Uploaded files can be CSV (comma-separated value) files or Excel spreadsheets. The file should have a .CSV or .XLS extension.
Extended format has the following field order: agent_custid, refnum<%$req%>, last<%$req%>, first<%$req%>, address1<%$req%>, address2, city<%$req%>, state<%$req%>, zip<%$req%>, country, daytime, night, ship_last, ship_first, ship_address1, ship_address2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_country, payinfo, paycvv, paydate, invoicing_list, pkgpart, username, _password
Extended plus company format has the following field order: agent_custid, refnum<%$req%>, last<%$req%>, first<%$req%>, company, address1<%$req%>, address2, city<%$req%>, state<%$req%>, zip<%$req%>, country, daytime, night, ship_last, ship_first, ship_company, ship_address1, ship_address2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_country, payinfo, paycvv, paydate, invoicing_list, pkgpart, username, _password
External service format has the following field order: agent_custid, refnum<%$req%>, last<%$req%>, first<%$req%>, company, address1<%$req%>, address2, city<%$req%>, state<%$req%>, zip<%$req%>, country, daytime, night, ship_last, ship_first, ship_company, ship_address1, ship_address2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_country, payinfo, paycvv, paydate, invoicing_list, pkgpart, next_bill_date, id, title
External service and phone service format has the following field order: agent_custid, refnum<%$req%>, last<%$req%>, first<%$req%>, company, address1<%$req%>, address2, city<%$req%>, state<%$req%>, zip<%$req%>, country, daytime, night, ship_last, ship_first, ship_company, ship_address1, ship_address2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_country, payinfo, paycvv, paydate, invoicing_list, pkgpart, next_bill_date, id, title, countrycode, phonenum, sip_password, pin
<%$req%> Required fields
Field information:
agent_custid: This is the reseller's idea of the customer number or identifier. It may be left blank. If specified, it must be unique per-agent.
refnum: Advertising source number - where a customer heard about your service. Configuration -> Miscellaneous -> View/Edit advertising sources. This field has special treatment upon import: If a string is passed instead
of an integer, the string is searched for and if necessary auto-created in the
advertising source table.
payinfo: Credit card number, or leave this, paycvv and paydate blank for email/paper invoicing.
paycvv: CVV2 number (three digits on the back of the credit card)
paydate: Credit card expiration date, MM/YYYY or MM/YY (M/YY and M/YYYY are also accepted).
invoicing_list: Email address for invoices, or POST for postal invoices.