#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 39; use Test::WWW::Mechanize; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Cookies; use LWP; use Encode; my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new; my $agent = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new(); # give the agent a place to stash the cookies $agent->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); use RT; RT::LoadConfig(); RT::Init(); # create a regression queue if it doesn't exist { my $queue = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $queue->Load( 'Regression' ); if ( $queue->id ) { ok(1, "queue 'Regression' exists - #". $queue->id ); } else { $queue->Create( Name => 'Regression' ); ok($queue->id, "created queue 'Regression'"); } } # get the top page my $url = $RT::WebURL; $agent->get($url); is ($agent->{'status'}, 200, "Loaded a page"); # {{{ test a login # follow the link marked "Login" ok($agent->{form}->find_input('user')); ok($agent->{form}->find_input('pass')); ok ($agent->{'content'} =~ /username:/i); $agent->field( 'user' => 'root' ); $agent->field( 'pass' => 'password' ); # the field isn't named, so we have to click link 0 $agent->click(0); is($agent->{'status'}, 200, "Fetched the page ok"); ok( $agent->{'content'} =~ /Logout/i, "Found a logout link"); # }}} # {{{ Query Builder tests my $response = $agent->get($url."Search/Build.html"); ok( $response->is_success, "Fetched " . $url."Search/Build.html" ); # Adding items # set the first value ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form once"); $agent->field("ActorField", "Owner"); $agent->field("ActorOp", "="); $agent->field("ValueOfActor", "Nobody"); $agent->submit(); # set the next value ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); $agent->field("QueueOp", "!="); $agent->field("ValueOfQueue", "Regression"); $agent->submit(); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form a third time"); sub getQueryFromForm { $agent->form_name('BuildQuery'); # This pulls out the "hidden input" query from the page my $q = $agent->current_form->find_input("Query")->value; $q =~ s/^\s+//g; $q =~ s/\s+$//g; $q =~ s/\s+/ /g; return $q; } is (getQueryFromForm, "Owner = 'Nobody' AND Queue != 'Regression'"); # We're going to delete the owner $agent->select("clauses", ["0"] ); $agent->click("DeleteClause"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form a fourth time"); is (getQueryFromForm, "Queue != 'Regression'"); $agent->field("AndOr", "OR"); $agent->select("idOp", ">"); $agent->field("ValueOfid" => "1234"); $agent->click("AddClause"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); TODO: { local $TODO = "query builder incorrectly quotes numbers"; is(getQueryFromForm, "Queue != 'Regression' OR id > 1234", "added something as OR, and number not quoted"); } sub selectedClauses { my @clauses = grep { defined } map { $_->value } $agent->current_form->find_input("clauses"); return [ @clauses ]; } is_deeply(selectedClauses, ["1"], 'the id that we just entered is still selected'); # Move the second one up a level $agent->click("Up"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); is(getQueryFromForm, "id > 1234 OR Queue != 'Regression'", "moved up one"); is_deeply(selectedClauses, ["0"], 'the one we moved up is selected'); $agent->click("Right"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); is(getQueryFromForm, "Queue != 'Regression' OR ( id > 1234 )", "moved over to the right (and down)"); is_deeply(selectedClauses, ["2"], 'the one we moved right is selected'); $agent->select("clauses", ["1"]); $agent->click("Up"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); is(getQueryFromForm, "( id > 1234 ) OR Queue != 'Regression'", "moved up"); $agent->select("clauses", ["0"]); # this is a null clause $agent->click("Up"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); $agent->content_like(qr/error: can\S+t move up/, "i shouldn't have been able to hit up"); $agent->click("Left"); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); $agent->content_like(qr/error: can\S+t move left/, "i shouldn't have been able to hit left"); $agent->select("clauses", ["1"]); $agent->select("ValueOfStatus" => "stalled"); $agent->submit; ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form again"); is_deeply(selectedClauses, ["2"], 'the one we added is selected'); is( getQueryFromForm, "( id > 1234 AND Status = 'stalled' ) OR Queue != 'Regression'", "added new one" ); # click advanced, enter "C1 OR ( C2 AND C3 )", apply, aggregators should stay the same. { my $response = $agent->get($url."Search/Edit.html"); ok( $response->is_success, "Fetched /Search/Edit.html" ); ok($agent->form_number(3), "found the form"); $agent->field("Query", "Status = 'new' OR ( Status = 'open' AND Subject LIKE 'office' )"); $agent->submit; is( getQueryFromForm, "Status = 'new' OR ( Status = 'open' AND Subject LIKE 'office' )", "no aggregators change" ); } # - new items go one level down # - add items at currently selected level # - if nothing is selected, add at end, one level down # # move left # - error if nothing selected # - same item should be selected after move # - can't move left if you're at the top level # # move right # - error if nothing selected # - same item should be selected after move # - can always move right (no max depth...should there be?) # # move up # - error if nothing selected # - same item should be selected after move # - can't move up if you're first in the list # # move down # - error if nothing selected # - same item should be selected after move # - can't move down if you're last in the list # # toggle # - error if nothing selected # - change all aggregators in the grouping # - don't change any others # # delete # - error if nothing selected # - delete currently selected item # - delete all children of a grouping # - if delete leaves a node with no children, delete that, too # - what should be selected? # # Clear # - clears entire query # - clears it from the session, too # }}} # create a custom field with nonascii name and try to add a condition { my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser ); $cf->LoadByName( Name => "\x{442}", Queue => 0 ); if ( $cf->id ) { is($cf->Type, 'Freeform', 'loaded and type is correct'); } else { my ($return, $msg) = $cf->Create( Name => "\x{442}", Queue => 0, Type => 'Freeform', ); ok($return, 'created CF') or diag "error: $msg"; } my $response = $agent->get($url."Search/Build.html?NewQuery=1"); ok( $response->is_success, "Fetched " . $url."Search/Build.html" ); ok($agent->form_name('BuildQuery'), "found the form once"); $agent->field("ValueOf'CF.{\321\202}'", "\321\201"); $agent->submit(); is( getQueryFromForm, "'CF.{\321\202}' LIKE '\321\201'", "no changes, no duplicate condition with badly encoded text" ); $cf->delete(); } 1;