# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} ## Portions Copyright 2000 Tobias Brox ## This is a library of static subs to be used by the Mason web ## interface to RT =head1 NAME RT::Interface::Web =cut use strict; use warnings; package RT::Interface::Web; use RT::SavedSearches; use URI qw(); use RT::Interface::Web::Session; use Digest::MD5 (); use Encode qw(); # {{{ EscapeUTF8 =head2 EscapeUTF8 SCALARREF does a css-busting but minimalist escaping of whatever html you're passing in. =cut sub EscapeUTF8 { my $ref = shift; return unless defined $$ref; $$ref =~ s/&/&/g; $$ref =~ s//>/g; $$ref =~ s/\(/(/g; $$ref =~ s/\)/)/g; $$ref =~ s/"/"/g; $$ref =~ s/'/'/g; } # }}} # {{{ EscapeURI =head2 EscapeURI SCALARREF Escapes URI component according to RFC2396 =cut sub EscapeURI { my $ref = shift; return unless defined $$ref; use bytes; $$ref =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.!~*'()-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; } # }}} # {{{ WebCanonicalizeInfo =head2 WebCanonicalizeInfo(); Different web servers set different environmental varibles. This function must return something suitable for REMOTE_USER. By default, just downcase $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} =cut sub WebCanonicalizeInfo { return $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ? lc $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} : $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}; } # }}} # {{{ WebExternalAutoInfo =head2 WebExternalAutoInfo($user); Returns a hash of user attributes, used when WebExternalAuto is set. =cut sub WebExternalAutoInfo { my $user = shift; my %user_info; # default to making Privileged users, even if they specify # some other default Attributes if ( !$RT::AutoCreate || ( ref($RT::AutoCreate) && not exists $RT::AutoCreate->{Privileged} ) ) { $user_info{'Privileged'} = 1; } if ( $^O !~ /^(?:riscos|MacOS|MSWin32|dos|os2)$/ ) { # Populate fields with information from Unix /etc/passwd my ( $comments, $realname ) = ( getpwnam($user) )[ 5, 6 ]; $user_info{'Comments'} = $comments if defined $comments; $user_info{'RealName'} = $realname if defined $realname; } elsif ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval 'use Net::AdminMisc; 1' ) { # Populate fields with information from NT domain controller } # and return the wad of stuff return {%user_info}; } # }}} sub HandleRequest { my $ARGS = shift; $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8"); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->{'rt_base_time'} = [ Time::HiRes::gettimeofday() ]; # Roll back any dangling transactions from a previous failed connection $RT::Handle->ForceRollback() if $RT::Handle->TransactionDepth; MaybeEnableSQLStatementLog(); # avoid reentrancy, as suggested by masonbook local *HTML::Mason::Commands::session unless $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->is_subrequest; $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->autoflush( $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->request_comp->attr('AutoFlush') ) if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->request_comp->attr_exists('AutoFlush') ); DecodeARGS($ARGS); PreprocessTimeUpdates($ARGS); MaybeShowInstallModePage(); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->comp( '/Elements/SetupSessionCookie', %$ARGS ); SendSessionCookie(); $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} = RT::CurrentUser->new() unless _UserLoggedIn(); MaybeShowNoAuthPage($ARGS); AttemptExternalAuth($ARGS) if RT->Config->Get('WebExternalAuthContinuous') or not _UserLoggedIn(); _ForceLogout() unless _UserLoggedIn(); # Process per-page authentication callbacks $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( %$ARGS, CallbackName => 'Auth', CallbackPage => '/autohandler' ); unless ( _UserLoggedIn() ) { _ForceLogout(); # If the user is logging in, let's authenticate if ( defined $ARGS->{user} && defined $ARGS->{pass} ) { AttemptPasswordAuthentication($ARGS); } else { # if no credentials then show him login page $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %$ARGS ); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->abort; } } # now it applies not only to home page, but any dashboard that can be used as a workspace $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'home_refresh_interval'} = $ARGS->{'HomeRefreshInterval'} if ( $ARGS->{'HomeRefreshInterval'} ); # Process per-page global callbacks $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->callback( %$ARGS, CallbackName => 'Default', CallbackPage => '/autohandler' ); ShowRequestedPage($ARGS); LogRecordedSQLStatements(); } sub _ForceLogout { delete $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}; } sub _UserLoggedIn { if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{CurrentUser} && $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->id ) { return 1; } else { return undef; } } =head2 MaybeShowInstallModePage This function, called exclusively by RT's autohandler, dispatches a request to RT's Installation workflow, only if Install Mode is enabled in the configuration file. If it serves a page, it stops mason processing. Otherwise, mason just keeps running through the autohandler =cut sub MaybeShowInstallModePage { return unless RT->InstallMode; my $m = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m; if ( $m->base_comp->path =~ RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex') ) { $m->call_next(); } elsif ( $m->request_comp->path !~ '^(/+)Install/' ) { RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') . "Install/index.html" ); } else { $m->call_next(); } $m->abort(); } =head2 MaybeShowNoAuthPage \%ARGS This function, called exclusively by RT's autohandler, dispatches a request to the page a user requested (but only if it matches the "noauth" regex. If it serves a page, it stops mason processing. Otherwise, mason just keeps running through the autohandler =cut sub MaybeShowNoAuthPage { my $ARGS = shift; my $m = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m; return unless $m->base_comp->path =~ RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex'); # If it's a noauth file, don't ask for auth. SendSessionCookie(); $m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %$ARGS ); $m->abort; } =head2 ShowRequestedPage \%ARGS This function, called exclusively by RT's autohandler, dispatches a request to the page a user requested (making sure that unpriviled users can only see self-service pages. =cut sub ShowRequestedPage { my $ARGS = shift; my $m = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m; SendSessionCookie(); # If the user isn't privileged, they can only see SelfService unless ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->Privileged ) { # if the user is trying to access a ticket, redirect them if ( $m->request_comp->path =~ '^(/+)Ticket/Display.html' && $ARGS->{'id'} ) { RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') . "SelfService/Display.html?id=" . $ARGS->{'id'} ); } # otherwise, drop the user at the SelfService default page elsif ( $m->base_comp->path !~ RT->Config->Get('SelfServiceRegex') ) { RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') . "SelfService/" ); } # if user is in SelfService dir let him do anything else { $m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %$ARGS ); } } else { $m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %$ARGS ); } } sub AttemptExternalAuth { my $ARGS = shift; return unless ( RT->Config->Get('WebExternalAuth') ); my $user = $ARGS->{user}; my $m = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m; # If RT is configured for external auth, let's go through and get REMOTE_USER # do we actually have a REMOTE_USER equivlent? if ( RT::Interface::Web::WebCanonicalizeInfo() ) { my $orig_user = $user; $user = RT::Interface::Web::WebCanonicalizeInfo(); my $load_method = RT->Config->Get('WebExternalGecos') ? 'LoadByGecos' : 'Load'; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' and RT->Config->Get('WebExternalGecos') ) { my $NodeName = Win32::NodeName(); $user =~ s/^\Q$NodeName\E\\//i; } InstantiateNewSession() unless _UserLoggedIn; $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} = RT::CurrentUser->new(); $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->$load_method($user); if ( RT->Config->Get('WebExternalAuto') and not _UserLoggedIn() ) { # Create users on-the-fly my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); my ( $val, $msg ) = $UserObj->Create( %{ ref RT->Config->Get('AutoCreate') ? RT->Config->Get('AutoCreate') : {} }, Name => $user, Gecos => $user, ); if ($val) { # now get user specific information, to better create our user. my $new_user_info = RT::Interface::Web::WebExternalAutoInfo($user); # set the attributes that have been defined. foreach my $attribute ( $UserObj->WritableAttributes ) { $m->callback( Attribute => $attribute, User => $user, UserInfo => $new_user_info, CallbackName => 'NewUser', CallbackPage => '/autohandler' ); my $method = "Set$attribute"; $UserObj->$method( $new_user_info->{$attribute} ) if defined $new_user_info->{$attribute}; } $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}->Load($user); } else { # we failed to successfully create the user. abort abort abort. delete $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}; $m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %$ARGS, Error => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc( 'Cannot create user: [_1]', $msg ) ) if RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToInternalAuth');; $m->abort(); } } if ( _UserLoggedIn() ) { $m->callback( %$ARGS, CallbackName => 'ExternalAuthSuccessfulLogin', CallbackPage => '/autohandler' ); } else { delete $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}; $user = $orig_user; if ( RT->Config->Get('WebExternalOnly') ) { $m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %$ARGS, Error => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('You are not an authorized user') ); $m->abort(); } } } elsif ( RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToInternalAuth') ) { unless ( defined $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} ) { # XXX unreachable due to prior defaulting in HandleRequest (check c34d108) $m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %$ARGS, Error => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('You are not an authorized user') ); $m->abort(); } } else { # WebExternalAuth is set, but we don't have a REMOTE_USER. abort # XXX: we must return AUTH_REQUIRED status or we fallback to # internal auth here too. delete $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} if defined $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'}; } } sub AttemptPasswordAuthentication { my $ARGS = shift; my $user_obj = RT::CurrentUser->new(); $user_obj->Load( $ARGS->{user} ); my $m = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m; unless ( $user_obj->id && $user_obj->IsPassword( $ARGS->{pass} ) ) { $RT::Logger->error("FAILED LOGIN for @{[$ARGS->{user}]} from $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}"); $m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %$ARGS, Error => HTML::Mason::Commands::loc('Your username or password is incorrect'), ); $m->callback( %$ARGS, CallbackName => 'FailedLogin', CallbackPage => '/autohandler' ); $m->abort; } $RT::Logger->info("Successful login for @{[$ARGS->{user}]} from $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}"); InstantiateNewSession(); $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'CurrentUser'} = $user_obj; $m->callback( %$ARGS, CallbackName => 'SuccessfulLogin', CallbackPage => '/autohandler' ); } =head2 LoadSessionFromCookie Load or setup a session cookie for the current user. =cut sub _SessionCookieName { my $cookiename = "RT_SID_" . RT->Config->Get('rtname'); $cookiename .= "." . $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} if $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}; return $cookiename; } sub LoadSessionFromCookie { my %cookies = CGI::Cookie->fetch; my $cookiename = _SessionCookieName(); my $SessionCookie = ( $cookies{$cookiename} ? $cookies{$cookiename}->value : undef ); tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'RT::Interface::Web::Session', $SessionCookie; unless ( $SessionCookie && $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'_session_id'} eq $SessionCookie ) { undef $cookies{$cookiename}; } if ( int RT->Config->Get('AutoLogoff') ) { my $now = int( time / 60 ); my $last_update = $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'_session_last_update'} || 0; if ( $last_update && ( $now - $last_update - RT->Config->Get('AutoLogoff') ) > 0 ) { InstantiateNewSession(); } # save session on each request when AutoLogoff is turned on $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{'_session_last_update'} = $now if $now != $last_update; } } sub InstantiateNewSession { tied(%HTML::Mason::Commands::session)->delete if tied(%HTML::Mason::Commands::session); tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'RT::Interface::Web::Session', undef; } sub SendSessionCookie { my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new( -name => _SessionCookieName(), -value => $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{_session_id}, -path => RT->Config->Get('WebPath'), -secure => ( RT->Config->Get('WebSecureCookies') ? 1 : 0 ) ); $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->err_headers_out->{'Set-Cookie'} = $cookie->as_string; } =head2 Redirect URL This routine ells the current user's browser to redirect to URL. Additionally, it unties the user's currently active session, helping to avoid A bug in Apache::Session 1.81 and earlier which clobbers sessions if we try to use a cached DBI statement handle twice at the same time. =cut sub Redirect { my $redir_to = shift; untie $HTML::Mason::Commands::session; my $uri = URI->new($redir_to); my $server_uri = URI->new( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') ); # If the user is coming in via a non-canonical # hostname, don't redirect them to the canonical host, # it will just upset them (and invalidate their credentials) # don't do this if $RT::CanoniaclRedirectURLs is true if ( !RT->Config->Get('CanonicalizeRedirectURLs') && $uri->host eq $server_uri->host && $uri->port eq $server_uri->port ) { if ( defined $ENV{HTTPS} and $ENV{'HTTPS'} eq 'on' ) { $uri->scheme('https'); } else { $uri->scheme('http'); } # [rt3.fsck.com #12716] Apache recommends use of $SERVER_HOST $uri->host( $ENV{'SERVER_HOST'} || $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} ); $uri->port( $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ); } # not sure why, but on some systems without this call mason doesn't # set status to 302, but 200 instead and people see blank pages $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->status(302); # Perlbal expects a status message, but Mason's default redirect status # doesn't provide one. See also rt.cpan.org #36689. $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->redirect( $uri->canonical, "302 Found" ); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->abort; } =head2 StaticFileHeaders Send the browser a few headers to try to get it to (somewhat agressively) cache RT's static Javascript and CSS files. This routine could really use _accurate_ heuristics. (XXX TODO) =cut sub StaticFileHeaders { my $date = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser); # make cache public $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->headers_out->{'Cache-Control'} = 'max-age=259200, public'; # Expire things in a month. $date->Set( Value => time + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 ); $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->headers_out->{'Expires'} = $date->RFC2616; # if we set 'Last-Modified' then browser request a comp using 'If-Modified-Since' # request, but we don't handle it and generate full reply again # Last modified at server start time # $date->Set( Value => $^T ); # $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->headers_out->{'Last-Modified'} = $date->RFC2616; } =head2 PathIsSafe Takes a C<< Path => path >> and returns a boolean indicating that the path is safely within RT's control or not. The path I be relative. This function does not consult the filesystem at all; it is merely a logical sanity checking of the path. This explicitly does not handle symlinks; if you have symlinks in RT's webroot pointing outside of it, then we assume you know what you are doing. =cut sub PathIsSafe { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $path = $args{Path}; # Get File::Spec to clean up extra /s, ./, etc my $cleaned_up = File::Spec->canonpath($path); if (!defined($cleaned_up)) { $RT::Logger->info("Rejecting path that canonpath doesn't understand: $path"); return 0; } # Forbid too many ..s. We can't just sum then check because # "../foo/bar/baz" should be illegal even though it has more # downdirs than updirs. So as soon as we get a negative score # (which means "breaking out" of the top level) we reject the path. my @components = split '/', $cleaned_up; my $score = 0; for my $component (@components) { if ($component eq '..') { $score--; if ($score < 0) { $RT::Logger->info("Rejecting unsafe path: $path"); return 0; } } elsif ($component eq '.' || $component eq '') { # these two have no effect on $score } else { $score++; } } return 1; } =head2 SendStaticFile Takes a File => path and a Type => Content-type If Type isn't provided and File is an image, it will figure out a sane Content-type, otherwise it will send application/octet-stream Will set caching headers using StaticFileHeaders =cut sub SendStaticFile { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $file = $args{File}; my $type = $args{Type}; my $relfile = $args{RelativeFile}; if (defined($relfile) && !$self->PathIsSafe(Path => $relfile)) { $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->status(400); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->abort; } $self->StaticFileHeaders(); unless ($type) { if ( $file =~ /\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$/i ) { $type = "image/$1"; $type =~ s/jpg/jpeg/gi; } $type ||= "application/octet-stream"; } $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->content_type($type); open my $fh, "<$file" or die "couldn't open file: $!"; binmode($fh); { local $/ = \16384; $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->out($_) while (<$fh>); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->flush_buffer; } close $fh; } sub StripContent { my %args = @_; my $content = $args{Content}; return '' unless $content; # Make the content have no 'weird' newlines in it $content =~ s/\r+\n/\n/g; my $return_content = $content; my $html = $args{ContentType} && $args{ContentType} eq "text/html"; my $sigonly = $args{StripSignature}; # massage content to easily detect if there's any real content $content =~ s/\s+//g; # yes! remove all the spaces if ( $html ) { # remove html version of spaces and newlines $content =~ s! !!g; $content =~ s!
!!g; } # Filter empty content when type is text/html return '' if $html && $content !~ /\S/; # If we aren't supposed to strip the sig, just bail now. return $return_content unless $sigonly; # Find the signature my $sig = $args{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Signature || ''; $sig =~ s/\s+//g; # Check for plaintext sig return '' if not $html and $content =~ /^(--)?\Q$sig\E$/; # Check for html-formatted sig RT::Interface::Web::EscapeUTF8( \$sig ); return '' if $html and $content =~ m{^(?:


)?$}s; # Pass it through return $return_content; } sub DecodeARGS { my $ARGS = shift; %{$ARGS} = map { # if they've passed multiple values, they'll be an array. if they've # passed just one, a scalar whatever they are, mark them as utf8 my $type = ref($_); ( !$type ) ? Encode::is_utf8($_) ? $_ : Encode::decode( 'UTF-8' => $_, Encode::FB_PERLQQ ) : ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) ? [ map { ( ref($_) or Encode::is_utf8($_) ) ? $_ : Encode::decode( 'UTF-8' => $_, Encode::FB_PERLQQ ) } @$_ ] : ( $type eq 'HASH' ) ? { map { ( ref($_) or Encode::is_utf8($_) ) ? $_ : Encode::decode( 'UTF-8' => $_, Encode::FB_PERLQQ ) } %$_ } : $_ } %$ARGS; } sub PreprocessTimeUpdates { my $ARGS = shift; # Later in the code we use # $m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %ARGS ); # instead of $m->call_next to avoid problems with UTF8 keys in arguments. # The call_next method pass through original arguments and if you have # an argument with unicode key then in a next component you'll get two # records in the args hash: one with key without UTF8 flag and another # with the flag, which may result into errors. "{ base_comp => $m->request_comp }" # is copied from mason's source to get the same results as we get from # call_next method, this feature is not documented, so we just leave it # here to avoid possible side effects. # This code canonicalizes time inputs in hours into minutes foreach my $field ( keys %$ARGS ) { next unless $field =~ /^(.*)-TimeUnits$/i && $ARGS->{$1}; my $local = $1; $ARGS->{$local} =~ s{\b (?: (\d+) \s+ )? (\d+)/(\d+) \b} {($1 || 0) + $3 ? $2 / $3 : 0}xe; if ( $ARGS->{$field} && $ARGS->{$field} =~ /hours/i ) { $ARGS->{$local} *= 60; } delete $ARGS->{$field}; } } sub MaybeEnableSQLStatementLog { my $log_sql_statements = RT->Config->Get('StatementLog'); if ($log_sql_statements) { $RT::Handle->ClearSQLStatementLog; $RT::Handle->LogSQLStatements(1); } } sub LogRecordedSQLStatements { my $log_sql_statements = RT->Config->Get('StatementLog'); return unless ($log_sql_statements); my @log = $RT::Handle->SQLStatementLog; $RT::Handle->ClearSQLStatementLog; for my $stmt (@log) { my ( $time, $sql, $bind, $duration ) = @{$stmt}; my @bind; if ( ref $bind ) { @bind = @{$bind}; } else { # Older DBIx-SB $duration = $bind; } $RT::Logger->log( level => $log_sql_statements, message => "SQL(" . sprintf( "%.6f", $duration ) . "s): $sql;" . ( @bind ? " [ bound values: @{[map{qq|'$_'|} @bind]} ]" : "" ) ); } } package HTML::Mason::Commands; use vars qw/$r $m %session/; # {{{ loc =head2 loc ARRAY loc is a nice clean global routine which calls $session{'CurrentUser'}->loc() with whatever it's called with. If there is no $session{'CurrentUser'}, it creates a temporary user, so we have something to get a localisation handle through =cut sub loc { if ( $session{'CurrentUser'} && UNIVERSAL::can( $session{'CurrentUser'}, 'loc' ) ) { return ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->loc(@_) ); } elsif ( my $u = eval { RT::CurrentUser->new(); } ) { return ( $u->loc(@_) ); } else { # pathetic case -- SystemUser is gone. return $_[0]; } } # }}} # {{{ loc_fuzzy =head2 loc_fuzzy STRING loc_fuzzy is for handling localizations of messages that may already contain interpolated variables, typically returned from libraries outside RT's control. It takes the message string and extracts the variable array automatically by matching against the candidate entries inside the lexicon file. =cut sub loc_fuzzy { my $msg = shift; if ( $session{'CurrentUser'} && UNIVERSAL::can( $session{'CurrentUser'}, 'loc' ) ) { return ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->loc_fuzzy($msg) ); } else { my $u = RT::CurrentUser->new( $RT::SystemUser->Id ); return ( $u->loc_fuzzy($msg) ); } } # }}} # {{{ sub Abort # Error - calls Error and aborts sub Abort { my $why = shift; my %args = @_; if ( $session{'ErrorDocument'} && $session{'ErrorDocumentType'} ) { $r->content_type( $session{'ErrorDocumentType'} ); $m->comp( $session{'ErrorDocument'}, Why => $why, %args ); $m->abort; } else { $m->comp( "/Elements/Error", Why => $why, %args ); $m->abort; } } # }}} # {{{ sub CreateTicket =head2 CreateTicket ARGS Create a new ticket, using Mason's %ARGS. returns @results. =cut sub CreateTicket { my %ARGS = (@_); my (@Actions); my $Ticket = new RT::Ticket( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); my $Queue = new RT::Queue( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); unless ( $Queue->Load( $ARGS{'Queue'} ) ) { Abort('Queue not found'); } unless ( $Queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket') ) { Abort('You have no permission to create tickets in that queue.'); } my $due; if ( defined $ARGS{'Due'} and $ARGS{'Due'} =~ /\S/ ) { $due = new RT::Date( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $due->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGS{'Due'} ); } my $starts; if ( defined $ARGS{'Starts'} and $ARGS{'Starts'} =~ /\S/ ) { $starts = new RT::Date( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $starts->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGS{'Starts'} ); } my $sigless = RT::Interface::Web::StripContent( Content => $ARGS{Content}, ContentType => $ARGS{ContentType}, StripSignature => 1, CurrentUser => $session{'CurrentUser'}, ); my $MIMEObj = MakeMIMEEntity( Subject => $ARGS{'Subject'}, From => $ARGS{'From'}, Cc => $ARGS{'Cc'}, Body => $sigless, Type => $ARGS{'ContentType'}, ); if ( $ARGS{'Attachments'} ) { my $rv = $MIMEObj->make_multipart; $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't make multipart message") if !$rv || $rv !~ /^(?:DONE|ALREADY)$/; foreach ( values %{ $ARGS{'Attachments'} } ) { unless ($_) { $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't add empty attachemnt"); next; } $MIMEObj->add_part($_); } } foreach my $argument (qw(Encrypt Sign)) { $MIMEObj->head->add( "X-RT-$argument" => Encode::encode_utf8( $ARGS{$argument} ) ) if defined $ARGS{$argument}; } my %create_args = ( Type => $ARGS{'Type'} || 'ticket', Queue => $ARGS{'Queue'}, Owner => $ARGS{'Owner'}, # note: name change Requestor => $ARGS{'Requestors'}, Cc => $ARGS{'Cc'}, AdminCc => $ARGS{'AdminCc'}, InitialPriority => $ARGS{'InitialPriority'}, FinalPriority => $ARGS{'FinalPriority'}, TimeLeft => $ARGS{'TimeLeft'}, TimeEstimated => $ARGS{'TimeEstimated'}, TimeWorked => $ARGS{'TimeWorked'}, Subject => $ARGS{'Subject'}, Status => $ARGS{'Status'}, Due => $due ? $due->ISO : undef, Starts => $starts ? $starts->ISO : undef, MIMEObj => $MIMEObj ); my @temp_squelch; foreach my $type (qw(Requestor Cc AdminCc)) { push @temp_squelch, map $_->address, Email::Address->parse( $create_args{$type} ) if grep $_ eq $type || $_ eq ( $type . 's' ), @{ $ARGS{'SkipNotification'} || [] }; } if (@temp_squelch) { require RT::Action::SendEmail; RT::Action::SendEmail->SquelchMailTo( RT::Action::SendEmail->SquelchMailTo, @temp_squelch ); } if ( $ARGS{'AttachTickets'} ) { require RT::Action::SendEmail; RT::Action::SendEmail->AttachTickets( RT::Action::SendEmail->AttachTickets, ref $ARGS{'AttachTickets'} ? @{ $ARGS{'AttachTickets'} } : ( $ARGS{'AttachTickets'} ) ); } foreach my $arg ( keys %ARGS ) { next if $arg =~ /-(?:Magic|Category)$/; if ( $arg =~ /^Object-RT::Transaction--CustomField-/ ) { $create_args{$arg} = $ARGS{$arg}; } # Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-3-Values elsif ( $arg =~ /^Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-(\d+)/ ) { my $cfid = $1; my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $cf->Load($cfid); unless ( $cf->id ) { $RT::Logger->error( "Couldn't load custom field #" . $cfid ); next; } if ( $arg =~ /-Upload$/ ) { $create_args{"CustomField-$cfid"} = _UploadedFile($arg); next; } my $type = $cf->Type; my @values = (); if ( ref $ARGS{$arg} eq 'ARRAY' ) { @values = @{ $ARGS{$arg} }; } elsif ( $type =~ /text/i ) { @values = ( $ARGS{$arg} ); } else { no warnings 'uninitialized'; @values = split /\r*\n/, $ARGS{$arg}; } @values = grep length, map { s/\r+\n/\n/g; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } grep defined, @values; $create_args{"CustomField-$cfid"} = \@values; } } # turn new link lists into arrays, and pass in the proper arguments my %map = ( 'new-DependsOn' => 'DependsOn', 'DependsOn-new' => 'DependedOnBy', 'new-MemberOf' => 'Parents', 'MemberOf-new' => 'Children', 'new-RefersTo' => 'RefersTo', 'RefersTo-new' => 'ReferredToBy', ); foreach my $key ( keys %map ) { next unless $ARGS{$key}; $create_args{ $map{$key} } = [ grep $_, split ' ', $ARGS{$key} ]; } my ( $id, $Trans, $ErrMsg ) = $Ticket->Create(%create_args); unless ($id) { Abort($ErrMsg); } push( @Actions, split( "\n", $ErrMsg ) ); unless ( $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') ) { Abort( "No permission to view newly created ticket #" . $Ticket->id . "." ); } return ( $Ticket, @Actions ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LoadTicket - loads a ticket =head2 LoadTicket id Takes a ticket id as its only variable. if it's handed an array, it takes the first value. Returns an RT::Ticket object as the current user. =cut sub LoadTicket { my $id = shift; if ( ref($id) eq "ARRAY" ) { $id = $id->[0]; } unless ($id) { Abort("No ticket specified"); } my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $Ticket->Load($id); unless ( $Ticket->id ) { Abort("Could not load ticket $id"); } return $Ticket; } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessUpdateMessage =head2 ProcessUpdateMessage Takes paramhash with fields ARGSRef, TicketObj and SkipSignatureOnly. Don't write message if it only contains current user's signature and SkipSignatureOnly argument is true. Function anyway adds attachments and updates time worked field even if skips message. The default value is true. =cut sub ProcessUpdateMessage { my %args = ( ARGSRef => undef, TicketObj => undef, SkipSignatureOnly => 1, @_ ); if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} && !keys %{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} } ) { delete $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'}; } # Strip the signature $args{ARGSRef}->{UpdateContent} = RT::Interface::Web::StripContent( Content => $args{ARGSRef}->{UpdateContent}, ContentType => $args{ARGSRef}->{UpdateContentType}, StripSignature => $args{SkipSignatureOnly}, CurrentUser => $args{'TicketObj'}->CurrentUser, ); # If, after stripping the signature, we have no message, move the # UpdateTimeWorked into adjusted TimeWorked, so that a later # ProcessBasics can deal -- then bail out. if ( not $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} and not length $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContent'} ) { if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'} ) { $args{ARGSRef}->{TimeWorked} = $args{TicketObj}->TimeWorked + delete $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'}; } return; } if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'} eq $args{'TicketObj'}->Subject ) { $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'} = undef; } my $Message = MakeMIMEEntity( Subject => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'}, Body => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContent'}, Type => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContentType'}, ); $Message->head->add( 'Message-ID' => Encode::encode_utf8( RT::Interface::Email::GenMessageId( Ticket => $args{'TicketObj'} ) ) ); my $old_txn = RT::Transaction->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'QuoteTransaction'} ) { $old_txn->Load( $args{ARGSRef}->{'QuoteTransaction'} ); } else { $old_txn = $args{TicketObj}->Transactions->First(); } if ( my $msg = $old_txn->Message->First ) { RT::Interface::Email::SetInReplyTo( Message => $Message, InReplyTo => $msg ); } if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} ) { $Message->make_multipart; $Message->add_part($_) foreach values %{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'} }; } if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} ) { require RT::Action::SendEmail; RT::Action::SendEmail->AttachTickets( RT::Action::SendEmail->AttachTickets, ref $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} ? @{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} } : ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'AttachTickets'} ) ); } my $bcc = $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateBcc'}; my $cc = $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateCc'}; my %message_args = ( CcMessageTo => $cc, BccMessageTo => $bcc, Sign => $args{ARGSRef}->{'Sign'}, Encrypt => $args{ARGSRef}->{'Encrypt'}, MIMEObj => $Message, TimeTaken => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'} ); my @temp_squelch; foreach my $type (qw(Cc AdminCc)) { if (grep $_ eq $type || $_ eq ( $type . 's' ), @{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'SkipNotification'} || [] }) { push @temp_squelch, map $_->address, Email::Address->parse( $message_args{$type} ); push @temp_squelch, $args{TicketObj}->$type->MemberEmailAddresses; push @temp_squelch, $args{TicketObj}->QueueObj->$type->MemberEmailAddresses; } } if (grep $_ eq 'Requestor' || $_ eq 'Requestors', @{ $args{ARGSRef}->{'SkipNotification'} || [] }) { push @temp_squelch, map $_->address, Email::Address->parse( $message_args{Requestor} ); push @temp_squelch, $args{TicketObj}->Requestors->MemberEmailAddresses; } if (@temp_squelch) { require RT::Action::SendEmail; RT::Action::SendEmail->SquelchMailTo( RT::Action::SendEmail->SquelchMailTo, @temp_squelch ); } unless ( $args{'ARGSRef'}->{'UpdateIgnoreAddressCheckboxes'} ) { foreach my $key ( keys %{ $args{ARGSRef} } ) { next unless $key =~ /^Update(Cc|Bcc)-(.*)$/; my $var = ucfirst($1) . 'MessageTo'; my $value = $2; if ( $message_args{$var} ) { $message_args{$var} .= ", $value"; } else { $message_args{$var} = $value; } } } my @results; if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateType'} =~ /^(private|public)$/ ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description, $Object ) = $args{TicketObj}->Comment(%message_args); push( @results, $Description ); $Object->UpdateCustomFields( ARGSRef => $args{ARGSRef} ) if $Object; } elsif ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateType'} eq 'response' ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description, $Object ) = $args{TicketObj}->Correspond(%message_args); push( @results, $Description ); $Object->UpdateCustomFields( ARGSRef => $args{ARGSRef} ) if $Object; } else { push( @results, loc("Update type was neither correspondence nor comment.") . " " . loc("Update not recorded.") ); } return @results; } # }}} # {{{ sub MakeMIMEEntity =head2 MakeMIMEEntity PARAMHASH Takes a paramhash Subject, Body and AttachmentFieldName. Also takes Form, Cc and Type as optional paramhash keys. Returns a MIME::Entity. =cut sub MakeMIMEEntity { #TODO document what else this takes. my %args = ( Subject => undef, From => undef, Cc => undef, Body => undef, AttachmentFieldName => undef, Type => undef, @_, ); my $Message = MIME::Entity->build( Type => 'multipart/mixed', map { $_ => Encode::encode_utf8( $args{ $_} ) } grep defined $args{$_}, qw(Subject From Cc) ); if ( defined $args{'Body'} && length $args{'Body'} ) { # Make the update content have no 'weird' newlines in it $args{'Body'} =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs; $Message->attach( Type => $args{'Type'} || 'text/plain', Charset => 'UTF-8', Data => $args{'Body'}, ); } if ( $args{'AttachmentFieldName'} ) { my $cgi_object = $m->cgi_object; if ( my $filehandle = $cgi_object->upload( $args{'AttachmentFieldName'} ) ) { my ( @content, $buffer ); while ( my $bytesread = read( $filehandle, $buffer, 4096 ) ) { push @content, $buffer; } my $uploadinfo = $cgi_object->uploadInfo($filehandle); # Prefer the cached name first over CGI.pm stringification. my $filename = $RT::Mason::CGI::Filename; $filename = "$filehandle" unless defined $filename; $filename = Encode::encode_utf8( $filename ); $filename =~ s{^.*[\\/]}{}; $Message->attach( Type => $uploadinfo->{'Content-Type'}, Filename => $filename, Data => \@content, ); if ( !$args{'Subject'} && !( defined $args{'Body'} && length $args{'Body'} ) ) { $Message->head->set( 'Subject' => $filename ); } } } $Message->make_singlepart; RT::I18N::SetMIMEEntityToUTF8($Message); # convert text parts into utf-8 return ($Message); } # }}} # {{{ sub ParseDateToISO =head2 ParseDateToISO Takes a date in an arbitrary format. Returns an ISO date and time in GMT =cut sub ParseDateToISO { my $date = shift; my $date_obj = RT::Date->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $date_obj->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $date ); return ( $date_obj->ISO ); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessACLChanges sub ProcessACLChanges { my $ARGSref = shift; my @results; foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSref ) { next unless ( $arg =~ /^(GrantRight|RevokeRight)-(\d+)-(.+?)-(\d+)$/ ); my ( $method, $principal_id, $object_type, $object_id ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ); my @rights; if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $ARGSref->{$arg}, 'ARRAY' ) ) { @rights = @{ $ARGSref->{$arg} }; } else { @rights = $ARGSref->{$arg}; } @rights = grep $_, @rights; next unless @rights; my $principal = RT::Principal->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $principal->Load($principal_id); my $obj; if ( $object_type eq 'RT::System' ) { $obj = $RT::System; } elsif ( $RT::ACE::OBJECT_TYPES{$object_type} ) { $obj = $object_type->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $obj->Load($object_id); unless ( $obj->id ) { $RT::Logger->error("couldn't load $object_type #$object_id"); next; } } else { $RT::Logger->error("object type '$object_type' is incorrect"); push( @results, loc("System Error") . ': ' . loc( "Rights could not be granted for [_1]", $object_type ) ); next; } foreach my $right (@rights) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $principal->$method( Object => $obj, Right => $right ); push( @results, $msg ); } } return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub UpdateRecordObj =head2 UpdateRecordObj ( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Object => RT::Record, AttributesRef => \@attribs) @attribs is a list of ticket fields to check and update if they differ from the B's current values. ARGSRef is a ref to HTML::Mason's %ARGS. Returns an array of success/failure messages =cut sub UpdateRecordObject { my %args = ( ARGSRef => undef, AttributesRef => undef, Object => undef, AttributePrefix => undef, @_ ); my $Object = $args{'Object'}; my @results = $Object->Update( AttributesRef => $args{'AttributesRef'}, ARGSRef => $args{'ARGSRef'}, AttributePrefix => $args{'AttributePrefix'}, ); return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ Sub ProcessCustomFieldUpdates sub ProcessCustomFieldUpdates { my %args = ( CustomFieldObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Object = $args{'CustomFieldObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my @attribs = qw(Name Type Description Queue SortOrder); my @results = UpdateRecordObject( AttributesRef => \@attribs, Object => $Object, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef ); my $prefix = "CustomField-" . $Object->Id; if ( $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-AddValue-Name"} ) { my ( $addval, $addmsg ) = $Object->AddValue( Name => $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-AddValue-Name"}, Description => $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-AddValue-Description"}, SortOrder => $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-AddValue-SortOrder"}, ); push( @results, $addmsg ); } my @delete_values = ( ref $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-DeleteValue"} eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @{ $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-DeleteValue"} } : ( $ARGSRef->{"$prefix-DeleteValue"} ); foreach my $id (@delete_values) { next unless defined $id; my ( $err, $msg ) = $Object->DeleteValue($id); push( @results, $msg ); } my $vals = $Object->Values(); while ( my $cfv = $vals->Next() ) { if ( my $so = $ARGSRef->{ "$prefix-SortOrder" . $cfv->Id } ) { if ( $cfv->SortOrder != $so ) { my ( $err, $msg ) = $cfv->SetSortOrder($so); push( @results, $msg ); } } } return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketBasics =head2 ProcessTicketBasics ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketBasics { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $TicketObj = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; # {{{ Set basic fields my @attribs = qw( Subject FinalPriority Priority TimeEstimated TimeWorked TimeLeft Type Status Queue ); if ( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} and ( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} !~ /^(\d+)$/ ) ) { my $tempqueue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser); $tempqueue->Load( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} ); if ( $tempqueue->id ) { $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} = $tempqueue->id; } } # Status isn't a field that can be set to a null value. # RT core complains if you try delete $ARGSRef->{'Status'} unless $ARGSRef->{'Status'}; my @results = UpdateRecordObject( AttributesRef => \@attribs, Object => $TicketObj, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef, ); # We special case owner changing, so we can use ForceOwnerChange if ( $ARGSRef->{'Owner'} && ( $TicketObj->Owner != $ARGSRef->{'Owner'} ) ) { my ($ChownType); if ( $ARGSRef->{'ForceOwnerChange'} ) { $ChownType = "Force"; } else { $ChownType = "Give"; } my ( $val, $msg ) = $TicketObj->SetOwner( $ARGSRef->{'Owner'}, $ChownType ); push( @results, $msg ); } # }}} return (@results); } # }}} sub ProcessTicketCustomFieldUpdates { my %args = @_; $args{'Object'} = delete $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = { %{ $args{'ARGSRef'} } }; # Build up a list of objects that we want to work with my %custom_fields_to_mod; foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { if ( $arg =~ /^Ticket-(\d+-.*)/ ) { $ARGSRef->{"Object-RT::Ticket-$1"} = delete $ARGSRef->{$arg}; } elsif ( $arg =~ /^CustomField-(\d+-.*)/ ) { $ARGSRef->{"Object-RT::Ticket--$1"} = delete $ARGSRef->{$arg}; } } return ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates( %args, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef ); } sub ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates { my %args = @_; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my @results; # Build up a list of objects that we want to work with my %custom_fields_to_mod; foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { # format: Object---CustomField-- next unless $arg =~ /^Object-([\w:]+)-(\d*)-CustomField-(\d+)-(.*)$/; # For each of those objects, find out what custom fields we want to work with. $custom_fields_to_mod{$1}{ $2 || 0 }{$3}{$4} = $ARGSRef->{$arg}; } # For each of those objects foreach my $class ( keys %custom_fields_to_mod ) { foreach my $id ( keys %{ $custom_fields_to_mod{$class} } ) { my $Object = $args{'Object'}; $Object = $class->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ) unless $Object && ref $Object eq $class; $Object->Load($id) unless ( $Object->id || 0 ) == $id; unless ( $Object->id ) { $RT::Logger->warning("Couldn't load object $class #$id"); next; } foreach my $cf ( keys %{ $custom_fields_to_mod{$class}{$id} } ) { my $CustomFieldObj = RT::CustomField->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $CustomFieldObj->LoadById($cf); unless ( $CustomFieldObj->id ) { $RT::Logger->warning("Couldn't load custom field #$cf"); next; } push @results, _ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates( Prefix => "Object-$class-$id-CustomField-$cf-", Object => $Object, CustomField => $CustomFieldObj, ARGS => $custom_fields_to_mod{$class}{$id}{$cf}, ); } } } return @results; } sub _ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates { my %args = @_; my $cf = $args{'CustomField'}; my $cf_type = $cf->Type; # Remove blank Values since the magic field will take care of this. Sometimes # the browser gives you a blank value which causes CFs to be processed twice if ( defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'} && !length $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'} && $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values-Magic'} ) { delete $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'}; } my @results; foreach my $arg ( keys %{ $args{'ARGS'} } ) { # skip category argument next if $arg eq 'Category'; # since http won't pass in a form element with a null value, we need # to fake it if ( $arg eq 'Values-Magic' ) { # We don't care about the magic, if there's really a values element; next if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Value'} && length $args{'ARGS'}->{'Value'}; next if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'} && length $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'}; # "Empty" values does not mean anything for Image and Binary fields next if $cf_type =~ /^(?:Image|Binary)$/; $arg = 'Values'; $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'} = undef; } my @values = (); if ( ref $args{'ARGS'}->{$arg} eq 'ARRAY' ) { @values = @{ $args{'ARGS'}->{$arg} }; } elsif ( $cf_type =~ /text/i ) { # Both Text and Wikitext @values = ( $args{'ARGS'}->{$arg} ); } else { @values = split /\r*\n/, $args{'ARGS'}->{$arg} if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{$arg}; } @values = grep length, map { s/\r+\n/\n/g; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } grep defined, @values; if ( $arg eq 'AddValue' || $arg eq 'Value' ) { foreach my $value (@values) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf->id, Value => $value ); push( @results, $msg ); } } elsif ( $arg eq 'Upload' ) { my $value_hash = _UploadedFile( $args{'Prefix'} . $arg ) or next; my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->AddCustomFieldValue( %$value_hash, Field => $cf, ); push( @results, $msg ); } elsif ( $arg eq 'DeleteValues' ) { foreach my $value (@values) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value, ); push( @results, $msg ); } } elsif ( $arg eq 'DeleteValueIds' ) { foreach my $value (@values) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, ValueId => $value, ); push( @results, $msg ); } } elsif ( $arg eq 'Values' && !$cf->Repeated ) { my $cf_values = $args{'Object'}->CustomFieldValues( $cf->id ); my %values_hash; foreach my $value (@values) { if ( my $entry = $cf_values->HasEntry($value) ) { $values_hash{ $entry->id } = 1; next; } my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value ); push( @results, $msg ); $values_hash{$val} = 1 if $val; } # For Date Cfs, @values is empty when there is no changes (no datas in form input) return @results if ( $cf->Type eq 'Date' && ! @values ); $cf_values->RedoSearch; while ( my $cf_value = $cf_values->Next ) { next if $values_hash{ $cf_value->id }; my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, ValueId => $cf_value->id ); push( @results, $msg ); } } elsif ( $arg eq 'Values' ) { my $cf_values = $args{'Object'}->CustomFieldValues( $cf->id ); # keep everything up to the point of difference, delete the rest my $delete_flag; foreach my $old_cf ( @{ $cf_values->ItemsArrayRef } ) { if ( !$delete_flag and @values and $old_cf->Content eq $values[0] ) { shift @values; next; } $delete_flag ||= 1; $old_cf->Delete; } # now add/replace extra things, if any foreach my $value (@values) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $args{'Object'}->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value ); push( @results, $msg ); } } else { push( @results, loc("User asked for an unknown update type for custom field [_1] for [_2] object #[_3]", $cf->Name, ref $args{'Object'}, $args{'Object'}->id ) ); } } return @results; } # {{{ sub ProcessTicketWatchers =head2 ProcessTicketWatchers ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketWatchers { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my (@results); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; # Munge watchers foreach my $key ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { # Delete deletable watchers if ( $key =~ /^Ticket-DeleteWatcher-Type-(.*)-Principal-(\d+)$/ ) { my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteWatcher( PrincipalId => $2, Type => $1 ); push @results, $msg; } # Delete watchers in the simple style demanded by the bulk manipulator elsif ( $key =~ /^Delete(Requestor|Cc|AdminCc)$/ ) { my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteWatcher( Email => $ARGSRef->{$key}, Type => $1 ); push @results, $msg; } # Add new wathchers by email address elsif ( ( $ARGSRef->{$key} || '' ) =~ /^(?:AdminCc|Cc|Requestor)$/ and $key =~ /^WatcherTypeEmail(\d*)$/ ) { #They're in this order because otherwise $1 gets clobbered :/ my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $ARGSRef->{$key}, Email => $ARGSRef->{ "WatcherAddressEmail" . $1 } ); push @results, $msg; } #Add requestors in the simple style demanded by the bulk manipulator elsif ( $key =~ /^Add(Requestor|Cc|AdminCc)$/ ) { my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $1, Email => $ARGSRef->{$key} ); push @results, $msg; } # Add new watchers by owner elsif ( $key =~ /^Ticket-AddWatcher-Principal-(\d*)$/ ) { my $principal_id = $1; my $form = $ARGSRef->{$key}; foreach my $value ( ref($form) ? @{$form} : ($form) ) { next unless $value =~ /^(?:AdminCc|Cc|Requestor)$/i; my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $value, PrincipalId => $principal_id ); push @results, $msg; } } } return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketDates =head2 ProcessTicketDates ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketDates { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my (@results); # {{{ Set date fields my @date_fields = qw( Told Resolved Starts Started Due ); #Run through each field in this list. update the value if apropriate foreach my $field (@date_fields) { next unless exists $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' }; next if $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' } eq ''; my ( $code, $msg ); my $DateObj = RT::Date->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $DateObj->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' } ); my $obj = $field . "Obj"; if ( ( defined $DateObj->Unix ) and ( $DateObj->Unix != $Ticket->$obj()->Unix() ) ) { my $method = "Set$field"; my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method( $DateObj->ISO ); push @results, "$msg"; } } # }}} return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketLinks =head2 ProcessTicketLinks ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketLinks { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my (@results) = ProcessRecordLinks( RecordObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef ); #Merge if we need to if ( $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-MergeInto" } ) { $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-MergeInto" } =~ s/\s+//g; my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->MergeInto( $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-MergeInto" } ); push @results, $msg; } return (@results); } # }}} sub ProcessRecordLinks { my %args = ( RecordObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Record = $args{'RecordObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my (@results); # Delete links that are gone gone gone. foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { if ( $arg =~ /DeleteLink-(.*?)-(DependsOn|MemberOf|RefersTo)-(.*)$/ ) { my $base = $1; my $type = $2; my $target = $3; my ( $val, $msg ) = $Record->DeleteLink( Base => $base, Type => $type, Target => $target ); push @results, $msg; } } my @linktypes = qw( DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo ); foreach my $linktype (@linktypes) { if ( $ARGSRef->{ $Record->Id . "-$linktype" } ) { $ARGSRef->{ $Record->Id . "-$linktype" } = join( ' ', @{ $ARGSRef->{ $Record->Id . "-$linktype" } } ) if ref( $ARGSRef->{ $Record->Id . "-$linktype" } ); for my $luri ( split( / /, $ARGSRef->{ $Record->Id . "-$linktype" } ) ) { next unless $luri; $luri =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace my ( $val, $msg ) = $Record->AddLink( Target => $luri, Type => $linktype ); push @results, $msg; } } if ( $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Record->Id } ) { $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Record->Id } = join( ' ', @{ $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Record->Id } } ) if ref( $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Record->Id } ); for my $luri ( split( / /, $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Record->Id } ) ) { next unless $luri; my ( $val, $msg ) = $Record->AddLink( Base => $luri, Type => $linktype ); push @results, $msg; } } } return (@results); } =head2 _UploadedFile ( $arg ); Takes a CGI parameter name; if a file is uploaded under that name, return a hash reference suitable for AddCustomFieldValue's use: C<( Value => $filename, LargeContent => $content, ContentType => $type )>. Returns C if no files were uploaded in the C<$arg> field. =cut sub _UploadedFile { my $arg = shift; my $cgi_object = $m->cgi_object; my $fh = $cgi_object->upload($arg) or return undef; my $upload_info = $cgi_object->uploadInfo($fh); my $filename = "$fh"; $filename =~ s#^.*[\\/]##; binmode($fh); return { Value => $filename, LargeContent => do { local $/; scalar <$fh> }, ContentType => $upload_info->{'Content-Type'}, }; } sub GetColumnMapEntry { my %args = ( Map => {}, Name => '', Attribute => undef, @_ ); # deal with the simplest thing first if ( $args{'Map'}{ $args{'Name'} } ) { return $args{'Map'}{ $args{'Name'} }{ $args{'Attribute'} }; } # complex things elsif ( my ( $mainkey, $subkey ) = $args{'Name'} =~ /^(.*?)\.{(.+)}$/ ) { return undef unless $args{'Map'}->{$mainkey}; return $args{'Map'}{$mainkey}{ $args{'Attribute'} } unless ref $args{'Map'}{$mainkey}{ $args{'Attribute'} } eq 'CODE'; return sub { $args{'Map'}{$mainkey}{ $args{'Attribute'} }->( @_, $subkey ) }; } return undef; } sub ProcessColumnMapValue { my $value = shift; my %args = ( Arguments => [], Escape => 1, @_ ); if ( ref $value ) { if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'CODE' ) ) { my @tmp = $value->( @{ $args{'Arguments'} } ); return ProcessColumnMapValue( ( @tmp > 1 ? \@tmp : $tmp[0] ), %args ); } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'ARRAY' ) ) { return join '', map ProcessColumnMapValue( $_, %args ), @$value; } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'SCALAR' ) ) { return $$value; } } return $m->interp->apply_escapes( $value, 'h' ) if $args{'Escape'}; return $value; } =head2 _load_container_object ( $type, $id ); Instantiate container object for saving searches. =cut sub _load_container_object { my ( $obj_type, $obj_id ) = @_; return RT::SavedSearch->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} )->_load_privacy_object( $obj_type, $obj_id ); } =head2 _parse_saved_search ( $arg ); Given a serialization string for saved search, and returns the container object and the search id. =cut sub _parse_saved_search { my $spec = shift; return unless $spec; if ( $spec !~ /^(.*?)-(\d+)-SavedSearch-(\d+)$/ ) { return; } my $obj_type = $1; my $obj_id = $2; my $search_id = $3; return ( _load_container_object( $obj_type, $obj_id ), $search_id ); } eval "require RT::Interface::Web_Vendor"; die $@ if ( $@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Interface/Web_Vendor.pm} ); eval "require RT::Interface::Web_Local"; die $@ if ( $@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Interface/Web_Local.pm} ); 1;