/** * QLIB 1.0 Message Box Control * Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Quazzle.com Serge Dolgov * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * http://qlib.quazzle.com */ function QMessageBox_alert(msg) { if (typeof(msg) == "string") { this.label.set(this.value = msg); } this.center(); this.focus(); this.show(true); } function QMessageBox_close() { with (this.parent) { if (!onClose(tag)) show(false); } } function QMessageBox_body() { with (this) { document.write('
'); this.label = new QLabel(this, "label", value); document.write('
'); this.button = new QButton(this, "button", bres, "Close"); document.write('
'); button.onClick = QMessageBox_close; } } function QMessageBox(parent, name, box, btn, msg, effects, opacity) { this.init(parent, name); if ((this.res = box) && (this.bres = btn)) { this.value = typeof(msg) == "string" ? msg : ""; this.width = Math.max(200, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(555 * this.value.length))); this.height = null; this.x = this.y = 0; this.visible = false; this.zindex = null; this.body = QMessageBox_body; var j = QMessageBox.arguments.length; this.effects = j > 5 ? effects : (box.effects != null ? box.effects : 0); this.opacity = j > 6 ? opacity : (box.opacity != null ? box.opacity : 100); this.create(); this.alert = QMessageBox_alert; this.onClose = QControl.event; } else { this.document.write("invalid resource"); } } QMessageBox.prototype = new QBoxCtrl();