%# still not a good way to do rows grouped by some field in a search.html
%# report
%# (there is now, but we're not yet sponsored to switch this over to it)
% if ( $type eq 'xls' ) {
<% $data %>\
% } else {
% if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {
<& /elements/header-popup.html, $title &>
% } else {
<& /elements/header.html, $title &>
Download full results
as Excel spreadsheet
% }
<& /elements/table-grid.html &>
Package |
Sales |
Percentage |
Commission |
% my ($custnum, $sales, $commission, $row, $bgcolor) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
% foreach my $cust_pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
% if ( $custnum ne $cust_pkg->custnum ) {
% # start of a new customer section
% my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main;
% $bgcolor = 0;
<% $cust_main->display_custnum %>: <% $cust_main->name |h %>
% }
<% $cust_pkg->pkg_label %> |
<% sprintf('%.2f', $cust_pkg->sum_charged) %> |
<% $cust_pkg->percent %>% |
<% sprintf('%.2f',
$cust_pkg->sum_charged * $cust_pkg->percent / 100) %> |
% $sales += $cust_pkg->sum_charged;
% $commission += $cust_pkg->sum_charged * $cust_pkg->percent / 100;
% $row++;
% $bgcolor = 1-$bgcolor;
% $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
% }
<% emt('[quant,_1,package] with commission', $row) %>
<% sprintf('%.2f', $sales) %> |
<% sprintf('%.2f', $commission) %> |
<& /elements/footer.html &>
% }
#pretty bad false laziness w/agent_commission.html, lots of s/agent/sales/ :/
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
my ($begin, $end) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
$cgi->param('salesnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "No sales person selected"; #better error handling of this case (or, better javascript that doesn't let you submit)
my $salesnum = $1;
my $sales = FS::sales->by_key($salesnum);
my $title = $sales->salesperson . ' commissions';
my $sum_charged =
'(SELECT SUM(setup + recur) FROM cust_bill_pkg JOIN cust_bill USING (invnum)'.
'WHERE cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum AND '.
"cust_bill._date >= $begin AND cust_bill._date < $end)";
my @select = (
'sales_pkg_class.commission_percent AS percent',
"$sum_charged AS sum_charged",
my $query = {
'table' => 'cust_pkg',
'select' => join(',', @select),
'addl_from' => '
JOIN cust_main USING (custnum)
JOIN part_pkg USING (pkgpart)
JOIN sales_pkg_class ON (
COALESCE(cust_pkg.salesnum,cust_main.salesnum) = sales_pkg_class.salesnum
( sales_pkg_class.classnum = part_pkg.classnum
OR (sales_pkg_class IS NULL AND part_pkg.classnum IS NULL)
'extra_sql' => "
WHERE COALESCE(cust_pkg.salesnum,cust_main.salesnum) = $salesnum
AND sales_pkg_class.commission_percent > 0
AND $sum_charged > 0
'order_by' => 'ORDER BY cust_pkg.custnum ASC',
my @cust_pkg = qsearch($query);
my $money_char = FS::Conf->new->config('money_char') || '$';
my $data = '';
my $type = $cgi->param('_type');
if ( $type eq 'xls') {
# some false laziness with the above...
my $format = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->spreadsheet_format;
my $filename = 'sales_commission_pkg' . $format->{extension};
http_header('Content-Type' => $format->{mime_type});
http_header('Content-Disposition' => qq!attachment;filename="$filename"!);
my $XLS = IO::Scalar->new(\$data);
my $workbook = $format->{class}->new($XLS);
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(substr($title, 0, 31));
my $cust_head_format = $workbook->add_format(
bold => 1,
underline => 1,
text_wrap => 0,
bg_color => 'white',
my $col_head_format = $workbook->add_format(
bold => 1,
align => 'center',
bg_color => 'silver'
my @format;
foreach (0, 1) {
my %bg = (bg_color => $_ ? 'white' : 'silver');
$format[$_] = {
'text' => $workbook->add_format(%bg),
'money' => $workbook->add_format(%bg, num_format => $money_char.'#0.00'),
'percent' => $workbook->add_format(%bg, num_format => '0.00%'),
my $total_format = $workbook->add_format(
bg_color => 'yellow',
num_format => $money_char.'#0.00',
top => 1
my ($r, $c) = (0, 0);
foreach (qw(Package Sales Percentage Commission)) {
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_, $col_head_format);
my ($custnum, $sales, $commission, $row, $bgcolor) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
my $label_length = 0;
foreach my $cust_pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
if ( $custnum ne $cust_pkg->custnum ) {
# start of a new customer section
my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main;
my $label = $cust_main->custnum . ': '. $cust_main->name;
$bgcolor = 0;
$worksheet->set_row($r, 20);
$worksheet->merge_range($r, 0, $r, 3, $label, $cust_head_format);
$c = 0;
my $percent = $cust_pkg->percent / 100;
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $cust_pkg->pkg_label, $format[$bgcolor]{text});
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $cust_pkg->sum_charged, $format[$bgcolor]{money});
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $percent, $format[$bgcolor]{percent});
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, ($cust_pkg->sum_charged * $percent),
$label_length = max($label_length, length($cust_pkg->pkg_label));
$sales += $cust_pkg->sum_charged;
$commission += $cust_pkg->sum_charged * $cust_pkg->percent / 100;
$bgcolor = 1-$bgcolor;
$custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
$c = 0;
$label_length = max($label_length, 20);
$worksheet->set_column($c, $c, $label_length);
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, mt('[quant,_1,package] with commission', $row),
$worksheet->set_column($c, $c + 2, 11);
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $sales, $total_format);
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, '', $total_format);
$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $commission, $total_format);