# BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} package RT::Class; use strict; use warnings; use base 'RT::Record'; use RT::System; use RT::CustomFields; use RT::ACL; use RT::Articles; use RT::ObjectClass; use RT::ObjectClasses; use Role::Basic 'with'; with "RT::Record::Role::Rights"; sub Table {'Classes'} =head2 Load IDENTIFIER Loads a class, either by name or by id =cut sub Load { my $self = shift; my $id = shift ; return unless $id; if ( $id =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $self->SUPER::Load($id); } else { $self->LoadByCols( Name => $id ); } } __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => SeeClass => 'See that this class exists'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => CreateArticle => 'Create articles in this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( General => ShowArticle => 'See articles in this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => ShowArticleHistory => 'See changes to articles in this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( General => SeeCustomField => 'View custom field values' ); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => ModifyArticle => 'Modify or delete articles in this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => ModifyArticleTopics => 'Modify topics for articles in this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => ModifyCustomField => 'Modify custom field values' ); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => AdminClass => 'Modify metadata and custom fields for this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => AdminTopics => 'Modify topic hierarchy associated with this class'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => ShowACL => 'Display Access Control List'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Admin => ModifyACL => 'Create, modify and delete Access Control List entries'); # loc __PACKAGE__->AddRight( Staff => DeleteArticle => 'Delete articles in this class'); # loc # {{{ Create =head2 Create PARAMHASH Create takes a hash of values and creates a row in the database: varchar(255) 'Name'. varchar(255) 'Description'. int(11) 'SortOrder'. =cut sub Create { my $self = shift; my %args = ( Name => '', Description => '', SortOrder => '0', HotList => 0, @_ ); unless ( $self->CurrentUser->HasRight( Right => 'AdminClass', Object => $RT::System ) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } $self->SUPER::Create( Name => $args{'Name'}, Description => $args{'Description'}, SortOrder => $args{'SortOrder'}, HotList => $args{'HotList'}, ); } sub ValidateName { my $self = shift; my $newval = shift; return undef unless ($newval); my $obj = RT::Class->new($RT::SystemUser); $obj->Load($newval); return undef if $obj->id && ( !$self->id || $self->id != $obj->id ); return $self->SUPER::ValidateName($newval); } # }}} # }}} # {{{ ACCESS CONTROL # {{{ sub _Set sub _Set { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminClass') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } return ( $self->SUPER::_Set(@_) ); } # }}} # {{{ sub _Value sub _Value { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('SeeClass') ) { return (undef); } return ( $self->__Value(@_) ); } # }}} sub ArticleCustomFields { my $self = shift; my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $self->CurrentUser ); if ( $self->CurrentUserHasRight('SeeClass') ) { $cfs->SetContextObject( $self ); $cfs->LimitToGlobalOrObjectId( $self->Id ); $cfs->LimitToLookupType( RT::Article->CustomFieldLookupType ); $cfs->ApplySortOrder; } return ($cfs); } =head1 AppliedTo Returns collection of Queues this Class is applied to. Doesn't takes into account if object is applied globally. =cut sub AppliedTo { my $self = shift; my ($res, $ocfs_alias) = $self->_AppliedTo; return $res unless $res; $res->Limit( ALIAS => $ocfs_alias, FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => 'IS NOT', VALUE => 'NULL', ); return $res; } =head1 NotAppliedTo Returns collection of Queues this Class is not applied to. Doesn't takes into account if object is applied globally. =cut sub NotAppliedTo { my $self = shift; my ($res, $ocfs_alias) = $self->_AppliedTo; return $res unless $res; $res->Limit( ALIAS => $ocfs_alias, FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => 'IS', VALUE => 'NULL', ); return $res; } sub _AppliedTo { my $self = shift; my $res = RT::Queues->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $res->OrderBy( FIELD => 'Name' ); my $ocfs_alias = $res->Join( TYPE => 'LEFT', ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => 'id', TABLE2 => 'ObjectClasses', FIELD2 => 'ObjectId', ); $res->Limit( LEFTJOIN => $ocfs_alias, ALIAS => $ocfs_alias, FIELD => 'Class', VALUE => $self->id, ); return ($res, $ocfs_alias); } =head2 IsApplied Takes object id and returns corresponding L record if this Class is applied to the object. Use 0 to check if Class is applied globally. =cut sub IsApplied { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; return unless defined $id; my $oc = RT::ObjectClass->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $oc->LoadByCols( Class=> $self->id, ObjectId => $id, ObjectType => ( $id ? 'RT::Queue' : 'RT::System' )); return undef unless $oc->id; return $oc; } =head2 AddToObject OBJECT Apply this Class to a single object, to start with we support Queues Takes an object =cut sub AddToObject { my $self = shift; my $object = shift; my $id = $object->Id || 0; unless ( $object->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminClass') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } my $queue = RT::Queue->new( $self->CurrentUser ); if ( $id ) { my ($ok, $msg) = $queue->Load( $id ); unless ($ok) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Invalid Queue, unable to apply Class: [_1]',$msg ) ); } } if ( $self->IsApplied( $id ) ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("Class is already applied to [_1]",$queue->Name) ); } if ( $id ) { # applying locally return (0, $self->loc("Class is already applied Globally") ) if $self->IsApplied( 0 ); } else { my $applied = RT::ObjectClasses->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $applied->LimitToClass( $self->id ); while ( my $record = $applied->Next ) { $record->Delete; } } my $oc = RT::ObjectClass->new( $self->CurrentUser ); my ( $oid, $msg ) = $oc->Create( ObjectId => $id, Class => $self->id, ObjectType => ( $id ? 'RT::Queue' : 'RT::System' ), ); return ( $oid, $msg ); } =head2 RemoveFromObject OBJECT Remove this class from a single queue object =cut sub RemoveFromObject { my $self = shift; my $object = shift; my $id = $object->Id || 0; unless ( $object->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminClass') ) { return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') ); } my $ocf = $self->IsApplied( $id ); unless ( $ocf ) { return ( 0, $self->loc("This class does not apply to that object") ); } # XXX: Delete doesn't return anything my ( $oid, $msg ) = $ocf->Delete; return ( $oid, $msg ); } sub SubjectOverride { my $self = shift; my $override = $self->FirstAttribute('SubjectOverride'); return $override ? $override->Content : 0; } sub SetSubjectOverride { my $self = shift; my $override = shift; if ( $override == $self->SubjectOverride ) { return (0, "SubjectOverride is already set to that"); } my $cf = RT::CustomField->new($self->CurrentUser); $cf->Load($override); if ( $override ) { my ($ok, $msg) = $self->SetAttribute( Name => 'SubjectOverride', Content => $override ); return ($ok, $ok ? $self->loc('Added Subject Override: [_1]', $cf->Name) : $self->loc('Unable to add Subject Override: [_1] [_2]', $cf->Name, $msg)); } else { my ($ok, $msg) = $self->DeleteAttribute('SubjectOverride'); return ($ok, $ok ? $self->loc('Removed Subject Override') : $self->loc('Unable to add Subject Override: [_1] [_2]', $cf->Name, $msg)); } } =head2 id Returns the current value of id. (In the database, id is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 Name Returns the current value of Name. (In the database, Name is stored as varchar(255).) =head2 SetName VALUE Set Name to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Name will be stored as a varchar(255).) =cut =head2 Description Returns the current value of Description. (In the database, Description is stored as varchar(255).) =head2 SetDescription VALUE Set Description to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Description will be stored as a varchar(255).) =cut =head2 SortOrder Returns the current value of SortOrder. (In the database, SortOrder is stored as int(11).) =head2 SetSortOrder VALUE Set SortOrder to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, SortOrder will be stored as a int(11).) =cut =head2 Disabled Returns the current value of Disabled. (In the database, Disabled is stored as int(2).) =head2 SetDisabled VALUE Set Disabled to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Disabled will be stored as a int(2).) =cut =head2 HotList Returns the current value of HotList. (In the database, HotList is stored as int(2).) =head2 SetHotList VALUE Set HotList to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, HotList will be stored as a int(2).) =cut =head2 Creator Returns the current value of Creator. (In the database, Creator is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 Created Returns the current value of Created. (In the database, Created is stored as datetime.) =cut =head2 LastUpdatedBy Returns the current value of LastUpdatedBy. (In the database, LastUpdatedBy is stored as int(11).) =cut =head2 LastUpdated Returns the current value of LastUpdated. (In the database, LastUpdated is stored as datetime.) =cut sub _CoreAccessible { { id => {read => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => ''}, Name => {read => 1, write => 1, type => 'varchar(255)', default => ''}, Description => {read => 1, write => 1, type => 'varchar(255)', default => ''}, SortOrder => {read => 1, write => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, Disabled => {read => 1, write => 1, type => 'int(2)', default => '0'}, HotList => {read => 1, write => 1, type => 'int(2)', default => '0'}, Creator => {read => 1, auto => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, Created => {read => 1, auto => 1, type => 'datetime', default => ''}, LastUpdatedBy => {read => 1, auto => 1, type => 'int(11)', default => '0'}, LastUpdated => {read => 1, auto => 1, type => 'datetime', default => ''}, } }; sub FindDependencies { my $self = shift; my ($walker, $deps) = @_; $self->SUPER::FindDependencies($walker, $deps); my $articles = RT::Articles->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $articles->Limit( FIELD => "Class", VALUE => $self->Id ); $deps->Add( in => $articles ); my $topics = RT::Topics->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $topics->LimitToObject( $self ); $deps->Add( in => $topics ); my $objectclasses = RT::ObjectClasses->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $objectclasses->LimitToClass( $self->Id ); $deps->Add( in => $objectclasses ); # Custom Fields on things _in_ this class (CFs on the class itself # have already been dealt with) my $ocfs = RT::ObjectCustomFields->new( $self->CurrentUser ); $ocfs->Limit( FIELD => 'ObjectId', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $self->id, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR' ); $ocfs->Limit( FIELD => 'ObjectId', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => 0, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR' ); my $cfs = $ocfs->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => 'CustomField', TABLE2 => 'CustomFields', FIELD2 => 'id', ); $ocfs->Limit( ALIAS => $cfs, FIELD => 'LookupType', OPERATOR => 'STARTSWITH', VALUE => 'RT::Class-' ); $deps->Add( in => $ocfs ); } sub PreInflate { my $class = shift; my ($importer, $uid, $data) = @_; $class->SUPER::PreInflate( $importer, $uid, $data ); return if $importer->MergeBy( "Name", $class, $uid, $data ); return 1; } RT::Base->_ImportOverlays(); 1;