<% include( '/elements/header.html', "Process $type{$payby} payment" ) %> <% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $cust_main, '', '', popurl(2) . "view/cust_main.cgi" ) %>
<% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %> % #include( '/elements/table.html', '#cccccc' ) <% ntable('#cccccc') %> Payment amount
% if ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) { % % my( $payinfo, $paycvv, $month, $year ) = ( '', '', '', '' ); % my $payname = $cust_main->first. ' '. $cust_main->getfield('last'); % my $address1 = $cust_main->address1; % my $address2 = $cust_main->address2; % my $city = $cust_main->city; % my $state = $cust_main->state; % my $zip = $cust_main->zip; % if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ) { % $payinfo = $cust_main->paymask; % $paycvv = $cust_main->paycvv; % ( $month, $year ) = $cust_main->paydate_monthyear; % $payname = $cust_main->payname if $cust_main->payname; % } Card number
Exp. /
CVV2 (help) Exact name on card Card billing address Address line 2 City
State Zip
% } elsif ( $payby eq 'CHEK' ) { % % my( $payinfo1, $payinfo2, $payname, $ss, $paytype, $paystate, % $stateid, $stateid_state ) % = ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ); % if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) { % $cust_main->paymask =~ /^([\dx]+)\@([\dx]+)$/i % or die "unparsable payinfo ". $cust_main->payinfo; % ($payinfo1, $payinfo2) = ($1, $2); % $payname = $cust_main->payname; % $ss = $cust_main->ss; % $paytype = $cust_main->getfield('paytype'); % $paystate = $cust_main->getfield('paystate'); % $stateid = $cust_main->getfield('stateid'); % $stateid_state = $cust_main->getfield('stateid_state'); % } Account number Type ABA/Routing number (help) Bank name % if ( $conf->exists('show_bankstate') ) { Bank state <% include('/elements/select-state.html', 'disable_empty' => 0, 'empty_label' => '(choose)', 'state' => $paystate, 'country' => $cust_main->country, 'prefix' => 'pay', ) %> % } else { % } % if ( $conf->exists('show_ss') ) { Account holder
Social security or tax ID # % } else { % } % if ( $conf->exists('show_stateid') ) { Account holder
Driver’s license or state ID # State <% include('/elements/select-state.html', 'disable_empty' => 0, 'empty_label' => '(choose)', 'state' => $stateid_state, 'country' => $cust_main->country, 'prefix' => 'stateid_', ) %> % } else { % } % } #end CARD/CHEK-specific section Remember this information % if ( $conf->exists("batch-enable") % || grep $payby eq $_, $conf->config('batch-enable_payby') % ) { % % if ( grep $payby eq $_, $conf->config('realtime-disable_payby') ) { % } else { Add to current batch % } % } payby ne 'DCRD' ) || ( $payby eq 'CHEK' && $cust_main->payby eq 'CHEK' ) ) ? ' CHECKED' : '' %> NAME="auto" VALUE="1" onClick="if (this.checked) { document.OneTrueForm.save.checked=true; }"> Charge future payments to this <% $type{$payby} %> automatically
<% include('/elements/footer.html') %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Process payment'); my %type = ( 'CARD' => 'credit card', 'CHEK' => 'electronic check (ACH)', ); $cgi->param('payby') =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/ or die "unknown payby ". $cgi->param('payby'); my $payby = $1; $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "illegal custnum ". $cgi->param('custnum'); my $custnum = $1; my $cust_main = qsearchs( 'cust_main', { 'custnum'=>$custnum } ); die "unknown custnum $custnum" unless $cust_main; my $balance = $cust_main->balance; my $payinfo = ''; #false laziness w/selfservice make_payment.html shortcut for one-country my $conf = new FS::Conf; my %states = map { $_->state => 1 } qsearch('cust_main_county', { 'country' => $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US' } ); my @states = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %states; my $payunique = "webui-payment-". time. "-$$-". rand() * 2**32;