# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2013 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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Optional =item OPERATOR - The usual Limit operators =item VALUE - The value to compare against =back =cut sub _SingularClass { my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self); $class =~ s/s$// or die "Cannot deduce SingularClass for $class"; return $class; } sub LimitCustomField { my $self = shift; my %args = ( VALUE => undef, CUSTOMFIELD => undef, OPERATOR => '=', @_ ); my $alias = $self->Join( TYPE => 'left', ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => 'id', TABLE2 => 'ObjectCustomFieldValues', FIELD2 => 'ObjectId' ); $self->Limit( ALIAS => $alias, FIELD => 'CustomField', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $args{'CUSTOMFIELD'}, ) if ($args{'CUSTOMFIELD'}); $self->Limit( ALIAS => $alias, FIELD => 'ObjectType', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $self->_SingularClass, ); $self->Limit( ALIAS => $alias, FIELD => 'Content', OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'}, VALUE => $args{'VALUE'}, ); $self->Limit( ALIAS => $alias, FIELD => 'Disabled', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => 0, ); } =head2 Limit PARAMHASH This Limit sub calls SUPER::Limit, but defaults "CASESENSITIVE" to 1, thus making sure that by default lots of things don't do extra work trying to match lower(colname) agaist lc($val); We also force VALUE to C when the OPERATOR is C or C. This ensures that we don't pass invalid SQL to the database or allow SQL injection attacks when we pass through user specified values. =cut sub Limit { my $self = shift; my %ARGS = ( CASESENSITIVE => 1, OPERATOR => '=', @_, ); # We use the same regex here that DBIx::SearchBuilder uses to exclude # values from quoting if ( $ARGS{'OPERATOR'} =~ /IS/i ) { # Don't pass anything but NULL for IS and IS NOT $ARGS{'VALUE'} = 'NULL'; } if ($ARGS{FUNCTION}) { ($ARGS{ALIAS}, $ARGS{FIELD}) = split /\./, delete $ARGS{FUNCTION}, 2; $self->SUPER::Limit(%ARGS); } elsif ($ARGS{FIELD} =~ /\W/ or $ARGS{OPERATOR} !~ /^(=|<|>|!=|<>|<=|>= |(NOT\s*)?LIKE |(NOT\s*)?(STARTS|ENDS)WITH |(NOT\s*)?MATCHES |IS(\s*NOT)? |(NOT\s*)?IN |\@\@)$/ix) { $RT::Logger->crit("Possible SQL injection attack: $ARGS{FIELD} $ARGS{OPERATOR}"); $self->SUPER::Limit( %ARGS, FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '<', VALUE => '0', ); } else { $self->SUPER::Limit(%ARGS); } } =head2 ItemsOrderBy If it has a SortOrder attribute, sort the array by SortOrder. Otherwise, if it has a "Name" attribute, sort alphabetically by Name Otherwise, just give up and return it in the order it came from the db. =cut sub ItemsOrderBy { my $self = shift; my $items = shift; if ($self->NewItem()->_Accessible('SortOrder','read')) { $items = [ sort { $a->SortOrder <=> $b->SortOrder } @{$items} ]; } elsif ($self->NewItem()->_Accessible('Name','read')) { $items = [ sort { lc($a->Name) cmp lc($b->Name) } @{$items} ]; } return $items; } =head2 ItemsArrayRef Return this object's ItemsArray, in the order that ItemsOrderBy sorts it. =cut sub ItemsArrayRef { my $self = shift; return $self->ItemsOrderBy($self->SUPER::ItemsArrayRef()); } # make sure that Disabled rows never get seen unless # we're explicitly trying to see them. sub _DoSearch { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{'with_disabled_column'} && !$self->{'handled_disabled_column'} && !$self->{'find_disabled_rows'} ) { $self->LimitToEnabled; } return $self->SUPER::_DoSearch(@_); } sub _DoCount { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{'with_disabled_column'} && !$self->{'handled_disabled_column'} && !$self->{'find_disabled_rows'} ) { $self->LimitToEnabled; } return $self->SUPER::_DoCount(@_); } =head2 ColumnMapClassName ColumnMap needs a Collection name to load the correct list display. Depluralization is hard, so provide an easy way to correct the naive algorithm that this code uses. =cut sub ColumnMapClassName { my $self = shift; my $Class = ref $self; $Class =~ s/s$//; $Class =~ s/:/_/g; return $Class; } RT::Base->_ImportOverlays(); 1;