers"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/System.pm:85
msgid "Show global templates"
msgstr "Voir les modèles en global"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:101
msgid "Show link descriptions"
msgstr "Afficher la description des liens"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:406
msgid "Show no tickets for the Requestor"
msgstr "Ne pas afficher les tickets du demandeur"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:352
msgid "Show oldest history first"
msgstr "Afficher le message le plus ancien en premier"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:61
msgid "Show pending requests"
msgstr "Afficher les requêtes en attente"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/FoldStanzaJS:50 share/html/Ticket/Elements/FoldStanzaJS:50
msgid "Show quoted text"
msgstr "Voir le texte cité"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/PendingMyApproval:64
msgid "Show requests awaiting other approvals"
msgstr "Afficher les requêtes attendant d'autres approbations"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:404
msgid "Show the Requestor's 10 highest priority closed tickets"
msgstr "Voir les 10 tickets fermés de plus haute priorité pour ce demandeur"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:403
msgid "Show the Requestor's 10 highest priority open tickets"
msgstr "Voir les 10 tickets ouvert de plus haute priorité pour ce demandeur"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:405
msgid "Show the Requestor's 10 highest priority tickets"
msgstr "Voir les 10 tickets de plus haute priorité pour ce demandeur"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ClickToShowHistory:50
msgid "Show ticket history"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:96 lib/RT/Queue.pm:94
msgid "ShowACL"
msgstr "AfficherACL"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:84
msgid "ShowApprovalsTab"
msgstr "VoirOngletApprobations"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:90
msgid "ShowArticle"
msgstr "VoirArticle"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:91
msgid "ShowArticleHistory"
msgstr "VoirHistoriqueArticle"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:83
msgid "ShowConfigTab"
msgstr "VoirOngletConfiguration"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:85
msgid "ShowGlobalTemplates"
msgstr "VoirModèlesGlobaux"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:108
msgid "ShowOutgoingEmail"
msgstr "AfficherCourrielSortant"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:98
msgid "ShowSavedSearches"
msgstr "AfficherRecherchesSauvées"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:104
msgid "ShowScrips"
msgstr "AfficherScrips"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:101
msgid "ShowTemplate"
msgstr "AfficherModèle"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:106
msgid "ShowTicket"
msgstr "AfficherTicket"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:107
msgid "ShowTicketComments"
msgstr "AfficherCommentairesTickets"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html:74 share/html/Elements/Tabs:229 share/html/Elements/Tabs:769
msgid "Shredder"
msgstr "Shredder"
msgid "Shredder needs a directory to write dumps to. Please check that you have %1 and it is writable by your web server."
msgstr "Le Shredder a besoin d'un répertoire afin d'écrire ses \"dumps\". Veuillez vérifier que %1 existe et est en écriture pour votre serveur web."
msgid "Shredder needs a directory to write dumps to. Please check that you have %1 and it is writable by your web server."
msgstr "Le Shredder a besoin d'un répertoire afin d'écrire ses \"dumps\". Veuillez vérifier que %1 existe et est en écriture pour votre serveur web."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Error/NoStorage:55
#. ($path_tag)
msgid "Shredder needs a directory to write dumps to. Please ensure that the directory %1 exists and that it is writable by your web server."
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Dashboards/Queries.html:180
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Barre latérale"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:80
msgid "Sign"
msgstr "Signer"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:118
msgid "Sign by default"
msgstr "Signer par défaut"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:110
msgid "Sign up as a ticket Requestor or ticket or queue Cc"
msgstr "S'identifier en tant que demandeur ou CC de file ou de ticket"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:111
msgid "Sign up as a ticket or queue AdminCc"
msgstr "S'identifier en tant qu'AdminCC de ticket ou de file"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget:56
#. ($columnsplit, $m->scomp('/Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly', Name => 'Sign', CurrentValue => $self->{'Sign'} ), $m->scomp('SelectKeyForSigning', User => $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj ),)
msgid "Sign%1%2 using %3"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:215 share/html/User/Prefs.html:170
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Signature"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:595
msgid "Signing disabled"
msgstr "Signature désactivée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:594
msgid "Signing enabled"
msgstr "Signature activée"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate:61
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "Simple"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:411
msgid "Simple Search"
msgstr "Recherche rapide"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectSingleOrMultiple:49
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Unique"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:141
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Nom du site"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:143 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:84
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"
#: share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar:52
msgid "Skip Menu"
msgstr "Passer le menu"
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:287
msgid "Skipping disabled user"
msgstr "Sauter les utilisateurs désactivés"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:87
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Petite"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:117
msgid "Some browsers may only load content from the same domain as your RT server."
msgstr "Certains navigateurs peuvent restreindre le chargement du contenu au domaine du serveur RT."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:112
msgid "Something wrong. Contact system administrator"
msgstr "Un problème est survenu. Contactez votre administrateur système."
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/AddCustomFieldValue:53 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues:57
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Trier"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions:48
msgid "Sorting"
msgstr "Tri"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:222 share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:63
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:94
msgid "Specify whether this is a daily or weekly run."
msgstr "Spécifie si le lancement et quotidien ou hebdomadaire."
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:735
msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tableur"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:82 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:97
msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Étape"
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2350 etc/RT_Config.pm:2424
msgid "Stall"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:85
#. (map { "$_" } 'queue:"Example Queue"', 'owner:email@example.com')
msgid "Start the search term with the name of a supported field followed by a colon, as in %1 and %2, to explicitly specify the search type."
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:127 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:193 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:226 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:50 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditDates:55 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:58 share/html/m/ticket/show:381
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Ouvert le"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "StartedRelative"
msgstr "OuvertDepuis"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:126 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:188 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:221 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:54 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:239 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditDates:50 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:54 share/html/m/ticket/create:414 share/html/m/ticket/show:377
msgid "Starts"
msgstr "Débute"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "StartsRelative"
msgstr "DébuteDepuis"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:146 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:121 share/html/User/Prefs.html:135
msgid "State"
msgstr "État"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:153 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:927 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:100 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2108 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:104 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:94 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:97 share/html/SelfService/Update.html:60 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:54 share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/ShowLegends:51 share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:67 share/html/m/_elements/ticket_list:95 share/html/m/ticket/create:287 share/html/m/ticket/reply:62 share/html/m/ticket/show:219
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Statut"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:304 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3117
#. ($self->loc($args{'Status'}))
#. ($self->loc($new))
msgid "Status '%1' isn't a valid status for tickets in this queue."
msgstr "Le statut '%1' n'est pas un statut valide pour les tickets de cette file."
#: etc/initialdata:307
msgid "Status Change"
msgstr "Changement de statut"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:643
#. ("'" . $self->loc( $self->OldValue ) . "'", "'" . $self->loc( $self->NewValue ) . "'")
msgid "Status changed from %1 to %2"
msgstr "Statut changé de %1 à %2"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:94
msgid "Status changes"
msgstr "Changements de statut"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:612
msgid "Steal"
msgstr "Voler"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:119
msgid "Steal tickets"
msgstr "Voler les tickets"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:119
msgid "StealTicket"
msgstr "VolerTicket"
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:48 share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:48 share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:48 share/html/Install/Finish.html:48 share/html/Install/Global.html:48 share/html/Install/Initialize.html:48 share/html/Install/Sendmail.html:48
#. (1, 7)
#. (2, 7)
#. (3, 7)
#. (4, 7)
#. (5, 7)
#. (6, 7)
#. (7, 7)
msgid "Step %1 of %2"
msgstr "Étape %1 sur %2"
msgid "Step %1 of %2: "
msgstr "Étape %1 sur %2: "
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:750 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:903
#. ($Old->Name)
msgid "Stolen from %1"
msgstr "Volé à %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:93
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Style"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:153 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:923 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:132 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2182 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Ticket:52 share/html/Elements/QuickCreate:57 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:99 share/html/Elements/SelectAttachmentField:49 share/html/Search/Bulk.html:133 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/SelfService/Create.html:83 share/html/SelfService/Update.html:68 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:157 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:122 share/html/Ticket/Elements/Reminders:143 share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:63 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:102 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:162 share/html/m/ticket/create:266 share/html/m/ticket/reply:95
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Sujet"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:76
msgid "Subject Tag"
msgstr "Marque de sujet"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:772
#. ($self->Data)
msgid "Subject changed to %1"
msgstr "Sujet modifié en %1"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:76
msgid "SubjectTag"
msgstr "MarqueDeSujet"
msgid "SubjectTag changed to %1"
msgstr "Marque de sujet changé en %1"
#: share/html/Elements/Submit:99
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Valider"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:185
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "S'abonner"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:287
#. ($Dashboard->Name)
msgid "Subscribe to dashboard %1"
msgstr "S'abonner au tableau de bord %1"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:79
msgid "Subscribe to dashboards"
msgstr "S'abonner aux tableaux de bord"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:79
msgid "SubscribeDashboard"
msgstr "SabonnerAUnTableauDeBord"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:272
#. ($Dashboard->Name)
msgid "Subscribed to dashboard %1"
msgstr "S'abonner au tableau de bord %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:88 share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:66 share/html/Elements/Tabs:500
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Abonnement"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:277
#. ($msg)
msgid "Subscription could not be created: %1"
msgstr "L'abonnement n'a pas pu être créé: %1"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:781
msgid "Successfuly decrypted data"
msgstr "Donnée déchiffrées sans erreur"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:746
msgid "Successfuly encrypted data"
msgstr "Données chiffrées sans erreur"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/EditBasics:53 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:67 share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:65
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Résumé"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:106
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Dim"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:112
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Dimanche"
#: lib/RT/System.pm:80
msgid "SuperUser"
msgstr "SuperUtilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:485
msgid "Suspended"
msgstr "Suspendu"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Système"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:50 share/html/Elements/Tabs:211
msgid "System Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration système"
msgid "System Dashboards"
msgstr "Tableaux de bord système"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:203 share/html/Elements/SelectTimezone:63
msgid "System Default"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut du système"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1804 lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1915 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRightsCategoryTabs:65 share/html/Admin/Elements/SelectRights:110
msgid "System Error"
msgstr "Erreur système"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:261 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:267
#. ($msg)
msgid "System Error: %1"
msgstr "Erreur système : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/index.html:48
msgid "System Tools"
msgstr "Outils système"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:661
msgid "System error"
msgstr "Erreur système."
msgid "System error. Right not delegated."
msgstr "Erreur système. Droit non délégué."
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:158 lib/RT/ACE.pm:226 lib/RT/ACE.pm:305
msgid "System error. Right not granted."
msgstr "Erreur système. Droit non accordé."
msgid "System groups"
msgstr "Groupes systèmes"
msgid "System rights"
msgstr "Droits système"
#: lib/RT/Handle.pm:728
msgid "SystemRolegroup for internal use"
msgstr "SystemRolegroup à usage interne"
msgstr "Chaîne_de_test"
#: etc/initialdata:587 share/html/Elements/Tabs:606 share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:72
msgid "Take"
msgstr "Prendre"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:118
msgid "Take tickets"
msgstr "Prendre les tickets"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:118
msgid "TakeTicket"
msgstr "PrendreTicket"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:735 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:895
msgid "Taken"
msgstr "Pris"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:53
msgid "Tell us a little about how to find the database RT will be using"
msgstr "Donnez nous quelques information pour trouver la base de données que RT utilisera"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:75 share/html/Elements/RT__Scrip/ColumnMap:80 share/html/Tools/Offline.html:77
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Modèle"
msgid "Template #%1"
msgstr "Modèle n°%1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditTemplates:111
#. ($id)
msgid "Template #%1 deleted"
msgstr "Modèle #%1 effacé"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:161 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:673
#. ($args{'Template'})
#. ($value)
msgid "Template '%1' not found"
msgstr "Modèle '#%1' non trouvé"
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:699
msgid "Template compiles"
msgstr "Compilation du modèle ok"
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:666
msgid "Template does not include Perl code"
msgstr "Le modèle n'inclus pas de code Perl"
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:390
msgid "Template is empty"
msgstr "Le modèle est vide"
#: lib/RT/Scrip.pm:157 lib/RT/Scrip.pm:668
msgid "Template is mandatory argument"
msgstr "Modèle est un argument obligatoire"
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:370
msgid "Template parsed"
msgstr "Modèle analysé"
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:455
msgid "Template parsing error"
msgstr "Erreur d'analyse du modèle"
#: lib/RT/Template.pm:475 lib/RT/Template.pm:677
#. ($Text::Template::ERROR)
msgid "Template parsing error: %1"
msgstr "Erreur de format de modèle : %1"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:114 share/html/Elements/Tabs:275
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Modèles"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Templates.html:60
#. ($QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Templates for queue %1"
msgstr "Modèles pour la file %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:90
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:164
msgid "Text file is not shown because it is disabled in preferences."
msgstr "Le fichier texte n'est pas affiché car désactivé dans les préférences."
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:952
msgid "That is already the current value"
msgstr "Ceci est déjà la valeur actuelle"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:581
msgid "That is not a value for this custom field"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour ce champ personnalisé"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1705
msgid "That is the same value"
msgstr "Valeur identique"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:288
msgid "That principal already has that right"
msgstr "Ce groupe/utilisateur dispose déjà de ce droit"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:949
#. ($args{'Type'})
msgid "That principal is already a %1 for this queue"
msgstr "Ce groupe/utilisateur est déjà un %1 pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1143
#. ($self->loc($args{'Type'}))
msgid "That principal is already a %1 for this ticket"
msgstr "Ce groupe/utilisateur est déjà un %1 pour ce ticket"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:1030
#. ($args{'Type'})
msgid "That principal is not a %1 for this queue"
msgstr "Ce groupe/utilisateur n'est pas un %1 pour cette file"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1263
#. ($args{'Type'})
msgid "That principal is not a %1 for this ticket"
msgstr "Ce groupe/utilisateur n'est pas un %1 pour ce ticket"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1701
msgid "That queue does not exist"
msgstr "File inconnue"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3131
msgid "That ticket has unresolved dependencies"
msgstr "Ticket ayant des tickets fils ou dépendants non résolus"
#: lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:480 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2947
msgid "That user already owns that ticket"
msgstr "Cet utilisateur possède déjà ce ticket"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2890
msgid "That user does not exist"
msgstr "Utilisateur inconnu"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:333
msgid "That user is already privileged"
msgstr "Utilisateur possédant déjà un statut privilégié"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:353
msgid "That user is already unprivileged"
msgstr "Utilisateur déjà non-privilégié"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:346
msgid "That user is now privileged"
msgstr "Utilisateur bénéficiant à présent du statut privilégié"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:366
msgid "That user is now unprivileged"
msgstr "Cet utilisateur est maintenant non privilégié"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2940
msgid "That user may not own tickets in that queue"
msgstr "Cet utilisateur ne peut pas posséder de ticket dans cette file"
#: lib/RT/Link.pm:224
msgid "That's not a numerical id"
msgstr "Identifiant non numérique"
#: share/html/SelfService/Display.html:57 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:202 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowSummary:52 share/html/m/ticket/create:368 share/html/m/ticket/show:209
msgid "The Basics"
msgstr "Éléments de base"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:101
msgid "The CC of a ticket"
msgstr "Le CC d'un ticket"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:660
#. ($Value)
msgid "The Class of the Article identified by %1 is not applied to the current Queue"
msgstr "La classe de l'article dont l'identifiant est %1 n'est pas appliqué à la file actuelle"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:112
msgid "The DBA's database password"
msgstr "Le mot de passe du DBA de la base de données"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:102
msgid "The administrative CC of a ticket"
msgstr "L'AdminCC d'un ticket"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:81
msgid "The domain name of your database server (like 'db.example.com')."
msgstr "Le nom de domaine de votre serveur de base de données (ex: 'db.example.com')."
msgid "The domain name of your database server (like 'db.int.example.com')"
msgstr "Nom d'hôte du serveur de base de données (exemple 'bd.int.exemple.fr')"
#: bin/rt-crontool:375
msgid "The following command will find all active tickets in the queue 'general' and set their priority to 99 if they are overdue:"
msgstr "La commande suivante recherchera tous les tickets actifs dans la file 'general' et leurs mettra comme priorité \"99\" s'ils ont dépassé leur échéance:"
msgid "The following command will find all active tickets in the queue 'general' and set their priority to 99 if they haven't been touched in 4 hours:"
msgstr "Cette commande trouve tous les tickets actifs de la file 'general' et positionne leur priorité à 99 s'ils n'ont pas été touchés depuis quatre heures :"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/Deleted:53
msgid "The following queries have been deleted and each will be removed from the dashboard once its pane is updated."
msgstr "Les requêtes suivantes ont été supprimées et chacune sera enlevée du tableau de bord quand son panneau sera mis à jour."
#: share/html/Dashboards/Elements/HiddenSearches:74
msgid "The following queries may not be visible to all users who can see this dashboard."
msgstr "Les requêtes suivantes ne sont pas forcément visibles à tous les utilisateurs de ce tableau de bord."
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2206
msgid "The key has been disabled"
msgstr "La clefs a été désactivée"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2212
msgid "The key has been revoked"
msgstr "La clefs a été révoquée"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2217
msgid "The key has expired"
msgstr "La clefs a expiré"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2250
msgid "The key is fully trusted"
msgstr "Entière confiance pour cette clefs"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2255
msgid "The key is ultimately trusted"
msgstr "Confiance ultime pour cette clefs"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:955
msgid "The new value has been set."
msgstr "La nouvelle valeur est enregistrée."
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:99
msgid "The owner of a ticket"
msgstr "L'intervenant d'un ticket"
#: share/html/dhandler:50
msgid "The page you requested could not be found"
msgstr "La page que vous avez demandé n'a pas pu être trouvée"
#: lib/RT/ACE.pm:100
msgid "The requestor of a ticket"
msgstr "Le demandeur d'un ticket"
#: share/html/Install/Finish.html:64
#. (RT::Installer->ConfigFile)
msgid "The settings you've chosen are stored in %1."
msgstr "La configuration choisie est stockée dans %1."
msgid "The settings you've chosen are stored in %1. You can edit this file to refine your configuration further. You can prevent this installation wizard from being shown again by running `chmod -w '%1'`."
msgstr "Les paramêtres que vous avez choisis sont stockés dans %1. Vous pouvez éditer ce fichier pour affiner votre configuration. Vous pouvez stopper le démarrage de cet outil d'installation en lancant la commande `chmod -< '%1'`."
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/KeyIssues:52
msgid "The system is unable to sign outgoing email messages. This usually indicates that the passphrase was mis-set, or that GPG Agent is down. Please alert your system administrator immediately. The problem addresses are:"
msgstr "Le système n'est pas capable de signer les messages courriels sortants. Ceci indique généralement que la passphrase a été mal saisie, ou que l'agent GPG est arrêté. Prévenez s'il-vous plait votre administrateur système immédiatement. Les adresses avec problème sont:"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:197 share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:49 share/html/Elements/Tabs:216
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Thème"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2059
msgid "There are several keys suitable for encryption."
msgstr "Il y a plusieurs clefs disponibles pour le chiffrement."
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowUpdateStatus:50
msgid "There are unread messages on this ticket."
msgstr "Il y a des messages non lu dans ce ticket."
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2245
msgid "There is marginal trust in this key"
msgstr "Confiance marginale pour cette clefs"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:142
#. ($Group->Name)
msgid "There is more than one group with the name '%1'. This may cause inconsistency in parts of the admin interface, and therefore it's recommended you rename the conflicting groups."
msgstr "Il existe plus d'un groupe avec comme nom '%1'. Ceci peut poser un problème de cohérence dans certaines parties de l'interface d'administration, et de ce fait il est recommandé de renommer les groupes en conflit."
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2051
msgid "There is no key suitable for encryption."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de clefs disponible pour le chiffrement."
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1716
msgid "There is no mapping for statuses between these queues. Contact your system administrator."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de correspondance de status entre ces files. Contactez votre administrateur système."
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2055
msgid "There is one suitable key, but trust level is not set."
msgstr "Il y a une clefs disponible, mais le niveau de confiance n'est pas configuré."
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditUserComments:49
msgid "These comments aren't generally visible to the user"
msgstr "Ces commentaires ne sont généralement pas accessibles par l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:53
msgid "These configuration options cover some of the basics needed to get RT up and running. We need to know the name of your RT installation and the domain name where RT will live. You will also need to set a password for your default administrative user."
msgstr "Ces options de configurations concernent les éléments de base pour obtenir un RT fonctionnel. Nous avons besoin de connaître le nom de votre installation RT et le nom de domaines lui correspondant. Vous devrez également définir un mot de passe pour l'administrateur par défaut."
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:369 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:679
msgid "This Custom Field can not have list of values"
msgstr "Ce genre personnalisé ne peut pas avoir de liste de valeurs"
#: lib/RT/Class.pm:444
msgid "This class does not apply to that object"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1351
msgid "This custom field does not apply to that object"
msgstr "Ce champ personnalisé ne s'applique pas à cet objet"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1011 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:356
msgid "This custom field has no Render Types"
msgstr "Aucun type d'affichage d'est défini pour ce champs personnalisé"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:52
msgid "This feature is only available to system administrators"
msgstr "Cet possibilité n'est offerte qu'aux administrateurs systèmes"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:51 share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:191
msgid "This feature is only available to system administrators."
msgstr "Cette fonctionnalité n'est disponible que pour les administrateurs du système."
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web/Session.pm:277
#. ($RT::MasonSessionDir)
msgid "This may mean that that the directory '%1' isn't writable or a database table is missing or corrupt."
msgstr "Ceci peut indiquer que l'on ne peut pas écrire dans le répertoire '%1' ou qu'une table de la base de données et manquante ou corrompue."
msgid "This message will be sent to..."
msgstr "Ce message va être envoyé à..."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:63
msgid "This server process has recorded no SQL queries."
msgstr "Ce processus n'a pas enregistré de requêtes SQL."
#: bin/rt-crontool:366
msgid "This tool allows the user to run arbitrary perl modules from within RT."
msgstr "Cet outil permet à l'utilisateur de lancer un module perl quelconque depuis RT."
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:362
msgid "This transaction appears to have no content"
msgstr "Cette opération semble ne pas avoir de contenu"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestorTickets:49
#. ($Rows, $Description)
msgid "This user's %1 highest priority %2 tickets"
msgstr "%1 tickets %2 de plus haute priorité pour cet utilisateur"
msgid "This user's %1 highest priority tickets"
msgstr "Les %1 tickets prioritaires de cet utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:110
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Jeu"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:109
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jeudi"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:940 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Ticket:52 share/html/Elements/ShowReminders:53
msgid "Ticket"
msgstr "Ticket"
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:48
#. ($Ticket->Id, $Ticket->Subject)
msgid "Ticket #%1 Jumbo update: %2"
msgstr "Ticket n°%1 mise à jour globale : %2"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/index.html:109
#. ($id)
msgid "Ticket #%1 relationships graph"
msgstr "Graphique des relations pour le ticket n° %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction:152
#. ($Transaction->Ticket)
msgid "Ticket #%1:"
msgstr "Ticket n°%1 :"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/ShowDependency:69
#. ($link->BaseObj->Id, $link->BaseObj->Subject)
msgid "Ticket #%1: %2"
msgstr "Ticket n°%1 : %2"
#: lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:1147 lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:1156 lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:376 lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:499 lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:511
#. ($T::Tickets{$template_id}->Id)
#. ($T::Tickets{$template_id}->id)
#. ($ticket->Id)
msgid "Ticket %1"
msgstr "Ticket %1"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:689 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:713
#. ($self->Id, $QueueObj->Name)
msgid "Ticket %1 created in queue '%2'"
msgstr "Ticket %1 créé dans la file '%2'"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:413 share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:100 share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:91 share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:94
#. ($Ticket->Id, $_)
#. ($id, $msg)
msgid "Ticket %1: %2"
msgstr "Ticket %1 : %2"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:283
msgid "Ticket Custom Fields"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés du ticket"
#: share/html/Ticket/History.html:48
#. ($Ticket->Id, $Ticket->Subject)
msgid "Ticket History # %1 %2"
msgstr "Historique du ticket n°%1 %2"
#: etc/initialdata:322
msgid "Ticket Resolved"
msgstr "Ticket résolu"
#: share/html/Elements/CollectionList:194 share/html/Elements/TicketList:64
msgid "Ticket Search"
msgstr "Recherche de ticket"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1599 share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:89 share/html/Elements/Tabs:147
msgid "Ticket Transactions"
msgstr "Transactions du ticket"
#: share/html/Ticket/Update.html:64
msgid "Ticket and Transaction"
msgstr "Ticket et transaction"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:264 lib/RT/Config.pm:275
msgid "Ticket composition"
msgstr "Rédaction des tickets"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2351
msgid "Ticket content"
msgstr "Contenu du ticket"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2396
msgid "Ticket content type"
msgstr "Type du contenu du ticket"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:503 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:516 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:527 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:697
msgid "Ticket could not be created due to an internal error"
msgstr "Une erreur interne a empêché l'ajout du ticket"
#: share/html/Ticket/Create.html:282 share/html/m/ticket/create:75
msgid "Ticket could not be loaded"
msgstr "Le ticket n'a pas pu être chargé"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:336 lib/RT/Config.pm:395 lib/RT/Config.pm:411
msgid "Ticket display"
msgstr "Affichage des tickets"
#: share/html/Ticket/Display.html:60
msgid "Ticket metadata"
msgstr "Méta-données du ticket"
#: etc/initialdata:308
msgid "Ticket status changed"
msgstr "Statut de ticket modifié"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:63
msgid "Ticket update"
msgstr "Réponse du ticket"
#: lib/RT/Search/FromSQL.pm:79
#. (ref $self)
msgid "TicketSQL search module"
msgstr "Module de recherche TicketSQL"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1598 share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:83 share/html/Elements/Tabs:142 share/html/Elements/Tabs:410 share/html/Elements/Tabs:834 share/html/Search/Chart:152 share/html/Search/Elements/Chart:107
msgid "Tickets"
msgstr "Tickets"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2553
#. ($self->loc( $args{'TYPE'} ), $args{'BASE'},)
msgid "Tickets %1 %2"
msgstr "Tickets %1 %2"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2510
#. ($self->loc( $args{'TYPE'} ), $args{'TARGET'})
msgid "Tickets %1 by %2"
msgstr "Tickets %1 sur %2"
#: share/html/m/_elements/menu:76
msgid "Tickets I own"
msgstr "Les tickets que je gère"
msgid "Tickets created after"
msgstr "Tickets créés après"
msgid "Tickets created before"
msgstr "Tickets créés avant"
msgid "Tickets resolved after"
msgstr "Tickets résolus après"
msgid "Tickets resolved before"
msgstr "Tickets résolus avant"
#: share/html/Approvals/Elements/ShowDependency:50
msgid "Tickets which depend on this approval:"
msgstr "Tickets dépendant de cette approbation :"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:169 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:165 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:216 share/html/m/ticket/create:384
msgid "Time Estimated"
msgstr "Temps estimé"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2326 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:164 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:166 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:226 share/html/m/ticket/create:398
msgid "Time Left"
msgstr "Temps restant"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2303 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:159 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:164 share/html/Ticket/Create.html:221 share/html/m/ticket/create:391
msgid "Time Worked"
msgstr "Temps passé"
#: share/html/Elements/Footer:54
msgid "Time to display"
msgstr "Temps de calcul"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:153 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:113 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "TimeEstimated"
msgstr "TempsEstimé"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:153 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:111 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "TimeLeft"
msgstr "TempsRestant"
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:153 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:928 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:112 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "TimeWorked"
msgstr "TempsPassé"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:192 share/html/User/Prefs.html:80
msgid "Timezone"
msgstr "Fuseau horaire"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditFormat:80
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"
#: share/html/Ticket/Forward.html:66
msgid "To"
msgstr "À"
#: share/html/Elements/Footer:59
#. ('sales@bestpractical.com')
msgid "To inquire about support, training, custom development or licensing, please contact %1."
msgstr "Pour vous renseigner au sujet du support, de la formation, des développements spécifiques ou au sujet de la licence, merci de contacter en anglais %1."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:82
#. ($count)
msgid "Toggle %quant(%1,query,queries)"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:118
#. ()
msgid "Toggle stack trace"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Graph/Tickets.pm:155 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:931 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:125 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:198 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:231 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "Told"
msgstr "Annoncé"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "ToldRelative"
msgstr "AnnoncéDepuis"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:206 share/html/Elements/Tabs:415 share/html/Tools/index.html:48
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Outils"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:56
msgid "Topic Name"
msgstr "Nom de la rubrique"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:479
msgid "Topic membership added"
msgstr "Appartenance à la rubrique ajoutée"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:514
msgid "Topic membership removed"
msgstr "Appartenance à la rubrique supprimée"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:135 share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:147 share/html/Admin/Articles/Elements/Topics:169
msgid "Topic not found"
msgstr "Rubrique non trouvée"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Display.html:59 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:87 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:91 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:132 share/html/Elements/RT__Article/ColumnMap:89 share/html/Elements/Tabs:200 share/html/Elements/Tabs:365 share/html/Elements/Tabs:419
msgid "Topics"
msgstr "Rubriques"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/Chart:147
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#: etc/initialdata:249
msgid "Transaction"
msgstr "Transaction"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:928
#. ($self->Data)
msgid "Transaction %1 purged"
msgstr "La transaction %1 est supprimée"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:206
msgid "Transaction Created"
msgstr "Transaction ajoutée"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:286
msgid "Transaction Custom Fields"
msgstr "Champs personnalisées de la transaction"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:132
msgid "Transaction->Create couldn't, as you didn't specify an object type and id"
msgstr "Transaction->Create a échoué car vous n'avez pas spécifié de type d'objet et d'id"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:136
msgid "TransactionDate"
msgstr "DateDeTransaction"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:985
msgid "Transactions are immutable"
msgstr "Les transactions ne peuvent être transférées"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:55
msgid "Trust"
msgstr "Confiance"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:108
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Mar"
msgid "Tue Dec 25 21:59:12 1995"
msgstr "Mar Déc 25 21:59:12 1995"
msgid "Tue, 25 Dec 1995 21:59:12 -0300"
msgstr "Mar, 25 Déc 1995 21:59:12 -0300"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:107
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Mardi"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:929 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:102 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:2158 share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:64 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:67 share/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate:58 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:153 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:56 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:67 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:77
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/LinkEntryInstructions:48
msgid "Type a: before article numbers and t: before ticket numbers."
msgstr "Saisissez a: devant des numéros d'article et t: devant des numéros de ticket."
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:961
#. ($self->FriendlyTypeComposite( $old ), $self->FriendlyTypeComposite( $composite ),)
msgid "Type changed from '%1' to '%2'"
msgstr "Type changé de '%1' à '%2'"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:482
msgid "Unable to add topic membership"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter l'appartenance à cette rubrique"
#: lib/RT/Article.pm:510
#. ($t->TopicObj->Name)
msgid "Unable to delete topic membership in %1"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'appartenance à la rubrique %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:289
msgid "Unable to determine object type or id"
msgstr "Impossible de déterminer le type ou l'identifiant de l'objet"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:87 share/html/Articles/Article/Edit.html:238
msgid "Unable to load article"
msgstr "Impossible de charger l'article"
msgid "Unable to load dashboard %1 of subscription %2 for user %3"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le tableau de bord %1 de l'abonnement %2 pour l'utilisateur %3"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:236
#. ($msg)
msgid "Unable to set UserCSS: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de définir UserCSS : %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:208
#. ($msg)
msgid "Unable to set UserLogo: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de définir UserLogo : %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:277
#. ($msg)
msgid "Unable to set privacy id: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de définir l'id de confidentialité : %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:286
#. (loc('Permission Denied'))
msgid "Unable to set privacy object or id: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de définir l'id ou l'objet de confidentialité : %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:269
#. ($msg)
msgid "Unable to set privacy object: %1"
msgstr "Impossible de définir l'objet de confidentialité : %1"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:260
#. ($id)
msgid "Unable to subscribe to dashboard %1: Permission denied"
msgstr "Impossible de s'abonner au tableau de bord %1: permissions refusée"
msgid "Unable to unsubscribe to dashboard %1"
msgstr "Impossible de s'abonner au tableau de bord %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips:58
#. (RT->Config->Get('WebPath')."/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=".$TicketObj->Id,)
msgid "Uncheck boxes to disable notifications to the listed recipients for this transaction only; persistent squelching is managed on the People page."
msgstr "Décocher les cases pour désactiver les notifications aux destinataires suivant pour cette transaction seulement ; les désactivations permanentes sont gérés sur la page des utilisateurs."
#: etc/RT_Config.pm:2374 etc/RT_Config.pm:2448
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/ScripCondition.pm:125
msgid "Unimplemented"
msgstr "Fonction non disponible"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:87 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:136
msgid "Unix login"
msgstr "Identifiant Unix"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2229 lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2234
msgid "Unknown (no trust value assigned)"
msgstr "Inconnu (pas de niveau de confiance assigné)"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2239
msgid "Unknown (this value is new to the system)"
msgstr "Inconnu (ceci est une nouvelle valeur pour le système)"
#: lib/RT/Attachment.pm:333 lib/RT/Record.pm:813
#. ($ContentEncoding)
#. ($self->ContentEncoding)
msgid "Unknown ContentEncoding %1"
msgstr "Type d'encodage de courrier inconnu : %1"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm:268
#. ($key)
msgid "Unknown field: %1"
msgstr "Champ inconnu: %1"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:1020
#. ($args{Type})
msgid "Unknown watcher type %1"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:81
#. ($status_str)
msgid "Unless you specify a specific status, only tickets with active statuses (%1) are searched."
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:65
msgid "Unlimit"
msgstr "Pas de limite"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectResultsPerPage:60
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Illimité"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:63
msgid "Unnamed dashboard"
msgstr "Tableau de bord sans nom"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/SelectSavedSearches:60 share/html/Elements/RT__SavedSearch/ColumnMap:63 share/html/Search/Elements/SelectSearchesForObjects:63
msgid "Unnamed search"
msgstr "Recherche non nommée"
#: share/html/m/_elements/menu:79
msgid "Unowned tickets"
msgstr "Tickets sans intervenant"
#: lib/RT/Handle.pm:663
msgid "Unprivileged"
msgstr "Sans droits"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomFields:71
msgid "Unselected Custom Fields"
msgstr "Champs personnalisés non sélectionnés"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:82
msgid "Unselected Queues"
msgstr "Files non sélectionnées"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:84
msgid "Unselected objects"
msgstr "Objets non sélectionnés"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1583
msgid "Unset private key"
msgstr "Désélectionner la clefs privée"
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Se désabonner"
msgid "Unsubscribed to dashboard %1"
msgstr "Se désabonner du tableau de bord %1"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:731 lib/RT/Transaction.pm:907
msgid "Untaken"
msgstr "Non pris"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Memberships.html:84 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSavedSearches:59 share/html/Articles/Elements/NewestArticles:62 share/html/Articles/Elements/UpdatedArticles:63 share/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap:301 share/html/Search/Bulk.html:213 share/html/Search/Bulk.html:74 share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:71 share/html/Widgets/SelectionBox:224
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"
#: share/html/Search/Chart.html:128
msgid "Update Chart"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le graphique"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:121
msgid "Update Graph"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le graphique"
#: share/html/Ticket/Update.html:188 share/html/m/ticket/reply:141
msgid "Update Ticket"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le ticket"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:127 share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:88 share/html/Ticket/Update.html:73 share/html/m/ticket/reply:85
msgid "Update Type"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le type"
#: share/html/Search/Build.html:106
msgid "Update format and Search"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le format et rechercher"
#: share/html/Search/Bulk.html:224
msgid "Update multiple tickets"
msgstr "Mettre à jour plusieurs tickets"
#: lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:520 lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1612
msgid "Update not recorded."
msgstr "Mise à jour non enregistrée."
#: share/html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html:85
msgid "Update ticket"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le ticket"
#: share/html/SelfService/Update.html:49 share/html/SelfService/Update.html:96 share/html/m/ticket/reply:48
#. ($Ticket->id)
#. ($t->id)
msgid "Update ticket #%1"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le ticket n°%1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Update.html:218 share/html/m/ticket/reply:169
#. ($TicketObj->id, $TicketObj->Subject||'')
#. ($t->id, $t->Subject)
msgid "Update ticket #%1 (%2)"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le ticket n°%1 (%2)"
#: lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:518 lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1612
msgid "Update type was neither correspondence nor comment."
msgstr "Le type de mise à jour n'était ni un commentaire ni un courrier."
#: share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100
msgid "UpdateStatus"
msgstr "Statut de mise à jour"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1674 lib/RT/Ticket.pm:932 lib/RT/Tickets.pm:148 share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:56 share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowDates:79 share/html/m/ticket/show:402
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Mis(e) à jour"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:291
#. ($desc)
msgid "Updated saved search \"%1\""
msgstr "Recherche sauvée \"%1\" mise à jour"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:92
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Envoyer"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:61
msgid "Upload a new logo"
msgstr "Charger un nouveau logo"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:130
msgid "Upload multiple files"
msgstr "Télécharger plusieurs fichiers"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:121
msgid "Upload multiple images"
msgstr "Télécharger plusieurs images"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:131
msgid "Upload one file"
msgstr "Télécharger un fichier"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:122
msgid "Upload one image"
msgstr "Télécharger une image"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:132
msgid "Upload up to %1 files"
msgstr "Télécharger un maximum de %1 fichiers"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:123
msgid "Upload up to %1 images"
msgstr "Télécharger au plus %1 images"
#: share/html/Tools/Offline.html:92
msgid "Upload your changes"
msgstr "Envoyer vos changements"
#: sbin/rt-email-digest:88
msgid "Usage:"
msgstr "Utilisation :"
msgid "Usage: "
msgstr "Utilisation: "
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:135
msgid "Use SSL?"
msgstr "Utiliser SSL?"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:224
msgid "Use a two column layout for create and update forms?"
msgstr "Utiliser un affichage sur deux colonnes pour les formulaires de création et de mise à jour ?"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:187
msgid "Use autocomplete to find owners?"
msgstr "Utiliser l'auto-completion pour rechercher les intervenants ?"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:391
msgid "Use css rules to display text monospaced and with formatting preserved, but wrap as needed. This does not work well with IE6 and you should use the previous option"
msgstr "Utiliser une feuille de style pour afficher les textes utilisant des polices à chasse fixe, en conservant le format, mais en effectuant une césure si nécessaire. Ceci ne fonctionne pas très bien avec IE6, vous devriez utiliser l'option précédente."
#: share/html/Widgets/Form/Boolean:68
#. ($DefaultValue? loc('Yes'): loc('No'))
msgid "Use default (%1)"
msgstr "Utiliser la valeur par défaut (%1)"
msgid "Use fixed-width font to display plaintext messages"
msgstr "Utiliser une police à chasse fixe pour afficher les message en texte brut"
msgid "Use monospace font"
msgstr "Utiliser une police de caractères à espacement fixe"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:207
msgid "Use other RT administrative tools"
msgstr "Utiliser les autres outils d'administration de RT"
#: share/html/Widgets/Form/Select:125
#. (join ', ', map loc($ValuesLabel{$_} || $_), grep defined, @DefaultValue)
msgid "Use system default (%1)"
msgstr "Utiliser la valeur système par défaut (%1)"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:58
msgid "Use the dropdown menus to select which ticket updates you want to extract into a new article."
msgstr "Utilisez les menus déroulants pour sélectionner quelles mises à jour du ticket vous souhaitez extraire comme nouvel article."
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:381
msgid "Use this to protect the format of plain text"
msgstr "Utiliser ceci pour protéger le formattage des textes bruts"
#: lib/RT/Record.pm:941 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--User:52
msgid "User"
msgstr "Utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:412
#. ($args{'Owner'})
msgid "User '%1' could not be found."
msgstr "L'utilisateur %1 ne peut être trouvé."
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:67
msgid "User (created - expire)"
msgstr "Utilisateur (créé - expire)"
#: etc/initialdata:192 etc/initialdata:88
msgid "User Defined"
msgstr "Défini par l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditScrip:97
msgid "User Defined conditions and actions"
msgstr "Conditions et actions définies par l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:190 share/html/Elements/Tabs:290 share/html/Elements/Tabs:324 share/html/Elements/Tabs:338 share/html/Elements/Tabs:368
msgid "User Rights"
msgstr "Droits utilisateurs"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:2380
#. ($cf->Name, ref $args{'Object'}, $args{'Object'}->id)
msgid "User asked for an unknown update type for custom field %1 for %2 object #%3"
msgstr "L'utilisateur a demandé un type de mise à jour non connu pour le champ personnalisé %1 de l'objet %2 n°%3"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:287
#. ($msg)
msgid "User could not be created: %1"
msgstr "L'utilisateur ne peut être créé : %1"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:269
msgid "User created"
msgstr "Utilisateur créé"
msgid "User defined groups"
msgstr "Groupes définis par l'utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1074
msgid "User disabled"
msgstr "Utilisateur désactivé"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:1076
msgid "User enabled"
msgstr "Utilisateur activé"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html:56
msgid "User has empty email address"
msgstr "L'adresse de courriel de l'utilisateur est vide"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:511 lib/RT/User.pm:531
msgid "User loaded"
msgstr "Utilisateur chargé"
msgid "User's GnuPG keys"
msgstr "Clefs GnuPG de l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Groups/index.html:126
msgid "User-defined groups"
msgstr "Groupe définis par l'utilisateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:67 share/html/Elements/Login:68 share/html/Ticket/Elements/AddWatchers:58 share/html/m/login:98
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:173
msgid "Username format"
msgstr "Format de nom d'utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1600 share/html/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html:66 share/html/Admin/Groups/Members.html:73 share/html/Admin/Queues/People.html:85 share/html/Elements/Tabs:127 share/html/Elements/Tabs:240 share/html/Elements/Tabs:66
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Utilisateurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/index.html:114
msgid "Users matching search criteria"
msgstr "Utilisateurs correspondants aux critères de recherche"
#: bin/rt-crontool:177
#. ($txn->id)
msgid "Using transaction #%1..."
msgstr "Utilisation de la transaction #%1..."
#: lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm:340
msgid "Valid Query"
msgstr "Valider la requête"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:95
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validation"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:114 share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:197 share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:62
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valeur"
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html:144 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditCustomField:80
msgid "Values"
msgstr "Valeurs"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:113
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Variable"
msgid "Various RT reports"
msgstr "Rapports divers RT"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:221
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:101
msgid "View Scrip templates"
msgstr "Voir les modèles du scrip"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:104
msgid "View Scrips"
msgstr "Voir les scrips"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:97
msgid "View custom field values"
msgstr "Voir les valeurs de champs personnalisés"
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:205
msgid "View custom fields"
msgstr "Voir les champs personnalisés"
msgid "View dashboards for this group"
msgstr "Voir les tableaux de bord pour ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:108
msgid "View exact outgoing email messages and their recipients"
msgstr "Voir en détail les courriels envoyés avec leurs destinataires"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:99
msgid "View group"
msgstr "Voir le groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:100
msgid "View group dashboards"
msgstr "Voir les tableaux de bord de ce groupe"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:86
msgid "View personal dashboards"
msgstr "Voir les tableaux de bord personnels"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:92
msgid "View queue"
msgstr "Voir cette file"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:98
msgid "View saved searches"
msgstr "Voir les recherches sauvées"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard.pm:81
msgid "View system dashboards"
msgstr "Voir les tableaux de bord systèmes"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:107
msgid "View ticket private commentary"
msgstr "Voir les commentaires privés des tickets"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:106
msgid "View ticket summaries"
msgstr "Voir les informations de base des tickets"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:118
msgid "W3CDTF"
msgstr "Copy text \t\r\nW3CDTF"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:183
msgid "WARNING: Saving search to user-level privacy"
msgstr "ATTENTION : recherche sauvée avec une confidentialité de niveau utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:242
msgid "WYSIWYG composer height"
msgstr "Hauteur de l'éditeur WYSIWYG"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:233
msgid "WYSIWYG message composer"
msgstr "Editeur de messages WYSIWYG"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowGnuPGStatus:170
msgid "Warning! This is NOT signed!"
msgstr "Attention! Ceci n'est pas signé!"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:273
msgid "Warning: you have no email address set, so you will not receive this dashboard until you have it set"
msgstr "Attention: vous n'avez pas d'adresse de courriel paramétrée, vous ne recevrez donc pas ce tableau de bord tant qu'elle n'est pas renseignée"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:110
msgid "Watch"
msgstr "Observer"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:111
msgid "WatchAsAdminCc"
msgstr "ObserverCommeAdminCC"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:141
msgid "Watcher"
msgstr "Observateur"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:152
msgid "WatcherGroup"
msgstr "GroupeObservateur"
#: share/html/Elements/Tabs:273
msgid "Watchers"
msgstr "Observateurs"
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:64
msgid "We are able to find your database and connect as the DBA. You can click on 'Customize Basics' to continue customizing RT."
msgstr "Nous sommes capables de trouver votre base de données et de s'y connecter en DBA. Vous pouvez cliquer sur \"Personnalisation de base\" pour continuer à personnaliser RT."
#: lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1025 lib/RT/CustomField.pm:1703
msgid "We can't currently render as a List when basing categories on another custom field. Please use another render type."
msgstr "Il n'est pas possible actuellement de générer une affichage de type liste quand les catégories sont basées sur un autre champs personnalisé. Veuillez utiliser un autre type d'affichage."
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:55
msgid "We need to know the name of the database RT will use and where to find it. We also need to know the username and password of the user RT should use. RT can create the database and user for you, which is why we ask for the username and password of a user with DBA privileges. During step 6 of the installation process we will use this information to create and initialize RT's database."
msgstr "Nous avons besoin de connaître le nom de la base de données qui sera utilisée par RT ainsi que sa localisation. Nous avons également besoin de connaître le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe que RT doit utiliser. RT peut créer la base de donnée et l'utilisateur pour vous, c'est pourquoi, l'identifiant et le mot de passe d'un utilisateur avec des privilèges DBA sont demandés. Pendant l'étape 6 du processus d'installation nous utiliseront cette information pour créer et initialiser la base de données RT."
msgid "We were able to find your database and connect as the DBA. You can click on 'Customize Basics' to continue customizing RT."
msgstr "Nous n'avons pas été capable de trouver votre base de données et de nous connecter en DBA. Vous pouvez cliquer sur 'Configuration de base' pour continuer à configurer RT."
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:219
msgid "Web port"
msgstr "Port web"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:109
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "Mer"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:108
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercredi"
#: lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm:324
msgid "Weekday"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm:326
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:484
msgid "Weekly digest"
msgstr "Compilation hebdomadaire"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:48
msgid "Welcome to RT!"
msgstr "Bienvenue dans RT!"
#: share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:77
msgid "What I did today"
msgstr "Ce que j'ai fait aujourd'hui"
#: share/html/Install/index.html:67
msgid "What is RT?"
msgstr "Qu'est-ce que RT?"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:163
msgid "When RT can't handle an email message, where should it be forwarded?"
msgstr "Lorsque RT ne peut gérer un courriel, où doit-il être envoyé?"
#: share/html/Install/Global.html:54
msgid "When RT sends an email it sets the From: and Reply-To: headers so users can add to the conversation by just hitting Reply in their mail client. It uses different addresses for Replies and Comments. These can be changed for each of your queues. These addresses will need to be configured to use the rt-mailgate program."
msgstr "Quand RT envoi un courriel, il positionne les champs expéditeur et Reply-To afin que les utilisateurs puissent participer à la conversation en cliquant simplement sur Répondre dans leur client de courriel. Une adresse différente est utilisée pour les réponses et les commentaires. Celles-ci peuvent-être définies pour chaque file. Ces adresses devront être configurées pour utiliser le programme rt-mailgate."
msgid "When a ticket has been approved by all approvers, add correspondence to the original ticket"
msgstr "Quand un ticket a été approuvé par tous les approbateurs, ajoute le courrier au ticket source"
msgid "When a ticket has been approved by any approver, add correspondence to the original ticket"
msgstr "Quand un ticket a été approuvé par au moins un approbateur, ajoute le courrier au ticket source"
#: etc/initialdata:105
msgid "When a ticket is created"
msgstr "Quand un ticket est créé"
#: lib/RT/Approval/Rule/NewPending.pm:54
msgid "When an approval ticket is created, notify the Owner and AdminCc of the item awaiting their approval"
msgstr "Quand un ticket d'approbation est créé, informer l'intervenant et l'AdminCC de l'élément attendant leur approbation"
#: etc/initialdata:110
msgid "When anything happens"
msgstr "Quand quelque chose arrive"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:271
msgid "When the WYSIWYG editor is not enabled, this setting determines whether automatic line wraps in the ticket message box are sent to RT or not."
msgstr "Lorsque l'éditeur WYSIWYG n'est pas activé, cette option indique si la césure automatique dans les boîtes de réponse aux tickets sont envoyés à RT ou non."
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseDetails.html:58
msgid "When you click on 'Check Database Connectivity' there may be a small delay while RT tries to connect to your database"
msgstr "Lorsque vous cliquez sur 'Tester la connexion à la base de données' il peut y avoir un peu d'attente le temps que RT se connecte à votre base de données."
#: etc/initialdata:200 etc/upgrade/3.7.1/content:3
msgid "Whenever a ticket is closed"
msgstr "Quand un ticket et fermé(désactivé)"
#: etc/initialdata:130 etc/upgrade/4.0.3/content:12
msgid "Whenever a ticket is forwarded"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:186 etc/upgrade/3.8.3/content:3
msgid "Whenever a ticket is rejected"
msgstr "Quand un ticket est rejeté"
#: etc/initialdata:205 etc/upgrade/3.7.1/content:8
msgid "Whenever a ticket is reopened"
msgstr "Quand un ticket est ré-ouvert(activé)"
#: etc/initialdata:179
msgid "Whenever a ticket is resolved"
msgstr "Lorsqu'un ticket quelconque est résolu/clos"
#: etc/initialdata:123 etc/upgrade/4.0.3/content:5
msgid "Whenever a ticket or transaction is forwarded"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:165
msgid "Whenever a ticket's owner changes"
msgstr "Lorsqu'un ticket quelconque change d'intervenant"
#: etc/initialdata:158 etc/upgrade/3.1.17/content:16
msgid "Whenever a ticket's priority changes"
msgstr "Lorsqu'un ticket change de priorité"
#: etc/initialdata:173
msgid "Whenever a ticket's queue changes"
msgstr "Lorsqu'un ticket quelconque change de file"
#: etc/initialdata:150
msgid "Whenever a ticket's status changes"
msgstr "Lorsqu'un ticket quelconque change de statut"
#: etc/initialdata:137 etc/upgrade/4.0.3/content:19
msgid "Whenever a transaction is forwarded"
msgstr ""
#: etc/initialdata:193
msgid "Whenever a user-defined condition occurs"
msgstr "Lorsqu'une condition définie par l'utilisateur est satisfaite"
#: etc/initialdata:144
msgid "Whenever comments come in"
msgstr "Lorsque un commentaire arrive"
#: etc/initialdata:116
msgid "Whenever correspondence comes in"
msgstr "Lorsque un courrier arrive"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:185
msgid "Where to find your sendmail binary."
msgstr "Où trouver l'exécutable sendmail."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/SelectObjects:63
msgid "Wipeout"
msgstr "Supprimer définitivement"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:172 share/html/User/Prefs.html:92
msgid "Work"
msgstr "Travail"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:91
msgid "Work Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone professionnel"
msgid "WorkPhone"
msgstr "Téléphone professionel"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowBasics:65 share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:62 share/html/m/ticket/reply:77 share/html/m/ticket/show:230
msgid "Worked"
msgstr "Travaillé"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Delete.html:70 share/html/Widgets/Form/Boolean:77
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Render.html:86
#. ($edit, $subscription)
msgid "You may edit this dashboard and your subscription to it in RT."
msgstr "Vous pouvez modifier ce tableau de bord et votre inscription à celui-ci dans RT."
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3050
msgid "You already own this ticket"
msgstr "Vous êtes déjà intervenant de ce ticket"
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/KeyIssues:63
msgid "You are going to encrypt outgoing email messages, but there are problems with recipients' public keys. You have to fix the problems with the keys, disable sending a message to the recipients with key problems, or disable encryption."
msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de chiffrer les messages courriels sortants, mais il y a des problèmes avec les clefs publiques des destinataires. Vous devez corriger ce problème, désactiver l'envoi de message aux destinataires ayant un problème de clefs, ou désactiver le chiffrement."
#: share/html/Elements/GnuPG/KeyIssues:61
msgid "You are going to encrypt outgoing email messages, but there is a problem with a recipient's public key. You have to fix the problem with the key, disable sending a message to that recipient, or disable encryption."
msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de chiffrer les messages courriels sortants, mais il y a des problèmes avec la clefs publique d'un destinataire. Vous devez corriger ce problème, désactiver l'envoi de message pour ce destinataire, ou désactiver le chiffrement."
msgid "You are not an authorized user"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas un utilisateur autorisé"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowUpdateStatus:54
#. (RT->Config->Get('WebPath') ."/Ticket/Display.html?id=". $Ticket->id. "#txn-".$txn->id, RT->Config->Get('WebPath') ."/Ticket/Display.html?id=". $Ticket->id ."&MarkAsSeen=1&Anchor=txn-" . $txn->id)
msgid "You can jump to the first unread message or jump to the first unread message and mark all messages as seen."
msgstr "Vous pouvez aller au premier message non-lu ou aller au premier message non-lu et marquer tous les messages comme lus."
#: share/html/Prefs/Search.html:54
msgid "You can also edit the predefined search itself"
msgstr "Vous pouvez aussi modifier la recherche prédéfinie elle-même"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/ExtractFromTicket.html:59
msgid "You can insert ticket content into any freeform, text or wiki field."
msgstr "Vous pouvez saisir le contenu d'un ticket dans n'importe quel champ de type texte libre, texte ou wiki."
#: lib/RT/User.pm:777
msgid "You can not set password."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez définir le mot de passe."
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2933
msgid "You can only reassign tickets that you own or that are unowned"
msgstr "Vous pouvez seulement réaffecter vos ticket ou ceux qui ne sont pas affectés"
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:2929
msgid "You can only take tickets that are unowned"
msgstr "Vous pouvez uniquement prendre des tickets sans intervenant"
#: share/html/Search/Simple.html:71
#. ($fulltext_keyword)
msgid "You can search for any word in full ticket history by typing %1word."
msgstr ""
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:3122
#. ($self->loc($old), $self->loc($new))
msgid "You can't change status from '%1' to '%2'."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez changer le statut de '%1' en '%2'."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Error/NoRights:50
msgid "You don't have SuperUser right."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas les droits SuperUtilisateur."
msgid "You found %1 tickets in queue %2"
msgstr "%1 tickets trouvés dans la file %2"
#: share/html/NoAuth/Logout.html:55
msgid "You have been logged out of RT."
msgstr "Vous avez été déconnecté de RT."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:145
msgid "You have enabled GnuPG support but have not set a comment address for this queue."
msgstr "Vous avez activé le support GnuPG mais n'avez pas défini d'adresse de commentaire pour cette file."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:135
msgid "You have enabled GnuPG support but have not set a correspondence address for this queue."
msgstr "Vous avez activé le support GnuPG mais n'avez pas défini d'adresse de réponse pour cette file."
#: share/html/SelfService/Display.html:131
msgid "You have no permission to create tickets in that queue."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de créer des tickets dans cette file."
#: share/html/Elements/EditLinks:121
msgid "You may enter links to Articles as \"a:###\", where ### represents the number of the Article."
msgstr "Vous pouvez saisir des liens vers des articles avec \"a:###\", ou ### est le numéro de cet article."
#: lib/RT/Ticket.pm:1708
msgid "You may not create requests in that queue."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas créer de demandes dans cette file."
#: share/html/Install/Basics.html:85
msgid "You must enter an Administrative password"
msgstr "Vous devez saisir un mot de passe Administrateur"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:61
msgid "You must set StatementLog to true to enable this query history page."
msgstr "Vous devez définir la variable \"StatementLog\" à \"true\" pour activer cette page d'historique des requêtes."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:146
msgid "You must set a comment address for this queue in order to configure a GnuPG private key."
msgstr "Vous devez définir une adresse de commentaire pour cette file afin de configurer une clefs privée GnuPG."
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:136
msgid "You must set a correspondence address for this queue in order to configure a GnuPG private key."
msgstr "Vous devez définir une adresse de réponse pour cette file afin de configurer une clef privée CnuPG."
#: share/html/Install/Finish.html:56
#. ('root')
msgid "You should be taken directly to a login page. You'll be able to log in with username of %1 and the password you set earlier."
msgstr "Vous devriez être redirigé vers la page de connection. Vous pourrez vous identifier avec l'identifiant %1 et le mot de passe configuré précédemment."
msgid "You should be taken directly to a login page. You'll be able to log in with username of root and the password you set earlier."
msgstr "Vous devriez être redirigé vers la page de connection. Vous pourrez vous identifier avec l'identifiant root et le mot de passe configuré précédemment."
#: share/html/Install/DatabaseType.html:55
msgid "You should choose the database you or your local database administrator is most comfortable with."
msgstr "Vous devez choisir la base de données que vous ou votre administrateur de base de données maîtrisez le mieux."
msgid "You're seeing this screen because you started up an RT server without a working database. Most likely, this is the first time you're running RT. If you click Let's go! below, RT will guide you through setting up your RT server and database."
msgstr "Vous voyez cet écran car vous avez démarré RT sans base de données fonctionnelle. C'est probablement la première fois que vous lancez RT. Si vous cliques C'est parti! ci-dessous, RT vous guidera pour configurer votre serveur RT et votre base de données."
#: share/html/Install/index.html:79
#. (loc("Let's go!"))
msgid "You're seeing this screen because you started up an RT server without a working database. Most likely, this is the first time you're running RT. If you click \"%1\" below, RT will guide you through setting up your RT server and database."
msgstr "Vous voyez cet écran car vous avez démarré RT sans base de données fonctionnelle. C'est probablement la première fois que vous lancez RT. Si vous cliques \"%1\" ci-dessous, RT vous guidera pour configurer votre serveur RT et votre base de données."
#: share/html/NoAuth/Logout.html:59
msgid "You're welcome to login again"
msgstr "Vous êtes invité à vous identifier à nouveau"
#: lib/RT/User.pm:966
msgid "Your password is not set."
msgstr "Votre mot de passe n'est pas défini."
msgid "Your request has been approved by %1. Other approvals may still be pending."
msgstr "Votre demande a été approuvée par %1. D'autres approbations sont peut être toujours en attente."
msgid "Your request has been approved."
msgstr "Votre demande a été approuvée."
msgid "Your request was rejected."
msgstr "Votre demande a été rejetée."
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Theme.html:65
#. ($valid_image_types)
msgid "Your system supports automatic color suggestions for: %1"
msgstr "Votre système gère la sugestion automatique des couleurs pour : %1"
#: lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:667
msgid "Your username or password is incorrect"
msgstr "Votre nom d'utilisateur ou votre mot de passe est incorrect"
#: share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html:152 share/html/Elements/RT__User/ColumnMap:126 share/html/User/Prefs.html:139
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Code Postal"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:166
msgid "[Down]"
msgstr "[Bas]"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:163
msgid "[Up]"
msgstr "[Haut]"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditSort:61
msgid "[none]"
msgstr "[aucun]"
#: lib/RT/Transaction.pm:713
msgid "a custom field"
msgstr "un champs personnalisé"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestorTicketsActive:48
msgid "active"
msgstr "actifs"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:380
msgid "add
tag around plain text attachments"
msgstr "ajouter une balise
autour des pièces jointes de type texte brut"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:100 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:108 share/html/Elements/SelectDateRelation:59
msgid "after"
msgstr "après"
msgid "allow creation of saved searches"
msgstr "autorise la création de recherches sauvées"
msgid "allow loading of saved searches"
msgstr "autorise le chargement de recherches sauvées"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:102 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:111
msgid "and before"
msgstr "et avant"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:59 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:64 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:68 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:74 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:86
msgid "and not"
msgstr "et pas"
msgid "as granted to %1"
msgstr "comme accordé à %1"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/SelectChartType:54
msgid "bar"
msgstr "barres"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectDateRelation:57
msgid "before"
msgstr "avant"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:88
msgid "body"
msgstr "corps"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:54
msgid "bottom to top"
msgstr "de bas en haut"
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:63
msgid "check this box to apply this Class globally to all Queues."
msgstr "cocher cette case pour appliquer cette classe en global à toutes les files."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:64
msgid "check this box to apply this Custom Field to all objects."
msgstr "cocher cette case pour appliquer ce champs personnalisé à tous les objets."
#: share/html/Admin/Articles/Classes/Objects.html:58
msgid "check this box to remove this Class globally and be able to choose specific Queues."
msgstr "cocher cette case pour supprimer cette classe en global et pouvoir la définir pour des files spécifiques."
#: share/html/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html:59
msgid "check this box to remove this Custom Field from all objects and be able to choose specific objects."
msgstr "cocher cette case pour supprimer ce champs personnalisé de tous les objets et pouvoir le définir pour des objets spécifiques."
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/UpdateCc:55 share/html/Ticket/Elements/UpdateCc:71
msgid "check to add"
msgstr "cocher pour ajouter"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/SelectObjects:57
msgid "click to check/uncheck all objects at once"
msgstr "cliquer pour sélectionner/désélectionner tous les objets en une fois"
#: share/html/SelfService/Closed.html:53
msgid "closed"
msgstr "fermé"
msgid "concise"
msgstr "concis"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:83
msgid "core config"
msgstr "Configuration centrale"
#: share/html/Search/Chart.html:61 share/html/Search/Chart.html:65
#. ($cf)
#. ($obj->Name)
msgid "custom field '%1'"
msgstr "Champ personnalisé '%1'"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:96
msgid "daily"
msgstr "quotidien"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:101
#. ($hour)
msgid "daily at %1"
msgstr "tous les jours à %1"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:350 share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:101
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:88
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "effacé"
#: lib/RT/Config.pm:390
msgid "display wrapped and formatted plain text attachments"
msgstr "afficher les pièces jointes au format texte avec césure et en respectant le formattage"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectMatch:58 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:74
msgid "doesn't match"
msgstr "ne contient pas"
msgid "domain name"
msgstr "nom de domaine"
#: share/html/Ticket/ShowEmailRecord.html:62
msgid "download"
msgstr "télécharger"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:87
msgid "duration"
msgstr "durée"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator:61
msgid "equal to"
msgstr "égal à"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:93
msgid "error: can't move down"
msgstr "erreur : ne peut aller plus bas"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:110 share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:116
msgid "error: can't move left"
msgstr "erreur : ne peut aller à gauche"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:92
msgid "error: can't move up"
msgstr "erreur : ne peut aller plus haut"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:188
msgid "error: nothing to delete"
msgstr "erreur : rien à effacer"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:102 share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:129 share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:150
msgid "error: nothing to move"
msgstr "erreur : rien à déplacer"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/EditQuery:208
msgid "error: nothing to toggle"
msgstr "erreur : rien à commuter"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:114
msgid "every"
msgstr "tous les"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html:169
msgid "executed plugin successfuly"
msgstr "greffons exécuté avec succès"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2251
msgid "full"
msgstr "entière"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectIPRelation:61
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "supérieur à"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:63
msgid "group"
msgstr "groupe"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:197
#. ($self->Name)
msgid "group '%1'"
msgstr "groupe '%1'"
msgid "hide quoted text"
msgstr "cacher le texte cité"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:346
msgid "hours"
msgstr "heures"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:121 share/html/Elements/Tabs:757
msgid "iCal"
msgstr "iCal"
#: lib/RT/Tickets.pm:107 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Attachment:53 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--Ticket:52 share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/Elements/Object/RT--User:52 share/html/Elements/ColumnMap:59 share/html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString:100 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:56
msgid "id"
msgstr "n°"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/PreCreate.html:57 share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html:59
#. ($Class->Name)
#. ($class->Name)
msgid "in class %1"
msgstr "dans la classe %1"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowRequestorTicketsInactive:48
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "inactifs"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:155
#. ($inc)
msgid "includes %1"
msgstr "inclus %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:86
msgid "index"
msgstr "indexe"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectBoolean:55 share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectIPRelation:61 share/html/Elements/SelectMatch:59 share/html/Search/Elements/PickCFs:100
msgid "is"
msgstr "est"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectBoolean:59 share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectIPRelation:61 share/html/Elements/SelectMatch:60 share/html/Search/Elements/PickCFs:101
msgid "isn't"
msgstr "n'est pas"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2207
msgid "key disabled"
msgstr "clefs désactivée"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2218
msgid "key expired"
msgstr "clefs expirée"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2213
msgid "key revoked"
msgstr "clefs révoquée"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:52
msgid "left to right"
msgstr "de gauche à droite"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectIPRelation:61
msgid "less than"
msgstr "inférieur à"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2246
msgid "marginal"
msgstr "marginale"
#: share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:64 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:68 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:74 share/html/Articles/Article/Elements/ShowSearchCriteria:79 share/html/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator:61 share/html/Elements/SelectMatch:57 share/html/Search/Elements/PickBasics:73
msgid "matches"
msgstr "contient"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:64
msgid "maximum depth"
msgstr "Profondeur maximale"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:342
msgid "min"
msgstr "min"
#: share/html/Tools/MyDay.html:62
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutes"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:124
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "mensuel"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:98
#. ($Subscription->SubValue('Dom'), $hour)
msgid "monthly (day %1) at %2"
msgstr "tous les mois (jour %1) à %2"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:358
msgid "months"
msgstr "mois"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:61 share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:64 share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:69 share/html/Admin/Elements/ShowKeyInfo:70 share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:133
msgid "never"
msgstr "jamais"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:83
msgid "new"
msgstr "nouveau"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:65 share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:73 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:81 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:85
msgid "no"
msgstr "non"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/PickCustomFields:66 share/html/Admin/Elements/PickObjects:67
msgid "no name"
msgstr "sans nom"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2223 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditQueueWatchers:50 share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:73 share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditWatchers:51
msgid "none"
msgstr "aucun"
#: share/html/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator:61
msgid "not equal to"
msgstr "différent de"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:83
msgid "nothing"
msgstr "aucun"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html:157
msgid "objects were successfuly removed"
msgstr "les objets ont été supprimés avec succès"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:104 share/html/Elements/SelectDateRelation:58
msgid "on"
msgstr "Le"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:124
msgid "on day"
msgstr "le jour"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:86
msgid "one"
msgstr "une"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:84 share/html/SelfService/Elements/MyRequests:76
msgid "open"
msgstr "ouvert"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:154
msgid "open/close"
msgstr "ouvrir/fermer"
#: share/html/Widgets/Form/Select:79
msgid "other..."
msgstr "autre..."
msgid "password of the user root in RT"
msgstr "mot de passe du compte root RT"
msgid "personal group '%1' for user '%2'"
msgstr "groupe personnel '%1' pour l'utilisateur '%2'"
#: share/html/Search/Elements/SelectChartType:55
msgid "pie"
msgstr "camembert"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html:177
msgid "plugin returned empty list"
msgstr "le greffon a retourné une liste vide"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:205
#. ($queue->Name, $self->Type)
msgid "queue %1 %2"
msgstr "file %1 %2"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:87
msgid "rejected"
msgstr "rejeté"
#: share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html:97
msgid "requires running rt-crontool"
msgstr "nécessite l'utilisation de rt-crontool"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:86
msgid "resolved"
msgstr "résolu"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:55
msgid "right to left"
msgstr "de droite à gauche"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:338
msgid "sec"
msgstr "sec"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html:179
msgid "see object list below"
msgstr "voir la liste d'objets ci-dessous"
msgid "show Approvals tab"
msgstr "montrer l'onglet Approbations"
msgid "show Configuration tab"
msgstr "montrer l'onglet de configuration"
msgid "show quoted text"
msgstr "afficher le texte cité"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html:80
msgid "site config"
msgstr "configuration du site"
#: lib/RT/Queue.pm:85
msgid "stalled"
msgstr "stagnant"
#: share/html/Admin/Tools/Queries.html:88
msgid "statement"
msgstr "requête"
#: share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:89
msgid "summary"
msgstr ""
#: share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html:89
msgid "summary rows"
msgstr "lignes de sommaire"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:200
#. ($self->Type)
msgid "system %1"
msgstr "système %1"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:211
#. ($self->Type)
msgid "system group '%1'"
msgstr "groupe système '%1'"
#: share/html/Elements/Error:70 share/html/SelfService/Error.html:65
msgid "the calling component did not specify why"
msgstr "le composant appelant n'a pas spécifié pourquoi"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:171
msgid "the default addresses that will be listed in From: and Reply-To: headers of comment mail."
msgstr "les adresses par défaut qui seront listée dans les en-têtes de l'émetteur et Reply-To: d'un courriel de commentaire."
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:179
msgid "the default addresses that will be listed in From: and Reply-To: headers of correspondence mail."
msgstr "les adresses par défaut qui seront listée dans les en-têtes de l'émetteur et Reply-To: d'un courriel de réponse."
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:208
#. ($self->Instance, $self->Type)
msgid "ticket #%1 %2"
msgstr "ticket n°%1 %2"
#: share/html/Ticket/Graphs/Elements/EditGraphProperties:51
msgid "top to bottom"
msgstr "de haut en bas"
#: lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm:2256
msgid "ultimate"
msgstr "ultime"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:214
#. ($self->Id)
msgid "undescribed group %1"
msgstr "groupe %1 non décrit"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__CustomField/ColumnMap:86
msgid "unlimited"
msgstr "illimité"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:66
msgid "user"
msgstr "utilisateur"
#: lib/RT/Group.pm:194
#. ($user->Object->Name)
msgid "user %1"
msgstr "utilisateur %1"
#: share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights:126
msgid "username"
msgstr "nom d'utilisateur"
msgid "verbose"
msgstr "verbeux"
msgid "web port"
msgstr "port du serveur web"
#: share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:104
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "Hebdomadaire"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Dashboard/ColumnMap:95
#. (loc($day), $hour)
msgid "weekly (on %1) at %2"
msgstr "toutes les semaines (le %1) à %2"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:354 share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html:120
msgid "weeks"
msgstr "semaines"
msgid "where is sendmail command"
msgstr "où se trouve la commande sendmail"
#: lib/RT/Installer.pm:220
msgid "which port your web server will listen to, e.g. 8080"
msgstr "sur quel port votre serveurweb est-il en écoute, ex: 8080"
#: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments:69
msgid "with headers"
msgstr "avec en-têtes"
#: lib/RT/Date.pm:362
msgid "years"
msgstr "années"
#: share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:65 share/html/Elements/RT__Group/ColumnMap:73 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:81 share/html/Elements/RT__Queue/ColumnMap:85
msgid "yes"
msgstr "oui"