%doc> Sets up the xmlhttp, javascript and initial (empty) table for selecting cust_pkg_usageprice. Available values are based on pkgpart, and can be updated when changing pkgpart by passing the new pkgpart to the following javascript: usageprice_pkg_changed( pkgpart, pkgnum ) The pkgnum input is optional, and will be used to set initial selected values. If pkgpart is passed as an option to this element, will run usageprice_pkg_changed once to initialize table; pkgnum can be passed as an option along with this. You can disable usageprice selection temporarily (remove the fields from the form) with the javascript usageprice_disable(1), and restore it with usageprice_disable(0,pkgnum). While disabled, calling usageprice_pkg_changed will have no effect. %doc> <& /elements/xmlhttp.html, 'url' => $p.'misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_usageprice.html', 'subs' => [ 'get_part_pkg_usageprice' ], &> <% mt('Usage add-ons') |h %>