# BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK # # Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent # # (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices) # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or # extensions to this work which alter its source code become the # property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for # inclusion in the work. # # # END LICENSE BLOCK ## Portions Copyright 2000 Tobias Brox ## This is a library of static subs to be used by the Mason web ## interface to RT =head1 NAME RT::Interface::Web =begin testing use_ok(RT::Interface::Web); =end testing =cut package RT::Interface::Web; use strict; # {{{ sub NewApacheHandler =head2 NewApacheHandler Takes extra options to pass to HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler->new Returns a new Mason::ApacheHandler object =cut sub NewApacheHandler { require HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler; my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler( comp_root => [ [ local => $RT::MasonLocalComponentRoot ], [ standard => $RT::MasonComponentRoot ] ], args_method => "CGI", default_escape_flags => 'h', allow_globals => [qw(%session)], data_dir => "$RT::MasonDataDir", autoflush => 1, @_ ); $ah->interp->set_escape( h => \&RT::Interface::Web::EscapeUTF8 ); return ($ah); } # }}} # {{{ sub NewCGIHandler =head2 NewCGIHandler Returns a new Mason::CGIHandler object =cut sub NewCGIHandler { my %args = ( @_ ); my $handler = HTML::Mason::CGIHandler->new( comp_root => [ [ local => $RT::MasonLocalComponentRoot ], [ standard => $RT::MasonComponentRoot ] ], data_dir => "$RT::MasonDataDir", default_escape_flags => 'h', allow_globals => [qw(%session)], autoflush => 1, @_ ); $handler->interp->set_escape( h => \&RT::Interface::Web::EscapeUTF8 ); return ($handler); } # }}} # {{{ EscapeUTF8 =head2 EscapeUTF8 SCALARREF does a css-busting but minimalist escaping of whatever html you're passing in. =cut sub EscapeUTF8 { my $ref = shift; my $val = $$ref; use bytes; $val =~ s/&/&/g; $val =~ s//>/g; $val =~ s/\(/(/g; $val =~ s/\)/)/g; $val =~ s/"/"/g; $val =~ s/'/'/g; $$ref = $val; Encode::_utf8_on($$ref); } # }}} # {{{ WebCanonicalizeInfo =head2 WebCanonicalizeInfo(); Different web servers set different environmental varibles. This function must return something suitable for REMOTE_USER. By default, just downcase $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} =cut sub WebCanonicalizeInfo { my $user; if ( defined $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ) { $user = lc ( $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ) if( length($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}) ); } return $user; } # }}} # {{{ WebExternalAutoInfo =head2 WebExternalAutoInfo($user); Returns a hash of user attributes, used when WebExternalAuto is set. =cut sub WebExternalAutoInfo { my $user = shift; my %user_info; $user_info{'Privileged'} = 1; if ($^O !~ /^(?:riscos|MacOS|MSWin32|dos|os2)$/) { # Populate fields with information from Unix /etc/passwd my ($comments, $realname) = (getpwnam($user))[5, 6]; $user_info{'Comments'} = $comments if defined $comments; $user_info{'RealName'} = $realname if defined $realname; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval 'use Net::AdminMisc; 1') { # Populate fields with information from NT domain controller } # and return the wad of stuff return {%user_info}; } # }}} package HTML::Mason::Commands; use strict; use vars qw/$r $m %session/; # {{{ loc =head2 loc ARRAY loc is a nice clean global routine which calls $session{'CurrentUser'}->loc() with whatever it's called with. If there is no $session{'CurrentUser'}, it creates a temporary user, so we have something to get a localisation handle through =cut sub loc { if ($session{'CurrentUser'} && UNIVERSAL::can($session{'CurrentUser'}, 'loc')){ return($session{'CurrentUser'}->loc(@_)); } elsif ( my $u = eval { RT::CurrentUser->new($RT::SystemUser->Id) } ) { return ($u->loc(@_)); } else { # pathetic case -- SystemUser is gone. return $_[0]; } } # }}} # {{{ loc_fuzzy =head2 loc_fuzzy STRING loc_fuzzy is for handling localizations of messages that may already contain interpolated variables, typically returned from libraries outside RT's control. It takes the message string and extracts the variable array automatically by matching against the candidate entries inside the lexicon file. =cut sub loc_fuzzy { my $msg = shift; if ($session{'CurrentUser'} && UNIVERSAL::can($session{'CurrentUser'}, 'loc')){ return($session{'CurrentUser'}->loc_fuzzy($msg)); } else { my $u = RT::CurrentUser->new($RT::SystemUser->Id); return ($u->loc_fuzzy($msg)); } } # }}} # {{{ sub Abort # Error - calls Error and aborts sub Abort { if ($session{'ErrorDocument'} && $session{'ErrorDocumentType'}) { $r->content_type($session{'ErrorDocumentType'}); $m->comp($session{'ErrorDocument'} , Why => shift); $m->abort; } else { $m->comp("/Elements/Error" , Why => shift); $m->abort; } } # }}} # {{{ sub CreateTicket =head2 CreateTicket ARGS Create a new ticket, using Mason's %ARGS. returns @results. =cut sub CreateTicket { my %ARGS = (@_); my (@Actions); my $Ticket = new RT::Ticket( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); my $Queue = new RT::Queue( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); unless ( $Queue->Load( $ARGS{'Queue'} ) ) { Abort('Queue not found'); } unless ( $Queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket') ) { Abort('You have no permission to create tickets in that queue.'); } my $due = new RT::Date( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $due->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGS{'Due'} ); my $starts = new RT::Date( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $starts->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGS{'Starts'} ); my @Requestors = split ( /\s*,\s*/, $ARGS{'Requestors'} ); my @Cc = split ( /\s*,\s*/, $ARGS{'Cc'} ); my @AdminCc = split ( /\s*,\s*/, $ARGS{'AdminCc'} ); my $MIMEObj = MakeMIMEEntity( Subject => $ARGS{'Subject'}, From => $ARGS{'From'}, Cc => $ARGS{'Cc'}, Body => $ARGS{'Content'}, ); if ($ARGS{'Attachments'}) { $MIMEObj->make_multipart; $MIMEObj->add_part($_) foreach values %{$ARGS{'Attachments'}}; } my %create_args = ( Queue => $ARGS{'Queue'}, Owner => $ARGS{'Owner'}, InitialPriority => $ARGS{'InitialPriority'}, FinalPriority => $ARGS{'FinalPriority'}, TimeLeft => $ARGS{'TimeLeft'}, TimeEstimated => $ARGS{'TimeEstimated'}, TimeWorked => $ARGS{'TimeWorked'}, Requestor => \@Requestors, Cc => \@Cc, AdminCc => \@AdminCc, Subject => $ARGS{'Subject'}, Status => $ARGS{'Status'}, Due => $due->ISO, Starts => $starts->ISO, MIMEObj => $MIMEObj ); foreach my $arg (%ARGS) { if ($arg =~ /^CustomField-(\d+)(.*?)$/) { next if ($arg =~ /-Magic$/); $create_args{"CustomField-".$1} = $ARGS{"$arg"}; } } my ( $id, $Trans, $ErrMsg ) = $Ticket->Create(%create_args); unless ( $id && $Trans ) { Abort($ErrMsg); } my @linktypes = qw( DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo ); foreach my $linktype (@linktypes) { foreach my $luri ( split ( / /, $ARGS{"new-$linktype"} ) ) { $luri =~ s/\s*$//; # Strip trailing whitespace my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddLink( Target => $luri, Type => $linktype ); push ( @Actions, $msg ) unless ($val); } foreach my $luri ( split ( / /, $ARGS{"$linktype-new"} ) ) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddLink( Base => $luri, Type => $linktype ); push ( @Actions, $msg ) unless ($val); } } push ( @Actions, split("\n", $ErrMsg) ); unless ( $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') ) { Abort( "No permission to view newly created ticket #" . $Ticket->id . "." ); } return ( $Ticket, @Actions ); } # }}} # {{{ sub LoadTicket - loads a ticket =head2 LoadTicket id Takes a ticket id as its only variable. if it's handed an array, it takes the first value. Returns an RT::Ticket object as the current user. =cut sub LoadTicket { my $id = shift; if ( ref($id) eq "ARRAY" ) { $id = $id->[0]; } unless ($id) { Abort("No ticket specified"); } my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $Ticket->Load($id); unless ( $Ticket->id ) { Abort("Could not load ticket $id"); } return $Ticket; } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessUpdateMessage sub ProcessUpdateMessage { #TODO document what else this takes. my %args = ( ARGSRef => undef, Actions => undef, TicketObj => undef, @_ ); #Make the update content have no 'weird' newlines in it if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'} || $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContent'} || $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'}) { if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'} eq $args{'TicketObj'}->Subject() ) { $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'} = undef; } my $Message = MakeMIMEEntity( Subject => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateSubject'}, Body => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateContent'}, ); if ($args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'}) { $Message->make_multipart; $Message->add_part($_) foreach values %{$args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateAttachments'}}; } ## TODO: Implement public comments if ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateType'} =~ /^(private|public)$/ ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description ) = $args{TicketObj}->Comment( CcMessageTo => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateCc'}, BccMessageTo => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateBcc'}, MIMEObj => $Message, TimeTaken => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'} ); push ( @{ $args{Actions} }, $Description ); } elsif ( $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateType'} eq 'response' ) { my ( $Transaction, $Description ) = $args{TicketObj}->Correspond( CcMessageTo => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateCc'}, BccMessageTo => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateBcc'}, MIMEObj => $Message, TimeTaken => $args{ARGSRef}->{'UpdateTimeWorked'} ); push ( @{ $args{Actions} }, $Description ); } else { push ( @{ $args{'Actions'} }, loc("Update type was neither correspondence nor comment."). " ". loc("Update not recorded.") ); } } } # }}} # {{{ sub MakeMIMEEntity =head2 MakeMIMEEntity PARAMHASH Takes a paramhash Subject, Body and AttachmentFieldName. Returns a MIME::Entity. =cut sub MakeMIMEEntity { #TODO document what else this takes. my %args = ( Subject => undef, From => undef, Cc => undef, Body => undef, AttachmentFieldName => undef, # map Encode::encode_utf8($_), @_, @_, ); #Make the update content have no 'weird' newlines in it $args{'Body'} =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs; my $Message; { # MIME::Head is not happy in utf-8 domain. This only happens # when processing an incoming email (so far observed). no utf8; use bytes; $Message = MIME::Entity->build( Subject => $args{'Subject'} || "", From => $args{'From'}, Cc => $args{'Cc'}, Charset => 'utf8', Data => [ $args{'Body'} ] ); } my $cgi_object = $m->cgi_object; if (my $filehandle = $cgi_object->upload( $args{'AttachmentFieldName'} ) ) { use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir); #foreach my $filehandle (@filenames) { my ( $fh, $temp_file ); for ( 1 .. 10 ) { # on NFS and NTFS, it is possible that tempfile() conflicts # with other processes, causing a race condition. we try to # accommodate this by pausing and retrying. last if ($fh, $temp_file) = eval { tempfile( UNLINK => 1) }; sleep 1; } binmode $fh; #thank you, windows my ($buffer); while ( my $bytesread = read( $filehandle, $buffer, 4096 ) ) { print $fh $buffer; } my $uploadinfo = $cgi_object->uploadInfo($filehandle); # Prefer the cached name first over CGI.pm stringification. my $filename = $RT::Mason::CGI::Filename; $filename = "$filehandle" unless defined($filename); $filename =~ s#^.*[\\/]##; $Message->attach( Path => $temp_file, Filename => Encode::decode_utf8($filename), Type => $uploadinfo->{'Content-Type'}, ); close($fh); # } } $Message->make_singlepart(); RT::I18N::SetMIMEEntityToUTF8($Message); # convert text parts into utf-8 return ($Message); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessSearchQuery =head2 ProcessSearchQuery Takes a form such as the one filled out in webrt/Search/Elements/PickRestriction and turns it into something that RT::Tickets can understand. TODO Doc exactly what comes in the paramhash =cut sub ProcessSearchQuery { my %args = @_; ## TODO: The only parameter here is %ARGS. Maybe it would be ## cleaner to load this parameter as $ARGS, and use $ARGS->{...} ## instead of $args{ARGS}->{...} ? :) #Searches are sticky. if ( defined $session{'tickets'} ) { # Reset the old search $session{'tickets'}->GotoFirstItem; } else { # Init a new search $session{'tickets'} = RT::Tickets->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); } #Import a bookmarked search if we have one if ( defined $args{ARGS}->{'Bookmark'} ) { $session{'tickets'}->ThawLimits( $args{ARGS}->{'Bookmark'} ); } # {{{ Goto next/prev page if ( $args{ARGS}->{'GotoPage'} eq 'Next' ) { $session{'tickets'}->NextPage; } elsif ( $args{ARGS}->{'GotoPage'} eq 'Prev' ) { $session{'tickets'}->PrevPage; } elsif ( $args{ARGS}->{'GotoPage'} > 0 ) { $session{'tickets'}->GotoPage( $args{ARGS}->{GotoPage} - 1 ); } # }}} # {{{ Deal with limiting the search if ( $args{ARGS}->{'RefreshSearchInterval'} ) { $session{'tickets_refresh_interval'} = $args{ARGS}->{'RefreshSearchInterval'}; } if ( $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortBy'} ) { $session{'tickets_sort_by'} = $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortBy'}; $session{'tickets_sort_order'} = $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortOrder'}; $session{'tickets'}->OrderBy( FIELD => $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortBy'}, ORDER => $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortOrder'} ); } # }}} # {{{ Set the query limit if ( defined $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'} ) { $RT::Logger->debug( "limiting to " . $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'} . " rows" ); $session{'tickets_rows_per_page'} = $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'}; $session{'tickets'}->RowsPerPage( $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'} ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit priority if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfPriority'} ne '' ) { $session{'tickets'}->LimitPriority( VALUE => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfPriority'}, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'PriorityOp'} ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit owner if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfOwner'} ne '' ) { $session{'tickets'}->LimitOwner( VALUE => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfOwner'}, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'OwnerOp'} ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit requestor email if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfWatcherRole'} ne '' ) { $session{'tickets'}->LimitWatcher( TYPE => $args{ARGS}->{'WatcherRole'}, VALUE => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfWatcherRole'}, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'WatcherRoleOp'}, ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit Queue if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfQueue'} ne '' ) { $session{'tickets'}->LimitQueue( VALUE => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfQueue'}, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'QueueOp'} ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit Status if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'} ne '' ) { if ( ref( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'} ) ) { foreach my $value ( @{ $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'} } ) { $session{'tickets'}->LimitStatus( VALUE => $value, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'StatusOp'}, ); } } else { $session{'tickets'}->LimitStatus( VALUE => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'}, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'StatusOp'}, ); } } # }}} # {{{ Limit Subject if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfSubject'} ne '' ) { my $val = $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfSubject'}; if ($args{ARGS}->{'SubjectOp'} =~ /like/) { $val = "%".$val."%"; } $session{'tickets'}->LimitSubject( VALUE => $val, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'SubjectOp'}, ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit Dates if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfDate'} ne '' ) { my $date = ParseDateToISO( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfDate'} ); $args{ARGS}->{'DateType'} =~ s/_Date$//; if ( $args{ARGS}->{'DateType'} eq 'Updated' ) { $session{'tickets'}->LimitTransactionDate( VALUE => $date, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'DateOp'}, ); } else { $session{'tickets'}->LimitDate( FIELD => $args{ARGS}->{'DateType'}, VALUE => $date, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'DateOp'}, ); } } # }}} # {{{ Limit Content if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfAttachmentField'} ne '' ) { my $val = $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfAttachmentField'}; if ($args{ARGS}->{'AttachmentFieldOp'} =~ /like/) { $val = "%".$val."%"; } $session{'tickets'}->Limit( FIELD => $args{ARGS}->{'AttachmentField'}, VALUE => $val, OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'AttachmentFieldOp'}, ); } # }}} # {{{ Limit CustomFields foreach my $arg ( keys %{ $args{ARGS} } ) { my $id; if ( $arg =~ /^CustomField(\d+)$/ ) { $id = $1; } else { next; } next unless ( $args{ARGS}->{$arg} ); my $form = $args{ARGS}->{$arg}; my $oper = $args{ARGS}->{ "CustomFieldOp" . $id }; foreach my $value ( ref($form) ? @{$form} : ($form) ) { my $quote = 1; if ($oper =~ /like/i) { $value = "%".$value."%"; } if ( $value =~ /^null$/i ) { #Don't quote the string 'null' $quote = 0; # Convert the operator to something apropriate for nulls $oper = 'IS' if ( $oper eq '=' ); $oper = 'IS NOT' if ( $oper eq '!=' ); } $session{'tickets'}->LimitCustomField( CUSTOMFIELD => $id, OPERATOR => $oper, QUOTEVALUE => $quote, VALUE => $value ); } } # }}} } # }}} # {{{ sub ParseDateToISO =head2 ParseDateToISO Takes a date in an arbitrary format. Returns an ISO date and time in GMT =cut sub ParseDateToISO { my $date = shift; my $date_obj = RT::Date->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); $date_obj->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $date ); return ( $date_obj->ISO ); } # }}} # {{{ sub Config # TODO: This might eventually read the cookies, user configuration # information from the DB, queue configuration information from the # DB, etc. sub Config { my $args = shift; my $key = shift; return $args->{$key} || $RT::WebOptions{$key}; } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessACLChanges sub ProcessACLChanges { my $ARGSref = shift; my %ARGS = %$ARGSref; my ( $ACL, @results ); foreach my $arg (keys %ARGS) { if ($arg =~ /GrantRight-(\d+)-(.*?)-(\d+)$/) { my $principal_id = $1; my $object_type = $2; my $object_id = $3; my $rights = $ARGS{$arg}; my $principal = RT::Principal->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); $principal->Load($principal_id); my $obj; if ($object_type eq 'RT::System') { $obj = $RT::System; } elsif ($RT::ACE::OBJECT_TYPES{$object_type}) { $obj = $object_type->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); $obj->Load($object_id); } else { push (@results, loc("System Error"). ': '. loc("Rights could not be granted for [_1]", $object_type)); next; } my @rights = ref($ARGS{$arg}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$ARGS{$arg}} : ($ARGS{$arg}); foreach my $right (@rights) { next unless ($right); my ($val, $msg) = $principal->GrantRight(Object => $obj, Right => $right); push (@results, $msg); } } elsif ($arg =~ /RevokeRight-(\d+)-(.*?)-(\d+)-(.*?)$/) { my $principal_id = $1; my $object_type = $2; my $object_id = $3; my $right = $4; my $principal = RT::Principal->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); $principal->Load($principal_id); next unless ($right); my $obj; if ($object_type eq 'RT::System') { $obj = $RT::System; } elsif ($RT::ACE::OBJECT_TYPES{$object_type}) { $obj = $object_type->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); $obj->Load($object_id); } else { die; push (@results, loc("System Error"). ': '. loc("Rights could not be revoked for [_1]", $object_type)); next; } my ($val, $msg) = $principal->RevokeRight(Object => $obj, Right => $right); push (@results, $msg); } } return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub UpdateRecordObj =head2 UpdateRecordObj ( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Object => RT::Record, AttributesRef => \@attribs) @attribs is a list of ticket fields to check and update if they differ from the B's current values. ARGSRef is a ref to HTML::Mason's %ARGS. Returns an array of success/failure messages =cut sub UpdateRecordObject { my %args = ( ARGSRef => undef, AttributesRef => undef, Object => undef, AttributePrefix => undef, @_ ); my (@results); my $object = $args{'Object'}; my $attributes = $args{'AttributesRef'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; foreach my $attribute (@$attributes) { my $value; if ( defined $ARGSRef->{$attribute} ) { $value = $ARGSRef->{$attribute}; } elsif ( defined( $args{'AttributePrefix'} ) && defined( $ARGSRef->{ $args{'AttributePrefix'} . "-" . $attribute } ) ) { $value = $ARGSRef->{ $args{'AttributePrefix'} . "-" . $attribute }; } else { next; } $value =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs; if ($value ne $object->$attribute()){ my $method = "Set$attribute"; my ( $code, $msg ) = $object->$method($value); push @results, loc($attribute) . ': ' . loc_fuzzy($msg); =for loc "[_1] could not be set to [_2].", # loc "That is already the current value", # loc "No value sent to _Set!\n", # loc "Illegal value for [_1]", # loc "The new value has been set.", # loc "No column specified", # loc "Immutable field", # loc "Nonexistant field?", # loc "Invalid data", # loc "Couldn't find row", # loc "Missing a primary key?: [_1]", # loc "Found Object", # loc =cut }; } return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ Sub ProcessCustomFieldUpdates sub ProcessCustomFieldUpdates { my %args = ( CustomFieldObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Object = $args{'CustomFieldObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my @attribs = qw( Name Type Description Queue SortOrder); my @results = UpdateRecordObject( AttributesRef => \@attribs, Object => $Object, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef ); if ( $ARGSRef->{ "CustomField-" . $Object->Id . "-AddValue-Name" } ) { my ( $addval, $addmsg ) = $Object->AddValue( Name => $ARGSRef->{ "CustomField-" . $Object->Id . "-AddValue-Name" }, Description => $ARGSRef->{ "CustomField-" . $Object->Id . "-AddValue-Description" }, SortOrder => $ARGSRef->{ "CustomField-" . $Object->Id . "-AddValue-SortOrder" }, ); push ( @results, $addmsg ); } my @delete_values = ( ref $ARGSRef->{ 'CustomField-' . $Object->Id . '-DeleteValue' } eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @{ $ARGSRef->{ 'CustomField-' . $Object->Id . '-DeleteValue' } } : ( $ARGSRef->{ 'CustomField-' . $Object->Id . '-DeleteValue' } ); foreach my $id (@delete_values) { next unless defined $id; my ( $err, $msg ) = $Object->DeleteValue($id); push ( @results, $msg ); } my $vals = $Object->Values(); while (my $cfv = $vals->Next()) { if (my $so = $ARGSRef->{ 'CustomField-' . $Object->Id . '-SortOrder' . $cfv->Id }) { if ($cfv->SortOrder != $so) { my ( $err, $msg ) = $cfv->SetSortOrder($so); push ( @results, $msg ); } } } return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketBasics =head2 ProcessTicketBasics ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketBasics { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $TicketObj = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; # {{{ Set basic fields my @attribs = qw( Subject FinalPriority Priority TimeEstimated TimeWorked TimeLeft Status Queue ); if ( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} and ( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} !~ /^(\d+)$/ ) ) { my $tempqueue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser); $tempqueue->Load( $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} ); if ( $tempqueue->id ) { $ARGSRef->{'Queue'} = $tempqueue->Id(); } } my @results = UpdateRecordObject( AttributesRef => \@attribs, Object => $TicketObj, ARGSRef => $ARGSRef ); # We special case owner changing, so we can use ForceOwnerChange if ( $ARGSRef->{'Owner'} && ( $TicketObj->Owner != $ARGSRef->{'Owner'} ) ) { my ($ChownType); if ( $ARGSRef->{'ForceOwnerChange'} ) { $ChownType = "Force"; } else { $ChownType = "Give"; } my ( $val, $msg ) = $TicketObj->SetOwner( $ARGSRef->{'Owner'}, $ChownType ); push ( @results, $msg ); } # }}} return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ Sub ProcessTicketCustomFieldUpdates sub ProcessTicketCustomFieldUpdates { my %args = ( ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my @results; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; # Build up a list of tickets that we want to work with my %tickets_to_mod; my %custom_fields_to_mod; foreach my $arg ( keys %{$ARGSRef} ) { if ( $arg =~ /^Ticket-(\d+)-CustomField-(\d+)-/ ) { # For each of those tickets, find out what custom fields we want to work with. $custom_fields_to_mod{$1}{$2} = 1; } } # For each of those tickets foreach my $tick ( keys %custom_fields_to_mod ) { my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; if (!$Ticket or $Ticket->id != $tick) { $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); $Ticket->Load($tick); } # For each custom field foreach my $cf ( keys %{ $custom_fields_to_mod{$tick} } ) { my $CustomFieldObj = RT::CustomField->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); $CustomFieldObj->LoadById($cf); foreach my $arg ( keys %{$ARGSRef} ) { # since http won't pass in a form element with a null value, we need # to fake it if ($arg =~ /^(.*?)-Values-Magic$/ ) { # We don't care about the magic, if there's really a values element; next if (exists $ARGSRef->{$1.'-Values'}) ; $arg = $1."-Values"; $ARGSRef->{$1."-Values"} = undef; } next unless ( $arg =~ /^Ticket-$tick-CustomField-$cf-/ ); my @values = ( ref( $ARGSRef->{$arg} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @{ $ARGSRef->{$arg} } : split /\n/, $ARGSRef->{$arg} ; if ( ( $arg =~ /-AddValue$/ ) || ( $arg =~ /-Value$/ ) ) { foreach my $value (@values) { next unless length($value); my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value ); push ( @results, $msg ); } } elsif ( $arg =~ /-DeleteValues$/ ) { foreach my $value (@values) { next unless length($value); my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value ); push ( @results, $msg ); } } elsif ( $arg =~ /-Values$/ and $CustomFieldObj->Type !~ /Entry/) { my $cf_values = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues($cf); my %values_hash; foreach my $value (@values) { next unless length($value); # build up a hash of values that the new set has $values_hash{$value} = 1; unless ( $cf_values->HasEntry($value) ) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value ); push ( @results, $msg ); } } while ( my $cf_value = $cf_values->Next ) { unless ( $values_hash{ $cf_value->Content } == 1 ) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $cf_value->Content ); push ( @results, $msg); } } } elsif ( $arg =~ /-Values$/ ) { my $cf_values = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues($cf); # keep everything up to the point of difference, delete the rest my $delete_flag; foreach my $old_cf (@{$cf_values->ItemsArrayRef}) { if (!$delete_flag and @values and $old_cf->Content eq $values[0]) { shift @values; next; } $delete_flag ||= 1; $old_cf->Delete; } # now add/replace extra things, if any foreach my $value (@values) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $cf, Value => $value ); push ( @results, $msg ); } } else { push ( @results, "User asked for an unknown update type for custom field " . $cf->Name . " for ticket " . $Ticket->id ); } } } return (@results); } } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketWatchers =head2 ProcessTicketWatchers ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketWatchers { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my (@results); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; # {{{ Munge watchers foreach my $key ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { # {{{ Delete deletable watchers if ( ( $key =~ /^Ticket-DelWatcher-Type-(.*)-Principal-(\d+)$/ ) ) { my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteWatcher(PrincipalId => $2, Type => $1); push @results, $msg; } # Delete watchers in the simple style demanded by the bulk manipulator elsif ( $key =~ /^Delete(Requestor|Cc|AdminCc)$/ ) { my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteWatcher( Type => $ARGSRef->{$key}, PrincipalId => $1 ); push @results, $msg; } # }}} # Add new wathchers by email address elsif ( ( $ARGSRef->{$key} =~ /^(AdminCc|Cc|Requestor)$/ ) and ( $key =~ /^WatcherTypeEmail(\d*)$/ ) ) { #They're in this order because otherwise $1 gets clobbered :/ my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $ARGSRef->{$key}, Email => $ARGSRef->{ "WatcherAddressEmail" . $1 } ); push @results, $msg; } #Add requestors in the simple style demanded by the bulk manipulator elsif ( $key =~ /^Add(Requestor|Cc|AdminCc)$/ ) { my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $1, Email => $ARGSRef->{$key} ); push @results, $msg; } # Add new watchers by owner elsif ( ( $ARGSRef->{$key} =~ /^(AdminCc|Cc|Requestor)$/ ) and ( $key =~ /^Ticket-AddWatcher-Principal-(\d*)$/ ) ) { #They're in this order because otherwise $1 gets clobbered :/ my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $ARGSRef->{$key}, PrincipalId => $1 ); push @results, $msg; } } # }}} return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketDates =head2 ProcessTicketDates ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketDates { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my (@results); # {{{ Set date fields my @date_fields = qw( Told Resolved Starts Started Due ); #Run through each field in this list. update the value if apropriate foreach my $field (@date_fields) { my ( $code, $msg ); my $DateObj = RT::Date->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} ); #If it's something other than just whitespace if ( $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' } ne '' ) { $DateObj->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $ARGSRef->{ $field . '_Date' } ); my $obj = $field . "Obj"; if ( ( defined $DateObj->Unix ) and ( $DateObj->Unix ne $Ticket->$obj()->Unix() ) ) { my $method = "Set$field"; my ( $code, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method( $DateObj->ISO ); push @results, "$msg"; } } } # }}} return (@results); } # }}} # {{{ sub ProcessTicketLinks =head2 ProcessTicketLinks ( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); Returns an array of results messages. =cut sub ProcessTicketLinks { my %args = ( TicketObj => undef, ARGSRef => undef, @_ ); my $Ticket = $args{'TicketObj'}; my $ARGSRef = $args{'ARGSRef'}; my (@results); # Delete links that are gone gone gone. foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) { if ( $arg =~ /DeleteLink-(.*?)-(DependsOn|MemberOf|RefersTo)-(.*)$/ ) { my $base = $1; my $type = $2; my $target = $3; push @results, "Trying to delete: Base: $base Target: $target Type $type"; my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteLink( Base => $base, Type => $type, Target => $target ); push @results, $msg; } } my @linktypes = qw( DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo ); foreach my $linktype (@linktypes) { if ( $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-$linktype" } ) { for my $luri ( split ( / /, $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-$linktype" } ) ) { $luri =~ s/\s*$//; # Strip trailing whitespace my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddLink( Target => $luri, Type => $linktype ); push @results, $msg; } } if ( $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Ticket->Id } ) { for my $luri ( split ( / /, $ARGSRef->{ "$linktype-" . $Ticket->Id } ) ) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddLink( Base => $luri, Type => $linktype ); push @results, $msg; } } } #Merge if we need to if ( $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-MergeInto" } ) { my ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->MergeInto( $ARGSRef->{ $Ticket->Id . "-MergeInto" } ); push @results, $msg; } return (@results); } # }}} eval "require RT::Interface::Web_Vendor"; die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Interface/Web_Vendor.pm}); eval "require RT::Interface::Web_Local"; die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Interface/Web_Local.pm}); 1;