# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2011 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} package RT::Tickets; use strict; use warnings; use RT::SQL; # Import configuration data from the lexcial scope of __PACKAGE__ (or # at least where those two Subroutines are defined.) our (%FIELD_METADATA, %dispatch, %can_bundle); # Lower Case version of FIELDS, for case insensitivity my %lcfields = map { ( lc($_) => $_ ) } (keys %FIELD_METADATA); sub _InitSQL { my $self = shift; # Private Member Variables (which should get cleaned) $self->{'_sql_transalias'} = undef; $self->{'_sql_trattachalias'} = undef; $self->{'_sql_cf_alias'} = undef; $self->{'_sql_object_cfv_alias'} = undef; $self->{'_sql_watcher_join_users_alias'} = undef; $self->{'_sql_query'} = ''; $self->{'_sql_looking_at'} = {}; } sub _SQLLimit { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); if ($args{'FIELD'} eq 'EffectiveId' && (!$args{'ALIAS'} || $args{'ALIAS'} eq 'main' ) ) { $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 1; } if ($args{'FIELD'} eq 'Type' && (!$args{'ALIAS'} || $args{'ALIAS'} eq 'main' ) ) { $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 1; } # All SQL stuff goes into one SB subclause so we can deal with all # the aggregation $self->SUPER::Limit(%args, SUBCLAUSE => 'ticketsql'); } sub _SQLJoin { # All SQL stuff goes into one SB subclause so we can deal with all # the aggregation my $this = shift; $this->SUPER::Join(@_, SUBCLAUSE => 'ticketsql'); } # Helpers sub _OpenParen { $_[0]->SUPER::_OpenParen( 'ticketsql' ); } sub _CloseParen { $_[0]->SUPER::_CloseParen( 'ticketsql' ); } =head1 SQL Functions =cut =head2 Robert's Simple SQL Parser Documentation In Progress The Parser/Tokenizer is a relatively simple state machine that scans through a SQL WHERE clause type string extracting a token at a time (where a token is: VALUE -> quoted string or number AGGREGator -> AND or OR KEYWORD -> quoted string or single word OPerator -> =,!=,LIKE,etc.. PARENthesis -> open or close. And that stream of tokens is passed through the "machine" in order to build up a structure that looks like: KEY OP VALUE AND KEY OP VALUE OR KEY OP VALUE That also deals with parenthesis for nesting. (The parentheses are just handed off the SearchBuilder) =cut sub _close_bundle { my ($self, @bundle) = @_; return unless @bundle; if ( @bundle == 1 ) { $bundle[0]->{'dispatch'}->( $self, $bundle[0]->{'key'}, $bundle[0]->{'op'}, $bundle[0]->{'val'}, SUBCLAUSE => '', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => $bundle[0]->{ea}, SUBKEY => $bundle[0]->{subkey}, ); } else { my @args; foreach my $chunk (@bundle) { push @args, [ $chunk->{key}, $chunk->{op}, $chunk->{val}, SUBCLAUSE => '', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => $chunk->{ea}, SUBKEY => $chunk->{subkey}, ]; } $bundle[0]->{dispatch}->( $self, \@args ); } } sub _parser { my ($self,$string) = @_; my @bundle; my $ea = ''; my %callback; $callback{'OpenParen'} = sub { $self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = (); $self->_OpenParen }; $callback{'CloseParen'} = sub { $self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = (); $self->_CloseParen; }; $callback{'EntryAggregator'} = sub { $ea = $_[0] || '' }; $callback{'Condition'} = sub { my ($key, $op, $value) = @_; # key has dot then it's compound variant and we have subkey my $subkey = ''; ($key, $subkey) = ($1, $2) if $key =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$/; # normalize key and get class (type) my $class; if (exists $lcfields{lc $key}) { $key = $lcfields{lc $key}; $class = $FIELD_METADATA{$key}->[0]; } die "Unknown field '$key' in '$string'" unless $class; # replace __CurrentUser__ with id $value = $self->CurrentUser->id if $value eq '__CurrentUser__'; unless( $dispatch{ $class } ) { die "No dispatch method for class '$class'" } my $sub = $dispatch{ $class }; if ( $can_bundle{ $class } && ( !@bundle || ( $bundle[-1]->{dispatch} == $sub && $bundle[-1]->{key} eq $key && $bundle[-1]->{subkey} eq $subkey ) ) ) { push @bundle, { dispatch => $sub, key => $key, op => $op, val => $value, ea => $ea, subkey => $subkey, }; } else { $self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = (); $sub->( $self, $key, $op, $value, SUBCLAUSE => '', # don't need anymore ENTRYAGGREGATOR => $ea, SUBKEY => $subkey, ); } $self->{_sql_looking_at}{lc $key} = 1; $ea = ''; }; RT::SQL::Parse($string, \%callback); $self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = (); } =head2 ClausesToSQL =cut sub ClausesToSQL { my $self = shift; my $clauses = shift; my @sql; for my $f (keys %{$clauses}) { my $sql; my $first = 1; # Build SQL from the data hash for my $data ( @{ $clauses->{$f} } ) { $sql .= $data->[0] unless $first; $first=0; # ENTRYAGGREGATOR $sql .= " '". $data->[2] . "' "; # FIELD $sql .= $data->[3] . " "; # OPERATOR $sql .= "'". $data->[4] . "' "; # VALUE } push @sql, " ( " . $sql . " ) "; } return join("AND",@sql); } =head2 FromSQL Convert a RT-SQL string into a set of SearchBuilder restrictions. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. =cut sub FromSQL { my ($self,$query) = @_; { # preserve first_row and show_rows across the CleanSlate local ($self->{'first_row'}, $self->{'show_rows'}); $self->CleanSlate; } $self->_InitSQL(); return (1, $self->loc("No Query")) unless $query; $self->{_sql_query} = $query; eval { $self->_parser( $query ); }; if ( $@ ) { $RT::Logger->error( $@ ); return (0, $@); } # We only want to look at EffectiveId's (mostly) for these searches. unless ( exists $self->{_sql_looking_at}{'effectiveid'} ) { #TODO, we shouldn't be hard #coding the tablename to main. $self->SUPER::Limit( FIELD => 'EffectiveId', VALUE => 'main.id', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', QUOTEVALUE => 0, ); } # FIXME: Need to bring this logic back in # if ($self->_isLimited && (! $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'})) { # $self->SUPER::Limit( FIELD => 'EffectiveId', # OPERATOR => '=', # QUOTEVALUE => 0, # VALUE => 'main.id'); #TODO, we shouldn't be hard coding the tablename to main. # } # --- This is hardcoded above. This comment block can probably go. # Or, we need to reimplement the looking_at_effective_id toggle. # Unless we've explicitly asked to look at a specific Type, we need # to limit to it. unless ( $self->{looking_at_type} ) { $self->SUPER::Limit( FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'ticket' ); } # We don't want deleted tickets unless 'allow_deleted_search' is set unless( $self->{'allow_deleted_search'} ) { $self->SUPER::Limit( FIELD => 'Status', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => 'deleted', ); } # set SB's dirty flag $self->{'must_redo_search'} = 1; $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 0; return (1, $self->loc("Valid Query")); } =head2 Query Returns the query that this object was initialized with =cut sub Query { return ($_[0]->{_sql_query}); } { my %inv = ( '=' => '!=', '!=' => '=', '<>' => '=', '>' => '<=', '<' => '>=', '>=' => '<', '<=' => '>', 'is' => 'IS NOT', 'is not' => 'IS', 'like' => 'NOT LIKE', 'not like' => 'LIKE', 'matches' => 'NOT MATCHES', 'not matches' => 'MATCHES', 'startswith' => 'NOT STARTSWITH', 'not startswith' => 'STARTSWITH', 'endswith' => 'NOT ENDSWITH', 'not endswith' => 'ENDSWITH', ); my %range = map { $_ => 1 } qw(> >= < <=); sub ClassifySQLOperation { my $self = shift; my $op = shift; my $is_negative = 0; if ( $op eq '!=' || $op =~ /\bNOT\b/i ) { $is_negative = 1; } my $is_null = 0; if ( 'is not' eq lc($op) || 'is' eq lc($op) ) { $is_null = 1; } return ($is_negative, $is_null, $inv{lc $op}, $range{lc $op}); } } 1; =pod =head2 Exceptions Most of the RT code does not use Exceptions (die/eval) but it is used in the TicketSQL code for simplicity and historical reasons. Lest you be worried that the dies will trigger user visible errors, all are trapped via evals. 99% of the dies fall in subroutines called via FromSQL and then parse. (This includes all of the _FooLimit routines in Tickets_Overlay.pm.) The other 1% or so are via _ProcessRestrictions. All dies are trapped by eval {}s, and will be logged at the 'error' log level. The general failure mode is to not display any tickets. =head2 General Flow Legacy Layer: Legacy LimitFoo routines build up a RestrictionsHash _ProcessRestrictions converts the Restrictions to Clauses ([key,op,val,rest]). Clauses are converted to RT-SQL (TicketSQL) New RT-SQL Layer: FromSQL calls the parser The parser calls the _FooLimit routines to do DBIx::SearchBuilder limits. And then the normal SearchBuilder/Ticket routines are used for display/navigation. =cut