% if ( int( time - (keys %years)[0] * 31556736 ) > $start ) {
% my $chy = $cgi->param('change_history-years');
% foreach my $y (keys %years) {
% if ( $y == $years ) {
<% $years{$y} %>
% } else {
% $cgi->param('change_history-years', $y);
<% $years{$y} %>
% }
% last if int( time - $y * 31556736 ) < $start;
% }
% $cgi->param('change_history-years', $chy);
% }
<% include("/elements/change_history_common.html",
'history' => \@history,
'tables' => \%tables,
'single_cust' => 1,
) %>
tie my %years, 'Tie::IxHash',
.5 => '6 months',
1 => '1 year',
2 => '2 years',
5 => '5 years',
39 => 'all history',
tie my %tables, 'Tie::IxHash',
'cust_main' => 'Customer',
'cust_main_invoice' => 'Invoice destination',
'cust_main_note' => 'Note',
'cust_pkg' => 'Package',
#? or just svc_* ? 'cust_svc' =>
'svc_acct' => 'Account',
'radius_usergroup' => 'RADIUS group',
'svc_domain' => 'Domain',
'svc_www' => 'Hosting',
'svc_forward' => 'Mail forward',
'svc_broadband' => 'Broadband',
'svc_external' => 'External service',
'svc_phone' => 'Phone',
'svc_cable' => 'Cable',
'phone_device' => 'Phone device',
'cust_pkg_discount' => 'Discount',
#? it gets provisioned anyway 'phone_avail' => 'Phone',
'cust_tag' => 'Tag',
my $pkg_join = "JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )";
my $svc_join = "JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) $pkg_join";
my @svc_tables = qw(
my %table_join = (
'radius_usergroup' => $svc_join,
'phone_device' => $svc_join,
'cust_pkg_discount'=> $pkg_join,
%table_join = (%table_join, map { $_ => $svc_join } @svc_tables);
# cust_main
# cust_main_invoice
# cust_pkg
# cust_pkg_option?
# cust_pkg_detail
# cust_pkg_reason? no
# svc_acct
# radius_usergroup
# acct_snarf? is this even used? it is now, for communigate RPOP
# svc_domain
# domain_record
# registrar
# svc_forward
# svc_www
# svc_broadband
# (virtual fields? eh... maybe when they're real)
# svc_external
# svc_phone
# phone_device
# phone_avail
# future:
# inventory_item (from services)
# pkg_referral? (changed?)
#random others:
# cust_location?
# cust_main-exemption?? (295.ca named tax exemptions)
my( $cust_main ) = @_;
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('View customer history');
# find out the beginning of this customer history, if possible
my $h_insert = qsearchs({
'table' => 'h_cust_main',
'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum,
'history_action' => 'insert',
'extra_sql' => 'ORDER BY historynum LIMIT 1',
my $start = $h_insert ? $h_insert->history_date : 0;
# retreive the history
my @history = ();
my $years = $conf->config('change_history-years') || .5;
if ( $cgi->param('change_history-years') =~ /^([\d\.]+)$/ ) {
$years = $1;
my $newer_than = int( time - $years * 31556736 ); #60*60*24*365.24
local($FS::Record::nowarn_classload) = 1;
my %foundsvcs;
foreach my $table ( keys %tables ) {
my @items = qsearch({
'table' => "h_$table",
'addl_from' => $table_join{$table},
'hashref' => { 'history_date' => { op=>'>=', value=>$newer_than }, },
'extra_sql' => ' AND custnum = '. $cust_main->custnum,
%foundsvcs = (%foundsvcs, map { $_->svcnum => 1 } @items)
if $table =~ /^svc/;
push @history, @items;
### Load svcs that are no longer linked (cust_svc has been deleted)
# get list of all svcs for this customer from h_cust_svc
# could also load svcdb here by joining to part_svc on svcpart,
# but it would spoil database optimizations on this lookup
my @svcnumobj = qsearch({
'select' => 'DISTINCT svcnum',
'hashref' => { 'history_date' => { op=>'>=', value=>$newer_than } },
'table' => 'h_cust_svc',
'addl_from' => 'JOIN cust_pkg USING (pkgnum)',
'extra_sql' => ' AND custnum = '. $cust_main->custnum,
# now grab those svcs explicitly
foreach my $svcnum ( map { $_->get('svcnum') } @svcnumobj ) {
# can skip the services we already found
next if $foundsvcs{$svcnum};
# grab any given h_cust_svc record for this svcnum to get svcdb
my $svcdbobj = qsearchs({
'select' => 'svcdb',
'hashref' => { svcnum => $svcnum },
'table' => 'h_cust_svc',
'addl_from' => 'JOIN part_svc USING (svcpart)',
'extra_sql' => 'LIMIT 1',
unless ($svcdbobj && $svcdbobj->get('svcdb')) {
# don't think this ever happens, but just in case, don't break history page over it
warn "Could not load svcdb for svcnum $svcnum";
my @items = qsearch({
'table' => "h_".$svcdbobj->get('svcdb'),
'hashref' => { 'history_date' => { op=>'>=', value=>$newer_than },
'svcnum' => $svcnum },
push @history, @items;
## legacy history
my @legacy_items = qsearch({
'table' => 'legacy_cust_history',
'hashref' => { 'history_date' => { op=>'>=', value=>$newer_than }, },
'extra_sql' => ' AND custnum = '. $cust_main->custnum,
push @history, @legacy_items;