% include( 'elements/search.html',
'html_init' => $html_init,
'name' => 'lines',
'query' => $query,
'count_query' => 'SELECT 11',
'really_disable_download' => 1,
'disable_download' => 1,
'nohtmlheader' => 1,
'disable_total' => 1,
'header' => [ @headers ],
'xml_elements' => [ @xml_elements ],
'fields' => [ @fields ],
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('List packages');
my $html_init = '
Part IIA
my %search_hash = ();
for ( qw(agentnum magic) ) {
$search_hash{$_} = $cgi->param($_) if $cgi->param($_);
$search_hash{'classnum'} = [ $cgi->param('classnum') ];
my @row_option = grep { /^\d+$/ } $cgi->param('part2a_row_option')
if $cgi->param('part2a_row_option');
# fudge in two rows of LD carrier
unshift @row_option, $row_option[0];
# fudge in the first pair of rows
unshift @row_option, '';
unshift @row_option, '';
my $query = 'SELECT '. join(' UNION SELECT ', 1..11);
my $total_count = 0;
my $column_value = sub {
my $row = shift;
my @report_option = ( $row_option[$row - 1] || '' );
my $sql_query = FS::cust_pkg->search(
{ %search_hash, 'report_option' => join(',', @report_option) }
my $count_sql = delete($sql_query->{'count_query'});
if ( $row == 2 || $row == 4 ) {
$count_sql =~ s/COUNT\(\*\) FROM/COALESCE( sum(CASE WHEN cust_main.company IS NULL OR cust_main.company = '' THEN fcc_ds0s END), 0 ) FROM/
or die "couldn't parse count_sql";
} else {
$count_sql =~ s/COUNT\(\*\) FROM/COALESCE( sum(fcc_ds0s), 0 ) FROM/
or die "couldn't parse count_sql";
my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($count_sql)
or die "Error preparing $count_sql: ". dbh->errstr;
or die "Error executing $count_sql: ". $count_sth->errstr;
my $count_arrayref = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $count = $count_arrayref->[0];
$total_count = $count if $row == 1;
$count = sprintf('%.2f', $total_count ? 100*$count/$total_count : 0)
if $row != 1;
return "$count";
my @headers = (
'End user lines',
'UNE-P replacement',
'UNE (unswitched)',
my @xml_elements = (
sub { my $row = shift; my $rownum = $row->[0] + 1; "PartII_${rownum}a" },
sub { my $row = shift; my $rownum = $row->[0] + 1; "PartII_${rownum}b" },
sub { my $row = shift; my $rownum = $row->[0] + 1; "PartII_${rownum}c" },
sub { my $row = shift; my $rownum = $row->[0] + 1; "PartII_${rownum}d" },
my @rows = (
'% residential',
'% LD carrier',
'% residential and LD carrier',
'% own loops',
'% obtained unswitched UNE loops',
'% UNE-P',
'% UNE-P replacement',
'% FTTP',
'% coax',
'% wireless',
my @fields = (
sub { my $row = shift; $rows[$row->[0] - 1]; },
sub { my $row = shift; &{$column_value}($row->[0]); },
sub { 0; },
sub { 0; },
sub { 0; },
shift @fields if $cgi->param('_type') eq 'xml';