# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2005 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} # Portions Copyright 2000 Tobias Brox =head1 NAME RT::Template - RT's template object =head1 SYNOPSIS use RT::Template; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =begin testing ok(require RT::Template); =end testing =cut package RT::Template; use strict; no warnings qw(redefine); use Text::Template; use MIME::Entity; use MIME::Parser; use File::Temp qw /tempdir/; # {{{ sub _Accessible sub _Accessible { my $self = shift; my %Cols = ( id => 'read', Name => 'read/write', Description => 'read/write', Type => 'read/write', #Type is one of Action or Message Content => 'read/write', Queue => 'read/write', Creator => 'read/auto', Created => 'read/auto', LastUpdatedBy => 'read/auto', LastUpdated => 'read/auto' ); return $self->SUPER::_Accessible( @_, %Cols ); } # }}} # {{{ sub _Set sub _Set { my $self = shift; # use super::value or we get acl blocked if ( ( defined $self->SUPER::_Value('Queue') ) && ( $self->SUPER::_Value('Queue') == 0 ) ) { unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ModifyTemplate') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } } else { unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasQueueRight('ModifyTemplate') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } } return ( $self->SUPER::_Set(@_) ); } # }}} # {{{ sub _Value =head2 _Value Takes the name of a table column. Returns its value as a string, if the user passes an ACL check =begin testing my $t = RT::Template->new($RT::SystemUser); $t->Create(Name => "Foo", Queue => 1); my $t2 = RT::Template->new($RT::Nobody); $t2->Load($t->Id); ok($t2->QueueObj->id, "Got the template's queue objet"); =end testing =cut sub _Value { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; #If the current user doesn't have ACLs, don't let em at it. #use super::value or we get acl blocked if ( ( !defined $self->__Value('Queue') ) || ( $self->__Value('Queue') == 0 ) ) { unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ShowTemplate') ) { return (undef); } } else { unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasQueueRight('ShowTemplate') ) { return (undef); } } return ( $self->__Value($field) ); } # }}} # {{{ sub Load =head2 Load Load a template, either by number or by name =cut sub Load { my $self = shift; my $identifier = shift; if ( !$identifier ) { return (undef); } if ( $identifier !~ /\D/ ) { $self->SUPER::LoadById($identifier); } else { $self->LoadByCol( 'Name', $identifier ); } } # }}} # {{{ sub LoadGlobalTemplate =head2 LoadGlobalTemplate NAME Load the global tempalte with the name NAME =cut sub LoadGlobalTemplate { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; return ( $self->LoadQueueTemplate( Queue => 0, Name => $id ) ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LoadQueueTemplate =head2 LoadQueueTemplate (Queue => QUEUEID, Name => NAME) Loads the Queue template named NAME for Queue QUEUE. =cut sub LoadQueueTemplate { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Queue => undef, Name => undef, @_ ); return ( $self->LoadByCols( Name => $args{'Name'}, Queue => $args{'Queue'} ) ); } # }}} # {{{ sub Create =head2 Create Takes a paramhash of Content, Queue, Name and Description. Name should be a unique string identifying this Template. Description and Content should be the template's title and content. Queue should be 0 for a global template and the queue # for a queue-specific template. Returns the Template's id # if the create was successful. Returns undef for unknown database failure. =cut sub Create { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Content => undef, Queue => 0, Description => '[no description]', Type => 'Action', #By default, template are 'Action' templates Name => undef, @_ ); if ( !$args{'Queue'} ) { unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight(Right =>'ModifyTemplate', Object => $RT::System) ) { return (undef); } $args{'Queue'} = 0; } else { my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue( $self->CurrentUser ); $QueueObj->Load( $args{'Queue'} ) || return ( 0, $self->loc('Invalid queue') ); unless ( $QueueObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTemplate') ) { return (undef); } $args{'Queue'} = $QueueObj->Id; } my $result = $self->SUPER::Create( Content => $args{'Content'}, Queue => $args{'Queue'}, Description => $args{'Description'}, Name => $args{'Name'} ); return ($result); } # }}} # {{{ sub Delete =head2 Delete Delete this template. =cut sub Delete { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasQueueRight('ModifyTemplate') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } return ( $self->SUPER::Delete(@_) ); } # }}} # {{{ sub MIMEObj sub MIMEObj { my $self = shift; return ( $self->{'MIMEObj'} ); } # }}} # {{{ sub Parse =head2 Parse This routine performs Text::Template parsing on the template and then imports the results into a MIME::Entity so we can really use it Takes a hash containing Argument, TicketObj, and TransactionObj. It returns a tuple of (val, message) If val is 0, the message contains an error message =cut sub Parse { my $self = shift; #We're passing in whatever we were passed. it's destined for _ParseContent my $content = $self->_ParseContent(@_); #Lets build our mime Entity my $parser = MIME::Parser->new(); # On some situations TMPDIR is non-writable. sad but true. $parser->output_to_core(1); $parser->tmp_to_core(1); #If someone includes a message, don't extract it $parser->extract_nested_messages(1); # Set up the prefix for files with auto-generated names: $parser->output_prefix("part"); # If content length is <= 50000 bytes, store each msg as in-core scalar; # Else, write to a disk file (the default action): $parser->output_to_core(50000); ### Should we forgive normally-fatal errors? $parser->ignore_errors(1); $self->{'MIMEObj'} = eval { $parser->parse_data($content) }; my $error = ( $@ || $parser->last_error ); if ($error) { $RT::Logger->error("$error"); return ( 0, $error ); } # Unfold all headers $self->{'MIMEObj'}->head->unfold(); return ( 1, $self->loc("Template parsed") ); } # }}} # {{{ sub _ParseContent # Perform Template substitutions on the template sub _ParseContent { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Argument => undef, TicketObj => undef, TransactionObj => undef, @_ ); no warnings 'redefine'; $T::Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; $T::Transaction = $args{'TransactionObj'}; $T::Argument = $args{'Argument'}; $T::Requestor = eval { $T::Ticket->Requestors->UserMembersObj->First->Name }; $T::rtname = $RT::rtname; *T::loc = sub { $T::Ticket->loc(@_) }; # We need to untaint the content of the template, since we'll be working # with it my $content = $self->Content(); $content =~ s/^(.*)$/$1/; my $template = Text::Template->new( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $content ); my $is_broken = 0; my $retval = $template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'T', BROKEN => sub { my (%args) = @_; $RT::Logger->error("Template parsing error: $args{error}") unless $args{error} =~ /^Died at /; # ignore intentional die() $is_broken++; return undef; } ); return undef if $is_broken; # MIME::Parser has problems dealing with high-bit utf8 data. Encode::_utf8_off($retval); return ($retval); } # }}} # {{{ sub CurrentUserHasQueueRight =head2 CurrentUserHasQueueRight Helper function to call the template's queue's CurrentUserHasQueueRight with the passed in args. =cut sub CurrentUserHasQueueRight { my $self = shift; return ( $self->QueueObj->CurrentUserHasRight(@_) ); } # }}} 1;