# Copyright (c) 2004 Ivan Kohler # Copyright (c) 2008 Freeside Internet Services, Inc. # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. =head1 NAME RT::Interface::Web_Vendor =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION Freeside vendor overlay for RT::Interface::Web. =begin testing use_ok(RT::Interface::Web_Vendor); =end testing =cut #package RT::Interface::Web; #use strict; package HTML::Mason::Commands; use strict; no warnings qw(redefine); =head2 ProcessTicketCustomers =cut sub ProcessTicketCustomers { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, Debug => 0, @_ ); my @results = (); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my $Debug = $args{'Debug'}; my $me = 'ProcessTicketCustomers'; ### false laziness w/RT::Interface::Web::ProcessTicketLinks # Delete links that are gone gone gone. foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { if ( $arg =~ /DeleteLink-(.*?)-(DependsOn|MemberOf|RefersTo)-(.*)$/ ) { my $base = $1; my $type = $2; my $target = $3; push @results, "Trying to delete: Base: $base Target: $target Type $type"; my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteLink( Base => $base, Type => $type, Target => $target ); push @results, $msg; } } ### ### #find new services ### my @svcnums = map { /^Ticket-AddService-(\d+)$/; $1 } grep { /^Ticket-AddService-(\d+)$/ && $ARGSRef->{$_} } keys %$ARGSRef; my @custnums; foreach my $svcnum (@svcnums) { my @link = ( 'Type' => 'MemberOf', 'Target' => "freeside://freeside/cust_svc/$svcnum", ); my( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddLink(@link); push @results, $msg; next if !$val; } ### #find new customers ### push @custnums, map { /^Ticket-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/; $1 } grep { /^Ticket-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/ && $ARGSRef->{$_} } keys %$ARGSRef; #my @delete_custnums = # map { /^Ticket-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/; $1 } # grep { /^Ticket-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/ && $ARGSRef->{$_} } # keys %$ARGSRef; ### #figure out if we're going to auto-link requestors, and find them if so ### my $num_cur_cust = $Ticket->Customers->Count; my $num_new_cust = scalar(@custnums); warn "$me: $num_cur_cust current customers / $num_new_cust new customers\n" if $Debug; #if we're linking the first ticket to one customer my $link_requestors = ( $num_cur_cust == 0 && $num_new_cust == 1 ); warn "$me: adding a single customer to a previously customerless". " ticket, so linking customers to requestor too\n" if $Debug && $link_requestors; my @Requestors = (); if ( $link_requestors ) { #find any requestors without customers @Requestors = grep { ! $_->Customers->Count } @{ $Ticket->Requestors->UserMembersObj->ItemsArrayRef }; warn "$me: found ". scalar(@Requestors). " requestors without". " customers; linking them\n" if $Debug; } ### #remove any declared non-customer addresses ### my $exclude_regexp = RT->Config->Get('NonCustomerEmailRegexp'); @Requestors = grep { not $_->EmailAddress =~ $exclude_regexp } @Requestors if defined $exclude_regexp; ### #link ticket (and requestors) to customers ### foreach my $custnum ( @custnums ) { my @link = ( 'Type' => 'MemberOf', 'Target' => "freeside://freeside/cust_main/$custnum", ); my( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddLink(@link); push @results, $msg; #add customer links to requestors foreach my $Requestor ( @Requestors ) { my( $val, $msg ) = $Requestor->AddLink(@link); push @results, $msg; warn "$me: linking requestor to custnum $custnum: $msg\n" if $Debug > 1; } } return @results; } #false laziness w/above... eventually it should go away in favor of this sub ProcessObjectCustomers { my %args = ( Object => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my @results = (); my $Object = $args{'Object'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; ### false laziness w/RT::Interface::Web::ProcessTicketLinks # Delete links that are gone gone gone. foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { if ( $arg =~ /DeleteLink-(.*?)-(DependsOn|MemberOf|RefersTo)-(.*)$/ ) { my $base = $1; my $type = $2; my $target = $3; push @results, "Trying to delete: Base: $base Target: $target Type $type"; my ( $val, $msg ) = $Object->DeleteLink( Base => $base, Type => $type, Target => $target ); push @results, $msg; } } ### #my @delete_custnums = # map { /^Object-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/; $1 } # grep { /^Object-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/ && $ARGSRef->{$_} } # keys %$ARGSRef; my @custnums = map { /^Object-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/; $1 } grep { /^Object-AddCustomer-(\d+)$/ && $ARGSRef->{$_} } keys %$ARGSRef; foreach my $custnum ( @custnums ) { my( $val, $msg ) = $Object->AddLink( 'Type' => 'MemberOf', 'Target' => "freeside://freeside/cust_main/$custnum", ); push @results, $msg; } return @results; } =head2 ProcessTicketBasics ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Updates all core ticket fields except Status, and returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketBasics { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $TicketObj = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; # {{{ Set basic fields my @attribs = qw( Subject FinalPriority Priority TimeEstimated TimeWorked TimeLeft Type Queue ); if ( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} and ( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} !~ /^(\d+)$/ ) ) { my $tempqueue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser); $tempqueue->Load( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} ); if ( $tempqueue->id ) { $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} = $tempqueue->id; } } my @results = UpdateRecordObject( AttributesRef => \@attribs, Object => $TicketObj, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef, ); # We special case owner changing, so we can use ForceOwnerChange if ( $ARGSRef->{'Owner'} && ( $TicketObj->Owner != $ARGSRef->{'Owner'} ) ) { my ($ChownType); if ( $ARGSRef->{'ForceOwnerChange'} ) { $ChownType = "Force"; } else { $ChownType = "Give"; } my ( $val, $msg ) = $TicketObj->SetOwner( $ARGSRef->{'Owner'}, $ChownType ); push( @results, $msg ); } return (@results); } =head2 ProcessTicketDates (TicketObj => RT::Ticket, ARGSRef => {}) Process updates to the Starts, Started, Told, Resolved, and WillResolve fields. =cut sub ProcessTicketDates { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my (@results); # {{{ Set date fields my @date_fields = qw( Told Resolved Starts Started Due WillResolve ); #Run through each field in this list. update the value if apropriate foreach my $field (@date_fields) { next unless exists $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' }; next if $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' } eq ''; my ( $code, $msg ); my $DateObj = RT::Date->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $DateObj->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' } ); my $obj = $field . "Obj"; if ( ( defined $DateObj->Unix ) and ( $DateObj->Unix != $Ticket->$obj()->Unix() ) ) { my $method = "Set$field"; my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method( $DateObj->ISO ); push @results, "$msg"; } } # }}} return (@results); } =head2 ProcessTicketStatus (TicketObj => RT::Ticket, ARGSRef => {}) Process updates to the 'Status' field of the ticket. If the new value of Status is 'resolved', this will check required custom fields before allowing the update. =cut sub ProcessTicketStatus { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $TicketObj = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my @results; return () if !$ARGSRef->{'Status'}; if ( lc( $ARGSRef->{'Status'} ) eq 'resolved' ) { foreach my $field ( $TicketObj->MissingRequiredFields ) { push @results, loc('Missing required field: [_1]', $field->Name); } } if ( @results ) { $m->notes('RedirectToBasics' => 1); return @results; } return UpdateRecordObject( AttributesRef => [ 'Status' ], Object => $TicketObj, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef, ); } =head2 ProcessUpdateMessage Takes paramhash with fields ARGSRef, TicketObj and SkipSignatureOnly. Don't write message if it only contains current user's signature and SkipSignatureOnly argument is true. Function anyway adds attachments and updates time worked field even if skips message. The default value is true. =cut # change from stock: if txn custom fields are set but there's no content # or attachment, create a Touch txn instead of doing nothing sub ProcessUpdateMessage { my %args = ( ARGSRef => undef, TicketObj => undef, SkipSignatureOnly => 1, @_ ); if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} && !keys %{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} } ) { delete $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'}; } # Strip the signature $args{ARGSRef}->{UpdateContent} = RT::Interface::Web::StripContent( Content => $args{ARGSRef}->{UpdateContent}, ContentType => $args{ARGSRef}->{UpdateContentType}, StripSignature => $args{SkipSignatureOnly}, CurrentUser => $args{'TicketObj'}->CurrentUser, ); my %txn_customfields; foreach my $key ( keys %{ $args{ARGSRef} } ) { if ( $key =~ /^(?:Object-RT::Transaction--)?CustomField-(\d+)/ ) { next if $key =~ /(TimeUnits|Magic)$/; $txn_customfields{$key} = $args{ARGSRef}->{$key}; } } # If, after stripping the signature, we have no message, create a # Touch transaction if necessary if ( not $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} and not length $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContent'} ) { #if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'} ) { # $args{ARGSRef}->{TimeWorked} = $args{TicketObj}->TimeWorked + # delete $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'}; # } my $timetaken = $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'}; if ( $timetaken or grep {length $_} values %txn_customfields ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description, $Object ) = $args{TicketObj}->Touch( CustomFields => \%txn_customfields, TimeTaken => $timetaken ); return $Description; } return; } if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'} eq $args{'TicketObj'}->Subject ) { $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'} = undef; } my $Message = MakeMIMEEntity( Subject => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'}, Body => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContent'}, Type => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContentType'}, ); $Message->head->add( 'Message-ID' => Encode::encode_utf8( RT::Interface::Email::GenMessageId( Ticket => $args{'TicketObj'} ) ) ); my $old_txn = RT::Transaction->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'QuoteTransaction'} ) { $old_txn->Load( $args{ARGSRef}->{'QuoteTransaction'} ); } else { $old_txn = $args{TicketObj}->Transactions->First(); } if ( my $msg = $old_txn->Message->First ) { RT::Interface::Email::SetInReplyTo( Message => $Message, InReplyTo => $msg ); } if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} ) { $Message->make_multipart; $Message->add_part($_) foreach values %{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} }; } if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} ) { require RT::Action::SendEmail; RT::Action::SendEmail->AttachTickets( RT::Action::SendEmail->AttachTickets, ref $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} ? @{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} } : ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} ) ); } my $bcc = $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateBcc'}; my $cc = $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateCc'}; my %message_args = ( CcMessageTo => $cc, BccMessageTo => $bcc, Sign => $args{ARGSRef}->{'Sign'}, Encrypt => $args{ARGSRef}->{'Encrypt'}, MIMEObj => $Message, TimeTaken => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'}, CustomFields => \%txn_customfields, ); my @temp_squelch; foreach my $type (qw(Cc AdminCc)) { if (grep $_ eq $type || $_ eq ( $type . 's' ), @{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'SkipNotification'} || [] }) { push @temp_squelch, map $_->address, Email::Address->parse( $message_args{$type} ); push @temp_squelch, $args{TicketObj}->$type->MemberEmailAddresses; push @temp_squelch, $args{TicketObj}->QueueObj->$type->MemberEmailAddresses; } } if (grep $_ eq 'Requestor' || $_ eq 'Requestors', @{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'SkipNotification'} || [] }) { push @temp_squelch, map $_->address, Email::Address->parse( $message_args{Requestor} ); push @temp_squelch, $args{TicketObj}->Requestors->MemberEmailAddresses; } if (@temp_squelch) { require RT::Action::SendEmail; RT::Action::SendEmail->SquelchMailTo( RT::Action::SendEmail->SquelchMailTo, @temp_squelch ); } unless ( $args{'ARGSRef'}->{'UpdateIgnoreAddressCheckboxes'} ) { foreach my $key ( keys %{ $args{ARGSRef} } ) { next unless $key =~ /^Update(Cc|Bcc)-(.*)$/; my $var = ucfirst($1) . 'MessageTo'; my $value = $2; if ( $message_args{$var} ) { $message_args{$var} .= ", $value"; } else { $message_args{$var} = $value; } } } my @results; # Do the update via the appropriate Ticket method if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateType'} =~ /^(private|public)$/ ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description, $Object ) = $args{TicketObj}->Comment(%message_args); push( @results, $Description ); #$Object->UpdateCustomFields( ARGSRef => $args{ARGSRef} ) if $Object; } elsif ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateType'} eq 'response' ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description, $Object ) = $args{TicketObj}->Correspond(%message_args); push( @results, $Description ); #$Object->UpdateCustomFields( ARGSRef => $args{ARGSRef} ) if $Object; } else { push( @results, loc("Update type was neither correspondence nor comment.") . " " . loc("Update not recorded.") ); } return @results; } sub default_FormatDate { $_[0]->AsString } sub ProcessColumnMapValue { my $value = shift; my %args = ( Arguments => [], Escape => 1, FormatDate => \&default_FormatDate, @_ ); if ( ref $value ) { if ( ref $value eq 'RT::Date' ) { return $args{FormatDate}->($value); } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'CODE' ) ) { my @tmp = $value->( @{ $args{'Arguments'} } ); return ProcessColumnMapValue( ( @tmp > 1 ? \@tmp : $tmp[0] ), %args ); } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'ARRAY' ) ) { return join '', map ProcessColumnMapValue( $_, %args ), @$value; } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'SCALAR' ) ) { return $$value; } } return $m->interp->apply_escapes( $value, 'h' ) if $args{'Escape'}; return $value; } 1;