<% emt('Email sent to this customer') %>
% if ($maxrecords < $total) {
<% emt('Showing [_1] most recent of [quant,_2,total message]', $maxrecords, $total) %>
(<% emt('view all') %>)
% } else {
<% emt('[quant,_1,total message]', $total) %>
% }
<& /elements/table-grid.html &>
<% emt('Date') %> |
<% emt('Type') %> |
<% emt('Destination') %> |
<% emt('Subject') %> |
% my $i = 0;
% foreach my $row (@rows) {
% my $onclick = $sub_popup_link->($row);
% my $link = qq!
<% $link %>
<% $row->_date ? time2str('%Y-%m-%d %T', $row->_date) : '' %>
<% $link %>
<% ucfirst($row->msgtype) || $row->msgname %>
<% $link %>
<% join(' ', split(/,\s*/, $row->env_to)) %>
<% $row->status %>
<% $row->error |h %>
% $i = 1 - $i;
% }
% }
my %opt = @_;
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
my $cust_main = $opt{'cust_main'}
or die "cust_main required";
my $custnum = $cust_main->custnum;
my $where = "WHERE cust_msg.custnum = $custnum";
my $maxrecords = $curuser->option('customer_view_emails') || 10;
my $order_by = '_date DESC';
my $query = {
'table' => 'cust_msg',
'select' => join(', ',
'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN msg_template USING ( msgnum ) ',
'hashref' => {},
'extra_sql' => $where,
'order_by' => "ORDER BY $order_by LIMIT $maxrecords",
my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_msg $where";
my @rows = qsearch($query);
my $total = FS::Record->scalar_sql($count_query);
my $sub_popup_link = sub {
my $custmsgnum = $_[0]->custmsgnum;
'action' => $p. 'view/cust_msg.html?' . $custmsgnum,
'actionlabel' => 'Message detail',
'width' => 680,
'height' => 550,
my %color = (
'failed' => '#FF0000',
'sent' => '#000000',
'invoice' => '#00CC00',
'receipt' => '#0000CC',
'admin' => '#CC0000',
'' => '#000000',
my $statuscolor = sub { $color{$_[0]->status} };
my $typecolor = sub { $color{$_[0]->msgtype} };