# BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK # # Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent # # (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices) # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or # extensions to this work which alter its source code become the # property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for # inclusion in the work. # # # END LICENSE BLOCK # Major Changes: # - Decimated ProcessRestrictions and broke it into multiple # functions joined by a LUT # - Semi-Generic SQL stuff moved to another file # Known Issues: FIXME! # - ClearRestrictions and Reinitialization is messy and unclear. The # only good way to do it is to create a new RT::Tickets object. =head1 NAME RT::Tickets - A collection of Ticket objects =head1 SYNOPSIS use RT::Tickets; my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($CurrentUser); =head1 DESCRIPTION A collection of RT::Tickets. =head1 METHODS =begin testing ok (require RT::Tickets); =end testing =cut use strict; no warnings qw(redefine); use vars qw(@SORTFIELDS); # Configuration Tables: # FIELDS is a mapping of searchable Field name, to Type, and other # metadata. my %FIELDS = ( Status => ['ENUM'], Queue => ['ENUM' => 'Queue',], Type => ['ENUM',], Creator => ['ENUM' => 'User',], LastUpdatedBy => ['ENUM' => 'User',], Owner => ['ENUM' => 'User',], EffectiveId => ['INT',], id => ['INT',], InitialPriority => ['INT',], FinalPriority => ['INT',], Priority => ['INT',], TimeLeft => ['INT',], TimeWorked => ['INT',], MemberOf => ['LINK' => To => 'MemberOf', ], DependsOn => ['LINK' => To => 'DependsOn',], RefersTo => ['LINK' => To => 'RefersTo',], HasMember => ['LINK' => From => 'MemberOf',], DependentOn => ['LINK' => From => 'DependsOn',], ReferredTo => ['LINK' => From => 'RefersTo',], # HasDepender => ['LINK',], # RelatedTo => ['LINK',], Told => ['DATE' => 'Told',], Starts => ['DATE' => 'Starts',], Started => ['DATE' => 'Started',], Due => ['DATE' => 'Due',], Resolved => ['DATE' => 'Resolved',], LastUpdated => ['DATE' => 'LastUpdated',], Created => ['DATE' => 'Created',], Subject => ['STRING',], Type => ['STRING',], Content => ['TRANSFIELD',], ContentType => ['TRANSFIELD',], Filename => ['TRANSFIELD',], TransactionDate => ['TRANSDATE',], Requestor => ['WATCHERFIELD' => 'Requestor',], CC => ['WATCHERFIELD' => 'Cc',], AdminCC => ['WATCHERFIELD' => 'AdminCC',], Watcher => ['WATCHERFIELD'], LinkedTo => ['LINKFIELD',], CustomFieldValue =>['CUSTOMFIELD',], CF => ['CUSTOMFIELD',], ); # Mapping of Field Type to Function my %dispatch = ( ENUM => \&_EnumLimit, INT => \&_IntLimit, LINK => \&_LinkLimit, DATE => \&_DateLimit, STRING => \&_StringLimit, TRANSFIELD => \&_TransLimit, TRANSDATE => \&_TransDateLimit, WATCHERFIELD => \&_WatcherLimit, LINKFIELD => \&_LinkFieldLimit, CUSTOMFIELD => \&_CustomFieldLimit, ); # Default EntryAggregator per type my %DefaultEA = ( INT => 'AND', ENUM => { '=' => 'OR', '!='=> 'AND' }, DATE => 'AND', STRING => { '=' => 'OR', '!='=> 'AND', 'LIKE'=> 'AND', 'NOT LIKE' => 'AND' }, TRANSFIELD => 'AND', TRANSDATE => 'AND', LINKFIELD => 'AND', TARGET => 'AND', BASE => 'AND', WATCHERFIELD => { '=' => 'OR', '!='=> 'AND', 'LIKE'=> 'OR', 'NOT LIKE' => 'AND' }, CUSTOMFIELD => 'OR', ); # Helper functions for passing the above lexically scoped tables above # into Tickets_Overlay_SQL. sub FIELDS { return \%FIELDS } sub dispatch { return \%dispatch } # Bring in the clowns. require RT::Tickets_Overlay_SQL; # {{{ sub SortFields @SORTFIELDS = qw(id Status Queue Subject Owner Created Due Starts Started Told Resolved LastUpdated Priority TimeWorked TimeLeft); =head2 SortFields Returns the list of fields that lists of tickets can easily be sorted by =cut sub SortFields { my $self = shift; return(@SORTFIELDS); } # }}} # BEGIN SQL STUFF ********************************* =head1 Limit Helper Routines These routines are the targets of a dispatch table depending on the type of field. They all share the same signature: my ($self,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; The values in @rest should be suitable for passing directly to DBIx::SearchBuilder::Limit. Essentially they are an expanded/broken out (and much simplified) version of what ProcessRestrictions used to do. They're also much more clearly delineated by the TYPE of field being processed. =head2 _EnumLimit Handle Fields which are limited to certain values, and potentially need to be looked up from another class. This subroutine actually handles two different kinds of fields. For some the user is responsible for limiting the values. (i.e. Status, Type). For others, the value specified by the user will be looked by via specified class. Meta Data: name of class to lookup in (Optional) =cut sub _EnumLimit { my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; # SQL::Statement changes != to <>. (Can we remove this now?) $op = "!=" if $op eq "<>"; die "Invalid Operation: $op for $field" unless $op eq "=" or $op eq "!="; my $meta = $FIELDS{$field}; if (defined $meta->[1]) { my $class = "RT::" . $meta->[1]; my $o = $class->new($sb->CurrentUser); $o->Load( $value ); $value = $o->Id; } $sb->_SQLLimit( FIELD => $field,, VALUE => $value, OPERATOR => $op, @rest, ); } =head2 _IntLimit Handle fields where the values are limited to integers. (For example, Priority, TimeWorked.) Meta Data: None =cut sub _IntLimit { my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; die "Invalid Operator $op for $field" unless $op =~ /^(=|!=|>|<|>=|<=)$/; $sb->_SQLLimit( FIELD => $field, VALUE => $value, OPERATOR => $op, @rest, ); } =head2 _LinkLimit Handle fields which deal with links between tickets. (MemberOf, DependsOn) Meta Data: 1: Direction (From,To) 2: Relationship Type (MemberOf, DependsOn,RefersTo) =cut sub _LinkLimit { my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; die "Op must be =" unless $op eq "="; my $meta = $FIELDS{$field}; die "Incorrect Meta Data for $field" unless (defined $meta->[1] and defined $meta->[2]); my $LinkAlias = $sb->NewAlias ('Links'); $sb->_OpenParen(); $sb->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $LinkAlias, FIELD => 'Type', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $meta->[2], @rest, ); if ($meta->[1] eq "To") { my $matchfield = ( $value =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "LocalTarget" : "Target" ); $sb->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $LinkAlias, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', FIELD => $matchfield, OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $value , ); #If we're searching on target, join the base to ticket.id $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'}, ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias, FIELD2 => 'LocalBase'); } elsif ( $meta->[1] eq "From" ) { my $matchfield = ( $value =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "LocalBase" : "Base" ); $sb->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $LinkAlias, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', FIELD => $matchfield, OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $value , ); #If we're searching on base, join the target to ticket.id $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'}, ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias, FIELD2 => 'LocalTarget'); } else { die "Invalid link direction '$meta->[1]' for $field\n"; } $sb->_CloseParen(); } =head2 _DateLimit Handle date fields. (Created, LastTold..) Meta Data: 1: type of relationship. (Probably not necessary.) =cut sub _DateLimit { my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; die "Invalid Date Op: $op" unless $op =~ /^(=|!=|>|<|>=|<=)$/; my $meta = $FIELDS{$field}; die "Incorrect Meta Data for $field" unless (defined $meta->[1]); require Time::ParseDate; use POSIX 'strftime'; my $time = Time::ParseDate::parsedate( $value, UK => $RT::DateDayBeforeMonth, PREFER_PAST => $RT::AmbiguousDayInPast, PREFER_FUTURE => !($RT::AmbiguousDayInPast)); $value = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime($time)); $sb->_SQLLimit( FIELD => $meta->[1], OPERATOR => $op, VALUE => $value, @rest, ); } =head2 _StringLimit Handle simple fields which are just strings. (Subject,Type) Meta Data: None =cut sub _StringLimit { my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; # FIXME: # Valid Operators: # =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE $sb->_SQLLimit( FIELD => $field, OPERATOR => $op, VALUE => $value, CASESENSITIVE => 0, @rest, ); } =head2 _TransDateLimit Handle fields limiting based on Transaction Date. The inpupt value must be in a format parseable by Time::ParseDate Meta Data: None =cut sub _TransDateLimit { my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; # See the comments for TransLimit, they apply here too $sb->{_sql_transalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Transactions') unless defined $sb->{_sql_transalias}; $sb->{_sql_trattachalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Attachments') unless defined $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}; $sb->_OpenParen; # Join Transactions To Attachments $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}, FIELD1 => 'TransactionId', ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'id'); # Join Transactions to Tickets $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'}, # UGH! ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'Ticket'); my $d = new RT::Date( $sb->CurrentUser ); $d->Set($value); $value = $d->ISO; #Search for the right field $sb->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}, FIELD => 'Created', OPERATOR => $op, VALUE => $value, CASESENSITIVE => 0, @rest ); $sb->_CloseParen; } =head2 _TransLimit Limit based on the Content of a transaction or the ContentType. Meta Data: none =cut sub _TransLimit { # Content, ContentType, Filename # If only this was this simple. We've got to do something # complicated here: #Basically, we want to make sure that the limits apply to #the same attachment, rather than just another attachment #for the same ticket, no matter how many clauses we lump #on. We put them in TicketAliases so that they get nuked #when we redo the join. # In the SQL, we might have # (( Content = foo ) or ( Content = bar AND Content = baz )) # The AND group should share the same Alias. # Actually, maybe it doesn't matter. We use the same alias and it # works itself out? (er.. different.) # Steal more from _ProcessRestrictions # FIXME: Maybe look at the previous FooLimit call, and if it was a # TransLimit and EntryAggregator == AND, reuse the Aliases? # Or better - store the aliases on a per subclause basis - since # those are going to be the things we want to relate to each other, # anyway. # maybe we should not allow certain kinds of aggregation of these # clauses and do a psuedo regex instead? - the problem is getting # them all into the same subclause when you have (A op B op C) - the # way they get parsed in the tree they're in different subclauses. my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; $sb->{_sql_transalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Transactions') unless defined $sb->{_sql_transalias}; $sb->{_sql_trattachalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Attachments') unless defined $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}; $sb->_OpenParen; # Join Transactions To Attachments $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}, FIELD1 => 'TransactionId', ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'id'); # Join Transactions to Tickets $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'}, # UGH! ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'Ticket'); #Search for the right field $sb->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}, FIELD => $field, OPERATOR => $op, VALUE => $value, CASESENSITIVE => 0, @rest ); $sb->_CloseParen; } =head2 _WatcherLimit Handle watcher limits. (Requestor, CC, etc..) Meta Data: 1: Field to query on =cut sub _WatcherLimit { my ($self,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; my %rest = @rest; $self->_OpenParen; my $groups = $self->NewAlias('Groups'); my $group_princs = $self->NewAlias('Principals'); my $groupmembers = $self->NewAlias('CachedGroupMembers'); my $member_princs = $self->NewAlias('Principals'); my $users = $self->NewAlias('Users'); #Find user watchers # my $subclause = undef; # my $aggregator = 'OR'; # if ($restriction->{'OPERATOR'} =~ /!|NOT/i ){ # $subclause = 'AndEmailIsNot'; # $aggregator = 'AND'; # } $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $users, FIELD => $rest{SUBKEY} || 'EmailAddress', VALUE => $value, OPERATOR => $op, CASESENSITIVE => 0, @rest, ); # {{{ Tie to groups for tickets we care about $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $groups, FIELD => 'Domain', VALUE => 'RT::Ticket-Role', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND'); $self->Join(ALIAS1 => $groups, FIELD1 => 'Instance', ALIAS2 => 'main', FIELD2 => 'id'); # }}} # If we care about which sort of watcher my $meta = $FIELDS{$field}; my $type = ( defined $meta->[1] ? $meta->[1] : undef ); if ( $type ) { $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $groups, FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => $type, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND'); } $self->Join (ALIAS1 => $groups, FIELD1 => 'id', ALIAS2 => $group_princs, FIELD2 => 'ObjectId'); $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $group_princs, FIELD => 'PrincipalType', VALUE => 'Group', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND'); $self->Join( ALIAS1 => $group_princs, FIELD1 => 'id', ALIAS2 => $groupmembers, FIELD2 => 'GroupId'); $self->Join( ALIAS1 => $groupmembers, FIELD1 => 'MemberId', ALIAS2 => $member_princs, FIELD2 => 'id'); $self->Join (ALIAS1 => $member_princs, FIELD1 => 'ObjectId', ALIAS2 => $users, FIELD2 => 'id'); $self->_CloseParen; } sub _LinkFieldLimit { my $restriction; my $self; my $LinkAlias; my %args; if ($restriction->{'TYPE'}) { $self->SUPER::Limit(ALIAS => $LinkAlias, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', FIELD => 'Type', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $restriction->{'TYPE'} ); } #If we're trying to limit it to things that are target of if ($restriction->{'TARGET'}) { # If the TARGET is an integer that means that we want to look at # the LocalTarget field. otherwise, we want to look at the # "Target" field my ($matchfield); if ($restriction->{'TARGET'} =~/^(\d+)$/) { $matchfield = "LocalTarget"; } else { $matchfield = "Target"; } $self->SUPER::Limit(ALIAS => $LinkAlias, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', FIELD => $matchfield, OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $restriction->{'TARGET'} ); #If we're searching on target, join the base to ticket.id $self->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $self->{'primary_key'}, ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias, FIELD2 => 'LocalBase'); } #If we're trying to limit it to things that are base of elsif ($restriction->{'BASE'}) { # If we're trying to match a numeric link, we want to look at # LocalBase, otherwise we want to look at "Base" my ($matchfield); if ($restriction->{'BASE'} =~/^(\d+)$/) { $matchfield = "LocalBase"; } else { $matchfield = "Base"; } $self->SUPER::Limit(ALIAS => $LinkAlias, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND', FIELD => $matchfield, OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $restriction->{'BASE'} ); #If we're searching on base, join the target to ticket.id $self->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $self->{'primary_key'}, ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias, FIELD2 => 'LocalTarget') } } =head2 KeywordLimit Limit based on Keywords Meta Data: none =cut sub _CustomFieldLimit { my ($self,$_field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_; my %rest = @rest; my $field = $rest{SUBKEY} || die "No field specified"; # For our sanity, we can only limit on one queue at a time my $queue = undef; # Ugh. This will not do well for things with underscores in them use RT::CustomFields; my $CF = RT::CustomFields->new( $self->CurrentUser ); #$CF->Load( $cfid} ); my $q; if ($field =~ /^(.+?)\.{(.+)}$/) { my $q = RT::Queue->new($self->CurrentUser); $q->Load($1); $field = $2; $CF->LimitToQueue( $q->Id ); $queue = $q->Id; } else { $CF->LimitToGlobal; } $CF->FindAllRows; my $cfid = 0; while ( my $CustomField = $CF->Next ) { if ($CustomField->Name eq $field) { $cfid = $CustomField->Id; last; } } die "No custom field named $field found\n" unless $cfid; # use RT::CustomFields; # my $CF = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser ); # $CF->Load( $cfid ); my $null_columns_ok; my $TicketCFs = $self->Join( TYPE => 'left', ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => 'id', TABLE2 => 'TicketCustomFieldValues', FIELD2 => 'Ticket' ); $self->_OpenParen; $self->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $TicketCFs, FIELD => 'Content', OPERATOR => $op, VALUE => $value, QUOTEVALUE => 1, @rest ); if ( $op =~ /^IS$/i or ( $op eq '!=' ) ) { $null_columns_ok = 1; } #If we're trying to find tickets where the keyword isn't somethng, #also check ones where it _IS_ null if ( $op eq '!=' ) { $self->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $TicketCFs, FIELD => 'Content', OPERATOR => 'IS', VALUE => 'NULL', QUOTEVALUE => 0, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', ); } $self->_SQLLimit( LEFTJOIN => $TicketCFs, FIELD => 'CustomField', VALUE => $cfid, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR' ); $self->_CloseParen; } # End Helper Functions # End of SQL Stuff ------------------------------------------------- # {{{ Limit the result set based on content # {{{ sub Limit =head2 Limit Takes a paramhash with the fields FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE and DESCRIPTION Generally best called from LimitFoo methods =cut sub Limit { my $self = shift; my %args = ( FIELD => undef, OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => undef, DESCRIPTION => undef, @_ ); $args{'DESCRIPTION'} = $self->loc( "[_1] [_2] [_3]", $args{'FIELD'}, $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'} ) if (!defined $args{'DESCRIPTION'}) ; my $index = $self->_NextIndex; #make the TicketRestrictions hash the equivalent of whatever we just passed in; %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$index}} = %args; $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1; # If we're looking at the effective id, we don't want to append the other clause # which limits us to tickets where id = effective id if ($args{'FIELD'} eq 'EffectiveId') { $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 1; } if ($args{'FIELD'} eq 'Type') { $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 1; } return ($index); } # }}} =head2 FreezeLimits Returns a frozen string suitable for handing back to ThawLimits. =cut # {{{ sub FreezeLimits sub FreezeLimits { my $self = shift; require FreezeThaw; return (FreezeThaw::freeze($self->{'TicketRestrictions'}, $self->{'restriction_index'} )); } # }}} =head2 ThawLimits Take a frozen Limits string generated by FreezeLimits and make this tickets object have that set of limits. =cut # {{{ sub ThawLimits sub ThawLimits { my $self = shift; my $in = shift; #if we don't have $in, get outta here. return undef unless ($in); $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1; require FreezeThaw; #We don't need to die if the thaw fails. eval { ($self->{'TicketRestrictions'}, $self->{'restriction_index'} ) = FreezeThaw::thaw($in); } } # }}} # {{{ Limit by enum or foreign key # {{{ sub LimitQueue =head2 LimitQueue LimitQueue takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of = or !=. (It defaults to =). VALUE is a queue id or Name. =cut sub LimitQueue { my $self = shift; my %args = (VALUE => undef, OPERATOR => '=', @_); #TODO VALUE should also take queue names and queue objects #TODO FIXME why are we canonicalizing to name, not id, robrt? if ($args{VALUE} =~ /^\d+$/) { my $queue = new RT::Queue($self->CurrentUser); $queue->Load($args{'VALUE'}); $args{VALUE} = $queue->Name; } # What if they pass in an Id? Check for isNum() and convert to # string. #TODO check for a valid queue here $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Queue', VALUE => $args{VALUE}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Queue'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{VALUE}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitStatus =head2 LimitStatus Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of = or !=. VALUE is a status. =cut sub LimitStatus { my $self = shift; my %args = ( OPERATOR => '=', @_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Status', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Status'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $self->loc($args{'VALUE'}) ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub IgnoreType =head2 IgnoreType If called, this search will not automatically limit the set of results found to tickets of type "Ticket". Tickets of other types, such as "project" and "approval" will be found. =cut sub IgnoreType { my $self = shift; # Instead of faking a Limit that later gets ignored, fake up the # fact that we're already looking at type, so that the check in # Tickets_Overlay_SQL/FromSQL goes down the right branch # $self->LimitType(VALUE => '__any'); $self->{looking_at_type} = 1; } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitType =head2 LimitType Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of = or !=, it defaults to "=". VALUE is a string to search for in the type of the ticket. =cut sub LimitType { my $self = shift; my %args = (OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => undef, @_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Type'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'Limit'}, ), ); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Limit by string field # {{{ sub LimitSubject =head2 LimitSubject Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of = or !=. VALUE is a string to search for in the subject of the ticket. =cut sub LimitSubject { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Subject', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Subject'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Limit based on ticket numerical attributes # Things that can be > < = != # {{{ sub LimitId =head2 LimitId Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=. VALUE is a ticket Id to search for =cut sub LimitId { my $self = shift; my %args = (OPERATOR => '=', @_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'id', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Id'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitPriority =head2 LimitPriority Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=. VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s priority against =cut sub LimitPriority { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Priority', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Priority'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitInitialPriority =head2 LimitInitialPriority Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=. VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s initial priority against =cut sub LimitInitialPriority { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'InitialPriority', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Initial Priority'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitFinalPriority =head2 LimitFinalPriority Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=. VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s final priority against =cut sub LimitFinalPriority { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'FinalPriority', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Final Priority'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitTimeWorked =head2 LimitTimeWorked Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=. VALUE is a value to match the ticket's TimeWorked attribute =cut sub LimitTimeWorked { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'TimeWorked', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Time worked'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitTimeLeft =head2 LimitTimeLeft Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=. VALUE is a value to match the ticket's TimeLeft attribute =cut sub LimitTimeLeft { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'TimeLeft', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Time left'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Limiting based on attachment attributes # {{{ sub LimitContent =head2 LimitContent Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=. VALUE is a string to search for in the body of the ticket =cut sub LimitContent { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Content', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Ticket content'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitFilename =head2 LimitFilename Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=. VALUE is a string to search for in the body of the ticket =cut sub LimitFilename { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Filename', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Attachment filename'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LimitContentType =head2 LimitContentType Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=. VALUE is a content type to search ticket attachments for =cut sub LimitContentType { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); $self->Limit (FIELD => 'ContentType', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Ticket content type'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Limiting based on people # {{{ sub LimitOwner =head2 LimitOwner Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of = or !=. VALUE is a user id. =cut sub LimitOwner { my $self = shift; my %args = ( OPERATOR => '=', @_); my $owner = new RT::User($self->CurrentUser); $owner->Load($args{'VALUE'}); # FIXME: check for a valid $owner $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Owner', VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc('Owner'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $owner->Name(), ), ); } # }}} # {{{ Limiting watchers # {{{ sub LimitWatcher =head2 LimitWatcher Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR, TYPE and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=. VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s watcher email addresses against TYPE is the sort of watchers you want to match against. Leave it undef if you want to search all of them =begin testing my $t1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $t1->Create(Queue => 'general', Subject => "LimitWatchers test", Requestors => \['requestor1@example.com']); =end testing =cut sub LimitWatcher { my $self = shift; my %args = ( OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => undef, TYPE => undef, @_); #build us up a description my ($watcher_type, $desc); if ($args{'TYPE'}) { $watcher_type = $args{'TYPE'}; } else { $watcher_type = "Watcher"; } $self->Limit (FIELD => $watcher_type, VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, TYPE => $args{'TYPE'}, DESCRIPTION => join( ' ', $self->loc($watcher_type), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}, ), ); } sub LimitRequestor { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; $RT::Logger->error("Tickets->LimitRequestor is deprecated. please rewrite call at $package - $filename: $line"); $self->LimitWatcher(TYPE => 'Requestor', @_); } # }}} # }}} # }}} # {{{ Limiting based on links # {{{ LimitLinkedTo =head2 LimitLinkedTo LimitLinkedTo takes a paramhash with two fields: TYPE and TARGET TYPE limits the sort of relationship we want to search on TYPE = { RefersTo, MemberOf, DependsOn } TARGET is the id or URI of the TARGET of the link (TARGET used to be 'TICKET'. 'TICKET' is deprecated, but will be treated as TARGET =cut sub LimitLinkedTo { my $self = shift; my %args = ( TICKET => undef, TARGET => undef, TYPE => undef, @_); $self->Limit( FIELD => 'LinkedTo', BASE => undef, TARGET => ($args{'TARGET'} || $args{'TICKET'}), TYPE => $args{'TYPE'}, DESCRIPTION => $self->loc( "Tickets [_1] by [_2]", $self->loc($args{'TYPE'}), ($args{'TARGET'} || $args{'TICKET'}) ), ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitLinkedFrom =head2 LimitLinkedFrom LimitLinkedFrom takes a paramhash with two fields: TYPE and BASE TYPE limits the sort of relationship we want to search on BASE is the id or URI of the BASE of the link (BASE used to be 'TICKET'. 'TICKET' is deprecated, but will be treated as BASE =cut sub LimitLinkedFrom { my $self = shift; my %args = ( BASE => undef, TICKET => undef, TYPE => undef, @_); $self->Limit( FIELD => 'LinkedTo', TARGET => undef, BASE => ($args{'BASE'} || $args{'TICKET'}), TYPE => $args{'TYPE'}, DESCRIPTION => $self->loc( "Tickets [_1] [_2]", $self->loc($args{'TYPE'}), ($args{'BASE'} || $args{'TICKET'}) ), ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitMemberOf sub LimitMemberOf { my $self = shift; my $ticket_id = shift; $self->LimitLinkedTo ( TARGET=> "$ticket_id", TYPE => 'MemberOf', ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitHasMember sub LimitHasMember { my $self = shift; my $ticket_id =shift; $self->LimitLinkedFrom ( BASE => "$ticket_id", TYPE => 'HasMember', ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitDependsOn sub LimitDependsOn { my $self = shift; my $ticket_id = shift; $self->LimitLinkedTo ( TARGET => "$ticket_id", TYPE => 'DependsOn', ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitDependedOnBy sub LimitDependedOnBy { my $self = shift; my $ticket_id = shift; $self->LimitLinkedFrom ( BASE => "$ticket_id", TYPE => 'DependentOn', ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitRefersTo sub LimitRefersTo { my $self = shift; my $ticket_id = shift; $self->LimitLinkedTo ( TARGET => "$ticket_id", TYPE => 'RefersTo', ); } # }}} # {{{ LimitReferredToBy sub LimitReferredToBy { my $self = shift; my $ticket_id = shift; $self->LimitLinkedFrom ( BASE=> "$ticket_id", TYPE => 'ReferredTo', ); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ limit based on ticket date attribtes # {{{ sub LimitDate =head2 LimitDate (FIELD => 'DateField', OPERATOR => $oper, VALUE => $ISODate) Takes a paramhash with the fields FIELD OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of > or < VALUE is a date and time in ISO format in GMT FIELD is one of Starts, Started, Told, Created, Resolved, LastUpdated There are also helper functions of the form LimitFIELD that eliminate the need to pass in a FIELD argument. =cut sub LimitDate { my $self = shift; my %args = ( FIELD => undef, VALUE => undef, OPERATOR => undef, @_); #Set the description if we didn't get handed it above unless ($args{'DESCRIPTION'} ) { $args{'DESCRIPTION'} = $args{'FIELD'} . " " .$args{'OPERATOR'}. " ". $args{'VALUE'} . " GMT" } $self->Limit (%args); } # }}} sub LimitCreated { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Created', @_); } sub LimitDue { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Due', @_); } sub LimitStarts { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Starts', @_); } sub LimitStarted { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Started', @_); } sub LimitResolved { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Resolved', @_); } sub LimitTold { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Told', @_); } sub LimitLastUpdated { my $self = shift; $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'LastUpdated', @_); } # # {{{ sub LimitTransactionDate =head2 LimitTransactionDate (OPERATOR => $oper, VALUE => $ISODate) Takes a paramhash with the fields FIELD OPERATOR and VALUE. OPERATOR is one of > or < VALUE is a date and time in ISO format in GMT =cut sub LimitTransactionDate { my $self = shift; my %args = ( FIELD => 'TransactionDate', VALUE => undef, OPERATOR => undef, @_); # <20021217042756.GK28744@pallas.fsck.com> # "Kill It" - Jesse. #Set the description if we didn't get handed it above unless ($args{'DESCRIPTION'} ) { $args{'DESCRIPTION'} = $args{'FIELD'} . " " .$args{'OPERATOR'}. " ". $args{'VALUE'} . " GMT" } $self->Limit (%args); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Limit based on custom fields # {{{ sub LimitCustomField =head2 LimitCustomField Takes a paramhash of key/value pairs with the following keys: =over 4 =item KEYWORDSELECT - KeywordSelect id =item OPERATOR - (for KEYWORD only - KEYWORDSELECT operator is always `=') =item KEYWORD - Keyword id =back =cut sub LimitCustomField { my $self = shift; my %args = ( VALUE => undef, CUSTOMFIELD => undef, OPERATOR => '=', DESCRIPTION => undef, FIELD => 'CustomFieldValue', QUOTEVALUE => 1, @_ ); use RT::CustomFields; my $CF = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $CF->Load( $args{CUSTOMFIELD} ); #If we are looking to compare with a null value. if ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /^is$/i ) { $args{'DESCRIPTION'} ||= $self->loc("Custom field [_1] has no value.", $CF->Name); } elsif ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /^is not$/i ) { $args{'DESCRIPTION'} ||= $self->loc("Custom field [_1] has a value.", $CF->Name); } # if we're not looking to compare with a null value else { $args{'DESCRIPTION'} ||= $self->loc("Custom field [_1] [_2] [_3]", $CF->Name , $args{OPERATOR} , $args{VALUE}); } # my $index = $self->_NextIndex; # %{ $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$index} } = %args; my $q = ""; if ($CF->Queue) { my $qo = new RT::Queue( $self->CurrentUser ); $qo->load( $CF->Queue ); $q = $qo->Name; } $self->Limit( VALUE => $args{VALUE}, FIELD => "CF.".( $q ? $q . ".{" . $CF->Name . "}" : $CF->Name ), OPERATOR => $args{OPERATOR}, CUSTOMFIELD => 1, ); $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1; # return ($index); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ sub _NextIndex =head2 _NextIndex Keep track of the counter for the array of restrictions =cut sub _NextIndex { my $self = shift; return ($self->{'restriction_index'}++); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Core bits to make this a DBIx::SearchBuilder object # {{{ sub _Init sub _Init { my $self = shift; $self->{'table'} = "Tickets"; $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1; $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 0; $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 0; $self->{'restriction_index'} =1; $self->{'primary_key'} = "id"; delete $self->{'items_array'}; delete $self->{'item_map'}; $self->SUPER::_Init(@_); $self->_InitSQL; } # }}} # {{{ sub Count sub Count { my $self = shift; $self->_ProcessRestrictions() if ($self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} == 1 ); return($self->SUPER::Count()); } # }}} # {{{ sub CountAll sub CountAll { my $self = shift; $self->_ProcessRestrictions() if ($self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} == 1 ); return($self->SUPER::CountAll()); } # }}} # {{{ sub ItemsArrayRef =head2 ItemsArrayRef Returns a reference to the set of all items found in this search =cut sub ItemsArrayRef { my $self = shift; my @items; unless ( $self->{'items_array'} ) { my $placeholder = $self->_ItemsCounter; $self->GotoFirstItem(); while ( my $item = $self->Next ) { push ( @{ $self->{'items_array'} }, $item ); } $self->GotoItem($placeholder); } return ( $self->{'items_array'} ); } # }}} # {{{ sub Next sub Next { my $self = shift; $self->_ProcessRestrictions() if ($self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} == 1 ); my $Ticket = $self->SUPER::Next(); if ((defined($Ticket)) and (ref($Ticket))) { #Make sure we _never_ show deleted tickets #TODO we should be doing this in the where clause. #but you can't do multiple clauses on the same field just yet :/ if ($Ticket->__Value('Status') eq 'deleted') { return($self->Next()); } # Since Ticket could be granted with more rights instead # of being revoked, it's ok if queue rights allow # ShowTicket. It seems need another query, but we have # rights cache in Principal::HasRight. elsif ($Ticket->QueueObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') || $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket')) { return($Ticket); } #If the user doesn't have the right to show this ticket else { return($self->Next()); } } #if there never was any ticket else { return(undef); } } # }}} # }}} # {{{ Deal with storing and restoring restrictions # {{{ sub LoadRestrictions =head2 LoadRestrictions LoadRestrictions takes a string which can fully populate the TicketRestrictons hash. TODO It is not yet implemented =cut # }}} # {{{ sub DescribeRestrictions =head2 DescribeRestrictions takes nothing. Returns a hash keyed by restriction id. Each element of the hash is currently a one element hash that contains DESCRIPTION which is a description of the purpose of that TicketRestriction =cut sub DescribeRestrictions { my $self = shift; my ($row, %listing); foreach $row (keys %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}}) { $listing{$row} = $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$row}{'DESCRIPTION'}; } return (%listing); } # }}} # {{{ sub RestrictionValues =head2 RestrictionValues FIELD Takes a restriction field and returns a list of values this field is restricted to. =cut sub RestrictionValues { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; map $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$_}{'VALUE'}, grep { $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$_}{'FIELD'} eq $field && $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$_}{'OPERATOR'} eq "=" } keys %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}}; } # }}} # {{{ sub ClearRestrictions =head2 ClearRestrictions Removes all restrictions irretrievably =cut sub ClearRestrictions { my $self = shift; delete $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}; $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 0; $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 0; $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} =1; } # }}} # {{{ sub DeleteRestriction =head2 DeleteRestriction Takes the row Id of a restriction (From DescribeRestrictions' output, for example. Removes that restriction from the session's limits. =cut sub DeleteRestriction { my $self = shift; my $row = shift; delete $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$row}; $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1; #make the underlying easysearch object forget all its preconceptions } # }}} # {{{ sub _RestrictionsToClauses # Convert a set of oldstyle SB Restrictions to Clauses for RQL sub _RestrictionsToClauses { my $self = shift; my $row; my %clause; foreach $row (keys %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}}) { my $restriction = $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$row}; #use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper($restriction),"\n"; # We need to reimplement the subclause aggregation that SearchBuilder does. # Default Subclause is ALIAS.FIELD, and default ALIAS is 'main', # Then SB AND's the different Subclauses together. # So, we want to group things into Subclauses, convert them to # SQL, and then join them with the appropriate DefaultEA. # Then join each subclause group with AND. my $field = $restriction->{'FIELD'}; my $realfield = $field; # CustomFields fake up a fieldname, so # we need to figure that out # One special case # Rewrite LinkedTo meta field to the real field if ($field =~ /LinkedTo/) { $realfield = $field = $restriction->{'TYPE'}; } # Two special case # CustomFields have a different real field if ($field =~ /^CF\./) { $realfield = "CF" } die "I don't know about $field yet" unless (exists $FIELDS{$realfield} or $restriction->{CUSTOMFIELD}); my $type = $FIELDS{$realfield}->[0]; my $op = $restriction->{'OPERATOR'}; my $value = ( grep { defined } map { $restriction->{$_} } qw(VALUE TICKET BASE TARGET))[0]; # this performs the moral equivalent of defined or/dor/C, # without the short circuiting.You need to use a 'defined or' # type thing instead of just checking for truth values, because # VALUE could be 0.(i.e. "false") # You could also use this, but I find it less aesthetic: # (although it does short circuit) #( defined $restriction->{'VALUE'}? $restriction->{VALUE} : # defined $restriction->{'TICKET'} ? # $restriction->{TICKET} : # defined $restriction->{'BASE'} ? # $restriction->{BASE} : # defined $restriction->{'TARGET'} ? # $restriction->{TARGET} ) my $ea = $DefaultEA{$type}; if ( ref $ea ) { die "Invalid operator $op for $field ($type)" unless exists $ea->{$op}; $ea = $ea->{$op}; } exists $clause{$realfield} or $clause{$realfield} = []; # Escape Quotes $field =~ s!(['"])!\\$1!g; $value =~ s!(['"])!\\$1!g; my $data = [ $ea, $type, $field, $op, $value ]; # here is where we store extra data, say if it's a keyword or # something. (I.e. "TYPE SPECIFIC STUFF") #print Dumper($data); push @{$clause{$realfield}}, $data; } return \%clause; } # }}} # {{{ sub _ProcessRestrictions =head2 _ProcessRestrictions PARAMHASH # The new _ProcessRestrictions is somewhat dependent on the SQL stuff, # but isn't quite generic enough to move into Tickets_Overlay_SQL. =cut sub _ProcessRestrictions { my $self = shift; #Blow away ticket aliases since we'll need to regenerate them for #a new search delete $self->{'TicketAliases'}; delete $self->{'items_array'}; my $sql = $self->{_sql_query}; # Violating the _SQL namespace if (!$sql||$self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'}) { # "Restrictions to Clauses Branch\n"; my $clauseRef = eval { $self->_RestrictionsToClauses; }; if ($@) { $RT::Logger->error( "RestrictionsToClauses: " . $@ ); $self->FromSQL(""); } else { $sql = $self->ClausesToSQL($clauseRef); $self->FromSQL($sql); } } $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 0; } =head2 _BuildItemMap # Build up a map of first/last/next/prev items, so that we can display search nav quickly =cut sub _BuildItemMap { my $self = shift; my $items = $self->ItemsArrayRef; my $prev = 0 ; delete $self->{'item_map'}; if ($items->[0]) { $self->{'item_map'}->{'first'} = $items->[0]->Id; while (my $item = shift @$items ) { my $id = $item->Id; $self->{'item_map'}->{$id}->{'defined'} = 1; $self->{'item_map'}->{$id}->{prev} = $prev; $self->{'item_map'}->{$id}->{next} = $items->[0]->Id if ($items->[0]); $prev = $id; } $self->{'item_map'}->{'last'} = $prev; } } =head2 ItemMap Returns an a map of all items found by this search. The map is of the form $ItemMap->{'first'} = first ticketid found $ItemMap->{'last'} = last ticketid found $ItemMap->{$id}->{prev} = the tikcet id found before $id $ItemMap->{$id}->{next} = the tikcet id found after $id =cut sub ItemMap { my $self = shift; $self->_BuildItemMap() unless ($self->{'item_map'}); return ($self->{'item_map'}); } =cut } # }}} # }}} =head2 PrepForSerialization You don't want to serialize a big tickets object, as the {items} hash will be instantly invalid _and_ eat lots of space =cut sub PrepForSerialization { my $self = shift; delete $self->{'items'}; $self->RedoSearch(); } 1;