Uploaded files can be CSV (comma-separated value) files or Excel spreadsheets. The file should have a .CSV or .XLS extension.
Default format has the following field order: agent_pkgpartid, pkg<%$req%>, comment<%$req%>, freq<%$req%>, plan<%$req%>, setup_fee<%$req%>, recur_fee<%$req%>, setup_cost, recur_cost, classnum, taxclass
<%$req%> Required fields
Field information:
agent_pkgpartid: Current product ID or code
pkg: Package name (customer-visible)
comment: Package comment (customer-hidden)
freq: Recurring fee frequency - 0 for one-time charges, a number of months (i.e. 1 for months, 12 for yearly), or a number followed by h, d or w for hours, days or weeks.
plan: Price plan, i.e. flat, prorate, voip_cdr, etc.
setup_fee: Setup price
recur_fee: Recurring price
setup_cost: Setup cost
recur_cost: Recurring cost
classnum: Package class (integer)
taxclass: Tax class (string)
<& /elements/footer.html &>
my $req = qq!*!;
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Import');
my $pkgpartbatch =
time2str('webimport-%Y/%m/%d-%T'. "-$$-". rand() * 2**32, time);