% include('/elements/header.html', $title) %>
% if ( $cgi->param('action') eq 'send' ) { % } <% include('/elements/footer.html') %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Bulk send customer notices'); my $table = $cgi->param('table') or die "'table' required"; my %search; if ( $cgi->param('search') ) { %search = %{ thaw(decode_base64($cgi->param('search'))) }; } else { %search = $cgi->Vars; delete $search{$_} for qw( action table from subject html_body text_body ); # FS::$table->search is expected to know which parameters might be # multi-valued, and to accept scalar values for them also. No good # solution to this since CGI can't tell whether a parameter _might_ # have had multiple values, only whether it does. @search{keys %search} = map { /\0/ ? [ split /\0/, $_ ] : $_ } values %search; } my $title = 'Send bulk customer notices'; my $num_cust; my $from = $cgi->param('from') || ''; my $subject = $cgi->param('subject') || ''; my $html_body = $cgi->param('html_body') || ''; my $msg_template = ''; if ( $cgi->param('action') eq 'preview' ) { my $sql_query = "FS::$table"->search(\%search); my $count_query = delete($sql_query->{'count_query'}); my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($count_query) or die "Error preparing $count_query: ". dbh->errstr; $count_sth->execute or die "Error executing $count_query: ". $count_sth->errstr; my $count_arrayref = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref; $num_cust = $count_arrayref->[0]; if ( $cgi->param('msgnum') ) { $msg_template = qsearchs('msg_template', { msgnum => $cgi->param('msgnum') } ) or die "template not found: ".$cgi->param('msgnum'); $sql_query->{'extra_sql'} .= ' LIMIT 1'; $sql_query->{'order_by'} = ''; my $cust = qsearchs($sql_query)->cust_main; my %message = $msg_template->prepare( 'cust_main' => $cust, 'preview' => 1 ); ($from, $subject, $html_body) = @message{'from', 'subject', 'html_body'}; } } %init>