% my $s = 0;
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Qualify service') ) {
<% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
<% include('qual_link.html', $cust_main) %>
% }
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Order customer package') ) {
<% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
<% include('order_pkg_link.html', $cust_main) %>
% }
% if ( $curuser->access_right('One-time charge')
% && $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE'
% ) {
<% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
<% include('one_time_charge_link.html', $cust_main) %>
% }
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Bulk change customer packages') ) {
<% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
Bulk order and cancel packages (preserves services)
% }
% if ( @$packages ) {
Current packages
% }
% if ( $cust_main->num_cancelled_pkgs ) {
% if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
% || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
% && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages')
% )
% )
% {
% my $prev = $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages');
% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 1);
( show
% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', $prev);
% } else {
% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 0);
( hide
% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 1);
% }
cancelled packages )
% }
% if ( $num_old_packages ) {
% $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 1);
( show old packages )
% } elsif ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
% $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 0);
( hide old packages )
% }
Package reports
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Qualify service') ) {
| View Qualifications
% }
Service reports:
Usage reports:
% if ( @$packages ) {
<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
% my $bgcolor = '';
Package |
Status |
% if ( $show_location ) {
Location |
% }
Services |
% #$FS::cust_pkg::DEBUG = 2;
% foreach my $cust_pkg (@$packages) {
% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
% } else {
% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
% }
% my %iopt = (
% 'bgcolor' => $bgcolor,
% 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
% 'part_pkg' => $cust_pkg->part_pkg,
% %conf_opt,
% );
<% include('packages/package.html', %iopt) %>
<% include('packages/status.html', %iopt) %>
% if ( $show_location ) {
<% include('packages/location.html', %iopt) %>
% }
<% include('packages/services.html', %iopt) %>
% }
% } else {
% }
% if ( $cgi->param('fragment') =~ /^cust_pkg(\d+)$/ ) {
% }
my( $cust_main ) = @_;
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
my( $packages, $num_old_packages ) = get_packages($cust_main, $conf);
my $show_location = $conf->exists('cust_pkg-always_show_location')
|| ( grep $_->locationnum, @$packages ); # ? '1' : '0';
my $countrydefault = scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')) || 'US';
my %conf_opt = (
#for services.html and status.html
'cust_pkg-display_times' => ($conf->exists('cust_pkg-display_times')
|| $curuser->option('cust_pkg-display_times')),
#for status.html
'cust_pkg-show_autosuspend' => $conf->exists('cust_pkg-show_autosuspend'),
#for status.html pkg-balances
'pkg-balances' => $conf->exists('pkg-balances'),
'money_char' => ( $conf->config('money_char') || '$' ),
#for location.html
'countrydefault' => $countrydefault,
'statedefault' => ( scalar($conf->config('statedefault'))
|| ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '') ),
#for services.html
'svc_external-skip_manual' => $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual'),
'legacy_link' => $conf->exists('legacy_link'),
'svc_broadband-manage_link' => scalar($conf->config('svc_broadband-manage_link')),
'maestro-status_test' => $conf->exists('maestro-status_test'),
'cust_pkg-large_pkg_size' => $conf->config('cust_pkg-large_pkg_size'),
sub get_packages {
my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
my $conf = shift;
my $method;
if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
|| ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
&& ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') )
$method = 'ncancelled_pkgs';
} else {
$method = 'all_pkgs';
my $cust_pkg_fields =
join(', ', map { "cust_pkg.$_ AS $_" } fields('cust_pkg') );
my $part_pkg_fields =
join(', ', map { "part_pkg.$_ AS part_pkg_$_" } fields('part_pkg') );
my $group_by =
join(', ', map "cust_pkg.$_", fields('cust_pkg') ). ', '.
join(', ', map "part_pkg.$_", fields('part_pkg') );
my $num_svcs = '( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_svc '.
' WHERE cust_svc.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum ) AS num_svcs';
my @packages = $cust_main->$method( {
'select' => "$cust_pkg_fields, $part_pkg_fields, $num_svcs",
'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )',
} );
my $num_old_packages = scalar(@packages);
foreach my $cust_pkg ( @packages ) {
my %hash = $cust_pkg->hash;
my %part_pkg = map { /^part_pkg_(.+)$/ or die; ( $1 => $hash{$_} ); }
grep { /^part_pkg_/ } keys %hash;
$cust_pkg->{'_pkgpart'} = new FS::part_pkg \%part_pkg;
unless ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
my $years = $conf->config('cust_main-packages-years') || 2;
my $then = time - $years * 31556926; #60*60*24*365.2422 is close enough
my %hide = ( 'cancelled' => 'cancel',
'one-time charge' => 'setup',
@packages =
grep { !exists($hide{$_->status}) or $_->get($hide{$_->status}) > $then
or $_->num_svcs #don't hide packages w/services
$num_old_packages -= scalar(@packages);
( \@packages, $num_old_packages );