% include('elements/report.html',
'title' => $agentname . 'Customer signups by time of day',
'items' => [ 'signupdate' ],
'data' => [ \@count ],
'row_labels' => [ 'New customers' ],
'colors' => [ '00cc00' ], #green
'col_labels' => [ map { "$_:00" } @hours ],
'links' => [ \@links ],
'graph_type' => 'Bars',
'nototal' => 0,
'sprintf' => '%u',
'disable_money' => 1,
) %>
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
#XXX or virtual
my( $agentnum, $agent ) = ('', '');
if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
$agentnum = $1;
$agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum } );
die "agentnum $agentnum not found!" unless $agent;
my $agentname = $agent ? $agent->agent.' ' : '';
my $usernum = $cgi->param('usernum');
my @hours = (0..23);
my @count = (0) x 24;
my %where;
$where{'agentnum'} = $agentnum if $agentnum;
$where{'usernum'} = $usernum if $usernum;
my $sdate = DateTime->new(
year => $cgi->param('start_year'),
month => $cgi->param('start_month'),
my $edate = DateTime->new(
year => $cgi->param('end_year'),
month => $cgi->param('end_month')
)->add( months => 1 )->epoch();
my $where = (%where ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ');
$where .= " signupdate >= $sdate ".
" AND signupdate < $edate ";
foreach my $cust (qsearch({ table => 'cust_main',
hashref => \%where,
extra_sql => $where } )) {
next if !$cust->signupdate;
my $hour = time2str('%H',$cust->signupdate);
my @links = ("${p}search/cust_main.html?" .
join (';', map {$_.'='.$where{$_}} (keys(%where))) ).
push @links, map { ";signuphour=$_" } @hours;