Since RT 3.8.2 RT deployment on Oracle database has been simplified. You don't need to create anything beforehead. During installation an user is created and all RT's objects are created in his schema. User is created with the following parameters: CREATE USER IDENTIFIED BY DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP QUOTA UNLIMITED ON USERS And as well granted with 'CONNECT' and 'RESOURCE'. It's up to you to do decide how to manage users, change quotas, table spaces and other. RT has option DatabaseName which is used to define SID of the Oracle database. You don't have to setup TWO_TASK environment variable or other helpers files for connection. Example: ./configure \ --with-db-type=Oracle \ --with-db-database=XE \ --with-db-host= \ --with-db-dba=system \ --with-db-rt-user=rtdb1 \ --with-db-rt-pass=rtdb1secret \ ... other configure options ... This's all specifics of deployment on Oracle you should be aware of. To complete installation you must follow general instructions in the README file. As with all databases it is important to analyze the schema and get current statistics after any significant dataset change. Oracle's cost-based optimizer can provide particularly bad performance when the schema statistics are significantly inaccurate. To analyze the schema of a user called rt, execute the following from within sqlplus: execute dbms_utility.analyze_schema( 'RT', 'estimate');