% include("/elements/header.html","View Qualification") %>
% if ( $cust_or_prospect->get('custnum') ) {
<% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $cust_or_prospect->custnum, '', 1,
"${p}view/cust_main.cgi") %>
% } elsif ( $cust_or_prospect->get('prospectnum') ) {
% my $prospectnum = $cust_or_prospect->get('prospectnum');
% my $link = "${p}view/prospect_main.html?$prospectnum";
Prospect #<%$prospectnum%>
% }
Qualification #<% $qual->qualnum %>
<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Status', value => $qual->status_long ) %>
<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Service Telephone Number', value => $qual->phonenum ) %>
<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Address', value => $location_line ) %>
% if ( $location_kind ) {
<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Location Kind', value => $location_kind ) %>
% } if ( $export ) {
<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Qualified using', value => $export->exportname ) %>
<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Vendor Qualification #', value => $qual->vendor_qual_id ) %>
% }
% if ( $export ) {
% my $qual_result = $export->qual_result($qual);
% if ($qual_result->{'header'}) {
<% $qual_result->{'header'} %>
% }
% if ($qual_result->{'pkglist'}) { # one of the possible formats
% my $svcpart = '';
% my $pkglist = $qual_result->{'pkglist'};
% my $cust_or_prospect = $qual->cust_or_prospect;
% my $locationnum = '';
% my %location = $qual->location_hash;
% if (%location && $location{'locationnum'}) {
% $locationnum = $location{'locationnum'};
% }