# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2013 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} =head1 NAME RT::User - RT User object =head1 SYNOPSIS use RT::User; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =cut package RT::User; use strict; use warnings; use base 'RT::Record'; sub Table {'Users'} use Digest::SHA; use Digest::MD5; use RT::Principals; use RT::ACE; use RT::Interface::Email; use Encode; use Text::Password::Pronounceable; sub _OverlayAccessible { { Name => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, Password => { read => 0 }, EmailAddress => { public => 1 }, Organization => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, RealName => { public => 1 }, NickName => { public => 1 }, Lang => { public => 1 }, EmailEncoding => { public => 1 }, WebEncoding => { public => 1 }, ExternalContactInfoId => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, ContactInfoSystem => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, ExternalAuthId => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, AuthSystem => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, Gecos => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, PGPKey => { public => 1, admin => 1 }, PrivateKey => { admin => 1 }, } } =head2 Create { PARAMHASH } =cut sub Create { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Privileged => 0, Disabled => 0, EmailAddress => '', _RecordTransaction => 1, @_ # get the real argumentlist ); # remove the value so it does not cripple SUPER::Create my $record_transaction = delete $args{'_RecordTransaction'}; #Check the ACL unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } unless ($self->CanonicalizeUserInfo(\%args)) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Could not set user info") ); } $args{'EmailAddress'} = $self->CanonicalizeEmailAddress($args{'EmailAddress'}); # if the user doesn't have a name defined, set it to the email address $args{'Name'} = $args{'EmailAddress'} unless ($args{'Name'}); my $privileged = delete $args{'Privileged'}; if ($args{'CryptedPassword'} ) { $args{'Password'} = $args{'CryptedPassword'}; delete $args{'CryptedPassword'}; } elsif ( !$args{'Password'} ) { $args{'Password'} = '*NO-PASSWORD*'; } else { my ($ok, $msg) = $self->ValidatePassword($args{'Password'}); return ($ok, $msg) if !$ok; $args{'Password'} = $self->_GeneratePassword($args{'Password'}); } #TODO Specify some sensible defaults. unless ( $args{'Name'} ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Must specify 'Name' attribute") ); } my ( $val, $msg ) = $self->ValidateName( $args{'Name'} ); return ( 0, $msg ) unless $val; ( $val, $msg ) = $self->ValidateEmailAddress( $args{'EmailAddress'} ); return ( 0, $msg ) unless ($val); $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction(); # Groups deal with principal ids, rather than user ids. # When creating this user, set up a principal Id for it. my $principal = RT::Principal->new($self->CurrentUser); my $principal_id = $principal->Create(PrincipalType => 'User', Disabled => $args{'Disabled'}, ObjectId => '0'); # If we couldn't create a principal Id, get the fuck out. unless ($principal_id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->crit("Couldn't create a Principal on new user create."); $RT::Logger->crit("Strange things are afoot at the circle K"); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } $principal->__Set(Field => 'ObjectId', Value => $principal_id); delete $args{'Disabled'}; $self->SUPER::Create(id => $principal_id , %args); my $id = $self->Id; #If the create failed. unless ($id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->error("Could not create a new user - " .join('-', %args)); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } my $aclstash = RT::Group->new($self->CurrentUser); my $stash_id = $aclstash->_CreateACLEquivalenceGroup($principal); unless ($stash_id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->crit("Couldn't stash the user in groupmembers"); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } my $everyone = RT::Group->new($self->CurrentUser); $everyone->LoadSystemInternalGroup('Everyone'); unless ($everyone->id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Could not load Everyone group on user creation."); $RT::Handle->Rollback(); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } my ($everyone_id, $everyone_msg) = $everyone->_AddMember( InsideTransaction => 1, PrincipalId => $self->PrincipalId); unless ($everyone_id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Could not add user to Everyone group on user creation."); $RT::Logger->crit($everyone_msg); $RT::Handle->Rollback(); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } my $access_class = RT::Group->new($self->CurrentUser); if ($privileged) { $access_class->LoadSystemInternalGroup('Privileged'); } else { $access_class->LoadSystemInternalGroup('Unprivileged'); } unless ($access_class->id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Could not load Privileged or Unprivileged group on user creation"); $RT::Handle->Rollback(); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } my ($ac_id, $ac_msg) = $access_class->_AddMember( InsideTransaction => 1, PrincipalId => $self->PrincipalId); unless ($ac_id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Could not add user to Privileged or Unprivileged group on user creation. Aborted"); $RT::Logger->crit($ac_msg); $RT::Handle->Rollback(); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } if ( $record_transaction ) { $self->_NewTransaction( Type => "Create" ); } $RT::Handle->Commit; return ( $id, $self->loc('User created') ); } =head2 ValidateName STRING Returns either (0, "failure reason") or 1 depending on whether the given name is valid. =cut sub ValidateName { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; return ( 0, $self->loc('empty name') ) unless defined $name && length $name; my $TempUser = RT::User->new( RT->SystemUser ); $TempUser->Load($name); if ( $TempUser->id && ( !$self->id || $TempUser->id != $self->id ) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Name in use') ); } else { return 1; } } =head2 ValidatePassword STRING Returns either (0, "failure reason") or 1 depending on whether the given password is valid. =cut sub ValidatePassword { my $self = shift; my $password = shift; if ( length($password) < RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Password needs to be at least [_1] characters long", RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength')) ); } return 1; } =head2 SetPrivileged BOOL If passed a true value, makes this user a member of the "Privileged" PseudoGroup. Otherwise, makes this user a member of the "Unprivileged" pseudogroup. Returns a standard RT tuple of (val, msg); =cut sub SetPrivileged { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; #Check the ACL unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } $self->_SetPrivileged($val); } sub _SetPrivileged { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; my $priv = RT::Group->new($self->CurrentUser); $priv->LoadSystemInternalGroup('Privileged'); unless ($priv->Id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Could not find Privileged pseudogroup"); return(0,$self->loc("Failed to find 'Privileged' users pseudogroup.")); } my $unpriv = RT::Group->new($self->CurrentUser); $unpriv->LoadSystemInternalGroup('Unprivileged'); unless ($unpriv->Id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Could not find unprivileged pseudogroup"); return(0,$self->loc("Failed to find 'Unprivileged' users pseudogroup")); } my $principal = $self->PrincipalId; if ($val) { if ($priv->HasMember($principal)) { #$RT::Logger->debug("That user is already privileged"); return (0,$self->loc("That user is already privileged")); } if ($unpriv->HasMember($principal)) { $unpriv->_DeleteMember($principal); } else { # if we had layered transactions, life would be good # sadly, we have to just go ahead, even if something # bogus happened $RT::Logger->crit("User ".$self->Id." is neither privileged nor ". "unprivileged. something is drastically wrong."); } my ($status, $msg) = $priv->_AddMember( InsideTransaction => 1, PrincipalId => $principal); if ($status) { return (1, $self->loc("That user is now privileged")); } else { return (0, $msg); } } else { if ($unpriv->HasMember($principal)) { #$RT::Logger->debug("That user is already unprivileged"); return (0,$self->loc("That user is already unprivileged")); } if ($priv->HasMember($principal)) { $priv->_DeleteMember( $principal ); } else { # if we had layered transactions, life would be good # sadly, we have to just go ahead, even if something # bogus happened $RT::Logger->crit("User ".$self->Id." is neither privileged nor ". "unprivileged. something is drastically wrong."); } my ($status, $msg) = $unpriv->_AddMember( InsideTransaction => 1, PrincipalId => $principal); if ($status) { return (1, $self->loc("That user is now unprivileged")); } else { return (0, $msg); } } } =head2 Privileged Returns true if this user is privileged. Returns undef otherwise. =cut sub Privileged { my $self = shift; if ( RT->PrivilegedUsers->HasMember( $self->id ) ) { return(1); } else { return(undef); } } #create a user without validating _any_ data. #To be used only on database init. # We can't localize here because it's before we _have_ a loc framework sub _BootstrapCreate { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $args{'Password'} = '*NO-PASSWORD*'; $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction(); # Groups deal with principal ids, rather than user ids. # When creating this user, set up a principal Id for it. my $principal = RT::Principal->new($self->CurrentUser); my $principal_id = $principal->Create(PrincipalType => 'User', ObjectId => '0'); $principal->__Set(Field => 'ObjectId', Value => $principal_id); # If we couldn't create a principal Id, get the fuck out. unless ($principal_id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->crit("Couldn't create a Principal on new user create. Strange things are afoot at the circle K"); return ( 0, 'Could not create user' ); } $self->SUPER::Create(id => $principal_id, %args); my $id = $self->Id; #If the create failed. unless ($id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); return ( 0, 'Could not create user' ) ; #never loc this } my $aclstash = RT::Group->new($self->CurrentUser); my $stash_id = $aclstash->_CreateACLEquivalenceGroup($principal); unless ($stash_id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->crit("Couldn't stash the user in groupmembers"); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') ); } $RT::Handle->Commit(); return ( $id, 'User created' ); } sub Delete { my $self = shift; return ( 0, $self->loc('Deleting this object would violate referential integrity') ); } =head2 Load Load a user object from the database. Takes a single argument. If the argument is numerical, load by the column 'id'. If a user object or its subclass passed then loads the same user by id. Otherwise, load by the "Name" column which is the user's textual username. =cut sub Load { my $self = shift; my $identifier = shift || return undef; if ( $identifier !~ /\D/ ) { return $self->SUPER::LoadById( $identifier ); } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $identifier, 'RT::User' ) ) { return $self->SUPER::LoadById( $identifier->Id ); } else { return $self->LoadByCol( "Name", $identifier ); } } =head2 LoadByEmail Tries to load this user object from the database by the user's email address. =cut sub LoadByEmail { my $self = shift; my $address = shift; # Never load an empty address as an email address. unless ($address) { return (undef); } $address = $self->CanonicalizeEmailAddress($address); #$RT::Logger->debug("Trying to load an email address: $address"); return $self->LoadByCol( "EmailAddress", $address ); } =head2 LoadOrCreateByEmail ADDRESS Attempts to find a user who has the provided email address. If that fails, creates an unprivileged user with the provided email address and loads them. Address can be provided either as L object or string which is parsed using the module. Returns a tuple of the user's id and a status message. 0 will be returned in place of the user's id in case of failure. =cut sub LoadOrCreateByEmail { my $self = shift; my $email = shift; my ($message, $name); if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $email => 'Email::Address' ) ) { ($email, $name) = ($email->address, $email->phrase); } else { ($email, $name) = RT::Interface::Email::ParseAddressFromHeader( $email ); } $self->LoadByEmail( $email ); $self->Load( $email ) unless $self->Id; $message = $self->loc('User loaded'); unless( $self->Id ) { my $val; ($val, $message) = $self->Create( Name => $email, EmailAddress => $email, RealName => $name, Privileged => 0, Comments => 'Autocreated when added as a watcher', ); unless ( $val ) { # Deal with the race condition of two account creations at once $self->LoadByEmail( $email ); unless ( $self->Id ) { sleep 5; $self->LoadByEmail( $email ); } if ( $self->Id ) { $RT::Logger->error("Recovered from creation failure due to race condition"); $message = $self->loc("User loaded"); } else { $RT::Logger->crit("Failed to create user ". $email .": " .$message); } } } return (0, $message) unless $self->id; return ($self->Id, $message); } =head2 ValidateEmailAddress ADDRESS Returns true if the email address entered is not in use by another user or is undef or ''. Returns false if it's in use. =cut sub ValidateEmailAddress { my $self = shift; my $Value = shift; # if the email address is null, it's always valid return (1) if ( !$Value || $Value eq "" ); if ( RT->Config->Get('ValidateUserEmailAddresses') ) { # We only allow one valid email address my @addresses = Email::Address->parse($Value); return ( 0, $self->loc('Invalid syntax for email address') ) unless ( ( scalar (@addresses) == 1 ) && ( $addresses[0]->address ) ); } my $TempUser = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser); $TempUser->LoadByEmail($Value); if ( $TempUser->id && ( !$self->id || $TempUser->id != $self->id ) ) { # if we found a user with that address # it's invalid to set this user's address to it return ( 0, $self->loc('Email address in use') ); } else { #it's a valid email address return (1); } } =head2 SetName Check to make sure someone else isn't using this name already =cut sub SetName { my $self = shift; my $Value = shift; my ( $val, $message ) = $self->ValidateName($Value); if ($val) { return $self->_Set( Field => 'Name', Value => $Value ); } else { return ( 0, $message ); } } =head2 SetEmailAddress Check to make sure someone else isn't using this email address already so that a better email address can be returned =cut sub SetEmailAddress { my $self = shift; my $Value = shift; $Value = '' unless defined $Value; my ($val, $message) = $self->ValidateEmailAddress( $Value ); if ( $val ) { return $self->_Set( Field => 'EmailAddress', Value => $Value ); } else { return ( 0, $message ) } } =head2 EmailFrequency Takes optional Ticket argument in paramhash. Returns 'no email', 'squelched', 'daily', 'weekly' or empty string depending on user preferences. =over 4 =item 'no email' - user has no email, so can not recieve notifications. =item 'squelched' - returned only when Ticket argument is provided and notifications to the user has been supressed for this ticket. =item 'daily' - retruned when user recieve daily messages digest instead of immediate delivery. =item 'weekly' - previous, but weekly. =item empty string returned otherwise. =back =cut sub EmailFrequency { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Ticket => undef, @_ ); return '' unless $self->id && $self->id != RT->Nobody->id && $self->id != RT->SystemUser->id; return 'no email address' unless my $email = $self->EmailAddress; return 'email disabled for ticket' if $args{'Ticket'} && grep lc $email eq lc $_->Content, $args{'Ticket'}->SquelchMailTo; my $frequency = RT->Config->Get( 'EmailFrequency', $self ) || ''; return 'daily' if $frequency =~ /daily/i; return 'weekly' if $frequency =~ /weekly/i; return ''; } =head2 CanonicalizeEmailAddress ADDRESS CanonicalizeEmailAddress converts email addresses into canonical form. it takes one email address in and returns the proper canonical form. You can dump whatever your proper local config is in here. Note that it may be called as a static method; in this case the first argument is class name not an object. =cut sub CanonicalizeEmailAddress { my $self = shift; my $email = shift; # Example: the following rule would treat all email # coming from a subdomain as coming from second level domain # foo.com if ( my $match = RT->Config->Get('CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch') and my $replace = RT->Config->Get('CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace') ) { $email =~ s/$match/$replace/gi; } return ($email); } =head2 CanonicalizeUserInfo HASH of ARGS CanonicalizeUserInfo can convert all User->Create options. it takes a hashref of all the params sent to User->Create and returns that same hash, by default nothing is done. This function is intended to allow users to have their info looked up via an outside source and modified upon creation. =cut sub CanonicalizeUserInfo { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; my $success = 1; return ($success); } =head2 Password and authentication related functions =head3 SetRandomPassword Takes no arguments. Returns a status code and a new password or an error message. If the status is 1, the second value returned is the new password. If the status is anything else, the new value returned is the error code. =cut sub SetRandomPassword { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserCanModify('Password') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } my $min = ( RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength') > 6 ? RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength') : 6); my $max = ( RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength') > 8 ? RT->Config->Get('MinimumPasswordLength') : 8); my $pass = $self->GenerateRandomPassword( $min, $max) ; # If we have "notify user on my ( $val, $msg ) = $self->SetPassword($pass); #If we got an error return the error. return ( 0, $msg ) unless ($val); #Otherwise, we changed the password, lets return it. return ( 1, $pass ); } =head3 ResetPassword Returns status, [ERROR or new password]. Resets this user's password to a randomly generated pronouncable password and emails them, using a global template called "PasswordChange". This function is currently unused in the UI, but available for local scripts. =cut sub ResetPassword { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserCanModify('Password') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } my ( $status, $pass ) = $self->SetRandomPassword(); unless ($status) { return ( 0, "$pass" ); } my $ret = RT::Interface::Email::SendEmailUsingTemplate( To => $self->EmailAddress, Template => 'PasswordChange', Arguments => { NewPassword => $pass, }, ); if ($ret) { return ( 1, $self->loc('New password notification sent') ); } else { return ( 0, $self->loc('Notification could not be sent') ); } } =head3 GenerateRandomPassword MIN_LEN and MAX_LEN Returns a random password between MIN_LEN and MAX_LEN characters long. =cut sub GenerateRandomPassword { my $self = shift; # just to drop it return Text::Password::Pronounceable->generate(@_); } sub SafeSetPassword { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Current => undef, New => undef, Confirmation => undef, @_, ); return (1) unless defined $args{'New'} && length $args{'New'}; my %cond = $self->CurrentUserRequireToSetPassword; unless ( $cond{'CanSet'} ) { return (0, $self->loc('You can not set password.') .' '. $cond{'Reason'} ); } my $error = ''; if ( $cond{'RequireCurrent'} && !$self->CurrentUser->IsPassword($args{'Current'}) ) { if ( defined $args{'Current'} && length $args{'Current'} ) { $error = $self->loc("Please enter your current password correctly."); } else { $error = $self->loc("Please enter your current password."); } } elsif ( $args{'New'} ne $args{'Confirmation'} ) { $error = $self->loc("Passwords do not match."); } if ( $error ) { $error .= ' '. $self->loc('Password has not been set.'); return (0, $error); } return $self->SetPassword( $args{'New'} ); } =head3 SetPassword Takes a string. Checks the string's length and sets this user's password to that string. =cut sub SetPassword { my $self = shift; my $password = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserCanModify('Password') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Password: Permission Denied') ); } if ( !$password ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("No password set") ); } else { my ($val, $msg) = $self->ValidatePassword($password); return ($val, $msg) if !$val; my $new = !$self->HasPassword; $password = $self->_GeneratePassword($password); ( $val, $msg ) = $self->_Set(Field => 'Password', Value => $password); if ($val) { return ( 1, $self->loc("Password set") ) if $new; return ( 1, $self->loc("Password changed") ); } else { return ( $val, $msg ); } } } sub _GeneratePassword_sha512 { my $self = shift; my ($password, $salt) = @_; # Generate a 16-character base64 salt unless ($salt) { $salt = ""; $salt .= ("a".."z", "A".."Z","0".."9", "+", "/")[rand 64] for 1..16; } my $sha = Digest::SHA->new(512); $sha->add($salt); $sha->add(encode_utf8($password)); return join("!", "", "sha512", $salt, $sha->b64digest); } =head3 _GeneratePassword PASSWORD [, SALT] Returns a string to store in the database. This string takes the form: !method!salt!hash By default, the method is currently C. =cut sub _GeneratePassword { my $self = shift; return $self->_GeneratePassword_sha512(@_); } =head3 HasPassword Returns true if the user has a valid password, otherwise returns false. =cut sub HasPassword { my $self = shift; my $pwd = $self->__Value('Password'); return undef if !defined $pwd || $pwd eq '' || $pwd eq '*NO-PASSWORD*'; return 1; } =head3 IsPassword Returns true if the passed in value is this user's password. Returns undef otherwise. =cut sub IsPassword { my $self = shift; my $value = shift; #TODO there isn't any apparent way to legitimately ACL this # RT does not allow null passwords if ( ( !defined($value) ) or ( $value eq '' ) ) { return (undef); } if ( $self->PrincipalObj->Disabled ) { $RT::Logger->info( "Disabled user " . $self->Name . " tried to log in" ); return (undef); } unless ($self->HasPassword) { return(undef); } my $stored = $self->__Value('Password'); if ($stored =~ /^!/) { # If it's a new-style (>= RT 4.0) password, it starts with a '!' my (undef, $method, $salt, undef) = split /!/, $stored; if ($method eq "sha512") { return $self->_GeneratePassword_sha512($value, $salt) eq $stored; } else { $RT::Logger->warn("Unknown hash method $method"); return 0; } } elsif (length $stored == 40) { # The truncated SHA256(salt,MD5(passwd)) form from 2010/12 is 40 characters long my $hash = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($stored); # Decoding yields 30 byes; first 4 are the salt, the rest are substr(SHA256,0,26) my $salt = substr($hash, 0, 4, ""); return 0 unless substr(Digest::SHA::sha256($salt . Digest::MD5::md5($value)), 0, 26) eq $hash; } elsif (length $stored == 32) { # Hex nonsalted-md5 return 0 unless Digest::MD5::md5_hex(encode_utf8($value)) eq $stored; } elsif (length $stored == 22) { # Base64 nonsalted-md5 return 0 unless Digest::MD5::md5_base64(encode_utf8($value)) eq $stored; } elsif (length $stored == 13) { # crypt() output return 0 unless crypt(encode_utf8($value), $stored) eq $stored; } else { $RT::Logger->warning("Unknown password form"); return 0; } # We got here by validating successfully, but with a legacy # password form. Update to the most recent form. my $obj = $self->isa("RT::CurrentUser") ? $self->UserObj : $self; $obj->_Set(Field => 'Password', Value => $self->_GeneratePassword($value) ); return 1; } sub CurrentUserRequireToSetPassword { my $self = shift; my %res = ( CanSet => 1, Reason => '', RequireCurrent => 1, ); if ( RT->Config->Get('WebExternalAuth') && !RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToInternalAuth') ) { $res{'CanSet'} = 0; $res{'Reason'} = $self->loc("External authentication enabled."); } elsif ( !$self->CurrentUser->HasPassword ) { if ( $self->CurrentUser->id == ($self->id||0) ) { # don't require current password if user has no $res{'RequireCurrent'} = 0; } else { $res{'CanSet'} = 0; $res{'Reason'} = $self->loc("Your password is not set."); } } return %res; } =head3 AuthToken Returns an authentication string associated with the user. This string can be used to generate passwordless URLs to integrate RT with services and programms like callendar managers, rss readers and other. =cut sub AuthToken { my $self = shift; my $secret = $self->_Value( AuthToken => @_ ); return $secret if $secret; $secret = substr(Digest::MD5::md5_hex(time . {} . rand()),0,16); my $tmp = RT::User->new( RT->SystemUser ); $tmp->Load( $self->id ); my ($status, $msg) = $tmp->SetAuthToken( $secret ); unless ( $status ) { $RT::Logger->error( "Couldn't set auth token: $msg" ); return undef; } return $secret; } =head3 GenerateAuthToken Generate a random authentication string for the user. =cut sub GenerateAuthToken { my $self = shift; my $token = substr(Digest::MD5::md5_hex(time . {} . rand()),0,16); return $self->SetAuthToken( $token ); } =head3 GenerateAuthString Takes a string and returns back a hex hash string. Later you can use this pair to make sure it's generated by this user using L =cut sub GenerateAuthString { my $self = shift; my $protect = shift; my $str = $self->AuthToken . $protect; utf8::encode($str); return substr(Digest::MD5::md5_hex($str),0,16); } =head3 ValidateAuthString Takes auth string and protected string. Returns true is protected string has been protected by user's L. See also L. =cut sub ValidateAuthString { my $self = shift; my $auth_string = shift; my $protected = shift; my $str = $self->AuthToken . $protected; utf8::encode( $str ); return $auth_string eq substr(Digest::MD5::md5_hex($str),0,16); } =head2 SetDisabled Toggles the user's disabled flag. If this flag is set, all password checks for this user will fail. All ACL checks for this user will fail. The user will appear in no user listings. =cut sub SetDisabled { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return (0, $self->loc('Permission Denied')); } $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction(); my $set_err = $self->PrincipalObj->SetDisabled($val); unless ($set_err) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->warning(sprintf("Couldn't %s user %s", ($val == 1) ? "disable" : "enable", $self->PrincipalObj->Id)); return (undef); } $self->_NewTransaction( Type => ($val == 1) ? "Disabled" : "Enabled" ); $RT::Handle->Commit(); if ( $val == 1 ) { return (1, $self->loc("User disabled")); } else { return (1, $self->loc("User enabled")); } } =head2 Disabled Returns true if user is disabled or false otherwise =cut sub Disabled { my $self = shift; return $self->PrincipalObj->Disabled(@_); } =head2 PrincipalObj Returns the principal object for this user. returns an empty RT::Principal if there's no principal object matching this user. The response is cached. PrincipalObj should never ever change. =cut sub PrincipalObj { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->id ) { $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't get principal for an empty user"); return undef; } if ( !$self->{_principal_obj} ) { my $obj = RT::Principal->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $obj->LoadById( $self->id ); if (! $obj->id ) { $RT::Logger->crit( 'No principal for user #' . $self->id ); return undef; } elsif ( $obj->PrincipalType ne 'User' ) { $RT::Logger->crit( 'User #' . $self->id . ' has principal of ' . $obj->PrincipalType . ' type' ); return undef; } $self->{_principal_obj} = $obj; } return $self->{_principal_obj}; } =head2 PrincipalId Returns this user's PrincipalId =cut sub PrincipalId { my $self = shift; return $self->Id; } =head2 HasGroupRight Takes a paramhash which can contain these items: GroupObj => RT::Group or Group => integer Right => 'Right' Returns 1 if this user has the right specified in the paramhash for the Group passed in. Returns undef if they don't. =cut sub HasGroupRight { my $self = shift; my %args = ( GroupObj => undef, Group => undef, Right => undef, @_ ); if ( defined $args{'Group'} ) { $args{'GroupObj'} = RT::Group->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $args{'GroupObj'}->Load( $args{'Group'} ); } # Validate and load up the GroupId unless ( ( defined $args{'GroupObj'} ) and ( $args{'GroupObj'}->Id ) ) { return undef; } # Figure out whether a user has the right we're asking about. my $retval = $self->HasRight( Object => $args{'GroupObj'}, Right => $args{'Right'}, ); return ($retval); } =head2 OwnGroups Returns a group collection object containing the groups of which this user is a member. =cut sub OwnGroups { my $self = shift; my $groups = RT::Groups->new($self->CurrentUser); $groups->LimitToUserDefinedGroups; $groups->WithMember( PrincipalId => $self->Id, Recursively => 1 ); return $groups; } =head2 HasRight Shim around PrincipalObj->HasRight. See L. =cut sub HasRight { my $self = shift; return $self->PrincipalObj->HasRight(@_); } =head2 CurrentUserCanSee [FIELD] Returns true if the current user can see the user, based on if it is public, ourself, or we have AdminUsers =cut sub CurrentUserCanSee { my $self = shift; my ($what) = @_; # If it's public, fine. Note that $what may be "transaction", which # doesn't have an Accessible value, and thus falls through below. if ( $self->_Accessible( $what, 'public' ) ) { return 1; } # Users can see their own properties elsif ( defined($self->Id) && $self->CurrentUser->Id == $self->Id ) { return 1; } # If the user has the admin users right, that's also enough elsif ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Right => 'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } =head2 CurrentUserCanModify RIGHT If the user has rights for this object, either because he has 'AdminUsers' or (if he's trying to edit himself and the right isn't an admin right) 'ModifySelf', return 1. otherwise, return undef. =cut sub CurrentUserCanModify { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; if ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return (1); } #If the field is marked as an "administrators only" field, # don't let the user touch it. elsif ( $self->_Accessible( $field, 'admin' ) ) { return (undef); } #If the current user is trying to modify themselves elsif ( ( $self->id == $self->CurrentUser->id ) and ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System) ) ) { return (1); } #If we don't have a good reason to grant them rights to modify # by now, they lose else { return (undef); } } =head2 CurrentUserHasRight Takes a single argument. returns 1 if $Self->CurrentUser has the requested right. returns undef otherwise =cut sub CurrentUserHasRight { my $self = shift; my $right = shift; return ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right => $right, Object => $RT::System) ); } sub _PrefName { my $name = shift; if (ref $name) { $name = ref($name).'-'.$name->Id; } return 'Pref-'.$name; } =head2 Preferences NAME/OBJ DEFAULT Obtain user preferences associated with given object or name. Returns DEFAULT if no preferences found. If DEFAULT is a hashref, override the entries with user preferences. =cut sub Preferences { my $self = shift; my $name = _PrefName (shift); my $default = shift; my $attr = RT::Attribute->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $attr->LoadByNameAndObject( Object => $self, Name => $name ); my $content = $attr->Id ? $attr->Content : undef; unless ( ref $content eq 'HASH' ) { return defined $content ? $content : $default; } if (ref $default eq 'HASH') { for (keys %$default) { exists $content->{$_} or $content->{$_} = $default->{$_}; } } elsif (defined $default) { $RT::Logger->error("Preferences $name for user".$self->Id." is hash but default is not"); } return $content; } =head2 SetPreferences NAME/OBJ VALUE Set user preferences associated with given object or name. =cut sub SetPreferences { my $self = shift; my $name = _PrefName( shift ); my $value = shift; return (0, $self->loc("No permission to set preferences")) unless $self->CurrentUserCanModify('Preferences'); my $attr = RT::Attribute->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $attr->LoadByNameAndObject( Object => $self, Name => $name ); if ( $attr->Id ) { my ($ok, $msg) = $attr->SetContent( $value ); return (1, "No updates made") if $msg eq "That is already the current value"; return ($ok, $msg); } else { return $self->AddAttribute( Name => $name, Content => $value ); } } =head2 Stylesheet Returns a list of valid stylesheets take from preferences. =cut sub Stylesheet { my $self = shift; my $style = RT->Config->Get('WebDefaultStylesheet', $self->CurrentUser); if (RT::Interface::Web->ComponentPathIsSafe($style)) { my @css_paths = map { $_ . '/NoAuth/css' } RT::Interface::Web->ComponentRoots; for my $css_path (@css_paths) { if (-d "$css_path/$style") { return $style } } } # Fall back to the system stylesheet. return RT->Config->Get('WebDefaultStylesheet'); } =head2 WatchedQueues ROLE_LIST Returns a RT::Queues object containing every queue watched by the user. Takes a list of roles which is some subset of ('Cc', 'AdminCc'). Defaults to: $user->WatchedQueues('Cc', 'AdminCc'); =cut sub WatchedQueues { my $self = shift; my @roles = @_ ? @_ : ('Cc', 'AdminCc'); $RT::Logger->debug('WatcheQueues got user ' . $self->Name); my $watched_queues = RT::Queues->new($self->CurrentUser); my $group_alias = $watched_queues->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => 'id', TABLE2 => 'Groups', FIELD2 => 'Instance', ); $watched_queues->Limit( ALIAS => $group_alias, FIELD => 'Domain', VALUE => 'RT::Queue-Role', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', ); if (grep { $_ eq 'Cc' } @roles) { $watched_queues->Limit( SUBCLAUSE => 'LimitToWatchers', ALIAS => $group_alias, FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'Cc', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', ); } if (grep { $_ eq 'AdminCc' } @roles) { $watched_queues->Limit( SUBCLAUSE => 'LimitToWatchers', ALIAS => $group_alias, FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'AdminCc', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', ); } my $queues_alias = $watched_queues->Join( ALIAS1 => $group_alias, FIELD1 => 'id', TABLE2 => 'CachedGroupMembers', FIELD2 => 'GroupId', ); $watched_queues->Limit( ALIAS => $queues_alias, FIELD => 'MemberId', VALUE => $self->PrincipalId, ); $watched_queues->Limit( ALIAS => $queues_alias, FIELD => 'Disabled', VALUE => 0, ); $RT::Logger->debug("WatchedQueues got " . $watched_queues->Count . " queues"); return $watched_queues; } sub _Set { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Field => undef, Value => undef, TransactionType => 'Set', RecordTransaction => 1, @_ ); # Nobody is allowed to futz with RT_System or Nobody if ( ($self->Id == RT->SystemUser->Id ) || ($self->Id == RT->Nobody->Id)) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Can not modify system users") ); } unless ( $self->CurrentUserCanModify( $args{'Field'} ) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } my $Old = $self->SUPER::_Value("$args{'Field'}"); my ($ret, $msg) = $self->SUPER::_Set( Field => $args{'Field'}, Value => $args{'Value'} ); #If we can't actually set the field to the value, don't record # a transaction. instead, get out of here. if ( $ret == 0 ) { return ( 0, $msg ); } if ( $args{'RecordTransaction'} == 1 ) { if ($args{'Field'} eq "Password") { $args{'Value'} = $Old = '********'; } my ( $Trans, $Msg, $TransObj ) = $self->_NewTransaction( Type => $args{'TransactionType'}, Field => $args{'Field'}, NewValue => $args{'Value'}, OldValue => $Old, TimeTaken => $args{'TimeTaken'}, ); return ( $Trans, scalar $TransObj->BriefDescription ); } else { return ( $ret, $msg ); } } =head2 _Value Takes the name of a table column. Returns its value as a string, if the user passes an ACL check =cut sub _Value { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; # Defer to the abstraction above to know if the field can be read return $self->SUPER::_Value($field) if $self->CurrentUserCanSee($field); return undef; } =head2 FriendlyName Return the friendly name =cut sub FriendlyName { my $self = shift; return $self->RealName if defined($self->RealName); return $self->Name if defined($self->Name); return ""; } =head2 PreferredKey Returns the preferred key of the user. If none is set, then this will query GPG and set the preferred key to the maximally trusted key found (and then return it). Returns C if no preferred key can be found. =cut sub PreferredKey { my $self = shift; return undef unless RT->Config->Get('GnuPG')->{'Enable'}; if ( ($self->CurrentUser->Id != $self->Id ) && !$self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right =>'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return undef; } my $prefkey = $self->FirstAttribute('PreferredKey'); return $prefkey->Content if $prefkey; # we don't have a preferred key for this user, so now we must query GPG require RT::Crypt::GnuPG; my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::GetKeysForEncryption($self->EmailAddress); return undef unless defined $res{'info'}; my @keys = @{ $res{'info'} }; return undef if @keys == 0; if (@keys == 1) { $prefkey = $keys[0]->{'Fingerprint'}; } else { # prefer the maximally trusted key @keys = sort { $b->{'TrustLevel'} <=> $a->{'TrustLevel'} } @keys; $prefkey = $keys[0]->{'Fingerprint'}; } $self->SetAttribute(Name => 'PreferredKey', Content => $prefkey); return $prefkey; } sub PrivateKey { my $self = shift; #If the user wants to see their own values, let them. #If the user is an admin, let them. #Otherwwise, don't let them. # if ( ($self->CurrentUser->Id != $self->Id ) && !$self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right =>'AdminUsers', Object => $RT::System) ) { return undef; } my $key = $self->FirstAttribute('PrivateKey') or return undef; return $key->Content; } sub SetPrivateKey { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; unless ($self->CurrentUserCanModify('PrivateKey')) { return (0, $self->loc("Permission Denied")); } unless ( $key ) { my ($status, $msg) = $self->DeleteAttribute('PrivateKey'); unless ( $status ) { $RT::Logger->error( "Couldn't delete attribute: $msg" ); return ($status, $self->loc("Couldn't unset private key")); } return ($status, $self->loc("Unset private key")); } # check that it's really private key { my %tmp = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::GetKeysForSigning( $key ); return (0, $self->loc("No such key or it's not suitable for signing")) if $tmp{'exit_code'} || !$tmp{'info'}; } my ($status, $msg) = $self->SetAttribute( Name => 'PrivateKey', Content => $key, ); return ($status, $self->loc("Couldn't set private key")) unless $status; return ($status, $self->loc("Set private key")); } sub BasicColumns { ( [ Name => 'Username' ], [ EmailAddress => 'Email' ], [ RealName => 'Name' ], [ Organization => 'Organization' ], ); } =head2 Create PARAMHASH Create takes a hash of values and creates a row in the database: varchar(200) 'Name'. varbinary(256) 'Password'. varchar(16) 'AuthToken'. text 'Comments'. text 'Signature'. varchar(120) 'EmailAddress'. text 'FreeformContactInfo'. varchar(200) 'Organization'. varchar(120) 'RealName'. varchar(16) 'NickName'. varchar(16) 'Lang'. varchar(16) 'EmailEncoding'. varchar(16) 'WebEncoding'. varchar(100) 'ExternalContactInfoId'. varchar(30) 'ContactInfoSystem'. varchar(100) 'ExternalAuthId'. varchar(30) 'AuthSystem'. varchar(16) 'Gecos'. varchar(30) 'HomePhone'. varchar(30) 'WorkPhone'. varchar(30) 'MobilePhone'. varchar(30) 'PagerPhone'. varchar(200) 'Address1'. varchar(200) 'Address2'. varchar(100) 'City'. varchar(100) 'State'. varchar(16) 'Zip'. varchar(50) 'Country'. varchar(50) 'Timezone'. text 'PGPKey'. =cut =head2 id Returns the current value of id. (In the database, id is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 Name Returns the current value of Name. (In the database, Name is stored as varchar(200).) =head2 SetName VALUE Set Name to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Name will be stored as a varchar(200).) =cut =head2 Password Returns the current value of Password. (In the database, Password is stored as varchar(256).) =head2 SetPassword VALUE Set Password to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Password will be stored as a varchar(256).) =cut =head2 AuthToken Returns the current value of AuthToken. (In the database, AuthToken is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetAuthToken VALUE Set AuthToken to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, AuthToken will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 Comments Returns the current value of Comments. (In the database, Comments is stored as text.) =head2 SetComments VALUE Set Comments to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Comments will be stored as a text.) =cut =head2 Signature Returns the current value of Signature. (In the database, Signature is stored as text.) =head2 SetSignature VALUE Set Signature to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Signature will be stored as a text.) =cut =head2 EmailAddress Returns the current value of EmailAddress. (In the database, EmailAddress is stored as varchar(120).) =head2 SetEmailAddress VALUE Set EmailAddress to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, EmailAddress will be stored as a varchar(120).) =cut =head2 FreeformContactInfo Returns the current value of FreeformContactInfo. (In the database, FreeformContactInfo is stored as text.) =head2 SetFreeformContactInfo VALUE Set FreeformContactInfo to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, FreeformContactInfo will be stored as a text.) =cut =head2 Organization Returns the current value of Organization. (In the database, Organization is stored as varchar(200).) =head2 SetOrganization VALUE Set Organization to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Organization will be stored as a varchar(200).) =cut =head2 RealName Returns the current value of RealName. (In the database, RealName is stored as varchar(120).) =head2 SetRealName VALUE Set RealName to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, RealName will be stored as a varchar(120).) =cut =head2 NickName Returns the current value of NickName. (In the database, NickName is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetNickName VALUE Set NickName to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, NickName will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 Lang Returns the current value of Lang. (In the database, Lang is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetLang VALUE Set Lang to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Lang will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 EmailEncoding Returns the current value of EmailEncoding. (In the database, EmailEncoding is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetEmailEncoding VALUE Set EmailEncoding to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, EmailEncoding will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 WebEncoding Returns the current value of WebEncoding. (In the database, WebEncoding is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetWebEncoding VALUE Set WebEncoding to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, WebEncoding will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 ExternalContactInfoId Returns the current value of ExternalContactInfoId. (In the database, ExternalContactInfoId is stored as varchar(100).) =head2 SetExternalContactInfoId VALUE Set ExternalContactInfoId to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, ExternalContactInfoId will be stored as a varchar(100).) =cut =head2 ContactInfoSystem Returns the current value of ContactInfoSystem. (In the database, ContactInfoSystem is stored as varchar(30).) =head2 SetContactInfoSystem VALUE Set ContactInfoSystem to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, ContactInfoSystem will be stored as a varchar(30).) =cut =head2 ExternalAuthId Returns the current value of ExternalAuthId. (In the database, ExternalAuthId is stored as varchar(100).) =head2 SetExternalAuthId VALUE Set ExternalAuthId to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, ExternalAuthId will be stored as a varchar(100).) =cut =head2 AuthSystem Returns the current value of AuthSystem. (In the database, AuthSystem is stored as varchar(30).) =head2 SetAuthSystem VALUE Set AuthSystem to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, AuthSystem will be stored as a varchar(30).) =cut =head2 Gecos Returns the current value of Gecos. (In the database, Gecos is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetGecos VALUE Set Gecos to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Gecos will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 HomePhone Returns the current value of HomePhone. (In the database, HomePhone is stored as varchar(30).) =head2 SetHomePhone VALUE Set HomePhone to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, HomePhone will be stored as a varchar(30).) =cut =head2 WorkPhone Returns the current value of WorkPhone. (In the database, WorkPhone is stored as varchar(30).) =head2 SetWorkPhone VALUE Set WorkPhone to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, WorkPhone will be stored as a varchar(30).) =cut =head2 MobilePhone Returns the current value of MobilePhone. (In the database, MobilePhone is stored as varchar(30).) =head2 SetMobilePhone VALUE Set MobilePhone to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, MobilePhone will be stored as a varchar(30).) =cut =head2 PagerPhone Returns the current value of PagerPhone. (In the database, PagerPhone is stored as varchar(30).) =head2 SetPagerPhone VALUE Set PagerPhone to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, PagerPhone will be stored as a varchar(30).) =cut =head2 Address1 Returns the current value of Address1. (In the database, Address1 is stored as varchar(200).) =head2 SetAddress1 VALUE Set Address1 to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Address1 will be stored as a varchar(200).) =cut =head2 Address2 Returns the current value of Address2. (In the database, Address2 is stored as varchar(200).) =head2 SetAddress2 VALUE Set Address2 to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Address2 will be stored as a varchar(200).) =cut =head2 City Returns the current value of City. (In the database, City is stored as varchar(100).) =head2 SetCity VALUE Set City to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, City will be stored as a varchar(100).) =cut =head2 State Returns the current value of State. (In the database, State is stored as varchar(100).) =head2 SetState VALUE Set State to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, State will be stored as a varchar(100).) =cut =head2 Zip Returns the current value of Zip. (In the database, Zip is stored as varchar(16).) =head2 SetZip VALUE Set Zip to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Zip will be stored as a varchar(16).) =cut =head2 Country Returns the current value of Country. (In the database, Country is stored as varchar(50).) =head2 SetCountry VALUE Set Country to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Country will be stored as a varchar(50).) =cut =head2 Timezone Returns the current value of Timezone. (In the database, Timezone is stored as varchar(50).) =head2 SetTimezone VALUE Set Timezone to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Timezone will be stored as a varchar(50).) =cut =head2 PGPKey Returns the current value of PGPKey. (In the database, PGPKey is stored as text.) =head2 SetPGPKey VALUE Set PGPKey to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, PGPKey will be stored as a text.) =cut =head2 Creator Returns the current value of Creator. (In the database, Creator is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 Created Returns the current value of Created. (In the database, Created is stored as datetime.) =cut =head2 LastUpdatedBy Returns the current value of LastUpdatedBy. (In the database, LastUpdatedBy is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 LastUpdated Returns the current value of LastUpdated. (In the database, LastUpdated is stored as datetime.) =cut # much false laziness w/Ticket.pm. now with RT 4! our %LINKDIRMAP = ( MemberOf => { Base => 'MemberOf', Target => 'HasMember', }, RefersTo => { Base => 'RefersTo', Target => 'ReferredToBy', }, DependsOn => { Base => 'DependsOn', Target => 'DependedOnBy', }, MergedInto => { Base => 'MergedInto', Target => 'MergedInto', }, ); sub LINKDIRMAP { return \%LINKDIRMAP } =head2 DeleteLink Delete a link. takes a paramhash of Base, Target and Type. Either Base or Target must be null. The null value will be replaced with this ticket\'s id =cut sub DeleteLink { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Base => undef, Target => undef, Type => undef, @_ ); unless ( $args{'Target'} || $args{'Base'} ) { $RT::Logger->error("Base or Target must be specified\n"); return ( 0, $self->loc('Either base or target must be specified') ); } #check acls my $right = 0; $right++ if $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminUsers'); if ( !$right && $RT::StrictLinkACL ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } # # If the other URI is an RT::Ticket, we want to make sure the user # # can modify it too... # my ($status, $msg, $other_ticket) = $self->__GetTicketFromURI( URI => $args{'Target'} || $args{'Base'} ); # return (0, $msg) unless $status; # if ( !$other_ticket || $other_ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') ) { # $right++; # } # if ( ( !$RT::StrictLinkACL && $right == 0 ) || # ( $RT::StrictLinkACL && $right < 2 ) ) # { # return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); # } my ($val, $Msg) = $self->SUPER::_DeleteLink(%args); if ( !$val ) { $RT::Logger->debug("Couldn't find that link\n"); return ( 0, $Msg ); } my ($direction, $remote_link); if ( $args{'Base'} ) { $remote_link = $args{'Base'}; $direction = 'Target'; } elsif ( $args{'Target'} ) { $remote_link = $args{'Target'}; $direction='Base'; } if ( $args{'Silent'} ) { return ( $val, $Msg ); } else { my $remote_uri = RT::URI->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $remote_uri->FromURI( $remote_link ); my ( $Trans, $Msg, $TransObj ) = $self->_NewTransaction( Type => 'DeleteLink', Field => $LINKDIRMAP{$args{'Type'}}->{$direction}, OldValue => $remote_uri->URI || $remote_link, TimeTaken => 0 ); if ( $remote_uri->IsLocal ) { my $OtherObj = $remote_uri->Object; my ( $val, $Msg ) = $OtherObj->_NewTransaction(Type => 'DeleteLink', Field => $direction eq 'Target' ? $LINKDIRMAP{$args{'Type'}}->{Base} : $LINKDIRMAP{$args{'Type'}}->{Target}, OldValue => $self->URI, ActivateScrips => ! $RT::LinkTransactionsRun1Scrip, TimeTaken => 0 ); } return ( $Trans, $Msg ); } } sub AddLink { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Target => '', Base => '', Type => '', Silent => undef, @_ ); unless ( $args{'Target'} || $args{'Base'} ) { $RT::Logger->error("Base or Target must be specified\n"); return ( 0, $self->loc('Either base or target must be specified') ); } my $right = 0; $right++ if $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminUsers'); if ( !$right && $RT::StrictLinkACL ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } # # If the other URI is an RT::Ticket, we want to make sure the user # # can modify it too... # my ($status, $msg, $other_ticket) = $self->__GetTicketFromURI( URI => $args{'Target'} || $args{'Base'} ); # return (0, $msg) unless $status; # if ( !$other_ticket || $other_ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') ) { # $right++; # } # if ( ( !$RT::StrictLinkACL && $right == 0 ) || # ( $RT::StrictLinkACL && $right < 2 ) ) # { # return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); # } return $self->_AddLink(%args); } =head2 _AddLink Private non-acled variant of AddLink so that links can be added during create. =cut sub _AddLink { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Target => '', Base => '', Type => '', Silent => undef, @_ ); my ($val, $msg, $exist) = $self->SUPER::_AddLink(%args); return ($val, $msg) if !$val || $exist; my ($direction, $remote_link); if ( $args{'Target'} ) { $remote_link = $args{'Target'}; $direction = 'Base'; } elsif ( $args{'Base'} ) { $remote_link = $args{'Base'}; $direction = 'Target'; } # Don't write the transaction if we're doing this on create if ( $args{'Silent'} ) { return ( $val, $msg ); } else { my $remote_uri = RT::URI->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $remote_uri->FromURI( $remote_link ); #Write the transaction my ( $Trans, $Msg, $TransObj ) = $self->_NewTransaction(Type => 'AddLink', Field => $LINKDIRMAP{$args{'Type'}}->{$direction}, NewValue => $remote_uri->URI || $remote_link, TimeTaken => 0 ); if ( $remote_uri->IsLocal ) { my $OtherObj = $remote_uri->Object; my ( $val, $Msg ) = $OtherObj->_NewTransaction(Type => 'AddLink', Field => $direction eq 'Target' ? $LINKDIRMAP{$args{'Type'}}->{Base} : $LINKDIRMAP{$args{'Type'}}->{Target}, NewValue => $self->URI, ActivateScrips => ! $RT::LinkTransactionsRun1Scrip, TimeTaken => 0 ); } return ( $val, $Msg ); } } sub _CoreAccessible { { id => {read => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => ''}, Name => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 200, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(200)', default => ''}, Password => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 256, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(256)', default => ''}, AuthToken => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, Comments => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => -4, length => 0, is_blob => 1, is_numeric => 0, type => 'text', default => ''}, Signature => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => -4, length => 0, is_blob => 1, is_numeric => 0, type => 'text', default => ''}, EmailAddress => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 120, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(120)', default => ''}, FreeformContactInfo => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => -4, length => 0, is_blob => 1, is_numeric => 0, type => 'text', default => ''}, Organization => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 200, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(200)', default => ''}, RealName => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 120, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(120)', default => ''}, NickName => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, Lang => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, EmailEncoding => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, WebEncoding => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, ExternalContactInfoId => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 100, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(100)', default => ''}, ContactInfoSystem => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 30, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(30)', default => ''}, ExternalAuthId => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 100, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(100)', default => ''}, AuthSystem => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 30, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(30)', default => ''}, Gecos => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, HomePhone => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 30, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(30)', default => ''}, WorkPhone => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 30, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(30)', default => ''}, MobilePhone => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 30, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(30)', default => ''}, PagerPhone => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 30, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(30)', default => ''}, Address1 => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 200, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(200)', default => ''}, Address2 => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 200, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(200)', default => ''}, City => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 100, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(100)', default => ''}, State => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 100, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(100)', default => ''}, Zip => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 16, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(16)', default => ''}, Country => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 50, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(50)', default => ''}, Timezone => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 50, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(50)', default => ''}, PGPKey => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => -4, length => 0, is_blob => 1, is_numeric => 0, type => 'text', default => ''}, Creator => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, Created => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 11, length => 0, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'datetime', default => ''}, LastUpdatedBy => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, LastUpdated => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 11, length => 0, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'datetime', default => ''}, } }; RT::Base->_ImportOverlays(); 1;