# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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It consists of an ID, a name, and a number of saved searches and portlets. =head1 METHODS =cut package RT::Dashboard; use RT::SavedSearch; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/RT::SharedSetting/; use RT::System; RT::System::AddRights( SubscribeDashboard => 'Subscribe to dashboards', #loc_pair SeeDashboard => 'View system dashboards', #loc_pair CreateDashboard => 'Create system dashboards', #loc_pair ModifyDashboard => 'Modify system dashboards', #loc_pair DeleteDashboard => 'Delete system dashboards', #loc_pair SeeOwnDashboard => 'View personal dashboards', #loc_pair CreateOwnDashboard => 'Create personal dashboards', #loc_pair ModifyOwnDashboard => 'Modify personal dashboards', #loc_pair DeleteOwnDashboard => 'Delete personal dashboards', #loc_pair ); =head2 ObjectName An object of this class is called "dashboard" =cut sub ObjectName { "dashboard" } sub SaveAttribute { my $self = shift; my $object = shift; my $args = shift; return $object->AddAttribute( 'Name' => 'Dashboard', 'Description' => $args->{'Name'}, 'Content' => {Panes => $args->{'Panes'}}, ); } sub UpdateAttribute { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; my ($status, $msg) = (1, undef); if (defined $args->{'Panes'}) { ($status, $msg) = $self->{'Attribute'}->SetSubValues( Panes => $args->{'Panes'}, ); } if ($status && $args->{'Name'}) { ($status, $msg) = $self->{'Attribute'}->SetDescription($args->{'Name'}) unless $self->Name eq $args->{'Name'}; } if ($status && $args->{'Privacy'}) { my ($new_obj_type, $new_obj_id) = split /-/, $args->{'Privacy'}; my ($obj_type, $obj_id) = split /-/, $self->Privacy; my $attr = $self->{'Attribute'}; if ($new_obj_type ne $obj_type) { ($status, $msg) = $attr->SetObjectType($new_obj_type); } if ($status && $new_obj_id != $obj_id ) { ($status, $msg) = $attr->SetObjectId($new_obj_id); } $self->{'Privacy'} = $args->{'Privacy'} if $status; } return ($status, $msg); } =head2 Panes Returns a hashref of pane name to portlets =cut sub Panes { my $self = shift; return unless ref($self->{'Attribute'}) eq 'RT::Attribute'; return $self->{'Attribute'}->SubValue('Panes') || {}; } =head2 Portlets Returns the list of this dashboard's portlets, each a hashref with key C being C or C. =cut sub Portlets { my $self = shift; return map { @$_ } values %{ $self->Panes }; } =head2 Dashboards Returns a list of loaded sub-dashboards =cut sub Dashboards { my $self = shift; return map { my $search = RT::Dashboard->new($self->CurrentUser); $search->LoadById($_->{id}); $search } grep { $_->{portlet_type} eq 'dashboard' } $self->Portlets; } =head2 Searches Returns a list of loaded saved searches =cut sub Searches { my $self = shift; return map { my $search = RT::SavedSearch->new($self->CurrentUser); $search->Load($_->{privacy}, $_->{id}); $search } grep { $_->{portlet_type} eq 'search' } $self->Portlets; } =head2 ShowSearchName Portlet Returns an array for one saved search, suitable for passing to /Elements/ShowSearch. =cut sub ShowSearchName { my $self = shift; my $portlet = shift; if ($portlet->{privacy} eq 'RT::System') { return Name => $portlet->{description}; } return SavedSearch => join('-', $portlet->{privacy}, 'SavedSearch', $portlet->{id}); } =head2 PossibleHiddenSearches This will return a list of saved searches that are potentially not visible by all users for whom the dashboard is visible. You may pass in a privacy to use instead of the dashboard's privacy. =cut sub PossibleHiddenSearches { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift || $self->Privacy; return grep { !$_->IsVisibleTo($privacy) } $self->Searches, $self->Dashboards; } # _PrivacyObjects: returns a list of objects that can be used to load # dashboards from. If the Modify parameter is true, then check modify rights. # If the Create parameter is true, then check create rights. Otherwise, check # read rights. sub _PrivacyObjects { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $CurrentUser = $self->CurrentUser; my @objects; my $prefix = $args{Modify} ? "Modify" : $args{Create} ? "Create" : "See"; push @objects, $CurrentUser->UserObj if $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Right => "${prefix}OwnDashboard", Object => $RT::System, ); my $groups = RT::Groups->new($CurrentUser); $groups->LimitToUserDefinedGroups; $groups->WithMember( PrincipalId => $CurrentUser->Id, Recursively => 1 ); push @objects, grep { $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Right => "${prefix}GroupDashboard", Object => $_, ) } @{ $groups->ItemsArrayRef }; push @objects, RT::System->new($CurrentUser) if $CurrentUser->HasRight( Right => "${prefix}Dashboard", Object => $RT::System, ); return @objects; } # ACLs sub _CurrentUserCan { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift || $self->Privacy; my %args = @_; if (!defined($privacy)) { $RT::Logger->debug("No privacy provided to $self->_CurrentUserCan"); return 0; } my $object = $self->_GetObject($privacy); return 0 unless $object; my $level; if ($object->isa('RT::User')) { $level = 'Own' } elsif ($object->isa('RT::Group')) { $level = 'Group' } elsif ($object->isa('RT::System')) { $level = '' } else { $RT::Logger->error("Unknown object $object from privacy $privacy"); return 0; } # users are mildly special-cased, since we actually have to check that # the user is operating on himself if ($object->isa('RT::User')) { return 0 unless $object->Id == $self->CurrentUser->Id; } my $right = $args{FullRight} || join('', $args{Right}, $level, 'Dashboard'); # all rights, except group rights, are global $object = $RT::System unless $object->isa('RT::Group'); return $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Right => $right, Object => $object, ); } sub CurrentUserCanSee { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift; $self->_CurrentUserCan($privacy, Right => 'See'); } sub CurrentUserCanCreate { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift; $self->_CurrentUserCan($privacy, Right => 'Create'); } sub CurrentUserCanModify { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift; $self->_CurrentUserCan($privacy, Right => 'Modify'); } sub CurrentUserCanDelete { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift; $self->_CurrentUserCan($privacy, Right => 'Delete'); } sub CurrentUserCanSubscribe { my $self = shift; my $privacy = shift; $self->_CurrentUserCan($privacy, FullRight => 'SubscribeDashboard'); } eval "require RT::Dashboard_Vendor"; die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Dashboard_Vendor.pm}); eval "require RT::Dashboard_Local"; die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Dashboard_Local.pm}); 1;