/** * QLIB 1.0 Box Resource * Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Quazzle.com Serge Dolgov * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * http://qlib.quazzle.com */ function QBoxRes(t, r, b, l, tc, tr, mr, br, bc, bl, ml, tl, bgcolor, bgtile, effects, opacity) { var args = QBoxRes.arguments.length; this.T = t; this.R = r; this.B = b; this.L = l; this.TC = new Image(); this.TC.src = tc; this.TR = new Image(r, t); this.TR.src = tr; this.MR = new Image(); this.MR.src = mr; this.BR = new Image(r, b); this.BR.src = br; this.BC = new Image(); this.BC.src = bc; this.BL = new Image(l, b); this.BL.src = bl; this.ML = new Image(); this.ML.src = ml; this.TL = new Image(l, t); this.TL.src = tl; this.bgcolor = bgcolor || "#FFFFFF"; if (bgtile) { this.bgtile = new Image(); this.bgtile.src = bgtile; } else { this.bgtile = false; } this.effects = (args > 13) ? effects : null; this.opacity = (args > 14) ? opacity : null; }