% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
'table' => 'svc_dsl',
'labels' => \%labels,
'fields' => \@fields,
'svc_callback' => $svc_cb,
'html_foot' => $html_foot,
# XXX: AJAX auto-pull
my $fields = FS::svc_dsl->table_info->{'fields'};
my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
: $fields->{$_}
} keys %$fields;
my @fields = keys %$fields;
my $footer;
my $html_foot = sub {
return $footer;
my $svc_cb = sub {
my( $cgi,$svc_dsl, $part_svc,$cust_pkg, $fields1,$opt) = @_;
my @exports = $part_svc->part_export_dsl_pull;
die "more than one DSL-pulling export attached to svcpart ".$part_svc->svcpart
if ( scalar(@exports) > 1 );
# if no DSL-pulling exports, then just display everything, which is the
# default behaviour implemented above
return if ( scalar(@exports) == 0 );
my $export = @exports[0];
@fields = ( 'phonenum',
{ field => 'loop_type',
value => 'FS::part_export::'.$export->exporttype.'::loop_type_long'
{ field => 'desired_due_date', type => 'date', },
{ field => 'due_date', type => 'date', },
{ field => 'pushed', type => 'datetime', },
{ field => 'monitored', type => 'checkbox', },
{ field => 'last_pull', type => 'datetime', },
'company' );
my $status = '';
if($export->exporttype eq 'ikano') {
push @fields, qw ( username password isp_chg isp_prev staticips );
$status = "Ikano " . $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type . " order #"
. $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id . " Status: "
. $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status;
# else add any other export-specific stuff here
$footer = "$status";
my @notes = $svc_dsl->notes;
if ( @notes ) {
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
$footer .=
Order Notes
". ntable('#cccccc', 2). #id="dsl_notes"