# BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK # # Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent # # (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices) # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or # extensions to this work which alter its source code become the # property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for # inclusion in the work. # # # END LICENSE BLOCK =head1 NAME RT::Scrip - an RT Scrip object =head1 SYNOPSIS use RT::Scrip; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =begin testing ok (require RT::Scrip); my $q = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser); $q->Create(Name => 'ScripTest'); ok($q->Id, "Created a scriptest queue"); my $s1 = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($val, $msg) =$s1->Create( Queue => $q->Id, ScripAction => 'User Defined', ScripCondition => 'User Defined', CustomIsApplicableCode => 'if ($self->TicketObj->Subject =~ /fire/) { return (1);} else { return(0)}', CustomPrepareCode => 'return 1', CustomCommitCode => '$self->TicketObj->SetPriority("87");', Template => 'Blank' ); ok($val,$msg); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($tv,$ttv,$tm) = $ticket->Create(Queue => $q->Id, Subject => "hair on fire", ); ok($tv, $tm); ok ($ticket->Priority == '87', "Ticket priority is set right"); my $ticket2 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($t2v,$t2tv,$t2m) = $ticket2->Create(Queue => $q->Id, Subject => "hair in water", ); ok($t2v, $t2m); ok ($ticket2->Priority != '87', "Ticket priority is set right"); =end testing =cut use strict; no warnings qw(redefine); # {{{ sub Create =head2 Create Creates a new entry in the Scrips table. Takes a paramhash with: Queue => 0, Description => undef, Template => undef, ScripAction => undef, ScripCondition => undef, CustomPrepareCode => undef, CustomCommitCode => undef, CustomIsApplicableCode => undef, Returns (retval, msg); retval is 0 for failure or scrip id. msg is a textual description of what happened. =cut sub Create { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Queue => 0, Template => 0, # name or id ScripAction => 0, # name or id ScripCondition => 0, # name or id Stage => 'TransactionCreate', Description => undef, CustomPrepareCode => undef, CustomCommitCode => undef, CustomIsApplicableCode => undef, @_ ); if (! $args{'Queue'} ) { unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ModifyScrips') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } $args{'Queue'} = 0; # avoid undef sneaking in } else { my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue( $self->CurrentUser ); $QueueObj->Load( $args{'Queue'} ); unless ( $QueueObj->id() ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Invalid queue') ); } unless ( $QueueObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyScrips') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } $args{'Queue'} = $QueueObj->id(); } #TODO +++ validate input require RT::ScripAction; my $action = new RT::ScripAction( $self->CurrentUser ); if ($args{'ScripAction'}) { $action->Load( $args{'ScripAction'}); } return ( 0, $self->loc( "Action [_1] not found", $args{'ScripAction'} ) ) unless $action->Id; require RT::Template; my $template = new RT::Template( $self->CurrentUser ); if ($args{'Template'} ) { $template->Load( $args{'Template'}); } return ( 0, $self->loc('Template not found') ) unless $template->Id; require RT::ScripCondition; my $condition = new RT::ScripCondition( $self->CurrentUser ); if ($args{'ScripCondition'} ) { $condition->Load( $args{'ScripCondition'} ); } unless ( $condition->Id ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Condition not found') ); } my ($id,$msg) = $self->SUPER::Create( Queue => $args{'Queue'}, Template => $template->Id, ScripCondition => $condition->id, Stage => $args{'Stage'}, ScripAction => $action->Id, Description => $args{'Description'}, CustomPrepareCode => $args{'CustomPrepareCode'}, CustomCommitCode => $args{'CustomCommitCode'}, CustomIsApplicableCode => $args{'CustomIsApplicableCode'}, ); if ($id) { return ( $id, $self->loc('Scrip Created') ); } else { return($id,$msg); } } # }}} # {{{ sub Delete =head2 Delete Delete this object =cut sub Delete { my $self = shift; unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyScrips')) { return (0, $self->loc('Permission Denied')); } return ($self->SUPER::Delete(@_)); } # }}} # {{{ sub QueueObj =head2 QueueObj Retuns an RT::Queue object with this Scrip\'s queue =cut sub QueueObj { my $self = shift; if (!$self->{'QueueObj'}) { require RT::Queue; $self->{'QueueObj'} = RT::Queue->new($self->CurrentUser); $self->{'QueueObj'}->Load($self->__Value('Queue')); } return ($self->{'QueueObj'}); } # }}} # {{{ sub ActionObj =head2 ActionObj Retuns an RT::Action object with this Scrip\'s Action =cut sub ActionObj { my $self = shift; unless (defined $self->{'ScripActionObj'}) { require RT::ScripAction; $self->{'ScripActionObj'} = RT::ScripAction->new($self->CurrentUser); #TODO: why are we loading Actions with templates like this. # two separate methods might make more sense $self->{'ScripActionObj'}->Load($self->ScripAction, $self->Template); } return ($self->{'ScripActionObj'}); } # }}} # {{{ sub ConditionObj =head2 ConditionObj Retuns an RT::ScripCondition object with this Scrip's IsApplicable =cut sub ConditionObj { my $self = shift; unless ( defined $self->{'ScripConditionObj'} ) { require RT::ScripCondition; $self->{'ScripConditionObj'} = RT::ScripCondition->new( $self->CurrentUser ); if ( $self->ScripCondition ) { $self->{'ScripConditionObj'}->Load( $self->ScripCondition ); } } return ( $self->{'ScripConditionObj'} ); } # }}} # {{{ sub TemplateObj =head2 TemplateObj Retuns an RT::Template object with this Scrip\'s Template =cut sub TemplateObj { my $self = shift; unless (defined $self->{'TemplateObj'}) { require RT::Template; $self->{'TemplateObj'} = RT::Template->new($self->CurrentUser); $self->{'TemplateObj'}->Load($self->Template); } return ($self->{'TemplateObj'}); } # }}} # {{{ Dealing with this instance of a scrip =head2 Apply { TicketObj => undef, TransactionObj => undef} This method instantiates the ScripCondition and ScripAction objects for a single execution of this scrip. it then calls the IsApplicable method of the ScripCondition. If that succeeds, it calls the Prepare method of the ScripAction. If that succeeds, it calls the Commit method of the ScripAction. Usually, the ticket and transaction objects passed to this method should be loaded by the SuperUser role =cut # {{{ sub Apply sub Apply { my $self = shift; my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, TransactionObj => undef, @_ ); # We want to make sure that if a scrip dies, we don't get # hurt eval { #Load the scrip's Condition object $self->ConditionObj->LoadCondition( ScripObj => $self, TicketObj => $args{'TicketObj'}, TransactionObj => $args{'TransactionObj'}, ); unless ( $self->IsApplicable() ) { $self->ConditionObj->DESTROY; return (undef); } #If it's applicable, prepare and commit it $self->ActionObj->LoadAction( ScripObj => $self, TicketObj => $args{'TicketObj'}, TransactionObj => $args{'TransactionObj'}, ); unless ( $self->Prepare() ) { $RT::Logger->info( "$self: Couldn't prepare " . $self->ActionObj->Name ); $self->ActionObj->DESTROY(); $self->ConditionObj->DESTROY(); return (undef); } unless ( $self->Commit() ) { $RT::Logger->info( "$self: Couldn't commit " . $self->ActionObj->Name ); $self->ActionObj->DESTROY(); $self->ConditionObj->DESTROY(); return (undef); } #Searchbuilder caching isn't perfectly coherent. got to reload the ticket object, since it # may have changed $args{'TicketObj'}->Load($args{'TicketObj'}->Id); #We're done with it. lets clean up. #TODO: something else isn't letting these get garbage collected. check em out. $self->ActionObj->DESTROY(); $self->ConditionObj->DESTROY(); return (1); }; if ($@) { $RT::Logger->error( "Scrip " . $self->Id . " died. - " . $@ ); } } # }}} # {{{ sub IsApplicable =head2 IsApplicable Calls the Condition object\'s IsApplicable method =cut sub IsApplicable { my $self = shift; return ($self->ConditionObj->IsApplicable(@_)); } # }}} # {{{ sub Prepare =head2 Prepare Calls the action object's prepare method =cut sub Prepare { my $self = shift; $self->ActionObj->Prepare(@_); } # }}} # {{{ sub Commit =head2 Commit Calls the action object's commit method =cut sub Commit { my $self = shift; $self->ActionObj->Commit(@_); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ sub DESTROY sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->{'ActionObj'} = undef; } # }}} # {{{ ACL related methods # {{{ sub _Set # does an acl check and then passes off the call sub _Set { my $self = shift; unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyScrips')) { $RT::Logger->debug("CurrentUser can't modify Scrips for ".$self->Queue."\n"); return (0, $self->loc('Permission Denied')); } return $self->__Set(@_); } # }}} # {{{ sub _Value # does an acl check and then passes off the call sub _Value { my $self = shift; unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowScrips')) { $RT::Logger->debug("CurrentUser can't modify Scrips for ".$self->__Value('Queue')."\n"); return (undef); } return $self->__Value(@_); } # }}} # {{{ sub CurrentUserHasRight =head2 CurrentUserHasRight Helper menthod for HasRight. Presets Principal to CurrentUser then calls HasRight. =cut sub CurrentUserHasRight { my $self = shift; my $right = shift; return ($self->HasRight( Principal => $self->CurrentUser->UserObj, Right => $right )); } # }}} # {{{ sub HasRight =head2 HasRight Takes a param-hash consisting of "Right" and "Principal" Principal is an RT::User object or an RT::CurrentUser object. "Right" is a textual Right string that applies to Scrips. =cut sub HasRight { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Right => undef, Principal => undef, @_ ); if ((defined $self->SUPER::_Value('Queue')) and ($self->SUPER::_Value('Queue') != 0)) { return ( $args{'Principal'}->HasRight( Right => $args{'Right'}, Object => $self->QueueObj ) ); } else { return( $args{'Principal'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => $args{'Right'}) ); } } # }}} # }}} 1;