%init>my $debug = $cgi->param('debug');%init> % warn time.": header.html\n" if $debug; % <& /elements/header.html, mt('Billing Main') &> % warn time.": dashboard-install_welcome.html\n" if $debug; % <& /elements/dashboard-install_welcome.html &> % warn time.": dashboard-toplist.html\n" if $debug; % <& /elements/dashboard-toplist.html &> % my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; % my $numcust = $curuser->option('dashboard_customers'); % $numcust ||= 10 unless $numcust =~ /^\s*0+\s*$/; % if ( $numcust ) { % % warn time.": fetching recently changed customers\n" if $debug; % % my $sth = dbh->prepare( % #"SELECT DISTINCT custnum FROM h_cust_main JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) % "SELECT custnum FROM h_cust_main JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) % WHERE ( history_action = 'insert' OR history_action = 'replace_new' ) % AND history_user = ? % AND ". $curuser->agentnums_sql( table=>'cust_main' ). % " ORDER BY history_date desc LIMIT 1000" # LIMIT 10 % ) or die dbh->errstr; % % $sth->execute( getotaker() ) or die $sth->errstr; % % my %saw = (); % my @custnums = grep { !$saw{$_}++ } map $_->[0], @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref }; % % @custnums = splice(@custnums, 0, $numcust); % % if ( @custnums ) { % warn time.": displaying recently changed customers\n" if $debug; <& /elements/table-grid.html &> % my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee'; % my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff'; % my $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;