# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} # Released under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Public License =head1 NAME RT::Group - RT's group object =head1 SYNOPSIS use RT::Group; my $group = RT::Group->new($CurrentUser); =head1 DESCRIPTION An RT group object. =cut package RT::Group; use strict; use warnings; use base 'RT::Record'; use Role::Basic 'with'; with "RT::Record::Role::Rights"; sub Table {'Groups'} use RT::Users; use RT::GroupMembers; use RT::Principals; use RT::ACL; __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => AdminGroup => 'Modify group metadata or delete group'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => AdminGroupMembership => 'Modify group membership roster'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => ModifyOwnMembership => 'Join or leave group'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => EditSavedSearches => 'Create, modify and delete saved searches'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => ShowSavedSearches => 'View saved searches'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => SeeGroup => 'View group'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => SeeGroupDashboard => 'View group dashboards'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => CreateGroupDashboard => 'Create group dashboards'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => ModifyGroupDashboard => 'Modify group dashboards'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => DeleteGroupDashboard => 'Delete group dashboards'); # loc =head1 METHODS =head2 SelfDescription Returns a user-readable description of what this group is for and what it's named. =cut sub SelfDescription { my $self = shift; if ($self->Domain eq 'ACLEquivalence') { my $user = RT::Principal->new($self->CurrentUser); $user->Load($self->Instance); return $self->loc("user [_1]",$user->Object->Name); } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'UserDefined') { return $self->loc("group '[_1]'",$self->Name); } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'RT::System-Role') { return $self->loc("system [_1]",$self->Name); } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'RT::Queue-Role') { my $queue = RT::Queue->new($self->CurrentUser); $queue->Load($self->Instance); return $self->loc("queue [_1] [_2]",$queue->Name, $self->Name); } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'RT::Ticket-Role') { return $self->loc("ticket #[_1] [_2]",$self->Instance, $self->Name); } elsif ($self->RoleClass) { my $class = lc $self->RoleClass; $class =~ s/^RT:://i; return $self->loc("[_1] #[_2] [_3]", $self->loc($class), $self->Instance, $self->Name); } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'SystemInternal') { return $self->loc("system group '[_1]'",$self->Name); } else { return $self->loc("undescribed group [_1]",$self->Id); } } =head2 Load ID Load a group object from the database. Takes a single argument. If the argument is numerical, load by the column 'id'. Otherwise, complain and return. =cut sub Load { my $self = shift; my $identifier = shift || return undef; if ( $identifier !~ /\D/ ) { $self->SUPER::LoadById($identifier); } else { $RT::Logger->crit("Group -> Load called with a bogus argument"); return undef; } } =head2 LoadUserDefinedGroup NAME Loads a system group from the database. The only argument is the group's name. =cut sub LoadUserDefinedGroup { my $self = shift; my $identifier = shift; if ( $identifier =~ /^\d+$/ ) { return $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'UserDefined', id => $identifier, ); } else { return $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'UserDefined', Name => $identifier, ); } } =head2 LoadACLEquivalenceGroup PRINCIPAL Loads a user's acl equivalence group. Takes a principal object or its ID. ACL equivalnce groups are used to simplify the acl system. Each user has one group that only he is a member of. Rights granted to the user are actually granted to that group. This greatly simplifies ACL checks. While this results in a somewhat more complex setup when creating users and granting ACLs, it _greatly_ simplifies acl checks. =cut sub LoadACLEquivalenceGroup { my $self = shift; my $principal = shift; $principal = $principal->id if ref $principal; return $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'ACLEquivalence', Name => 'UserEquiv', Instance => $principal, ); } =head2 LoadSystemInternalGroup NAME Loads a Pseudo group from the database. The only argument is the group's name. =cut sub LoadSystemInternalGroup { my $self = shift; my $identifier = shift; return $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'SystemInternal', Name => $identifier, ); } =head2 LoadRoleGroup Takes a paramhash of Object and Name and attempts to load the suitable role group for said object. =cut sub LoadRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Object => undef, Name => undef, @_ ); my $object = delete $args{Object}; return wantarray ? (0, $self->loc("Object passed is not loaded")) : 0 unless $object->id; # Translate Object to Domain + Instance $args{Domain} = ref($object) . "-Role"; $args{Instance} = $object->id; return $self->LoadByCols(%args); } =head2 LoadTicketRoleGroup { Ticket => TICKET_ID, Name => TYPE } Deprecated in favor of L or L. =cut sub LoadTicketRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Ticket => '0', Name => undef, @_, ); RT->Deprecated( Instead => "RT::Group->LoadRoleGroup or RT::Ticket->RoleGroup", Remove => "4.4", ); $args{'Name'} = $args{'Type'} if exists $args{'Type'}; $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'RT::Ticket-Role', Instance => $args{'Ticket'}, Name => $args{'Name'}, ); } =head2 LoadQueueRoleGroup { Queue => Queue_ID, Type => TYPE } Deprecated in favor of L or L. =cut sub LoadQueueRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Queue => undef, Name => undef, @_, ); RT->Deprecated( Instead => "RT::Group->LoadRoleGroup or RT::Queue->RoleGroup", Remove => "4.4", ); $args{'Name'} = $args{'Type'} if exists $args{'Type'}; $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'RT::Queue-Role', Instance => $args{'Queue'}, Name => $args{'Name'}, ); } =head2 LoadSystemRoleGroup Name Deprecated in favor of L or L. =cut sub LoadSystemRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my $type = shift; RT->Deprecated( Instead => "RT::Group->LoadRoleGroup or RT::System->RoleGroup", Remove => "4.4", ); $self->LoadByCols( Domain => 'RT::System-Role', Instance => RT::System->Id, Name => $type ); } sub LoadByCols { my $self = shift; my %args = ( @_ ); if ( exists $args{'Type'} ) { RT->Deprecated( Instead => 'Name', Arguments => 'Type', Remove => '4.4' ); $args{'Name'} = $args{'Type'}; } return $self->SUPER::LoadByCols( %args ); } =head2 Create You need to specify what sort of group you're creating by calling one of the other Create_____ routines. =cut sub Create { my $self = shift; $RT::Logger->crit("Someone called RT::Group->Create. this method does not exist. someone's being evil"); return(0,$self->loc('Permission Denied')); } =head2 _Create Takes a paramhash with named arguments: Name, Description. Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed =cut sub _Create { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Name => undef, Description => undef, Domain => undef, Instance => '0', InsideTransaction => undef, _RecordTransaction => 1, @_ ); if ( $args{'Type'} ) { RT->Deprecated( Instead => 'Name', Arguments => 'Type', Remove => '4.4' ); $args{'Name'} = $args{'Type'}; } else { $args{'Type'} = $args{'Name'}; } # Enforce uniqueness on user defined group names if ($args{'Domain'} and $args{'Domain'} eq 'UserDefined') { my ($ok, $msg) = $self->_ValidateUserDefinedName($args{'Name'}); return ($ok, $msg) if not $ok; } $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction() unless ($args{'InsideTransaction'}); # Groups deal with principal ids, rather than user ids. # When creating this group, set up a principal Id for it. my $principal = RT::Principal->new( $self->CurrentUser ); my $principal_id = $principal->Create( PrincipalType => 'Group', ObjectId => '0' ); $principal->__Set(Field => 'ObjectId', Value => $principal_id); $self->SUPER::Create( id => $principal_id, Name => $args{'Name'}, Description => $args{'Description'}, Type => $args{'Type'}, Domain => $args{'Domain'}, Instance => ($args{'Instance'} || '0') ); my $id = $self->Id; unless ($id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback() unless ($args{'InsideTransaction'}); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create group') ); } # If we couldn't create a principal Id, get the fuck out. unless ($principal_id) { $RT::Handle->Rollback() unless ($args{'InsideTransaction'}); $RT::Logger->crit( "Couldn't create a Principal on new user create. Strange things are afoot at the circle K" ); return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create group') ); } # Now we make the group a member of itself as a cached group member # this needs to exist so that group ACL checks don't fall over. # you're checking CachedGroupMembers to see if the principal in question # is a member of the principal the rights have been granted too # in the ordinary case, this would fail badly because it would recurse and add all the members of this group as # cached members. thankfully, we're creating the group now...so it has no members. my $cgm = RT::CachedGroupMember->new($self->CurrentUser); $cgm->Create(Group =>$self->PrincipalObj, Member => $self->PrincipalObj, ImmediateParent => $self->PrincipalObj); if ( $args{'_RecordTransaction'} ) { $self->_NewTransaction( Type => "Create" ); } $RT::Handle->Commit() unless ($args{'InsideTransaction'}); return ( $id, $self->loc("Group created") ); } =head2 CreateUserDefinedGroup { Name => "name", Description => "Description"} A helper subroutine which creates a system group Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed =cut sub CreateUserDefinedGroup { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminGroup') ) { $RT::Logger->warning( $self->CurrentUser->Name . " Tried to create a group without permission." ); return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } return($self->_Create( Domain => 'UserDefined', Instance => '', @_)); } =head2 ValidateName VALUE Enforces unique user defined group names when updating =cut sub ValidateName { my ($self, $value) = @_; if ($self->Domain and $self->Domain eq 'UserDefined') { my ($ok, $msg) = $self->_ValidateUserDefinedName($value); # It's really too bad we can't pass along the actual error return 0 if not $ok; } return $self->SUPER::ValidateName($value); } =head2 _ValidateUserDefinedName VALUE Returns true if the user defined group name isn't in use, false otherwise. =cut sub _ValidateUserDefinedName { my ($self, $value) = @_; return (0, 'Name is required') unless length $value; my $dupcheck = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser); $dupcheck->LoadUserDefinedGroup($value); if ( $dupcheck->id && ( !$self->id || $self->id != $dupcheck->id ) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc( "Group name '[_1]' is already in use", $value ) ); } return 1; } =head2 _CreateACLEquivalenceGroup { Principal } A helper subroutine which creates a group containing only an individual user. This gets used by the ACL system to check rights. Yes, it denormalizes the data, but that's ok, as we totally win on performance. Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed =cut sub _CreateACLEquivalenceGroup { my $self = shift; my $princ = shift; my $id = $self->_Create( Domain => 'ACLEquivalence', Name => 'UserEquiv', Description => 'ACL equiv. for user '.$princ->Object->Id, Instance => $princ->Id, InsideTransaction => 1, _RecordTransaction => 0 ); unless ($id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Couldn't create ACL equivalence group"); return undef; } # We use stashuser so we don't get transactions inside transactions # and so we bypass all sorts of cruft we don't need my $aclstash = RT::GroupMember->new($self->CurrentUser); my ($stash_id, $add_msg) = $aclstash->_StashUser(Group => $self->PrincipalObj, Member => $princ); unless ($stash_id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Couldn't add the user to his own acl equivalence group:".$add_msg); # We call super delete so we don't get acl checked. $self->SUPER::Delete(); return(undef); } return ($id); } =head2 CreateRoleGroup A convenience method for creating a role group on an object. This method expects to be called from B! If you're calling it outside of one, you B pass a false value for InsideTransaction. Takes a paramhash of: =over 4 =item Name Required. RT's core role types are C, C, C, and C. Extensions may add their own. =item Object Optional. The object on which this role applies, used to set Domain and Instance automatically. =item Domain Optional. The class on which this role applies, with C<-Role> appended. RT's supported core role group domains are C, C, and C. Not required if you pass an Object. =item Instance Optional. The numeric ID of the object (of the class encoded in Domain) on which this role applies. If Domain is C, Instance should be C<1>. Not required if you pass an Object. =item InsideTransaction Optional. Defaults to true in expectation of usual call sites. If you call this method while not inside a transaction, you C pass a false value for this parameter. =back You must pass either an Object or both Domain and Instance. Returns a tuple of (id, Message). If id is false, the create failed and Message should contain an error string. =cut sub CreateRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Instance => undef, Name => undef, Domain => undef, Object => undef, InsideTransaction => 1, @_ ); # Translate Object to Domain + Instance my $object = delete $args{Object}; if ( $object ) { $args{Domain} = ref($object) . "-Role"; $args{Instance} = $object->id; } unless ($args{Instance}) { return ( 0, $self->loc("An Instance must be provided") ); } unless ($self->ValidateRoleGroup(%args)) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Invalid Group Name and Domain") ); } if ( exists $args{'Type'} ) { RT->Deprecated( Instead => 'Name', Arguments => 'Type', Remove => '4.4' ); $args{'Name'} = $args{'Type'}; } my %create = map { $_ => $args{$_} } qw(Domain Instance Name); my $duplicate = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser ); $duplicate->LoadByCols( %create ); if ($duplicate->id) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Role group exists already") ); } my ($id, $msg) = $self->_Create( InsideTransaction => $args{InsideTransaction}, %create, ); if ($self->SingleMemberRoleGroup) { $self->_AddMember( PrincipalId => RT->Nobody->Id, InsideTransaction => $args{InsideTransaction}, RecordTransaction => 0, Object => $object, ); } return ($id, $msg); } sub RoleClass { my $self = shift; my $domain = shift || $self->Domain; return unless $domain =~ /^(.+)-Role$/; return unless $1->DOES("RT::Record::Role::Roles"); return $1; } =head2 ValidateRoleGroup Takes a param hash containing Domain and Type which are expected to be values passed into L. Returns true if the specified Type is a registered role on the specified Domain. Otherwise returns false. =cut sub ValidateRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); return 0 unless $args{Domain} and ($args{Type} or $args{'Name'}); my $class = $self->RoleClass($args{Domain}); return 0 unless $class; return $class->HasRole($args{Type}||$args{'Name'}); } =head2 SingleMemberRoleGroup =cut sub SingleMemberRoleGroup { my $self = shift; my $class = $self->RoleClass; return unless $class; return $class->Role($self->Name)->{Single}; } sub SingleMemberRoleGroupColumn { my $self = shift; my ($class) = $self->Domain =~ /^(.+)-Role$/; return unless $class; my $role = $class->Role($self->Name); return unless $role->{Class} eq $class; return $role->{Column}; } sub RoleGroupObject { my $self = shift; my ($class) = $self->Domain =~ /^(.+)-Role$/; return unless $class; my $obj = $class->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $obj->Load( $self->Instance ); return $obj; } sub Type { my $self = shift; RT->Deprecated( Instead => 'Name', Remove => '4.4' ); return $self->_Value('Type', @_); } sub SetType { my $self = shift; RT->Deprecated( Instead => 'Name', Remove => '4.4' ); return $self->SetName(@_); } sub SetName { my $self = shift; my $value = shift; my ($status, $msg) = $self->_Set( Field => 'Name', Value => $value ); return ($status, $msg) unless $status; { my ($status, $msg) = $self->__Set( Field => 'Type', Value => $value ); RT->Logger->error("Couldn't set Type: $msg") unless $status; } return ($status, $msg); } =head2 Delete Delete this object =cut sub Delete { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminGroup') ) { return ( 0, 'Permission Denied' ); } $RT::Logger->crit("Deleting groups violates referential integrity until we go through and fix this"); # TODO XXX # Remove the principal object # Remove this group from anything it's a member of. # Remove all cached members of this group # Remove any rights granted to this group # remove any rights delegated by way of this group return ( $self->SUPER::Delete(@_) ); } =head2 SetDisabled BOOL If passed a positive value, this group will be disabled. No rights it commutes or grants will be honored. It will not appear in most group listings. This routine finds all the cached group members that are members of this group (recursively) and disables them. =cut # }}} sub SetDisabled { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminGroup') ) { return (0, $self->loc('Permission Denied')); } $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction(); $self->PrincipalObj->SetDisabled($val); # Find all occurrences of this member as a member of this group # in the cache and nuke them, recursively. # The following code will delete all Cached Group members # where this member's group is _not_ the primary group # (Ie if we're deleting C as a member of B, and B happens to be # a member of A, will delete C as a member of A without touching # C as a member of B my $cached_submembers = RT::CachedGroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $cached_submembers->Limit( FIELD => 'ImmediateParentId', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $self->Id); #Clear the key cache. TODO someday we may want to just clear a little bit of the keycache space. # TODO what about the groups key cache? RT::Principal->InvalidateACLCache(); while ( my $item = $cached_submembers->Next() ) { my $del_err = $item->SetDisabled($val); unless ($del_err) { $RT::Handle->Rollback(); $RT::Logger->warning("Couldn't disable cached group submember ".$item->Id); return (undef); } } $self->_NewTransaction( Type => ($val == 1) ? "Disabled" : "Enabled" ); $RT::Handle->Commit(); if ( $val == 1 ) { return (1, $self->loc("Group disabled")); } else { return (1, $self->loc("Group enabled")); } } sub Disabled { my $self = shift; $self->PrincipalObj->Disabled(@_); } =head2 DeepMembersObj Returns an RT::CachedGroupMembers object of this group's members, including all members of subgroups. =cut sub DeepMembersObj { my $self = shift; my $members_obj = RT::CachedGroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); #If we don't have rights, don't include any results # TODO XXX WHY IS THERE NO ACL CHECK HERE? $members_obj->LimitToMembersOfGroup( $self->PrincipalId ); return ( $members_obj ); } =head2 MembersObj Returns an RT::GroupMembers object of this group's direct members. =cut sub MembersObj { my $self = shift; my $members_obj = RT::GroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); #If we don't have rights, don't include any results # TODO XXX WHY IS THERE NO ACL CHECK HERE? $members_obj->LimitToMembersOfGroup( $self->PrincipalId ); return ( $members_obj ); } =head2 GroupMembersObj [Recursively => 1] Returns an L object of this group's members. By default returns groups including all subgroups, but could be changed with C named argument. B that groups are not filtered by type and result may contain as well system groups and others. =cut sub GroupMembersObj { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Recursively => 1, @_ ); my $groups = RT::Groups->new( $self->CurrentUser ); my $members_table = $args{'Recursively'}? 'CachedGroupMembers': 'GroupMembers'; my $members_alias = $groups->NewAlias( $members_table ); $groups->Join( ALIAS1 => $members_alias, FIELD1 => 'MemberId', ALIAS2 => $groups->PrincipalsAlias, FIELD2 => 'id', ); $groups->Limit( ALIAS => $members_alias, FIELD => 'GroupId', VALUE => $self->PrincipalId, ); $groups->Limit( ALIAS => $members_alias, FIELD => 'Disabled', VALUE => 0, ) if $args{'Recursively'}; return $groups; } =head2 UserMembersObj Returns an L object of this group's members, by default returns users including all members of subgroups, but could be changed with C named argument. =cut sub UserMembersObj { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Recursively => 1, @_ ); #If we don't have rights, don't include any results # TODO XXX WHY IS THERE NO ACL CHECK HERE? my $members_table = $args{'Recursively'}? 'CachedGroupMembers': 'GroupMembers'; my $users = RT::Users->new($self->CurrentUser); my $members_alias = $users->NewAlias( $members_table ); $users->Join( ALIAS1 => $members_alias, FIELD1 => 'MemberId', ALIAS2 => $users->PrincipalsAlias, FIELD2 => 'id', ); $users->Limit( ALIAS => $members_alias, FIELD => 'GroupId', VALUE => $self->PrincipalId, ); $users->Limit( ALIAS => $members_alias, FIELD => 'Disabled', VALUE => 0, ) if $args{'Recursively'}; return ( $users); } =head2 MemberEmailAddresses Returns an array of the email addresses of all of this group's members =cut sub MemberEmailAddresses { my $self = shift; return sort grep defined && length, map $_->EmailAddress, @{ $self->UserMembersObj->ItemsArrayRef }; } =head2 MemberEmailAddressesAsString Returns a comma delimited string of the email addresses of all users who are members of this group. =cut sub MemberEmailAddressesAsString { my $self = shift; return (join(', ', $self->MemberEmailAddresses)); } =head2 AddMember PRINCIPAL_ID AddMember adds a principal to this group. It takes a single principal id. Returns a two value array. the first value is true on successful addition or 0 on failure. The second value is a textual status msg. =cut sub AddMember { my $self = shift; my $new_member = shift; # We should only allow membership changes if the user has the right # to modify group membership or the user is the principal in question # and the user has the right to modify his own membership unless ( ($new_member == $self->CurrentUser->PrincipalId && $self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyOwnMembership') ) || $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminGroupMembership') ) { #User has no permission to be doing this return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } $self->_AddMember(PrincipalId => $new_member); } # A helper subroutine for AddMember that bypasses the ACL checks # this should _ONLY_ ever be called from Ticket/Queue AddWatcher # when we want to deal with groups according to queue rights # In the dim future, this will all get factored out and life # will get better # takes a paramhash of { PrincipalId => undef, InsideTransaction } sub _AddMember { my $self = shift; my %args = ( PrincipalId => undef, InsideTransaction => undef, RecordTransaction => 1, @_); # RecordSetTransaction is used by _DeleteMember to get one txn but not the other $args{RecordSetTransaction} = $args{RecordTransaction} unless exists $args{RecordSetTransaction}; my $new_member = $args{'PrincipalId'}; unless ($self->Id) { $RT::Logger->crit("Attempting to add a member to a group which wasn't loaded. 'oops'"); return(0, $self->loc("Group not found")); } unless ($new_member =~ /^\d+$/) { $RT::Logger->crit("_AddMember called with a parameter that's not an integer."); } my $new_member_obj = RT::Principal->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $new_member_obj->Load($new_member); unless ( $new_member_obj->Id ) { $RT::Logger->debug("Couldn't find that principal"); return ( 0, $self->loc("Couldn't find that principal") ); } if ( $self->HasMember( $new_member_obj ) ) { #User is already a member of this group. no need to add it return ( 0, $self->loc("Group already has member: [_1]", $new_member_obj->Object->Name) ); } if ( $new_member_obj->IsGroup && $new_member_obj->Object->HasMemberRecursively($self->PrincipalObj) ) { #This group can't be made to be a member of itself return ( 0, $self->loc("Groups can't be members of their members")); } my @purge; push @purge, @{$self->MembersObj->ItemsArrayRef} if $self->SingleMemberRoleGroup; my $member_object = RT::GroupMember->new( $self->CurrentUser ); my $id = $member_object->Create( Member => $new_member_obj, Group => $self->PrincipalObj, InsideTransaction => $args{'InsideTransaction'} ); return(0, $self->loc("Couldn't add member to group")) unless $id; # Purge all previous members (we're a single member role group) my $old_member_id; for my $member (@purge) { my $old_member = $member->MemberId; my ($ok, $msg) = $member->Delete(); return(0, $self->loc("Couldn't remove previous member: [_1]", $msg)) unless $ok; # We remove all members in this loop, but there should only ever be one # member. Keep track of the last one successfully removed for the # SetWatcher transaction below. $old_member_id = $old_member; } # Update the column if (my $col = $self->SingleMemberRoleGroupColumn) { my $obj = $args{Object} || $self->RoleGroupObject; my ($ok, $msg) = $obj->_Set( Field => $col, Value => $new_member_obj->Id, CheckACL => 0, # don't check acl RecordTransaction => $args{'RecordSetTransaction'}, ); return (0, $self->loc("Could not update column [_1]: [_2]", $col, $msg)) unless $ok; } # Record an Add/SetWatcher txn on the object if we're a role group if ($args{RecordTransaction} and $self->RoleClass) { my $obj = $args{Object} || $self->RoleGroupObject; if ($self->SingleMemberRoleGroup) { $obj->_NewTransaction( Type => 'SetWatcher', OldValue => $old_member_id, NewValue => $new_member_obj->Id, Field => $self->Name, ); } else { $obj->_NewTransaction( Type => 'AddWatcher', # use "watcher" for history's sake NewValue => $new_member_obj->Id, Field => $self->Name, ); } } return (1, $self->loc("[_1] set to [_2]", $self->loc($self->Name), $new_member_obj->Object->Name) ) if $self->SingleMemberRoleGroup; return ( 1, $self->loc("Member added: [_1]", $new_member_obj->Object->Name) ); } =head2 HasMember RT::Principal|id Takes an L object or its id returns a GroupMember Id if that user is a member of this group. Returns undef if the user isn't a member of the group or if the current user doesn't have permission to find out. Arguably, it should differentiate between ACL failure and non membership. =cut sub HasMember { my $self = shift; my $principal = shift; my $id; if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($principal,'RT::Principal') ) { $id = $principal->id; } elsif ( $principal =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $id = $principal; } else { $RT::Logger->error("Group::HasMember was called with an argument that". " isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's ".($principal||'(undefined)')); return(undef); } return undef unless $id; my $member_obj = RT::GroupMember->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $member_obj->LoadByCols( MemberId => $id, GroupId => $self->PrincipalId ); if ( my $member_id = $member_obj->id ) { return $member_id; } else { return (undef); } } =head2 HasMemberRecursively RT::Principal|id Takes an L object or its id and returns true if that user is a member of this group. Returns undef if the user isn't a member of the group or if the current user doesn't have permission to find out. Arguably, it should differentiate between ACL failure and non membership. =cut sub HasMemberRecursively { my $self = shift; my $principal = shift; my $id; if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($principal,'RT::Principal') ) { $id = $principal->id; } elsif ( $principal =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $id = $principal; } else { $RT::Logger->error("Group::HasMemberRecursively was called with an argument that". " isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's $principal"); return(undef); } return undef unless $id; my $member_obj = RT::CachedGroupMember->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $member_obj->LoadByCols( MemberId => $id, GroupId => $self->PrincipalId ); if ( my $member_id = $member_obj->id ) { return $member_id; } else { return (undef); } } =head2 DeleteMember PRINCIPAL_ID Takes the principal id of a current user or group. If the current user has apropriate rights, removes that GroupMember from this group. Returns a two value array. the first value is true on successful addition or 0 on failure. The second value is a textual status msg. Optionally takes a hash of key value flags, such as RecordTransaction. =cut sub DeleteMember { my $self = shift; my $member_id = shift; # We should only allow membership changes if the user has the right # to modify group membership or the user is the principal in question # and the user has the right to modify his own membership unless ( (($member_id == $self->CurrentUser->PrincipalId) && $self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyOwnMembership') ) || $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminGroupMembership') ) { #User has no permission to be doing this return ( 0, $self->loc("Permission Denied") ); } $self->_DeleteMember($member_id, @_); } # A helper subroutine for DeleteMember that bypasses the ACL checks # this should _ONLY_ ever be called from Ticket/Queue DeleteWatcher # when we want to deal with groups according to queue rights # In the dim future, this will all get factored out and life # will get better sub _DeleteMember { my $self = shift; my $member_id = shift; my %args = ( RecordTransaction => 1, @_, ); my $member_obj = RT::GroupMember->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $member_obj->LoadByCols( MemberId => $member_id, GroupId => $self->PrincipalId); #If we couldn't load it, return undef. unless ( $member_obj->Id() ) { $RT::Logger->debug("Group has no member with that id"); return ( 0,$self->loc( "Group has no such member" )); } my $old_member = $member_obj->MemberId; #Now that we've checked ACLs and sanity, delete the groupmember my $val = $member_obj->Delete(); unless ($val) { $RT::Logger->debug("Failed to delete group ".$self->Id." member ". $member_id); return ( 0, $self->loc("Member not deleted" )); } if ($self->RoleClass) { my %txn = ( OldValue => $old_member, Field => $self->Name, ); if ($self->SingleMemberRoleGroup) { # _AddMember creates the Set-Owner txn (for example) but we handle # the SetWatcher-Owner txn below. $self->_AddMember( PrincipalId => RT->Nobody->Id, RecordTransaction => 0, RecordSetTransaction => $args{RecordTransaction}, ); $txn{Type} = "SetWatcher"; $txn{NewValue} = RT->Nobody->id; } else { $txn{Type} = "DelWatcher"; } if ($args{RecordTransaction}) { my $obj = $args{Object} || $self->RoleGroupObject; $obj->_NewTransaction(%txn); } } return ( $val, $self->loc("Member deleted") ); } sub _Set { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Field => undef, Value => undef, TransactionType => 'Set', RecordTransaction => 1, @_ ); unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminGroup') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } my $Old = $self->SUPER::_Value("$args{'Field'}"); my ($ret, $msg) = $self->SUPER::_Set( Field => $args{'Field'}, Value => $args{'Value'} ); #If we can't actually set the field to the value, don't record # a transaction. instead, get out of here. if ( $ret == 0 ) { return ( 0, $msg ); } if ( $args{'RecordTransaction'} == 1 ) { my ( $Trans, $Msg, $TransObj ) = $self->_NewTransaction( Type => $args{'TransactionType'}, Field => $args{'Field'}, NewValue => $args{'Value'}, OldValue => $Old, TimeTaken => $args{'TimeTaken'}, ); return ( $Trans, scalar $TransObj->Description ); } else { return ( $ret, $msg ); } } =head2 CurrentUserCanSee Always returns 1; unfortunately, for historical reasons, users have always been able to examine groups they have indirect access to, even if they do not have SeeGroup explicitly. =cut sub CurrentUserCanSee { my $self = shift; return 1; } =head2 PrincipalObj Returns the principal object for this user. returns an empty RT::Principal if there's no principal object matching this user. The response is cached. PrincipalObj should never ever change. =cut sub PrincipalObj { my $self = shift; my $res = RT::Principal->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $res->Load( $self->id ); return $res; } =head2 PrincipalId Returns this user's PrincipalId =cut sub PrincipalId { my $self = shift; return $self->Id; } sub InstanceObj { my $self = shift; my $class; if ( $self->Domain eq 'ACLEquivalence' ) { $class = "RT::User"; } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'RT::Queue-Role') { $class = "RT::Queue"; } elsif ($self->Domain eq 'RT::Ticket-Role') { $class = "RT::Ticket"; } return unless $class; my $obj = $class->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $obj->Load( $self->Instance ); return $obj; } sub BasicColumns { ( [ Name => 'Name' ], [ Description => 'Description' ], ); } =head1 AUTHOR Jesse Vincent, jesse@bestpractical.com =head1 SEE ALSO RT =cut =head2 id Returns the current value of id. (In the database, id is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 Name Returns the current value of Name. (In the database, Name is stored as varchar(200).) =head2 SetName VALUE Set Name to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Name will be stored as a varchar(200).) =cut =head2 Description Returns the current value of Description. (In the database, Description is stored as varchar(255).) =head2 SetDescription VALUE Set Description to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Description will be stored as a varchar(255).) =cut =head2 Domain Returns the current value of Domain. (In the database, Domain is stored as varchar(64).) =head2 SetDomain VALUE Set Domain to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Domain will be stored as a varchar(64).) =cut =head2 Type Returns the current value of Type. (In the database, Type is stored as varchar(64).) Deprecated, use Name instead, will be removed in 4.4. =head2 SetType VALUE Set Type to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Type will be stored as a varchar(64).) Deprecated, use SetName instead, will be removed in 4.4. =cut =head2 Instance Returns the current value of Instance. (In the database, Instance is stored as int(11).) =head2 SetInstance VALUE Set Instance to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Instance will be stored as a int(11).) =cut =head2 Creator Returns the current value of Creator. (In the database, Creator is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 Created Returns the current value of Created. (In the database, Created is stored as datetime.) =cut =head2 LastUpdatedBy Returns the current value of LastUpdatedBy. (In the database, LastUpdatedBy is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 LastUpdated Returns the current value of LastUpdated. (In the database, LastUpdated is stored as datetime.) =cut sub _CoreAccessible { { id => {read => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => ''}, Name => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 200, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(200)', default => ''}, Description => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 255, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(255)', default => ''}, Domain => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 64, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(64)', default => ''}, Type => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 12, length => 64, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'varchar(64)', default => ''}, Instance => {read => 1, write => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => ''}, Creator => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, Created => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 11, length => 0, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'datetime', default => ''}, LastUpdatedBy => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 4, length => 11, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, LastUpdated => {read => 1, auto => 1, sql_type => 11, length => 0, is_blob => 0, is_numeric => 0, type => 'datetime', default => ''}, } }; sub FindDependencies { my $self = shift; my ($walker, $deps) = @_; $self->SUPER::FindDependencies($walker, $deps); my $instance = $self->InstanceObj; $deps->Add( out => $instance ) if $instance; # Group members records, unless we're a system group if ($self->Domain ne "SystemInternal") { my $objs = RT::GroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $objs->LimitToMembersOfGroup( $self->PrincipalId ); $deps->Add( in => $objs ); } # Group member records group belongs to my $objs = RT::GroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $objs->Limit( FIELD => 'MemberId', VALUE => $self->PrincipalId ); $deps->Add( in => $objs ); } sub __DependsOn { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Shredder => undef, Dependencies => undef, @_, ); my $deps = $args{'Dependencies'}; my $list = []; # User is inconsistent without own Equivalence group if( $self->Domain eq 'ACLEquivalence' ) { # delete user entry after ACL equiv group # in other case we will get deep recursion my $objs = RT::User->new($self->CurrentUser); $objs->Load( $self->Instance ); $deps->_PushDependency( BaseObject => $self, Flags => RT::Shredder::Constants::DEPENDS_ON | RT::Shredder::Constants::WIPE_AFTER, TargetObject => $objs, Shredder => $args{'Shredder'} ); } # Principal $deps->_PushDependency( BaseObject => $self, Flags => RT::Shredder::Constants::DEPENDS_ON | RT::Shredder::Constants::WIPE_AFTER, TargetObject => $self->PrincipalObj, Shredder => $args{'Shredder'} ); # Group members records my $objs = RT::GroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $objs->LimitToMembersOfGroup( $self->PrincipalId ); push( @$list, $objs ); # Group member records group belongs to $objs = RT::GroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $objs->Limit( VALUE => $self->PrincipalId, FIELD => 'MemberId', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', QUOTEVALUE => 0 ); push( @$list, $objs ); # Cached group members records push( @$list, $self->DeepMembersObj ); # Cached group member records group belongs to $objs = RT::GroupMembers->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $objs->Limit( VALUE => $self->PrincipalId, FIELD => 'MemberId', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', QUOTEVALUE => 0 ); push( @$list, $objs ); $deps->_PushDependencies( BaseObject => $self, Flags => RT::Shredder::Constants::DEPENDS_ON, TargetObjects => $list, Shredder => $args{'Shredder'} ); return $self->SUPER::__DependsOn( %args ); } sub BeforeWipeout { my $self = shift; if( $self->Domain eq 'SystemInternal' ) { RT::Shredder::Exception::Info->throw('SystemObject'); } return $self->SUPER::BeforeWipeout( @_ ); } sub Serialize { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_); my %store = $self->SUPER::Serialize(@_); my $instance = $self->InstanceObj; $store{Instance} = \($instance->UID) if $instance; $store{Disabled} = $self->PrincipalObj->Disabled; $store{Principal} = $self->PrincipalObj->UID; $store{PrincipalId} = $self->PrincipalObj->Id; return %store; } sub PreInflate { my $class = shift; my ($importer, $uid, $data) = @_; my $principal_uid = delete $data->{Principal}; my $principal_id = delete $data->{PrincipalId}; my $disabled = delete $data->{Disabled}; # Inflate refs into their IDs $class->SUPER::PreInflate( $importer, $uid, $data ); # Factored out code, in case we find an existing version of this group my $obj = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser ); my $duplicated = sub { $importer->SkipTransactions( $uid ); $importer->Resolve( $principal_uid, ref($obj->PrincipalObj), $obj->PrincipalObj->Id ); $importer->Resolve( $uid => ref($obj), $obj->Id ); return; }; # Go looking for the pre-existing version of the it if ($data->{Domain} eq "ACLEquivalence") { $obj->LoadACLEquivalenceGroup( $data->{Instance} ); return $duplicated->() if $obj->Id; # Update the name and description for the new ID $data->{Name} = 'User '. $data->{Instance}; $data->{Description} = 'ACL equiv. for user '.$data->{Instance}; } elsif ($data->{Domain} eq "UserDefined") { $data->{Name} = $importer->Qualify($data->{Name}); $obj->LoadUserDefinedGroup( $data->{Name} ); if ($obj->Id) { $importer->MergeValues($obj, $data); return $duplicated->(); } } elsif ($data->{Domain} =~ /^(SystemInternal|RT::System-Role)$/) { $obj->LoadByCols( Domain => $data->{Domain}, Name => $data->{Name} ); return $duplicated->() if $obj->Id; } elsif ($data->{Domain} eq "RT::Queue-Role") { my $queue = RT::Queue->new( RT->SystemUser ); $queue->Load( $data->{Instance} ); $obj->LoadRoleGroup( Object => $queue, Name => $data->{Name} ); return $duplicated->() if $obj->Id; } my $principal = RT::Principal->new( RT->SystemUser ); my ($id) = $principal->Create( PrincipalType => 'Group', Disabled => $disabled, ObjectId => 0, ); # Now we have a principal id, set the id for the group record $data->{id} = $id; $importer->Resolve( $principal_uid => ref($principal), $id ); $importer->Postpone( for => $uid, uid => $principal_uid, column => "ObjectId", ); return 1; } sub PostInflate { my $self = shift; my $cgm = RT::CachedGroupMember->new($self->CurrentUser); $cgm->Create( Group => $self->PrincipalObj, Member => $self->PrincipalObj, ImmediateParent => $self->PrincipalObj ); } RT::Base->_ImportOverlays(); 1;