& elements/svc_Common.html,
'title' => 'External service search results',
'name' => 'external services',
'query' => $sql_query,
'count_query' => $count_query,
'redirect' => $redirect,
'header' => [ '#',
( FS::Msgcat::_gettext('svc_external-id') || 'External ID' ),
( FS::Msgcat::_gettext('svc_external-title') || 'Title' ),
emt('Pkg. Status'),
'fields' => [ 'svcnum',
sub {
$cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum} ||= $_[0]->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
return '' unless $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum};
'links' => [ $link,
'', # pkg status
( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $link_cust : '' }
'align' => 'rlrrr'.
'color' => [
sub {
$cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum} ||= $_[0]->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
return '' unless $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum};
my $c = FS::cust_pkg::statuscolors;
$c->{$cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum}->status };
}, # pkg status
'style' => [
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List services');
my %cust_pkg_cache;
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my %svc_external;
my @extra_sql = ();
my $orderby = 'ORDER BY svcnum';
my $link = [ "${p}view/svc_external.cgi?", 'svcnum' ];
my $redirect = $link;
if ( $cgi->param('magic') =~ /^(all|unlinked)$/ ) {
push @extra_sql, 'pkgnum IS NULL'
if $cgi->param('magic') eq 'unlinked';
if ( $cgi->param('sortby') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
my $sortby = $1;
$orderby = "ORDER BY $sortby";
} elsif ( $cgi->param('svcpart') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
push @extra_sql, "svcpart = $1";
if (defined($cgi->param('cancelled'))) {
if ($cgi->param('cancelled')) {
push @extra_sql, "cust_pkg.cancel IS NOT NULL";
} else {
push @extra_sql, "cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL";
} elsif ( $cgi->param('title') =~ /^(.*)$/ ) {
$svc_external{'title'} = $1;
$orderby = 'ORDER BY id';
# is this linked from anywhere???
# if( $cgi->param('history') == 1 ) {
# @h_svc_external=qsearch('h_svc_external',{ title => $1 });
# }
} elsif ( $cgi->param('id') =~ /^([\w\-\.]+)$/ ) {
$svc_external{'id'} = $1;
my $addl_from = ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
' LEFT JOIN part_svc USING ( svcpart ) '.
' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
FS::UI::Web::join_cust_main('cust_pkg', 'cust_pkg');
#here is the agent virtualization
push @extra_sql, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
my $extra_sql = '';
if ( @extra_sql ) {
$extra_sql = ( keys(%svc_external) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
join(' AND ', @extra_sql );
my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM svc_external $addl_from ";
if ( keys %svc_external ) {
$count_query .= ' WHERE '.
join(' AND ', map "$_ = ". dbh->quote($svc_external{$_}),
keys %svc_external
$count_query .= $extra_sql;
my $sql_query = {
'table' => 'svc_external',
'hashref' => \%svc_external,
'select' => join(', ',
'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
'order_by' => $orderby,
'addl_from' => $addl_from,
#smaller false laziness w/svc_*.cgi here
my $link_cust = sub {
my $svc_x = shift;
$svc_x->custnum ? [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ] : '';